
Student Rights and Responsibilities

Services and Support

Conflict Coaching & Mediation 

Conflict Coaching

Conflict Coaching is a one-on-one, confidential meeting with a staff member to discuss communication styles and conflict resolution strategies. Students can meet with a staff member to assess and learn about conflict management styles. Students also develop an understanding of different conflict styles, brainstorm solutions to conflict, and develop new strategies for communication. The goal of conflict coaching is to prepare individuals for successful communication through conflict situations. 

If you are interested in Conflict Coaching, contact our office.


Mediation exists as an alternative form of dispute resolution. Mediation is a process in which two individuals or groups meet to resolve a conflict with the facilitation and help of a neutral third party. Mediation sessions are conducted confidentially by mediators who will assist people in airing concerns, clearing up misunderstandings, and arriving at a resolution that is agreeable to both parties. Mediation has proven effective in addressing roommate and neighbor conflicts and annoying or harassing behavior.

Mediation can assist in many issues and situations including;

  • Tension between lab/group partners
  • Off-campus roommate disputes
  • Interpersonal/friendship disputes 
  • Disputes with neighbors

Mediation can lead to a resolution in a timely manner that is acceptable to all parties and allows people to preserve relationships. Mediation is voluntary and involves a good faith and active effort from all involved. For students living in the residence halls, residence hall staff are trained to assist the mediation of roommate conflicts. 

Participation in the mediation process is voluntary.  We cannot force any person to agree to mediation or attend sessions. If the conflict presented by the student during intake is not appropriate for mediation, the student may be referred to other campus or community resources.

If you are interested in mediation, contact our office.

What do conflict coaching and mediation have to do with student conduct?

A goal of both conflict coaching and mediation is for all involved to leave with knowledge and plans to approach situations with success and avoid any escalation of conflicts. On occasion, both conflict coaching and/or mediation may be utilized in conjunction with or in lieu of a conduct process. Conflict coaching may be utilized as an educational sanction in certain situations. 

What happens to the information I share during a mediation or conflict coaching session?

One of the advantages of these resources for students is the degree of privacy. Information disclosed to staff by the parties during the course of a session will not be divulged without cause. Students are asked to keep the information shared confidential. Staff will respond to information according to University Policy and/or professional standards. Most records, reports or other documents received or created during mediation are not maintained beyond the conclusion of the mediation process.

Staff serving as mediators or Conflict Coaches are required to report any suspicion of current abuse of a minor child or any threat of harm to self or others that may be revealed by participants during the mediation process. Staff also reserve the right to intervene in situations where students’ health or well-being may be threatened. Additionally, students may be referred to other appropriate services.

Helpful Links and Resources 

Presentations & Trainings 

The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities seeks to be proactive in addressing issues related to student or student organization behavior and decisions. Staff are prepared and willing to educate our campus community through presentations and training on a variety of topics including; 

  • The Code of Student Conduct / Student Rights and Responsibilities
  • The Conduct Process
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Values Development 

To request a training or presentation session, contact our office.