
Human Resources

Audit Procedure for Positions

The following procedure outlines the process for the Classification division of Human Resources to evaluate positions.

If the job description no longer applies to the job duties being performed, a job audit may be requested.

  • Pre-Audit
    1. The supervisor sends an email to the appropriate VP to inform them an audit will be requested. Please include the incumbent’s name, position, and a brief summary of why an audit is being requested.
    2. The VP forwards his/her acknowledgement of the pending audit via email to the supervisor.
    3. Audits will not move forward without the acknowledgement email from the appropriate VP.
    4. The supervisor then submits a request to fill in Interview Exchange attaching the following:
      1. VP acknowledgement;
      2. An updated job description in the correct format. The job description must be signed and dated by the employee and supervisor and include estimated percentages;
      3. An updated departmental organizational chart.
  • Audit
    1. Once all documentation is received in Interview Exchange, an on-site audit will be scheduled with the employee and supervisor.
    2. During the audit, job responsibilities of the position will be discussed with both the employee and supervisor.
      1. Audit notes are taken and read back to both parties to ensure accuracy.
      2. An audit interview usually takes 1 – 2 hours.
    3. Classification staff will use the information contained in the written job description and the audit notes to compare the duties and responsibilities of the position to the standards established by the State Universities Civil Service System of Illinois to determine the most appropriate classification.
    4. Please contact HR Examination to schedule testing for appropriate classification, if testing hasn’t already been completed. Please note, additional testing may be required if audited into a different classification than initially requested.
  • Post-Audit
    1. An audit result letter will be sent to the employee, supervisor and VP once a decision is determined. Please allow 30 business days for the process to be completed. The position is either recommended for a change in classification, or retained in its current classification.
      1. If a change in classification is recommended, all approvals will be granted via Interview Exchange.
      2. If determined to retain a position in its current classification HR will work the supervisor to remove duties inappropriate to the original classification.