
The Right Choice for Your Success

Approved by: President
Approval Date: 1/14/08

Policy on the Avoidance of the Appearance of Nepotism In Academic Matters

In accordance with the Board of Trustees Regulations, Section II. A. 5. b. regarding the preservation of academic integrity, conflicts of interest in the classroom must be avoided. Conflicts of interest occur when relatives have direct oversight for academic grading in a course in which an immediate family member or relative is enrolled. In situations where avoidance is not possible, the following procedures are to be used.

If at all possible, nepotism must be avoided in instructor/student cases. If alternate sections of the course involved exist, then students should always take the alternate section to avoid the conflict. In cases where this is not possible, or doing so will delay academic progress of the student, the department chair serves in an oversight capacity. The appropriate method of oversight will include, but will not be limited to:

  1. Evaluating grades on assignments for consistency with other students;
  2. Evaluating final grade assignments; and
  3. Submission of the final grade.

If there is a disagreement or any perception of favoritism, the dean will have the final authority on the assignment of grades. Documentation of any conflict of interest occurrence and the appropriate method of oversight must be submitted by the department and filed in the dean’s office.

Conflicts of interest should also be avoided in making decisions related to assigning scholarships, talent grants, and assistantships, or selecting award recipients. If such a conflict does occur, the person with the conflict must remove himself/herself from all discussion and voting on the case involving the conflict.