
Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate Constitution V-IX

Article V- Meetings
Article VI- Amendments
Article VII- Referendum
Article VIII- Parliamentary Authority

Article IX- Approval

See Preamble- IV
See constitution History

Article V - Meetings

Section 1.

 The Senate shall schedule regular monthly meetings during the academic year and shall be subject to call during the summer session.

Section 2.

 Special meetings may be called by either the Chairperson of the Senate or the President of the University, or they may be called at the written request of one-third of the members of the Senate.

Section 3.

Three-fifths of the membership (excluding vacancies) constitute a quorum. All votes, unless otherwise specified, at regular and special meetings shall be computed based on the numbers of senators present and voting, provided a quorum is present. An abstention is not counted as a vote.

Section 4.

Actions and recommendations of the Faculty Senate shall be reported to the faculty through its official minutes. Actions and recommendations concerning curricular changes shall be forwarded to the President and Academic Vice President of the University by written communication. The Academic Vice President shall approve, reject, or return proposals for specific emendation within a period of thirty days after Senate action. A proposal which is not acted upon within thirty days and for which there is no communication from the Academic Vice President to the Senate shall be considered to be approved.

Section 5.

All other actions and recommendations of the Faculty Senate shall be reported to the faculty through its official minutes, and the actions and recommendations shall be forwarded to the President of the University by written communication. The President shall approve, reject, or return proposals for specific emendation within a period of thirty days after Senate action. A proposal which is not acted upon within thirty days and for which there is no communication from the President to the Senate shall be considered to be approved.

Section 6.

Meetings of the Senate shall be open unless an executive session is voted by a majority of the Senate. With the consent of the Senate, non-members may participate in its deliberations.

Section 7.

Minutes of Senate meetings shall be distributed to all faculty members, administrative officers of the University, officers of the Student Government Association, and members of the Board of Trustees. Minutes may be distributed electronically.

Section 8.

All actions by the Senate shall be considered as final faculty decisions subject to the provisions for referendum provided in Article VII, Sections 1, 2, 3, 4

Article VI - Amendments

Amendments to this constitution may be presented in writing by any eligible faculty member. The Senate shall act on the proposed amendment at the next regular meeting following the one at which the amendment was presented. If the proposed amendment is approved by a two-thirds vote of the total membership of the Senate, it shall be submitted by the Executive Committee to the eligible faculty (Article II) for approval within thirty days. Voting shall be by either mail or electronic ballot and should be specified by the motion calling for the amendment. An affirmative vote of a majority of the faculty voting shall constitute approval of the amendment; then upon approval of the President of the University, the amendment shall become a part of the constitution.

Article VII - Referendum

Section 1.

Any action of the Senate shall be subject to referendum upon presentation of the petition signed by twenty percent of the eligible faculty. All petitions for referenda must include the precise language to appear on the ballot to be used in each referendum. A referendum may also be initiated by a majority vote of the Senate. A valid request for a referendum suspends all actions that directly depend upon the result of the referendum.

Section 2.

A request for referendum shall be submitted to the chairperson of the Senate who shall convene the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate within ten school days.

Section 3.

The Faculty Senate Executive Committee shall conduct the referendum by mail or electronic ballot to the eligible faculty within thirty days of receipt of the petition by the Senate chairperson.

Section 4.

The Senate shall be governed by the results of the referendum.

Article VIII - Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure shall govern the meetings of the Senate, its councils, and its committees in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the constitution, the bylaws, and any special rules of order the Senate may adopt.

Article IX

This Constitution shall be in effect upon approval by a majority of faculty as defined in Article II of the Constitution now in effect and upon approval by the President of the University and the Board of Trustees.


Ratified: Faculty, May 1969

Accepted: Board of Governors, September 1969

Amended: Faculty Senate, April 11, 1972

Ratified: Faculty, November 15, 1972

Amended: Faculty Senate, January 5, 1976

Ratified: Faculty, April 21, 1976

Approved: President, May 19, 1976

Amended: Faculty Senate, September 13, 1976

Approved: President, September 17, 1976

Amended: Faculty Senate, December 19, 1978

Approved: President, March 3, 1979

Amended: Faculty Senate, October 26, 1982

Approved: President, February 28, 1983

Amended: Faculty Senate, September 27, 1983

Approved: President, December 12, 1983

Amended: Faculty Senate, October 9, 1984

Approved: President, December 10, 1984

Amended: Faculty Senate, November 20, 1992

Approved: President, December 7, 1992

Amended: Faculty Senate, October 28, 1994

Approved: President, November 4, 1994

Amended: Faculty Senate, April 1, 2003

Ratified: Faculty, April 18, 2003

Approved: President, April 23, 2003

Amended: Faculty Senate, January 20, 2004

Ratified: Faculty, February 24, 2004

Approved: President, May 19, 2004

Amended: Faculty Senate, April 6, 2004

Ratified: Faculty, May 12, 2004

Approved: President, May 19, 2004

Amended: Faculty Senate, April 24, 2017

Ratified: Faculty, May 17, 2014

Approved: President, May 22, 2017