
Human Resources

Civil Service Handbook - M, N, O

Mail Services

For more information about mail and mail preparation services, policies, and procedures, see the University Printing & Mailing Center (UPMC) website.


Make-Up Time

Make-up time is a revision of an employee's work schedule to accommodate an absence, on an exception basis, without use of vacation or sick leave. Subject to supervisory approval, an employee may work a revised schedule by beginning work early, extending morning or afternoon work hours, or by working a lunch period to make up the time missed. Breaks may not be used for this purpose and the make up time must be worked on the day the absence occurs.

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Meal Period

Any employee required to work for 7 1/2 continuous hours or longer must be given a 20 minute meal period no later than 5 hours after the start of the work period except as otherwise modified by collective bargaining agreements. Any employee who works in excess of 7 1/2 continuous hours must be given an additional 20-minute meal period for every additional 4 1/2 continuous hours worked except as otherwise modified by collective bargaining agreements.

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Notary Public Service

Human Resources, located in Sherman Hall 105, offers notary service without charge.

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Office Supplies

For information about obtaining office supplies, see the University Printing & Mailing Center (UPMC) website.Ìý

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Open range, non-exempt status employees on a 37 1/2 hour workweek receive either overtime payment or compensatory time off for all time worked in excess of 7 1/2 hours in a workday or 37 1/2 hours in a workweek. Open-range status non-exempt employees on a 40 hour workweek receive overtime either in cash or by allowing compensatory time off for all time in excess of 8 hours in a workday or 40 hours in a workweek. Open-range non-exempt status employees will receive time and one-half either in cash or by allowing compensatory time off for all hours worked on the 6th consecutive day of their workweek or 1st regularly scheduled day off and double time either in cash or by allowing compensatory time off for all hours worked on the 7th consecutive day of their workweek or the 2nd regularly scheduled day off.

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Civil Service Handbook


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