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Key points of the new policy are outlined below: Withdrawal Deadlines: The last day to withdraw from an individual course is .6 of the way between the course begin date and end date, in other words, when 60% of the course length is complete. This is calculated by counting calendar days, not business days. After the last day to withdraw, courses may not be dropped. For full semester length spring and fall courses, the last day to withdraw from an individual course or the university is at the end of the 10th week of the semester. For Fall 2007, the end of the 10th week is October 28, 2007. Withdrawal Process: Students should withdraw from classes by using their STARS account. On or after the first day of the semester, in order to completely withdraw from the University, full-time students must contact Student Development and Orientation (309-298-1884) to withdraw from the University. Students who are not full-time may withdraw from the University on STARS through the withdrawal deadline. There is no longer an academic penalty period. Students who correctly process a withdrawal by the withdrawal deadline date will receive a W for the course. All attempts to withdraw after the deadline will be denied, unless the student is granted a late withdrawal due to exceptional and documented circumstances. Late Withdrawal Appeal Process: Under exceptional and documented circumstances, a student may request a total withdrawal from the University and receive a W for each course after the withdrawal date and before the end of the final exam period. The student’s request must be submitted in writing with appropriate, supporting documentation to Student Development and Orientation. Under most circumstances, the student must withdraw from all enrolled courses. Exceptional reasons for a late withdrawal include but are not limited to: 1. serious physical or mental illness so that a student is unable to attend courses for an extended period of time (more than 1 week) and complete course work, 2. an accident that seriously injures the student so that the student is unable to attend class (more than 1 week) and complete course work, 3. an extreme personal issue (such as victim of a serious/violent crime or death of an immediate family member) that requires the student to miss more than one week and complete course work. Poor academic performance is not an exceptional case. Inability to log into STARS to withdraw is not grounds for a late withdrawal appeal. For More Information: The complete policy on Withdrawal from Courses or University is available at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.wiu.edu/policies/withdraw.php" http://www.wiu.edu/policies/withdraw.php. The Policy on Refund and Credit is available at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.wiu.edu/policies/refcred.php" http://www.wiu.edu/policies/refcred.php. Students are responsible for understanding and following the correct procedures to withdraw from classes. )*dn‡”•ПРЧЩнопр< A Š ‹ К к ъ — ™ а в ю    ( F G H Ј В  \ ^ … † ‡ П У з п с  їяычыуыупуызвзЮыЪыУПЛПыГыЋызЮЄЄ–Є’ŽуŽЮŠƒŠƒ{ƒhЃ1hрFX hЌOОh›=rh›=rhdw)h='a hЗChЌOО hЗChЗC hЗChs#UhдШhЌOОH*hЎйhЌOОH*hi №hђ hдШhЌOОhцRIhЗC hdw)5hЗChЗC5hЭ h‡ЭhјGKhЌOОh†PДhцRI5hрFXhЌOО50*+ШЩпр э ю   G H † ‡ $ % Т У у ф їяъъъътътъъъкекаШУкУУУgdЗC & Fgd›=rgd›=rgds#U & FgdЗC & FgdЌOОgdЌOО$a$gdЌOО$a$gd†PД-ў # $ _ Р Т У г у ЙЛ‘’ЅЛстƒ…бвђ 0<]^_uvƒФХбљћќ§%&[\hќѕюъюцсйюеЮеЪюеюцюцюцюУъУцПъИъИПДеЌПЈЄЈœЈ•ЈŠœœЈœЈhВhЌOО0JjhЌOОU hЁ)‡hЌOОjhЌOОUhјGKhЌOОhdw)hdw)5hs#U hdw)hdw)hdw) hdw)hЗChЊ  hdw)h*h*hЗChЗC5 h‡Э5hЗCh‡Э hЗChЗC hЗCh›=rh›=r2ф КЛ‘мн€аб]^_uv)*ОїюцюїнаааЫУКУЕЕЕЕЕЕЕgdЌOО„h^„hgddw) & Fgddw)gdЗC „8„˜ў^„8`„˜ўgdЗC„а`„аgdЗC & Fgd*„h^„hgd* & FgdЗCh‘’“КЛНОП+,-љѕътйтѕљѕбѕЪ hЁ)‡hЁ)‡hрFXhјGK5hВhЌOО0JjhЌOОUj1hЌOОUhЌOО hЁ)‡hЌOО ОП+,-њѕњ№gdЁ)‡gdјGKgdБ&м21h:pdw)Аа/ Ар=!А "А # $ %ААаАа а1DаЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ )http://www.wiu.edu/policies/withdraw.phpрЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ jhttp://www.wiu.edu/policies/withdraw.phpyXє;HЏ,‚]Ф…'cЅЋ-DаЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ (http://www.wiu.edu/policies/refcred.phpрЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ hhttp://www.wiu.edu/policies/refcred.phpyXє;HЏ,‚]Ф…'cЅЋ†œ@@ёџ@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@ђџЁD Default Paragraph FontViѓџГV  Table Normal :V і4ж4ж laі (kєџС(No List 6U@Ђё6 Ё)‡ Hyperlink >*B*phџFV@ЂF Ё)‡FollowedHyperlink >*B* ph€€H™H цRI Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ- $џџџџ*+ШЩпр эюGH†‡$%ТУуфКЛ‘мн€ а б   ] ^ _ u v ) * О П + , / ˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€+H$Тмн€ а б ) * О П + / Šа002š@0€€š@0€€š@0€€š@0€€š@0€€š@0€€š@0€€š@0€€š@0€€š@0€€Šа00€Šа00€Šа00€ˆ0€š@0€€Š00€ h- ф О- - 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