
Facilities Management

Facilities Management General Information

General Guidelines

Non-emergency requests should be submitted using a service request form (fill out, print, then send to Facilities Management via campus mail or fax: 298-1844) or by contacting your building representative.

Emergency requests should be phoned-in to Facilities Management (after-hours phone emergencies to the Office of Public Safety 298-1949). Report all emergencies to Public Safety, 298-1949, or Facilities Management, 298-1834. Other service requests should be called in, submitted in writing on a service request, or entered on the Sprocket work order system. User departments are encouraged to plan and submit service requests as far in advance as possible to allow adequate time for scheduling personnel and obtaining materials.

Recognizing that adequate personnel and maintenance monies are not available within the Facilities Management budget to provide ALL services requested for various academic and administrative units on campus, Facilities Management prioritizes and schedules work accordingly. Work beyond that which can be addressed with routine or preventive maintenance monies will be identified as deferred maintenance and submitted as a future repair and renovation project.

How a Service Request is Handled

  • Your call/service request is received and dispatched to the appropriate unit.
  • Emergency requests are dispatched via radio and pager.
  • Emergency work (e.g., power failure, health, or safety hazard, potential damage to facility or equipment, potential damage to facility or equipment) is scheduled the same day.
  • Routine maintenance/repair requests are normally scheduled within 14 days. Availability of parts will impact completion time.
  • Facilities Management personnel may be dispatched the same day to investigate problems, secure water and post "out-of-order" signs as needed.

Maintenance vs. Charge Back

All requests for service to Facilities Management fall within two categories (category determination made by Facilities Management):


The work required to keep a space or item functioning as it was originally intended to do. To keep existing facilities in condition, required services to offset the effects of normal "wear and tear."

Charge-Back for Remodeling/New Construction

Remodeling is the physical alteration of an assigned space, existing utility services, and betterment of the site beyond its original condition. This includes relocation of walls, doors, electrical outlets with conduit revisions, installation of equipment requiring special services (air conditioning, exhaust fans and vents, protective screens, barriers, cages), sound proofing, lighting and electrical revisions to add equipment. Departments may request an estimate prepared by Facilities Management. An estimate will be sent to the user department. If the user department wishes to proceed with a project, they are to follow applicable purchasing procedures for the fund source.


Items considered to be maintenance by Facilities Management

  • Air Conditioner Repair
  • Air Handling Units Repair
  • Ballast Replacement
  • Baseboard Repair
  • Bells, Class
    Maintenance & Repair
  • Bulletin Board Repair
  • Cabinet Repair
  • Carpet Cleaning
  • Carpet Repair
  • Ceramic Tile Repair (Fixed/Portable)
  • Ceiling Tile Replacement Maintenance
  • Clock Repair
  • Desk Repair
  • Door Closure Repair
  • Door Repair
  • Electrical Circuit Repair (Flooding)
  • Electrical Repairs (Cleaning/Repair/Replacement)
  • Elevator Repairs
  • Exit Light Repairs
  • Fire Alarm Maintenance & Repair
  • Floor Tile Repair/Replacement
  • Floor Cleaning/Waxing
  • Furniture Cleaning/Repair/Assembly
  • Glass Replacement
  • Heating Repairs
  • Ice/Snow Removal
  • Key Replacement
  • Kitchen Equipment Repair/Maintenance
  • Laundry Equipment Repair/Maintenance
  • Light Bulb Replacement
  • Light Fixture/Switch- Repair/Replacement
  • Lighting, Exterior-Repair/Replacement
  • Lock Repair
  • Locking (or unlocking) rooms by permit only
  • Mirror Repair
  • Moving - Furniture
  • Moving - Special Equipment
  • Painting
  • Pest Control
  • Plant Care - Lawn
  • Plaster Work
  • Plumbing Repairs (Toilets-Faucets-Showers)
  • Pavement Repairs
  • Restroom Cleaning & Supply Stocking
  • Roof Repair
  • Screen Repair/Replacement
  • Security Alarms/Replacement
  • Set-ups - Rooms/Outdoors
  • Sidewalk Repair
  • Signage: Small, Non-electrical, Installation
  • Spills, Clean up
  • Stage Set-ups - Fixed/Portable
  • Swimming Pool Maintenance
  • Trash Removal
  • UPS Pick-ups
  • Venetian Blinds - Cleaning/Repair
  • Wall Repair
  • Water Removal - Flooding
  • Window - Cleaning/Repair/Replacement

Services not ordinarily available as maintenance through Facilities Management:

  • Cabinet Refinishing/Painting
  • Cleaning of Personal Items
  • Computer Repair
  • Desk Refinishing/Painting
  • Drapery Cleaning
  • Fish Tank Repair Maintenance
  • Furniture Refinishing/Painting
  • Off Campus Moving/Hauling
  • Office Equipment Repair
  • Picture Framing
  • Plant Care - Inside Buildings
  • Signage - Painting or Manufacturing
  • Telecommunications Repair/Maintenance
  • Tools, Loaned
  • Weight/Athletic Equipment Repair