
Business Services

Travel Services

220 Sherman Hall

Phone: (309) 298-1811
Fax: (309) 298-2811
Email: Travel-Services@wiu.edu

Travel Services is a part of the Accounts Payable Office and is responsible for the reimbursement or payment of travel expenditures. Several resources, including travel forms and instructions are available on this website.

It is the policy of the State to reimburse employees for reasonable authorized expenses incurred by them in the performance of their duties. Reasonable expenses include travel by the most economical mode of transportation. For example, should an employee choose to drive a personal vehicle rather than fly, the employee will be required to provide documentation showing it was more economical to drive than to fly. In addition, the University has defined reasonable expenses to include one day travel prior to an out-of-state conference, meeting or other event whereby University business is conducted. Two days travel is allowed when traveling internationally.

The University is governed by the Higher Education Travel Control Board (HETCB) and ultimately by the Travel Regulations Council. All reimbursements to employees while in travel status are in accordance with Travel Regulation Council rules which can be found on the .

Before January 1, 2024 After January 1, 2024