
Undergraduate Admissions

International Baccalaureate (IB) Subject Exams

* Credit is given for Higher Level (HL) and Standard Level (SL) exams with a grade of 4 or higher.

IB HL Exam *
Ìý Score Â鶹´«Ã½ Equivalency Semester Hours Gen Ed IAI Notes
Biology in English 4 or higher SCI Lect 3 Ìý Ìý Ìý
Business & Management 4 or higher BUS Elec (contact
BUS Advising for
MGT 125
proficiency exam)
3 Ìý Ìý Student may
take MGT 125
Chemistry in English 4 Chem 101 3 Physical
P1 902L Ìý
5 and 6 Chem 201 3 Ìý Ìý Ìý
7 Chem 201 (3) and
Chem 202 (3)
6 Ìý Ìý Ìý
Dance in English 4 or higher Dan 382 3 Fine Arts F1 906 Ìý
Economics in English 4 or higher Econ 231 (3) and
Econ 232 (3)
6 Social &
S3 901 and
S3 902
English A: Language and Literature 4 or higher Eng Elec 3 Ìý Ìý Ìý
English A: Literature 4 or higher Eng 195 3 Humanities H3 900 Ìý
English A1 4 or higher Eng Elec 3 Ìý Ìý Ìý
English 1A 4 or higher Eng 353 (lower
division credit)
3 Ìý Ìý Ìý
English B 4 or higher Gen Elec 3 Ìý Ìý No from ENG,
FL, and CGE
French AB 4 or higher FR 121 (4), FR
122 (4), and FR
223 (3)
11 Ìý Ìý Ìý
Geography 4 or higher Geog 100 3 Social &
S4 900N Ìý
Global Politics in English 4 or higher Pols 267 3 Social &
S5 905 Ìý
History in English 4 or higher Hist 201 3 Ìý Ìý Ìý
History of Europe 4 or higher

Hist 115 (3) and
Hist 116 (3)

6 Humanities H2 906 and
H2 907
History of the Americas 4 or higher

Hist 105 (3) and
Hist 106 (3)

6 Humanities H2 904 and
H2 905
Language B 4 or higher FL 121 (3) and FL
122 (3)
6 Ìý Ìý Ìý
Mathematics Analysis and Approaches in English 4 or higher

Math 129 (3) and
Math 133 (4)

7 Mathematics M1 900-1 Ìý
Mathematics Applications and Interpretation in English 4 or higher

Stat 171 (3) and
Math 137 (3)

6 Mathematics M1 902 and
M1 900-B
Music in English 4 or higher Mus 190 3 Fine Arts F1 900 Ìý
Philosphy in English Ìý Phil Elec 3 Ìý Ìý Ìý
Physics in English 4 or higher Phys 100 4 Physical
P1 901L Ìý
Psychology in English 4 or higher Psy 100 3 Social &
S6 900 Ìý
Spanish A: Literature 4 or higher Span 327 3 Humanities H3 916 Ìý
Spanish A: Language & Literature 4 or higher Span 327 3 Humanities H3 916 Ìý
Spanish B 4 or higher SPAN 121 (4) and
SPAN 122 (4) and
SPAN 223 (3)
11 Ìý Ìý Ìý
Spanish AB 4 or higher SPAN 121 (4) and
SPAN 122 (4)
8 Ìý Ìý Ìý
Sports Exercise Sci in English 4 or higher Kin Elec 3 Ìý Ìý Ìý
Theatre in English 4 or higher Thea 110 3 Fine Arts F1 907 Ìý
Visual Arts 4 or higher

Arth 180 (3) and
Arts Elec (3)

6 Fine Arts F2 900 Ìý
IB SL Exam *
Ìý Score Â鶹´«Ã½ Equivalency Semester Hours Gen Ed IAI Notes
Biology in English 4 or higher Biol 100 4 Life Sciences L1 900L Ìý
Dance in English 4 or higher Dan 382 3 Fine Arts F1 906 Ìý
Economics in English 4 or higher Econ 231 (3) and
Econ 232 (3)
6 Social and
S3 901 and
S3 902
English A: Language
and Literature
4 or higher Eng 195 3 Humanities H3 900 Ìý
English A: Literature 4 or higher Eng Elec 3 Ìý Ìý Ìý
Env. and Soc. 4 or higher Pols 393 3 Ìý Ìý Ìý
French B 4 or higher Gen Elec 3 Ìý Ìý A student may
take proficiency
exam for credit
French AB 4 or higher FR 121 (4) and
FR 122 (4)
8 Ìý Ìý Ìý
Global Politics in English 4 or higher Pols 267 3 Social and
S5 905 Ìý
History in English 4 or higher Hist 115 (3) and
Hist 116 (3)
6 Humanities H2 906 and
H2 907
History of Europe 4 or higher Hist 116 3 Humanities H2 907 Ìý
ITGS in English 4 or higher CS 101 (3) and
CS 320 (3, Lower
Division) and IS
340 (3, Lower
Division) and IS
341 (3, Lower
12 Ìý Ìý Ìý
Mathematics Analysis and Approaches in English 4 or higher Math 137 3 Mathematics M1 900-B Ìý
Mathematics Applications and Interpretation in English 4 or higher Math 123 3 Mathematics M1 907 Ìý
Music in English 4 or higher Mus 190 3 Fine Arts F1 900 Ìý
Philosphy in English 4 or higher Phil Elec 3 Ìý Ìý Ìý
Physics in English 4 or higher Gen Elec 3 Ìý Ìý Ìý
Psychology in English 4 or higher Psy 100 3 Social and
S6 900 Ìý
Social and Cultural Anthropology 4 or higher Anth 110 3 Social and
S1 901N Ìý
Spanish AB 4 or higher Span 121 (4) and
Span 122 (4)
8 Ìý Ìý Ìý
Spanish B 4 or higher Span 121 (4) and
Span 122 (4)
8 Ìý Ìý Ìý
Sports Exercise Sci in English 4 or higher Kin Elec 3 Ìý Ìý Ìý
Theatre in English 4 or higher Thea 110 Ìý Fine Arts F1 907 Ìý
World Religions 4 or higher Rel Elec 3 Ìý Ìý Ìý

*Credit is given for Higer Level (HL) and Standard Level (SL) exams with a grade of 4 or higher.