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After the five working days, unless otherwise notified by the instructor, the Registrar will drop the course from the students schedule and send an updated schedule confirmation. The prerequisite/corequisite policy applies to all prerequisites/corequisites. In addition to the policy described above, departments now have the option to automatically enforce course-specific prerequisites by utilizing the enforced prerequisite procedure outlined below. Enforced Prerequisite Procedure The enforced prerequisite procedure is available for departments that want to enforce prerequisites by ensuring that students who have not met course-specific prerequisites are automatically dropped from the course prior to the start of the semester. In order to determine if a student has met course prerequisites, the system checks the students 鶹ý transcript for completion of the prerequisite course. How to Select the Enforced Prerequisite Procedure Departments have the option of enforcing course-specific prerequisites when they build their class schedule using the Master Schedule File Build (MSFB) screen. Courses with enforced prerequisites will be identified on the MSFB printout. For finalized class schedules, departments may use the Master Schedule File Maintenance (MSFM) screen to enforce course-specific prerequisites (exclusions are D, V, and S sections) On the MSFM screen, "Enforce Course-Specific Prerequisite?" will display only for spring or fall semester courses that have course-specific prerequisites. The default selection for this field is "No" for NOT enforcing the prerequisite. Change the indicator to "Yes" if you want to automatically enforce the prerequisite. NOTE: This field will NOT display for courses that do not have course-specific prerequisites or for course sections offered in the summer term. NOTE: You may NOT select to automatically enforce prerequisites after students have registered for the course. If you choose to utilize the enforced prerequisite procedure, you must do so prior to the advanced registration period for the given semester. However, you will be able to remove the enforced prerequisite selection from a course after students are enrolled. Course Eligibility for Enforced Prerequisite Procedure You may only select the enforced prerequisite procedure for courses that have course-specific prerequisites. Examples of course-specific prerequisites: MGT 350 has a prerequisite of MGT 349 and is eligible for the enforced prerequisite procedure. ENG 314 has a prerequisite of ENG 299 with a grade of C or better, or consent of instructor. The enforced prerequisite procedure allows for checking the grade of a course-specific prerequisite, so ENG 314 is eligible for the enforced prerequisite procedure. Examples of prerequisites that are not course-specific: LLA 311 has a prerequisite of a 2.50 GPA. This prerequisite is not referring to completion of specific course and is not eligible for the enforced prerequisite procedure. FIN 400 has a prerequisite of "finance major or minor, minimum junior standing, 2.75 GPA, 9 s.h. of finance coursework, and written approval of the department chairperson." This prerequisite does not require completion of a specific course and is not eligible for the enforced prerequisite procedure. How Students Identify a Course with Enforced Prerequisites Courses with an enforced prerequisite will have the message "Enforced Prerequisite" displayed on the Detailed View of Course Search. The Catalog Description, which is also available on the Detailed View of Course Search, provides the course prerequisite. If a student registers on STARS for a course with an enforced prerequisite, the course will be flagged with the symbols * and # and the student will receive the following messages on the STARS Registration screen: * = This class requires a co and/or prerequisite. See the catalog description by clicking the radio button next to the class and clicking the Catalog Description button. # = You will be automatically dropped from this course if you have not met the required course prerequisite. The Course Status (STCR) screen also displays the Enforced Prerequisite message for applicable courses. Warning Notifications for Not Meeting Enforced Prerequisites Five working days before the start of each semester (spring and fall only), the Office of the Registrar will send an email notification to students who do not meet the enforced prerequisite requirement indicating they will be dropped from the course. Advisors will be emailed a list of their advisees who will be dropped for not meeting enforced prerequisites. Tentative class rosters will be emailed to departments and instructors the week before the term begins, and students who have not met prerequisites will be identified with one or two asterisks. Courses that do NOT utilize the enforced prerequisite procedure will have one asterisk on the class roster next to any student who may not meet the prerequisite, but students in these courses will NOT be automatically dropped for not meeting prerequisites. Courses that DO utilize the enforced prerequisite procedure will have two asterisks on the class roster next to any student who does not meet the course-specific prerequisite. These students WILL be automatically dropped from the course on the Friday evening before the start of the semester. The message ** STUDENT WILL BE DROPPED COURSE COMPLETION REQUIREMENT NOT MET will display at the bottom of the roster of each course that has enforced prerequisites. How to Prevent Automatic Dropping of Students Department representatives will have the ability to enter a Waiver of Enforced Prerequisite (WEP) permission to prevent an individual student from being automatically dropped from a particular class section. It is necessary to identify the STAR number of the appropriate course section. Departments may remove the enforced prerequisite selection from a course, in order to prevent all students who have not met the prerequisite from being automatically dropped. Notification of Automatic Drops and Controlling New Registrations Students who are automatically dropped for not meeting enforced prerequisites will be emailed a notification. Departments will be emailed a report of the students who were automatically dropped. Advisors will receive an email list of their advisees who were automatically dropped. On the Friday evening prior to the start of the semester, courses with enforced prerequisites will be switched to special permission required to enroll, in order to allow departments to monitor any additional registrations. Issues to Consider before Selecting Enforced Prerequisite Procedure Graduate Students: Use caution when considering the enforced prerequisite procedure for 400(G) and graduate level courses. Graduate students who did not complete their undergraduate studies at 鶹ý generally do not have their undergraduate coursework evaluated and identified on their 鶹ý transcript; therefore, they may appear to not have met the course-specific prerequisite. Enrollment Impact: In order to be aware of how many students may be deleted from courses with enforced prerequisites, you should monitor the rosters of these courses throughout the registration period and prior to receiving the tentative rosters. You may view class rosters using the RSTR screen, or you may access rosters from the Registrars website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.wiu.edu/Registrar/rosters.php" http://www.wiu.edu/Registrar/rosters.php.  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