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Consideration of Minutes 25 April 2006 Change: On p. 3, line 5, change 2.5 to 2.0 so that the sentence reads, CAGAS also denied the request for social work majors to have a 2.25 overall GPA in order to graduate, recommending that it be amended to 2.0. APPROVED AS CORRECTED B. 5 September 2006 Change: On p. 7, in the CAGAS annual report, change formation to operation so that the sentence reads, The CAGAS report detailed types and numbers of student appeals for 2005-2006, the operation of an admissions subcommittee APPROVED AS CORRECTED II. Announcements A. Provosts Report Associate Provost Barb Baily reported that the group working on the nursing proposal met last week, and the BSN is moving its way through the College of Arts and Sciences curriculum process. Negotiating teams have been selected for both UPI and 鶹ýs administration. Dr. Baily reported that an announcement of team members will be made in the near future. C. SGA Report Jake Schneider reported that SGA has begun to break into committees. He told senators there has been some discussion of the need for a Latin American Studies class or minor, which is already offered at some institutions around the state. SGA will be investigating this further. D. Other Announcements 1. Foundations of Excellence Project (Judi Dallinger, Assistant Provost for Undergraduate Studies) According to a report provided by Dr. Dallinger, the Foundations of Excellence self-study will be conducted under the auspices of the Policy Center on the First Year of College, which provides a template to guide institutions through a comprehensive study of all aspects of students first year in college. Dr. Dallinger and Senator Daytner will act as co-liaisons with the Policy Center, whose sole purpose, according to Dr. Dallinger, is to help American institutions of higher education try to improve what happens to college freshmen. In response to questions, Dr. Dallinger explained that 鶹ý wrote an application to participate in the project, which is in its second year, and that there is a fee for participation. This year, Foundations of Excellence will include 19 four-year and 14 two-year universities. The Foundations of Excellence self-study will address how well 鶹ý meets the nine foundational dimensions Philosophy, Organization, Learning, Faculty, Transitions, All Students, Diversity, Rules and Purposes, Improvement each of which will be formed into a committee led by one or more of the 鶹ý steering committee members. According to the report, a steering committee will direct the administration of two surveys this fall, one for 鶹ý employees and one for freshmen; describe 鶹ýs current practices; and examine the Philosophy dimension. Senator Daytner added that this years self-study of freshmen will go beyond First Year Experience students and may next year also include transfer students. Dr. Dallinger stated she would like to work with Faculty Senate to get volunteers for the nine subcommittees, but expressed concern about the timeline since some committee reports are due in early December. She will work closely with CoC chair Senator Livingston-Webber to encourage faculty nominations for the subcommittee vacancies. 2. Summary of Master Planning Presentations Chairperson Rock stated that the Senates Council on Campus Planning and Usage Chair Bruce Walters could not attend but provided a memo detailing the Master Plan Steering Committee meeting on September 13 at which Goody Clancy representatives by phone reviewed the suggestions from faculty, staff, and students to the three alternative plans. According to Dr. Walterss memo, Goody Clancy will now begin working to consolidate the suggestions into a single plan which will be presented to the campus in late November-early December. Senator DeVolder stated that Goody Clancy in their presentation maintained that 鶹ý already has all of the land that it needs for any of the three alternatives, referred to as the Courtyards, Valleys, and Spines plans. He stated that changes are recommended for the University Union in each plan, including one recommendation to convert the Union into a conference center. The plans also include recommendations to extend Stadium Drive to University Drive to address traffic congestion and the closing of Murray Street to vehicular traffic. The Courtyard plan calls for more tree planting and green spaces, organized courtyards, and realignment of University Drive and 鶹ý Avenue to the west. The Valleys plan features a diagonal path through campus planted with purple flowering shrubs and the relocation of the heating plant to the north end of campus. In the Spines plan, athletic fields and residence halls replace Q Lot. Parking will be accommodated by a multi-level parking deck, and a new arena would be developed. The one consistent in all three plans is to leave the football stadium at its current location. Senator DeVolder stated that Goody Clancy representatives asked for persons to set aside questions regarding where the funding will come from for the different alternatives since if 鶹ý is to be the premiere comprehensive university, the institution must have premiere facilities which can be developed over time. Persons are still encouraged to provide their feedback on the three alternative plans at  HYPERLINK "http://www.wiumasterplan.com/tellus.asp" www.wiumasterplan.com/tellus.asp. The three plans can be reviewed at  HYPERLINK "http://www.communicationsmgr.com/projects/1252/docs/鶹ý-AlternativesWEB/pdf" www.communicationsmgr.com/projects/1252/docs/鶹ý-AlternativesWEB/pdf. Associate Provost Baily told senators that most of the feedback Goody Clancy is receiving is not coming forward from the academic sector, and she encouraged faculty to look at the plans from an instructional point of view and provide their input. Assistant to the President for Budget and Planning Joe Rives will attend the October 31 Faculty Senate meeting in order to provide a further update on the master planning process. 3. President Goldfarb will meet with the Faculty Senate at its October 3 meeting, and will attend the October 24 meeting of the Senates Executive Committee. 4. The 鶹ý chapter of State Universities Annuitants Association is sponsoring a conversation with Senator John Sullivan on Wednesday, September 27 at 1:30 p.m. in the Atrium of Wesley United Methodist Church (1212 W. Calhoun St.). They are encouraging attendance to impress upon the Senator the concerns about the underfunding of pensions, issues of the health insurance program, etc. All are welcome. III. Reports of Committees and Councils Council on Curricular Programs and Instruction (Nancy Parsons, Chair) Requests for New Courses a. POLS 308, Political Psychology, 3 s.h. b. POLS 400, Comparative Public Policy, 3 s.h. In response to a question, Political Science Chair Richard Hardy asserted that each class can easily accommodate 20-25 students. He stated that virtually every comprehensive Political Science department offers these two courses, and 鶹ý has specific faculty who are able to teach them. Dr. Hardy added that universities are adding more emphasis on political psychology as interest grows in studying elections in relation to human behavior. Committee on Committees (Joan Livingston-Webber, Chair) SENATE COUNCILS AND COMMITTEES: Council on Admission, Graduation and Academic Standards Colleen Combs, For Lang replacing Robert Intrieri Spr 2007 only A&S UNIVERSITY COUNCILS: University Honors Council Carolyn Blackinton, Thea/Dan replacing Andrea Graves 2007 FA&C Council on Talent Grants and Tuition Waivers (鶹ýQC) Therese Kiley, Curr/Instr replacing Tony Falgiani 2009 鶹ýQC UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES: Center for Innovation in Teaching and Research Advisory Committee Margo Byerly, Curr/Instr replacing Cheryl Cohen 2007 E&HS Tammy Werner, Soc/Anth new position 2009 鶹ýQC Distinguished Faculty Lecturer Selection Committee Eric Ginsberg, Music replacing Ken Hawkinson 2009 FA&C Employee Service Recognition Committee Raymond Greene, Geog new position 2009 At-large Interdisciplinary Studies Degree Program Advisory Committee Roberta Di Carmine, Eng/Jour replacing Tracy Cruise Spr 2007 only At-large Radiation Safety Committee Sally McFadden, Psych replacing Dave Hunter 2007 At-large Student Laureate Selection Committee Jennifer McNabb, History replacing Tracy Cruise Spr 2007 only A&S University Benefits Committee Jim Tripp, Mktg/Fin replacing Ray Macdermott 2008 At-large As there were no further nominations, the nominees were appointed by acclamation. IV. Old Business A. Election of Committee on Provost and Presidential Performance Five senators are required for the committee, to include one Executive Committee member. Senator DeVolder volunteered to represent the Executive Committee at the September 5 meeting. Additional volunteers to serve on the committee are Senators Boynton, Clontz, Hironimus-Wendt, and Miczo. Parliamentarian Hample, speaking as a faculty member, expressed concerns that the survey data is gathered and stored by a person, of undoubted good character, outside of Faculty Senate, which was not the intention when the committee was originally established. He asked the committee to consider how the data is being handled. One senator countered that the survey must be handled through Sherman Hall administration since the only other alternative is to distribute and tabulate the survey by hand, which is overly labor intensive. But Parliamentarian Hample and other senators noted that online survey instruments are available to the general public. The suggestion was made that University Assessment Coordinator Tere North speak to the newly-formed committee regarding the survey procedures and how the issues of concern can be addressed. V. New Business None Motion: To adjourn (Brice/Livingston-Webber) The Faculty Senate adjourned at 4:43 p.m. Jean Wolf, Secretary Annette Hamm, Faculty Senate Recording Secretary     PAGE  PAGE 3 3ABJKMNWX[\   ! 6 C Z ´Њ~vncv[S[vKhXCJaJhL^rCJaJhyF CJaJh h *CJaJh *CJaJh CJaJhki5>*CJ\aJh^WZ56CJ\]aJhO56CJ\]aJh 56CJ\]aJhV56CJ\]aJh *56CJ\]aJhki56CJ\]aJhki6CJ]aJhki5CJ\aJhkiCJaJhkiB]^h  e f ^gd  & Fgd4y ^ gdLP  ^ `@&@&gdn$a$$@&a$@&2%2Z e p z    ' ( G d e f j ਝzog_hyF CJaJhtCJaJhxhLPCJaJhxhLP>*CJaJhxhki>*CJaJhxhkiCJaJhki5CJ\aJhkiCJaJhL^rCJaJhZ-CJaJh:%CJaJh *CJaJhm CJaJhOCJaJh CJaJhRaeCJaJhLPCJaJhHTCJaJ% e g h l m n p \ e ݽśņ{od\QohxhXCJaJhRaeCJaJhxhsCJaJhxhki>*CJaJhxhgg_CJaJhGwhGwCJ\aJhGwCJ\aJhGwhki5CJaJhxhkiCJaJhxhGwCJaJh~zCJaJhGwhGw5CJaJhGwhGD5CJaJhGDCJaJhGwCJaJhGw5CJaJh 5CJaJ m n 45D^gds^gd|3|^gds & F & Fgdgg_ @&^gdGw @&^gd d  @&^ `^gdGw^gd d 34568BCEJT\]^_atuybc1vw¶xtphd`\d\d\d\dXhFhqp\hbh=~h dh=~>*hgh{.hxhki>* hxhshfhxhuCJaJhgCJaJh)CJaJhU>CJaJhWCCJaJhxhki>*CJaJhxhsCJaJhfCJaJhmCJaJhGwh|3|CJaJh|3|CJaJhGwCJaJhkiCJaJ"DE]^uv+,XZst & FLp0]L^p`0gdQ$  & Fp^pgdqp\ & Fp0^p`0gdg  & F^gds^gdu^gdU>^gds9V_nw /WXrstuNQ\emp1:stL M N !B"F"ܽȴܩȴjhUh|rh0JjhUjhUhMhKhphh$hh dh>*=<hFhqp\B!!B"C"""v$w$$$$$| ^gdf[5 & F" gdf[5 ^gdf[5 & F & Fgd'e & Fp0^p`0gd=~  & Fp^pgd & Fp0^p`0gdg & FLp]L^pgd & FLp0]L^p`0gdQ$ F"""""v$w$|$$$$$$%)%*%Y%Z%'''3'S'T'r'u'{'}'ºβ·xj\Qh1eP>*䴳a>*䴳a5Ca5>*䴳a4䴳F䴳䴳䴳ڰ5䴳±䴳<CJaJh dhf[5>*CJaJhf[5hf[5CJaJhxhki>*CJaJhxhkiCJaJh'eh=~hF+he $$%*%Y%Z%''3'S'T't'u'sngd ^`gd]1^gdX^ ^gdf[5 & F" gdf[5 ^gdF ]^gdC ]gd @ 0]^@ `0gdf[5 & F" ]gdf[5 ]gdf[5 }'''''''''''((((( (#(?(J(W(^(d(f((((((((((ι΃xl`hh1ePCJ\aJh1ePh1ePCJ\aJh1eP>*CJ\aJh1ePh1eP>*CJ\aJh1eP5CJ\aJhh1eP5CJ\aJhh1eP5>*CJ\aJh1eP5>*CJ\aJhCJ\aJh1ePCJ\aJh]1CJ\aJh6RCJ\aJhhCJ\aJh6R>*CJ\aJ u''''( (#(e(f((((((6)r))))**;*p*q*^gd1ePgd ^`gd1eP]^`gd6R ^`gd]1(((((4)6)N)Y)e)g)l)r)))*;*o*p*q***+S+w++++,,,<,?,A,i,k,l,ûûûû~vnvfnvnhE5CJaJhd1CJaJhsmCJaJhV hV CJaJhV hV >*CJaJhV >*CJaJhV CJaJh6Rh6R>*CJaJh6R>*CJaJh6RCJaJh1ePCJaJh1eP>*CJaJhh>*CJ\aJhh5CJ\aJhh5>*CJ\aJ$q****+R+S+x++++,,l,m,,,,,]gdF `0]^`0gdPgd/G^gdsm^gdX^$^`a$gdV ^`gd]1l,m,q,},~,,,,---E...5171:1F1G1N1O1P1W1Y1e1j1|1}11ɽɵɵɆ~pdY~QIhh+CJaJhILCJaJhxhh+CJaJhxhh+CJ\aJh1hh+5CJ\aJhmlNCJaJhJCJaJhthJ>*䴳䴳<CJaJh|CJaJhV CJaJh dhF>*CJaJhFCJaJhkiCJaJh'eCJaJhxhki>*CJaJhxhkiCJaJh/GCJaJ,--6171O1P1~111111222 & F p@ P@&^`Pgd9 p & F p@ P^`P & F@& & F@&gdh+]gdJgdJ^gd|gdV ]^gdF111111111111222222 2 2 2 22222222 2!2"2$2%2&2h d0JmHnHuhV hV 0JjhV 0JUh\jh\Uhxh[CJaJh9 pCJaJhxh1"TCJaJh|CJaJhILCJaJhFCJaJhxhkiCJaJ"2222 2 2 2222"2#2$2%2&2 & F p@ P@&^`Pgd9 p&`#$5 01h:pO/ =!8"#$h% DyK !www.wiumasterplan.com/tellus.aspyK Phttp://www.wiumasterplan.com/tellus.aspDyK Ewww.communicationsmgr.com/projects/1252/docs/WIU-AlternativesWEB/pdfyK http://www.communicationsmgr.com/projects/1252/docs/WIU-AlternativesWEB/pdf@@@ rNormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH PP Heading 1$ & F @& >*CJaJRR Heading 2$ & F@&^5CJ\aJHH Heading 3$ & F@& >*CJaJJJ Heading 4$ & F@&5CJ\aJZZ Heading 5$ & F@&]^5CJ\aJDA@D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List XX Level 17$8$H$^OJQJ_HaJmH sH tH XX Level 4@ 7$8$H$^@ OJQJ_HaJmH sH tH XX Level 3p7$8$H$^pOJQJ_HaJmH sH tH X"X Level 57$8$H$^OJQJ_HaJmH sH tH XC2X Body Text Indent ^ >*CJaJ6BB6 Body TextCJaJ4 @R4 Footer  !.)@a. 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