ࡱ> _ HbjbjCC .)D\)D\HXXXXXllll xl)++++++$XOXOXXdggg XX)g)ggNz z0,2 2 2 X4gOOg2 > : STEP 2: MASTER SCHEDULE FILE BUILD START (MSFS) SCREEN INSTRUCTIONS Updated 03-09-2016 After you have updated PRCO, you will need to provide information to assist with preparing to build the master schedule. The Master Schedule File Build Start (MSFS) screen is used to determine the foundation upon which the class schedule will be built. The MSFS screen is only available on 鶹ýP. Sign on to 鶹ýP (mvs.wiu.edu). In the display field enter MSFS and click the Enter button. On the Master Schedule File Build Start (MSFS) screen you will be asked to select a department from the drop down menu. Click the Enter button. Note: you will only be able to select the department(s) that you are authorized to update. You will be prompted to identify how you would like the blank class schedule to be generated. Click the radio button  HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 next to the option you prefer. You may choose to either: Start from a blank schedule using projected course offerings (those courses identified on the PRCO screen), or Start from a copy of last years class schedule, if you want to model the new class schedule after the previous schedule for that term. After you select the option you prefer, click the Enter button. NOTE: You will not get a confirmation message, but the arrow will point to the option you selected. IMPORTANT: If you do not select an option on MSFS, a blank class schedule will be generated based on the projected course offerings identified on the PRCO screen. Questions? Contact Registration (a part of the Office of the Registrar) at 298-3115. $CDVW U  J K l m n o E F I R } FGH; hDyCJ hAAhAAhAAhAA6 hznhAAhznhAA5jh}5B* Uphj?z?U h}5CJUVaJhDyB* phjhDyB* Uph hDy5\h}5 h}5h}5hznhAAhDy DWX  F G H I h^h & Fgdzn & Fgdzn & FgdDy & FgdDy & F$a$gd}5$a$gdAA GHgdAA $h^ha$gdAA,1h/ =!"#$% 5Dd h8b  c $A? ?3"`?2 w,Tqxv[D`!S w,Tqxvz|p!xSAJA5ꢐE0S y“ )9wC`R5 C3xlꚪY6ڗ`\i5&|ߐGB=hquϝ#t.AJE)J' 5A 3*-9cVS1ĵЙjMO@I#< zwv)\ShB_?3acf ^ys>ڱ-y~+0𰚾<4S|j?`] ! 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