
Broadcasting and Journalism

Eun Go, Ph.D.

Eun Go

Associate Professor, Public Relations
Office: Sallee 318
Email: E-Go@wiu.edu
Office Hours: by appointment


Ph.D. in Mass Communication, Pennsylvania State University
M.A. in Public Relations, University of Florida
B.A. in Public Relations, Ewha Womans University, South Korea

Dr. Eun Go is an associate professor in the department of broadcasting and journalism. She earned her doctoral degree in mass communications from the Pennsylvania State University and her master's degree in Public Relations from the University of Florida. Her industry experience includes working as a PR practitioner in PR agencies.

She teaches courses in public relations, international communication, and research methods. Her research areas focus on the use of new media technologies in strategic communication initiatives. In particular, she has sought to integrate theories in human-computer interaction into discussions of strategic communication, believing that the intersection of these two fields enhances our comprehensive understanding of how the dialogical tools afforded by new media platforms can create mutual understanding and accommodation for organizations and publics.

She has also investigated the role of new media technologies ranging from a live-chat function to a commenting function on social media in relationship maintenance between an organization and its publics. Her articles were published in journals such as Computers in Human Behavior, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction and Telematics and Informatics. Her works have also been presented in leading conferences such as the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), the International Communication Association (ICA), and the National Communication Association (NCA).

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