ࡱ> ?A>_ S"bjbjjj 48,b,bSbbbbbvvvvDv$.L 4$R b  bb^bbFyYT$e"0$ ,  b$ B (: Room Scheduling Reference Sheet updated 7/25/2018 The Office of the Registrar oversees the scheduling of academic classrooms at 鶹ý. The Office of Conference & Event Services (298-2421) schedules non-academic space such as rooms in the union and outdoor spaces. All rooms on campus have been identified as one of several types, including but not limited to: classrooms, class laboratories, computer labs, etc. Additionally, rooms are identified as General or Exclusive Use and Non-Electronic, Electronic, or Video Conference. An Electronic Classroom is defined as including all of the following: Ethernet connectivity, computer, mounted projector, document camera, DVD player, audio system with wall-mounted speakers, and telephone. During the course schedule building process, the budget department has priority over scheduling all of their rooms. Any department wishing to use a room that does not belong to them must contact the appropriate department to verify that the room is available for use. Once the final course schedule proof has been returned to the Office of the Registrar and before the course schedule is available on Course Search, scheduling of General Use rooms is done by the Registrars Office only. After the course schedule has been posted on Course Search, General Use rooms can also be scheduled by anyone with scheduling capability via the PRMU screen (Colleges, Malpass Library, and 鶹ý-QC). Exclusive Use rooms are scheduled through the budget department at all times. General Use rooms that do not contain electronic equipment are to be opened every weekday morning at approximately 6am and locked at approximately 11pm by Building Service workers, regardless of whether or not there is a permit in the system requesting them to be open. Building Service workers unlock and lock buildings during the week and on evenings. The Office of Public Safety (OPS) unlocks and locks buildings on the weekends and university holidays when a permit is on file. General Use electronic classrooms are to remain locked when not in use. The Registrars Office can search buildings on either campus to find rooms that appear to be available or to see what has been scheduled. However, they can only schedule General Use rooms. Rooms on the 鶹ý-QC campus are scheduled by 鶹ý-QC staff. Reservations may be submitted online:  HYPERLINK "http://www.wiu.edu/qc/academics/faculty_and_staff/roomReservations.php" http://www.wiu.edu/qc/academics/faculty_and_staff/roomReservations.php. Contact QC Facilities Scheduling ( HYPERLINK "mailto:qcsched@wiu.edu" qcsched@wiu.edu or 309-762-5945) for more information. General Use Rooms After the final course schedule proofs have been submitted to the Registrars Office and before the course schedule is available on Course Search, scheduling of General Use rooms is done by the Registrars Office only. During this time, General Use rooms can only be scheduled for classes. After the course schedule is finalized, General Use rooms can be scheduled by the Registrars Office and anyone with scheduling capabilities via the PRMU screen (Colleges, Malpass Library, and 鶹ý-QC). When a room is reserved, the availability will be confirmed and reservation permit created. Once scheduled in the system, the room will no longer appear as available and cannot be reserved for another event at the same time. A permit will be sent to the requestor. A copy is also sent to both Facilities Management and to OPS, notifying them to open the room. General Use electronic rooms can also be scheduled by the Registrars Office and anyone with scheduling capabilities via PRMU. When these rooms are scheduled, a message appears automatically on the reservation permit, which directs the person using the room to contact the primary budget department to gain access to the room and/or equipment. The primary budget department is responsible for giving the user access to the room and/or equipment. If the primary budget department is unavailable, the user should contact the College or Building Representative to gain access. If a General Use non-electronic room is not unlocked, please notify the Registrars Office at 298-3115. The Registrars Office will contact either Facilities Management or OPS to resolve the issue. Exclusive Use Exclusive Use rooms are scheduled by the budget department throughout the year. Some electronic classrooms are considered Exclusive Use. If someone needs an Exclusive Use room, the Registrars Office can do a search to see which rooms appear to be available. Since not all departments report all events to the Registrars Office, it is possible that the room will not be available. The requestor is then told that they need to contact the budget department to reserve the room. If the Registrars Office receives a request from the budget department to schedule one of their Exclusive Use rooms, a permit will be created in the system. The department will receive a copy of the permit, and a copy will be sent to both Facilities Management and OPS as well. Facilities Management and OPS do not typically unlock or lock electronic classrooms for liability reasons. Generally, the budget department must give a key to the person using the room, so that they can unlock and lock the room themselves. In some cases, the department will send a key request to OPS to release a key to the person using the room. Who Can Reserve Rooms 鶹ý employees may reserve classrooms. Student organizations that are recognized through 鶹ý and the Office of Student Activities may also reserve rooms. When a student organization is reserving a room a pending permit will be created, which holds the room temporarily for the organization. The requestor must then sign the pending permit and obtain the faculty sponsors signature as well. When the signed pending permit has been returned, the status of the permit is changed to reserved, and the room will officially be scheduled. A copy of the reservation permit will be given to the requestor and sent to both Facilities Management and OPS who will unlock and lock the room. Change of Classroom Purpose Departments who are renovating classrooms, or who otherwise wish to change the purpose of a classroom, must request the change by submitting the Request for Classroom Purpose Change form. The form is available online at HYPERLINK "http://www.wiu.edu/registrar/roomsched.php"www.wiu.edu/registrar/roomsched.php. The Policy for the Change of the Purpose of Classrooms is available online at HYPERLINK "http://www.wiu.edu/policies/chgpurpclass.php"http://www.wiu.edu/policies/chgpurpclass.php. Questions? Contact the Office of the Registrar at 298-3115.  (1237NS   ) I U i n   ! 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