
Graduate Studies

Special Education

Admission | Courses | Program | Requirements ´¥ÌýProfile

Director:Ìý James LaPrad
Graduate Program Coordinator: Kristin Wiseley
Office:Ìý Quad Cities campus
Telephone: (309) 762-3999 ext. 62316
E-mail: education@wiu.edu
Program Coordinator E-mail:
Website:Ìý wiu.edu/coehs/education/grad/mssped
Location of Program Offering: Online

Graduate Faculty

Assistant Professor

  • Kristin Wiseley, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Associate Graduate Faculty

Assistant Professors

  • Hollie Mason, M.Ed., University of North Carolina-Greensboro
  • Jennifer McKenzie, Ph.D., University of Missouri

Learning Outcomes

For student learning outcomes, please see wiu.edu/provost/learningoutcomes.

ÌýProgram Description

The School of Education offers coursework leading to a Master of Science in Education in Special Education. Students completing the master’s degree usually assume positions as classroom, consultant, or inclusion teachers of children and adolescents with varying disabilities in schools, clinics, and residential facilities. The Special Education graduate program provides opportunities for two groups of students: (1) those with general education licensure who wish to also earn special education endorsement and (2) those with special education licensure who wish to increase their skills through advanced study. The program integrates the needs of Illinois and Iowa certification requirements. Alignment with other states will be done on a case-by-case basis. The goal of the Special Education Graduate Program is to prepare graduates to impact students’ learning, classrooms, and schools.

ÌýAdmission Requirements

  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 OR 3.0 or higher GPA for the last two years (60 s.h.) of undergraduate work

  • A valid U.S. teaching license

  • Acceptance by the Department Graduate Committee

  • Teaching experience required

  • Access to a classroom and students with disabilities preferred (required for field work/action research project)

Students will need to complete the following course requirements if they were not included in their undergraduate program that led to the teaching license:

  1. A survey course in exceptional individuals
  2. A course in the teaching of reading
  3. A course in the teaching of mathematics
  4. A course in the use of computer technology in the classroom

Track I

This track is designed for individuals with an Elementary or Secondary General Education teaching license or endorsement, but no endorsement in special education, who are seeking either professional development or a special education endorsement in Illinois or Iowa. Alignment with other states will be accommodated on a case-by-case basis.

Track II

This track is designed for teachers with one or more certifications/endorsements in special education who are seeking professional advancement or additional endorsements.

ÌýDegree Requirements

I. Core Courses for Track I and Track II: 28 s.h.

SPED 515 Diagnostic Assessment for Individuals with Exceptionalities (4)
SPED 518 Self-Determination and Independence (3)
SPED 571 Differentiated Behavior Intervention (3)
SPED 580 Graduate Field Work in Special Education (3)
SPED 581 Special Education Law and Supervision (3)
SPED 613 Leadership in Collaboration (3)
SPED 622 Action Research in Education (3)
SPED 624 Action Research Project (3)
EDS 500 Methods of Research (3)

II. Choose one of the following tracks

A. TRACK I: 9 s.h.

For elementary or secondary teachers seeking education or endorsement in special education.

SPED 551 Characteristics and Needs of Learners with Mild/Moderate Disabilities (3)

Two of the following Methods courses:
SPED 523 Instructional Methods: Individuals with Moderate/Severe Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (3)
SPED 526 Instructional Methods: Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (3)
SPED 536 Instructional Methods: Individuals with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders (3)
SPED 546 Instructional Methods: Individuals with Learning Disabilities (3)
*SPED 552 Instructional Methods for K–6 Learners with Disabilities (3)
*SPED 553 Instructional Methods for Secondary Learners with Disabilities (3)
SPED 556 Methods in Autism and Language Disorders (3)


*LBS1 endorsements must include one of these two courses.

B. TRACK II: 9 s.h.

For special education teachers seeking advanced education or additional endorsements in special education.

Two of the following special education methods courses:
SPED 523 Instructional Methods: Individuals with Moderate/Severe Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (3)
SPED 526 Instructional Methods: Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (3)
SPED 536 Instructional Methods: Individuals with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders (3)
SPED 546 Instructional Methods: Individuals with Learning Disabilities (3)
SPED 552 Instructional Methods for K–6 Learners with Disabilities (3)
SPED 553 Instructional Methods for Secondary Learners with Disabilities (3)
SPED 556 Methods in Autism and Language Disorders (3)

Choose one graduate-level elective (3)


ÌýCourse Descriptions

Special Education (SPED)

505 Diagnostic Assessment for Program Planning. (3) Diagnostic assessment for IEP planning is mastered, along with progress monitoring approaches such as curriculum-based measurement and portfolios with rubrics. Prerequisite: SPED 519 or an equivalent norm-referenced testing course.

510 The Exceptional Individual. (3) An introduction to special education focused on principles that are the foundation of special education: respect for diversity, student progress, research-based practices, inclusion, self-determination, family partnership, and high expectations. All disabilities will be discussed specific to educational services.

515 Diagnostic Assessment for Individuals with Exceptionalities. (4) Measurement concepts, progress monitoring, norm-referenced and diagnostic assessment will align instruction for individual needs of diverse learners. Course content will be differentiated to address specific student disabilities and differentiated for multiple education careers (teacher, administrator, counselor). Prerequisite: SPED 551 or equivalent.

517 Behavior Intervention. (3) Strategies for providing positive behavioral supports to students on a classroom and individual basis are mastered. Prerequisite: A survey of exceptionalities course.

518 Self-Determination and Independence. (3) This course will provide teachers with the content and skills needed to build self-determination and independence in students with disabilities. Content will include curriculum, instructional strategies, and philosophies related to career education, transition, assistive technology, and specialized equipment. This course is open to all graduate students in education and related fields. Prerequisite: A survey of exceptionalities course.

519 Psychoeducational Assessment. (4) Measurement concepts and norm-referenced assessment are explored, and the application of the comprehensive special education evaluation process is mastered. Prerequisite: SPED 551 or equivalent.

523 Instructional Methods: Individuals with Moderate/Severe Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. (3) Methods for developing and implementing educational programs for individuals, 0-21, with moderate to severe intellectual and developmental disabilities will be mastered. Prerequisite: SPED 551 or equivalent.

526 Instructional Methods: Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. (3) Teaching methodologies, instructional strategies, and materials for use in developing educational programs for students, 0-21, with intellectual and developmental disabilities at the mild, moderate, and severe levels, will be mastered. Prerequisites: SPED 551 or equivalent, a readings methods course, and a math methods course.

533 Special Problems in Special Education. (1–4, repeatable) Content-specific offerings aimed at professional development of general and special education teachers. (Degree candidates may receive credit on degree program only with the permission of the Departmental Graduate Committee and the student's advisor.) Graded S/U.

536 Instructional Methods: Individuals with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders. (3) Teaching methodologies, instructional strategies, and instructional materials for use in developing educational programs for students aged 0–21 with emotional/behavioral disorders will be mastered. Prerequisites: SPED 510 and SPED 551 or equivalent courses or permission of the instructor.

546 Instructional Methods: Individuals with Learning Disabilities. (3) Teaching methodologies, instructional strategies, and materials for use in developing educational programs for students aged 0-21 with learning disabilities will be mastered. Prerequisites: SPED 510 and SPED 551 or equivalent courses or permission of the instructor.

551 Characteristics and Needs of Learners with Disabilities. (3) The unique characteristics of a wide variety of learners with mild and moderate disabilities will be examined, along with their broad educational, behavioral, and emotional needs related to educational programming. Includes an introduction to effective teaching methodologies and instructional adaptations.

552 Instructional Methods for K–6 Learners with Disabilities. (3) Effective teaching methodologies, instructional adaptations, and program delivery options for students with mild/moderate disabilities, K–6. Includes supervised clinical experience requirement. Corequisite: SPED 580 as needed. Prerequisites: SPED 510 and SPED 551 or equivalent courses or permission of the instructor.

553 Instructional Methods for Secondary Learners with Disabilities. (3) Effective teaching methodologies, instructional adaptions, and program delivery options for students with mild/moderate disabilities, 6–12. Includes supervised clinical experience requirement. Corequisite: SPED 580 as needed. Prerequisites: SPED 510 and SPED 551 or equivalent courses or permission of the instructor.

556 Methods in Autism and Language Disorders. (3) Effective methods for building social, communication, and academic skills for students with high functioning autism spectrum disorder and language disorders. Prerequisites: SPED 510 and SPED 551 or equivalent courses or permission of the instructor.

571 Differentiated Behavior Intervention. (3) Research-based approaches will be examined and participants will receive differentiated instruction on the basic skills or advanced leadership related to positive behavioral supports for students. Instruction will be individualized for multiple environments: Student, class, and district for all learners. Prerequisite: SPED 551 or equivalent.

580 Graduate Field Work in Special Education. (1–12, repeatable to 12) Practicum experiences are provided under the supervision of an appropriately certified teacher in a setting providing instructional services to students with disabilities. Prerequisite: Prior departmental approval which calls for completion or concurrent enrollment in an appropriate methods course.

581 Special Education Law and Supervision. (3) Federal and state laws, along with case law, that direct the delivery of special education services will be examined. Elements of supervision will also be outlined. Prerequisite: SPED 551 or an equivalent.

613 Leadership in Collaboration. (3) Research-based collaborative programs and practices to address diversity and social issues of special and at-risk populations will be studied. Course activities will build students’ skills in developing, implementing, and evaluating collaborative programs across educational, family, and community contexts. Prerequisite: SPED 551 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.

622 Action Research in Education (3). Students master the principles of and strategies involved in conducting action research in school settings. Prerequisite: EDS 500 or evidence of appropriate course work in methods of research, and accepted into the Special Education graduate program.

624 Action Research Project. (3) Students design, conduct, analyze, and report the results of an action research project related to their area of expertise. Prerequisites: SPED 622 and Graduate Committee approval.