
Cybersecurity Center

CSEC375 Linux System Administration

Course Description

Linux Systems Administration. (3)  Administration of server systems, configuring users, groups, and devices, software management, backups, network services configuration, server security and performance, scripts for server management. Prerequisite: CS/CSEC 371 or permission of School.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students prepare simple scripts to automate system administration tasks
  • Write loops, simple and compound conditional statements within scripts.
  • Set up user accounts. 
  • Configure appropriate authentication policies. 
  • Configure audit capabilities.
  • Performing back-ups and restoring the system from a backup. 
  • Describe the role and basic functions of an operating system, and how Operating Systems interact with hardware and software applications. 
  • Identify and describe basic security issues of Operating Systems. 
  • Install patches and updates. 
  • Review security logs