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Consideration of Minutes 25 April 2006 鶹ý: Change professions to professors on p. 2, item #2 Remove the second in in bullet #2 on p.8 A question was raised regarding the discussion of CAGASs approval of the Social Work change in major (p. 3, top paragraph). The sentence in question reads, CAGAS also denied the request for social work majors to have a 2.25 overall GPA in order to graduate, recommending that it be amended to 2.5. It was thought that 2.5 should be changed to 2.0, but the decision was made to double check on this before approving the minutes as corrected. APPROVAL DEFERRED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 19 FACULTY SENATE MEETING II. Announcements A. Approvals from the President and Provost 1. Approvals from the President a. Revisions to Policy on Academic Deans 2. Approvals from the Provost a. Requests for New Courses i. ANTH 463, Ethnobotony, 4 s.h. ii. HIST 482, Topics in European History, 3 s.h. (repeatable to 6 s.h. with permission) iii. HIST 488, Topics in U.S. History, 3 s.h. (repeatable to 6 s.h. with permission) iv. REL 456, Religion and War, 3 s.h. v. SW 331, Social Work and Addictions, 3 s.h. vi. SW 332, Social Work with Aging Persons, 3 s.h. vii. SW 333, Case Management in Social Work, 3 s.h. viii. SW 334, Social Work, Disabilities, and Health, 3 s.h. ix. SW 335, Domestic Violence and Social Work Intervention, 3 s.h. x. SW 337, Social Work in Rural Environments, 3 s.h. xi. SW 338, Social Work and Mental Health, 3 s.h. xii. SW 340, Topics in Social Work, 3 s.h. (repeatable for different topics to 6 s.h.) xiii. SW 345, Investigation in Social Work, 1-6 s.h. (repeatable to 6 s.h.) xiv. SW 400, Learning Through Community Service, 3 s.h. xv. SW 499, Senior Assessment Exam, 0 s.h. b. Requests for 鶹ý in Majors i. Board of Trustees/Bachelor of Arts Degree Program ii. Social Work iii. Sociology B. Provosts Report Provost Rallo told senators that a number of new hires have occurred recently, including new deans of University Libraries and the College of Business and Technology, and new chairs of LEJA, Theatre and Dance, and Accountancy, as well as a new Director of the Honors College. Provost Rallo told senators that Library Dean Phyllis Self has been asked to chair the search for the Center for International Studies Director. He stated she will be reconstituting the search committee with several current and some new members. Provost Rallo stated that President Goldfarb will shortly constitute a negotiating team to begin work on contracts. Provost Rallo asked for understanding if he has to cancel some of his attendance at events while President Goldfarb is on medical leave from the University beginning October 30. C. SGA Report Jake Schneider will be the new SGA representative to Faculty Senate. D. Other Announcements 1. Associate Vice President for University Relations, John Maguire, and Director for Marketing, Kristen Dunstan, spoke to senators about the Universitys new website. Dr. Maguire stated that work has been underway on the redefined website for 1 years. Ms. Dunstan stated that during the first six months of the project, there was very wide constituent group participation, but it was thought that since many of those involved at that time had now left the University or retired, constituent groups should be updated on the websites progress and again asked for feedback. Ms. Dunstan stated that during the first six months of planning, it was decided that the website should be more student oriented. The challenge is balancing the external needs and the internal needs of the site since it needs to be a marketing tool as well as an information resource for the University. After meeting with FYE classes, parents, and many other focus groups, a preview of the redesigned website was posted on 鶹ýs homepage for feedback this past summer. Dr. Maguire stated that feedback is still being solicited with plans to implement suggestions by November. He added that the College of Business and Technology and the School of Graduate Studies have both incorporated aspects of the new website in their webpage designs already if senators wish to see what the final site may look like. Ms. Dunstan passed around the most recent undergraduate viewbook for the Macomb campus and told senators that there are efforts underway to make 鶹ý marketing publications look cohesive, as if they all came from the same institution instead of from various places. The picture on the front of the viewbook, for example, is the same as that on the front of the undergraduate catalog. 2. Joe Rives, Assistant to the President for Budget and Planning, told senators that unofficial tenth day counts show percentages up. [Chairs Note: These have been subsequently updated, and the final figures are reflected below.] The total 鶹ý count is 13,602, up 1.5% from last years 13,404. Preliminary Macomb campus figures show 11,368 this year compared to 11,277 last year. The Quad Cities campus also reflects an increase of 115 students at 1,331 this year. Dr. Rives stated the Quad Cities campus has nearly reached its 2002 level of 1,461, which is significant since that was prior to the Governors budget cuts. Extension figures were slightly lower: 903 this year and 910 last. 鶹ý slightly surpassed its 1,900 goal for incoming freshmen with 1,922 this fall, up from 1,816 last fall. Transfer students were also up this year by 20 at 1,423. Dr. Rives distributed a chart of one-year changes in institutional performance indicators used to advance statewide goals toward Higher Values in Higher Education. These goals are broken down within the headings of Economic Growth, Partnerships, Affordability, Access and Diversity, High Quality, and Accessibility and Productivity. The summary shows that alumni satisfaction ratings, the cost of instruction per credit hour, administrative and support costs, and internal reallocations have been maintained at their previous levels. A number of initiatives are moving in the desired direction, including 鶹ý-Macomb enrollment; Performing Arts Center funding; 鶹ý-QC Riverfront Campus funding; diversity of teacher education graduates; percentages of students graduating on-time and with loans; freshmen, minority freshmen, and minority undergraduate retention rates; percentages of freshmen with GPAs higher than 3.0; undergraduate class size distributions; 鶹ý-Macomb graduation rates; and capital renewal expenditures. Initiatives moving in the opposite direction from that desired include external funding for scholarly activities; students completing their initial certification; the average debt load of graduates; mean ACT scores of new students, percentage of freshmen with ACT scores of 23 or higher, and ACT averages compared to national norms; 鶹ý-Quad Cities graduation rates; and civil service salaries. Dr. Rives also provided senators with a list of peer institutions to be used as benchmark universities. As goals to work toward for the institution, Dr. Rives listed the establishment of a new academic degree program for nursing, expansion of scholarship programs, new or continuing accreditation for the University, and work on the master planning process. Dr. Rives updated senators on this summers security breach. He stated that it is now a federal law that when an institution or agency is breached, all affected persons must be notified. 鶹ý has already implemented a fire wall and is looking at installation of an automatic detection system to replace the human factor with software. The University is advertising for a security officer position to coordinate efforts across the institution. A number of task forces have been established as a result of this summers breach. According to Dr. Rives, $6 million is transacted annually at 鶹ý utilizing credit and debit cards, and the new Credit/Debit Card Task Force will inventory and document current use, then make policy and procedure recommendations. One task force will analyze how and where social security numbers are used and stored at 鶹ý. The new FTP Task Force will examine what is being downloaded at the University, how downloads are being used, and where they are being stored. There is a task force on emailing and calendaring, with the goal of establishment of a University-wide calendaring system within the next year. Dr. Rives stated that switches are being replaced with hubs, there are discussions to centralize the Universitys servers, and there is a need to obtain a generator that would eliminate delays caused by power outages. The computer security policies and procedures are also being updated for the first time since 1996. Dr. Rives stated a technology strategic plan is being finalized for first reading in October following development of three drafts over the summer. Representatives from Goody Clancy architectural firm will be on campus tomorrow through Friday to review three potential design scenarios for the 鶹ý-Macomb Campus Master Plan. More information about this process is available on a new website,  HYPERLINK "http://www.wiumasterplan.com" www.wiumasterplan.com where feedback can be submitted anonymously. Goody Clancy will return to 鶹ý with Draft 1 of the Master Plan in December and with Draft 2, incorporating feedback received in December, after the holidays. Dr. Rives stated he would like for governance groups to endorse the Master Plan and the Technology Strategic Plan before taking them to the Board of Trustees. In response to a question regarding whether certain Goody Clancy sessions were earmarked for faculty, Dr. Rives responded that all were open to the entire University community, and there is one session off campus. Dr. Rives told senators that a new community college task force has been established to study applying the Universitys Gilbert Cost Guarantee to 鶹ý transfer students. He explained that since most transfer students earn their associates degree in spring, it would be beneficial if they could begin their cost guarantee with 鶹ý at that time instead of after potential fall tuition increases. Dr. Rives stated that implementation of this plan could increase enrollment on the Quad Cities campus while creating good working relationships with community colleges. He added that no other state institution offers something this innovative. Dr. Rives remarked that he does not anticipate flooding the market or significantly increasing the balance of students should the plan be implemented, and in response to concerns over lost income, he sees the students as foregone revenue that can become net revenue if they are attracted to 鶹ý through an extended cost guarantee. When asked the difference between the Master Plan and the Strategic Plan, Dr. Rives explained that that Higher Values in Higher Education drives the Universitys Strategic Plan, but when it was developed it had little academics in it. The Academic Master Plan is the implementation of Higher Values in Higher Education from an academic standpoint. The Facilities Master Plan is the plan for facilities, grounds, and infrastructure. 3. University Personnel Committee representatives for 2006-2009 were determined at the end of spring semester. T.K. Vinod, Chemistry, will represent the College of Arts and Sciences; Tim Kupka, Theatre/Dance, will continue as the Fine Arts and Communication representative; and Lee Tichenor, Computer Science, will serve for the College of Business and Technology. 4. Chairperson Rock explained that last spring, former Beu Health Center Director Pat Sartore spoke to Faculty Senate regarding the elimination of the purple forms used by students to indicate that they had been seen at the health center. He explained that the new Director, Mary Margaret Harris, wishes to substitute for the purple forms a Medical Confirmation Form that would be printed on University letterhead with the purple logo so that it could not be duplicated. The forms would only be given to students if they are unable to return to class or cannot fully participate in class activities. This information will be sent by Chairperson Rock to the faculty via the Senate listproc. Motion: To reorder the agenda to consider the Resolution from the 鶹ý Organization for Women next (Shouse/DeVolder) APPROVED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE V. New Business (Reordered) A. 鶹ý Organization for Women Resolution for Free-Standing Child Care Facilities in Macomb and Quad Cities Campus Master Plans The resolution brought to Faculty Senate for endorsement states: Whereas the strategic plan states that: 鶹ý will provide support services to encourage student success and increase retention and graduation rates. 鶹ý will respond to student concerns with a culture of responsiveness at all service points. 鶹ý will attract, recruit, retain and develop an excellent faculty representative of the diverse and global society. 鶹ý will expand and improve facilities to meet the needs of student constituencies and reflect the core values of the university. Let it be resolved: That 鶹ý will place centrally located, on-site, free-standing, 12 month, full time child care at both the Macomb and Quad Cities Campuses. Said facilities will include service for part-time, drop-off, special needs children, and will serve children from six weeks to school age. 鶹ý will provide after-school care for school-age children. Additionally, 鶹ý will provide care for sick children on work days. 鶹ý Organization for Women (WOW) co-president Bill Thompson told senators that as a result of WOWs meeting with President Goldfarb this summer, the group determined upon three broad areas with which to engage the University: child care, nursing mothers in the workplace, and improvements to the family leave policy. President Goldfarb suggested that, since the Facilities Master Plan is constituent-driven, WOW take their ideas to constituent groups, to include Faculty Senate, COAP, CSEC and SGA. Senator Wolf expressed concerns that whereas the Strategic Plan and Facilities Master Plan have emerged and been developed as a result of many discussions with constituents and much feedback, there has not been sufficient discussion and interaction regarding this resolution, which is asking for a very specific action-oriented result. Senator Wolf expressed additional concerns about the lack of a needs assessment on the long-term impact and with input from professionals in the child care field and in the communities affected. She stated the resolution could have a significant impact on relations with the community. Senator Wolf also expressed concerns about the lack of a cost analysis, stating that child care facilities are very expensive to run and wondering how this will be supported over time. Senator Wolf added that she supports the concept of a University child care facility but urged caution regarding the resolution on the table; she pointed out that when the SGA online course syllabus resolution was proposed, an ad hoc committee was established to study it and further discussions ensued before Faculty Senate endorsed the proposal. Motion: To table the resolution until further information is provided to Senate (Wolf/Sonnek) WOW Co-President Polly Radosh asserted that the need for on-campus childcare is indisputable. She stated there have been many studies about the need for on-campus childcare and it is now the time for action. But Senator Wolf responded that one reason such a facility does not exist now is because previous cost analyses did not support it. Senator Wolf stated there could be other options, such as modifications of the two current Macomb campus childcare sites, rather than a new free-standing, centrally located facility. In response to a question as to what was meant in the resolution by free-standing, Dr. Thompson said it refers to an independent facility not associated with a lab school or teaching laboratory such as the Horrabin Hall child care center, which he anticipates would be replaced by the new facility. Senator Livingston-Webber stated her impression that child care is one of the most urgent needs at the University and that decent child care on-campus may help with recruitment and retention of faculty. Senator Hironimus-Wendt expressed his opposition to tabling the resolution since the master plan is currently being developed. He added that to table or vote down the resolution would indicate that Faculty Senate does not support child care at 鶹ý. When asked how long she felt the resolution should be tabled, Senator Wolf responded she would like the language of the resolution to be examined closely and maybe an informal survey of the local community undertaken, to take with information brought back to Senate in approximately two to four weeks. She added that there are child care professionals on the 鶹ý campus who would be willing to invest energy in studying the issues brought up within the resolution. Dr. Thompson told senators that once the concept of a child care facility is in the facilities master plan, then the details can be worked out, but if it is not included in the master plan, then it will not be built. He explained that the specifics included in the resolution reflect what WOW envisions as the best possible child care facility and what they see as lacking currently in campus child care. Senators also discussed the current availability of part-time care at the two Macomb campus child care facilities and the need for elder care. Senator Livingston-Webber stated that cost analyses are usually done after an item is in the plan. Dr. Rives remarked that the master planning process is meant to be a blueprint; when some aspects of master planning are moved into implementation, that is when feasibility and needs are fleshed out. He added that in the Master Plan, free-standing refers to a structure not connected to anything else. When asked if the wording of the resolution matches wording in the Facilities Master Plan, Dr. Rives explained that there is no wording in the Facilities Master Plan currently it is three design scenarios with boxes indicating possible building locations. He recommended that if persons feel that it is important for a child care facility to be included in the design scenarios, which is currently not the case, then they should provide that feedback to Goody Clancy on the website. Dr. Rives stated he is not sure that a resolution from Faculty Senate is necessary; he plans to suggest to Goody Clancy that there are persons who feel that a child care facility should be included in design scenarios when he meets with them this evening. But Dr. Thompson stated that WOW feels endorsement of the resolution by campus constituent groups would send a very strong message to the master planners and to the campus community. Senator Livingston-Webber suggested that the last paragraph of the resolution be amended to read: That 鶹ý will place centrally located, on-site, free-standing, 12 month, a full time service comprehensive child care facility at both the Macomb and Quad Cities Campuses. Said facilities will include service for part-time, drop-off, special needs children, and will serve children from six weeks to school age. 鶹ý will provide after-school care for school-age children. Additionally, 鶹ý will provide care for sick children on work days. MOTION TO TABLE WITHDRAWN Dr. Rives expressed concerns about recommendations relating to the Quad Cities being generated by the Macomb campus since there are two separate master plans for the two campuses that are driven by persons employed at the two facilities, and he suggested treating the 鶹ýQC wording separately. But 鶹ýQC Senator Meloy stated that the Quad Cities campus does not like to be separated out from the concept of the University. She added that it would be impossible to have a centrally located facility in the Quad Cities and recommended that this be omitted, but Dr. Radosh responded that this phrase is a vital component of the resolution. It was remarked by more than one senator that the master planners would undoubtedly determine the best location if such a facility is to be included. Motion: To call the question (Livingston-Webber/Allen) MOTION TO CALL THE QUESTION APPROVED 19 YES 0 NO 0 AB AMENDMENT APPROVED 19 YES 0 NO 0 AB AMENDED RESOLUTION APPROVED 20 YES 0 NO 0 AB III. Reports of Committees and Councils Council on Admission, Graduation, and Academic Standards (John Miller, Chair, 2006-2007) Annual Report, 2005-2006 (Ken Mietus, Chair, 2005-2006) The CAGAS report detailed types and numbers of student appeals for 2005-2006, the formation of an admissions subcommittee to make recommendations on borderline students, and recommendations on policy issues to Faculty Senate, including gateways in majors, field trips, final exams, and class attendance. Additionally, last year CAGAS recommended, and the Senate approved, a request from SGA to appoint an additional student representative to the council. NO OBJECTIONS Council on Campus Planning and Usage (TBD, Chair, 2006-2007) 1. Annual Report, 2005-2006 (Bruce Walters, Chair, 2005-2006) Dr. Walters report detailed CCPUs participation in the master planning process on both the Macomb and Quad Cities campuses. CCPU members took turns attending every Macomb Master Planning Committee meeting last year. They also actively gathered faculty input from their respective colleges to forward to the Master Planning Committee for development of The Campus is the Classroom document. CCPU members also attended all architectural firm presentations leading up to the selection of Goody Clancy. As a result of a complaint brought to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee regarding the erection of a memorial between Sherman and Simpkins Halls whose inscription was of a religious nature, CCPU carried forward a request for a policy concerning the installation of monuments and memorials. CCPU was informed by Bill Brewer on March 30 that Physical Plant had forwarded a proposed policy, and Vice President Jackie Thompson raised CCPUs concerns with administrators on April 10. According to the CCPU annual report, They (the President and Vice Presidents) confirmed that the master planning process will include landscaping and the placement of memorials and monuments as well as many other issues. Since the faculty and all constituency groups are included in the master planning process, this should provide the best venue to address concerns of this nature and to develop long-term, comprehensive policies. NO OBJECTIONS Council on Curricular Programs and Instruction (Nancy Parsons, Chair, 2006-2007) Annual Report, 2005-2006 (Pat Anderson, Chair, 2005-2006) Last year, CCPI approved 76 requests for new courses, eight new experimental courses, three cross-listed courses, two new majors, four new minors, 17 changes in majors, four changes in minors, five changes in options, and 95 minor changes to courses. CCPI also last year established a subcommittee in response to a request from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee that the council clarify academic terms used throughout the University. The Subcommittee on Academic Terms is expected to make its final report by the end of the fall term. NO OBJECTIONS Requests for New Courses a. EIS 304, Field Work in Educational and Interdisciplinary Studies, 1 s.h. (repeatable to 2 s.h.) Senate discussed the amount of work required for the 1 s.h. course. It was explained that the proposed course is a companion to EIS 303 and is set up in the same fashion. EIS 304 APPROVED b. IDT 235, Instructional Materials Development, 3 s.h. c. IDT 451, Implementing and Facilitating Instruction, 3 s.h. d. IDT 496, Senior Portfolio and Resume Preparation, 1 s.h. NEW IDT COURSES APPROVED 3. Requests for New Options a. Instructional Methods and Training Change: change multimedia and web-based development to methods and training in the first line of the back page. b. Instructional Multimedia and Web-Based Development c. Instructional Simulation and Games It was remarked that it would be helpful to add the major department to CCPIs request for new option form. NEW OPTIONS APPROVED Council on General Education (Amy Carr, Chair, 2006-2007) Annual Report, 2005-2006 (Lori Baker-Sperry, Chair, 2005-2006) CGE last year provided members for the General Education Review Committee and the Foreign Language/Global Issues Requirement Subcommittee. According to the annual report, due to the moratorium on all new course requests for inclusion in the General Education curriculum, the council addressed little routine business during the previous academic year. NO OBJECTIONS Council on Intercollegiate Athletics (TBD, Chair, 2006-2007) 1. Annual Report, 2005-2006 (Sharon Evans, Chair, 2005-2006) CIA met three times during the 2005-2006 academic year to review and approve a variety of athletic schedules. The council also discussed the Faculty Senate/CAGAS policy on registering student organizations and their campus sponsored events and reviewed the Academic Performance Report for 2005-2006. NO OBJECTIONS Council on International Education (TBD, Chair, 2006-2007) Annual Report, 2005-2006 (Fred Isele, Chair, 2005-2006) The council wrote its initial draft policies and procedures document during the previous academic year and responded to Faculty Senate review of the document with successive drafts. CIE hopes to have its policies and procedures in place by the middle of the fall semester. NO OBJECTIONS Writing Instruction in the Disciplines Committee (TBD, Chair, 2006-2007) 1. Annual Report, 2005-2006 (Greg Hall, Chair, 2005-2006) The WID Committee last year sponsored a faculty development workshop on Short, Useful Writing Assignments which was open to both WID and non-WID instructors. The committee reviewed four courses for WID approval and created a WID course evaluation form to help standardize and streamline the committees review procedures. NO OBJECTIONS Committee on Committees (Joan Livingston-Webber, Chair) SENATE COUNCILS AND COMMITTEES: Council for International Education Nancy Kwang Johnson, AAS replacing Yan Lwin 2008 A&S UNIVERSITY COUNCILS: University Honors Council Hong Liu, Eng Tech replacing Christine Lloyd 2006-07 only B&T Council on Talent Grants and Tuition Waivers (鶹ýQC) Dimitri Andrianacos, Econ replacing Richard Hendriksen 2009 鶹ýQC UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES: Center for Innovation in Teaching and Research Advisory Committee Ritchie Gabbei, Kinesiology replacing Jennifer Allen Fall 06 only E&HS As there were no further nominations, the nominees were appointed by acclamation. IV. Old Business None V. New Business A. Election of Committee on Provost and Presidential Performance Volunteers for the committee included Senators DeVolder as the representative from ExCo and Senator Sonnek. Five senators are required for the committee, to include one Executive Committee member. Additional representatives will be solicited at the September 19 Faculty Senate meeting. Motion: To adjourn (Livingston-Webber/Brice) The Faculty Senate adjourned at 5:58 p.m. Jean Wolf, Secretary Annette Hamm, Faculty Senate Recording Secretary     PAGE  PAGE 6 3ABJKLMVWZ[ ! ) * + @ M d o ´Њ~vnf^V^fNFhHTCJaJhXCJaJhL^rCJaJhyF CJaJh CJaJhnCJaJhn/CJaJhki5>*CJ\aJh^WZ56CJ\]aJhO56CJ\]aJh 56CJ\]aJhV56CJ\]aJhRae56CJ\]aJhki56CJ\]aJhki6CJ]aJhki5CJ\aJhkiCJaJhkiB\]g 2 3   b c  & Fgd4y ^ gdLP  ^ `@&@&gdn$a$$@&a$@&vvo z   ' ( 1 2 : ; I z   D E c g  踭sg\hxhLPCJaJhxhLP>*CJaJhxhki>*CJaJhxhkiCJaJhGDCJaJh)CJaJhKCJaJh h CJaJhki5CJ\aJhkiCJaJhL^rCJaJhZ-CJaJh:%CJaJhm CJaJhOCJaJh CJaJhRaeCJaJhLPCJaJ"  ;=CĹ~sk`TKChfCJaJhf>*CJaJhfhf>*CJaJhxhXCJaJhRaeCJaJhxhsCJaJhxhki>*CJaJhxhgg_CJaJh 5CJ\aJh6hki5CJ\aJhxhkiCJaJhxh~zCJaJh hGDCJaJhGDCJaJh 5CJaJh CJaJhkiCJaJhyF CJaJhtCJaJ <=^^gds & F & Fgdgg_  @&^ `^gd~z^gdGDgdGD & FgdGD^gd CS9?@e^gdg^gdZu0]^`0gdm 0^`0gdfC4Rvw,%efgi|}ABـuqjb^ZVRh)h(hgh{.hxhki>* hxhshfhxhuCJaJhWCCJaJhxhsCJaJh@CJaJhmhgCJaJh'eCJaJh)h)CJaJh)CJaJhgCJaJhmCJaJhkiCJaJhxhki>*CJaJhfCJaJhfhZuCJaJhZuCJaJ ef}~mn ''..1 & Fp0^p`0gdn & Fp0^p`0gd(  & F^gds^gdu^gds^^gdgBR mqTUWst%&4578rw   k m "9$''' ((D**++$+&+1+2+3+7+8+t++-..ÿhfh6h:mhBh>MhBh) hb=CJ hb=6CJhb=hnhghp_hA$h(K.v.}.//>/?/@/U/V/0000000111111 222"223x5y5k6l6t6u6{6|6666666/777A8B88:S;T;U;];;;;;;;;;شhth7LCJaJh'eh'e5 h'e5h'ehl hF+hghajhyzhwHh?x-hgThhKhf0JjhfUjhfUhhf<11y5z5/70788T;U;;;;; < <<<<<<0]^`0gd7L]gd7Lgd7L & Fgd'e & Fp0^p`0gdg  & F^gds & Fp0^p`0gdn;;<<q@AAAAAAAjBkBBBBBBBBBBBCCDlEoEEEFFFFFEGIGSGqGyG6H=HfJgJJJtK{KKKWL˻ûû˳ÚÚÚh\}2CJaJhVCJaJhnDCJaJh\CJaJh\TCJaJh!U5CJaJh!UCJaJh_TCJaJh=CJaJh{CJaJh#CJaJh ]CJaJh@|CJaJh7LCJaJhth7L>*䴳3<j==<>>>>p@q@kBlBFFRGSGJJ)N*NRPSP^gd ^gdV ]^gd ] (^gdV]gd7Lp]^p`gd7LWLbLL%M1M9MdMMMNN(N)N7NENOOOOOOQPRPSPmPsPPQQQQQ,R-R7R8R>R?RiRjRqRrRzR{RRRRRSSTUUVV6V7V9V>Vне൪h?5CJaJh?h?7CJaJhh?CJaJh?CJaJh!Uh CJaJhCJaJh CJaJh\}2CJaJhgCJaJh\CJaJhnDCJaJhVCJaJ:SPUUUUWWWWZZ[[Q[R[{[|[[[[[\ & F" gdf[5 ^gdf[5 & F & FgdF+ p]^pgd^gdV^gdnD>VBVCVXVdVmVVWWWWX9XXXXX:YkYZZZZ[Q[R[e[f[z[{[[[[[ʾ벪֪~rir^Y h 5hhF+CJaJhF+5CJaJhhF+5CJaJhF+CJaJhF+hF+5CJaJh\}2CJaJhrZCJaJhnDCJaJhCJaJhh5CJaJhh7CJaJhh?7CJaJh5CJaJh?h?5CJaJh?CJaJh?h?7CJaJ![[[[[k\m\w\\\]]5^6^D^^M```UdVdddddggggLh]h^hiii+irisiti|iiiJjKj¶ҮҮ¶¶ҦҦ҇~shxAhxACJaJhxA5CJaJhxACJaJhf[5hH[CJaJhH[hH[5CJaJhH[CJaJh0CJaJh.h.5CJaJh.CJaJhnDCJaJhf[5CJaJhf[5hf[5CJaJhxhki>*CJaJhxhkiCJaJhs*\3\4\l\m\5^6^D^E^j^^^^^``UdVdddeddd p^pgd. & F" gdf[5 gdf[5 p^pgdf[5 & F" gdf[5 ^gdf[5ddddggg g9gggJhKh]h^hhh p]^pgdf[5 @ 0]^@ `0gdf[5 & F" ]gdf[5 ]gdf[5 p^pgd. gd. & F" gdf[5 gdf[5hii+i,iJisitiii"jKjLjjjjjj k ]^gdf[5 & F" ]gdf[5 @ ]^@ gd~~ @ ]^@ gdxA ]gdf[5 p]^pgdf[5KjjjjjjHkIkll5m6mensnnnooo ppp/qqqqqr r>rArGrdrюqcXh1eP>*CJ\aJhh>*CJ\aJhh5CJ\aJhh5>*CJ\aJhxh4xCJaJhW\h1eP5CJaJh1ePCJaJh?x-CJaJhW\hW\5CJaJhW\CJaJhf[5CJaJhf[5hf[5CJaJhxAhxA5CJaJhxACJaJhnDCJaJh~~CJaJ k kIkJklllllll6m7mdnensntn ]^gdf[5 & F" ]gdf[5 ]gdf[5 p]^pgdW\ ]gdW\ & F" ]gdf[5 ]^gdf[5tnnnnnnoo p p*CJ\aJhh1ePCJ\aJh1ePh1ePCJ\aJhnDCJ\aJh1eP>*CJ\aJh1ePh1eP>*CJ\aJh1eP5CJ\aJhh1eP5CJ\aJhh1eP5>*CJ\aJh1eP5>*CJ\aJhCJ\aJh]1CJ\aJh1ePCJ\aJhhCJ\aJssss*t+tttttttttvvp^pgdJ ]^gdmlN]gdJgdJ]gdi  `0]^`0gdPgd/G^gdsm^gdX^^gd1ePgd ^`gd]1sss*t/tOtRtTt|t~tttttttttttttuuvvvvxphph`hpRFhxhh+CJ\aJh1hh+5CJ\aJhnDCJaJhmlNCJaJhJCJaJhthJ>*CJaJhthJCJaJhi CJaJh'ehkiCJaJh'eCJaJhxhki>*CJaJhxhkiCJaJh/GCJaJhE5CJaJhd1CJaJhsmCJaJh1ePCJaJh1eP>*CJaJhh>*CJ\aJv&v=v>v@v`vavbvdvqvyvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvҿҷҬҤhrZ0JmHnHuh?x- h?x-0Jjh?x-0JUh_jh_Uhxh[CJaJh9 pCJaJhxh1"TCJaJhCCJaJhxhkiCJaJhh+CJaJhILCJaJhmlNCJaJhxhh+CJaJ%v?v@vjvkvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv&`#$ & F p@ P@&^`Pgd9 p & F p@ P^`P & F@& & F@&gdh+vvvvv & F p@ P@&^`Pgd9 p5 01h:pO/ =!8"#$h% DyK www.wiumasterplan.comyK <http://www.wiumasterplan.com/@@@ rNormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH P@P Heading 1$ & F @& >*CJaJR@R Heading 2$ & F@&^5CJ\aJH@H Heading 3$ & F@& >*CJaJJ@J Heading 4$ & F@&5CJ\aJZ@Z Heading 5$ & F@&]^5CJ\aJDA@D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List XOX Level 17$8$H$^OJQJ_HaJmH sH tH XOX Level 4@ 7$8$H$^@ OJQJ_HaJmH sH tH XOX Level 3p7$8$H$^pOJQJ_HaJmH sH tH XO"X Level 57$8$H$^OJQJ_HaJmH sH tH XC@2X Body Text Indent ^ >*CJaJ6B@B6 Body TextCJaJ4 @R4 Footer  !.)@a. 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