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Consideration of Minutes 20 September 2005 鶹ý: On page 2, Goal 3 of Joe Rivess presentation, Dr. Rives told senators that 鶹ý Michigan University now plans to use 鶹ýs cost guarantee model, should be changed to read Central Michigan. On page 3, Goal 5, the Princeton Review citing 鶹ý as one of the best colleges in the United States is incorrect; the Review cited 鶹ý as a top college in the Midwest. On the last page of the minutes, the comparative salary panel discussion will be held on November 10, not November 3. APPROVED AS CORRECTED II. Announcements Approvals from the Provost Requests for New Courses a. AAS 463, Honors Thesis in African American Studies, 3 s.h. b. CSD 221, Cued Speech I, 1 s.h. c. CSD 222, Cued Speech II, 1 s.h. d. KIN 463, Personal Training, 2 s.h. 2. Request for Change in Option a. Exercise Science and Fitness Kinesiology B. Provosts Report Provost Rallo told senators that the Board of Trustees in an email vote last Friday approved the $7 per credit hour student fee for funding of the new Multicultural Center, which will house the Gwendolyn Brooks Cultural Center, Casa Latina, and the Womens Center. He said discussions have begun as to where the new Center should be sited. Provost Rallo stated the BOT also approved remodeling for the Alfred D. Boyer Baseball Stadium. Also approved was a new tin building to be located north of the Physical Plant that will house Document and Publication Services. The Provost pointed out this will free up additional space in academic buildings. Money was released last Friday for Memorial Hall remodeling, according to the Provost, so inhabitants will begin moving to other locations; specified offices will move back into Memorial in 2009. Provost Rallo has asked Assistant to the President for Budget and Planning Joe Rives to develop a website for campus renovation updates and likely use of the vacated spaces. Provost Rallo commended Director of Marketing Kristen Dunstan for the new image campaign for the Quad Cities campus. He told senators they would start to see billboards featuring the new campaign as part of efforts to stem declining enrollments at 鶹ýQC. C. SGA Report - None Other Announcements Faculty Senate will co-sponsor a comparative salary panel discussion at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 10, in Horrabin Hall 78. The discussion, co-sponsored by Senate, Faculty Development, UPI, and the 鶹ý Organization for Women, will also be uplinked to the Quad Cities campus. Chairperson Rock told senators that the Executive Committee had asked him to illuminate changes made by CAGAS to page 45 of the 2005-2006 Undergraduate Catalog regarding how professors may withdraw students from courses: It is the responsibility of the student to comply with the prerequisites/corequisites as stated in the University catalog and course syllabus for all courses he/she plans to take. Instructors may withdraw a student who does not meet course prerequisites/ corequisites at any time from course registration through the 100 percent refund/ credit period by sending the student written notification (e-mail or letter) with a copy to the Registrar. The written notification must include the reason why the student is being withdrawn from the course and must allow the student five working days to respond to the instructor to determine if the prerequisites/corequisites have been or will be satisfied. After the five working days, unless otherwise notified by the instructor, the Registrar will drop the course from the students schedule and send an updated schedule confirmation. Chairperson Rock noted that the reporting period has begun for faculty to record usage of sick or other leave online. Provost Rallo has indicated to Chairperson Rock that this reporting method may not satisfy auditors, and reporting requirements may be increased in the future, perhaps even to 15-minutes increments. Chairperson Rock will be in contact with UPI and the IBHE Faculty Advisory Council about this possibility, and he expects they will mount a substantial lobbying effort to prevent such burdensome requirements. As a follow-up to discussions at recent Executive Committee meetings regarding the composition of search committees for chairs and voting membership for searches, Chairperson Rock distributed a list of questions he had prepared surrounding apparent inconsistencies in the Chair Search and the Departmental Responsibilities policies, as well as a document prepared by Parliamentarian Hample with interpretations of portions of these policies. Chairperson Rock pointed out that although the Chair Search policy was revised by Faculty Senate last year, the Departmental Responsibilities policy, which is referenced in the Chair Search policy, dates from 1973, and the two do not seem to mesh completely. He suggested that the three senators who served on the ad hoc Senate Subcommittee to Examine the Chairs Hiring Policy Senators Rabchuk, Shouse, and Thompson meet with the Executive Committee on Tuesday to resolve some of these loose ends with the intention of making further discussion of the policies an agenda item for the October 18 Senate meting. Mandeep Singh, Director, Faculty Development Dr. Singh presented to Faculty Senate the results of a needs assessment conducted by Faculty Development last spring in order to plan program offerings for the subsequent academic year. Thirty-five faculty in the Quad Cities and 534 faculty at the Macomb campus, or 36.7 percent total, responded to the survey, in addition to 168 staff and 53 COAP employees. Dr. Singh was pleased that an almost equal number of instructors, assistant professors, associate professors, and full professors responded. The results have been broken down and analyzed by college for reporting purposes, and those results and the comprehensive data will be published on the Faculty Development webpage ( HYPERLINK "http://www.wiu.edu/facultydevelopment" www.wiu.edu/facultydevelopment). The survey asked questions such as How important is a program on this topic to you? and How likely are you to attend/use a program on this topic? Dr. Singh devised a cross product index (CPI) mean value by multiplying the importance of the issue by the likelihood of its use, and those areas with a higher CPI will be considered for future offerings by Faculty Development. Areas that showed the greatest CPI included utilization of student portfolios; using spreadsheets, databases and QuarkXpress; international initiatives, including writing an international-oriented grant, studying abroad, and faculty exchanges from another country; and opportunities for personal development, such as stress prevention and time management issues and techniques. Dr. Singh indicated his surprise that there appears to be a need for such soft skills programming, which he categorizes as skills outside of the professional domain. Dr. Singh stated that Faculty Development will offer in excess of 100 programs during the current academic year, including multicultural and First Year Experience activities. He encouraged the campus community to get involved because he said programs still suffer from low turnouts. Dr. Singh told senators the needs assessment survey will be repeated each spring, and programming decisions will be made over the summer months based upon the results. Senator Wolf stated as follow-up to previous remarks by Chairperson Rock that although the chair search policies were mentioned during Announcements, they are not formally on the agenda, so in fairness to people who did not know that it was to be mentioned, discussion at this time should be limited. She wished to state, however, that the Policy on the Hiring of Chairs was developed with the idea that as each department is unique, it should have flexibility built into it. She encouraged persons to read through the previously-distributed documents and send their concerns or input to ExCo members before next Tuesdays meeting. Senator Thompson specified that the question on voting rights coming from the Library does not involve a chair search; he stated that there is an attempt in the Library to impose Civil Service voting rights equal to faculty. Senator Mors questioned if the search process for the LEJA Department must stop or be put on hold whole the Executive Committee and Faculty Senate deliberate. Chairperson Rock responded that he had asked the Provost this question and was told the process should stop while these questions are being resolved. Provost Rallo specified that the process needs to begin sooner rather than later, but until Faculty Senate can be definitive regarding the intent and meaning of the policy, the search cannot go forward. LEJA Department Personnel Committee Chair Ken Durkin pointed out to senators that their chair search process has been going on for six weeks already, has been discussed at the Senate Executive Committee level for three weeks, and that if it must come back to Faculty Senate following the ExCo meeting next week, that will add another two weeks. Mr. Durkin stated that the two issues that were at question regarding the search process have been addressed by LEJA, and he had understood that the Senate Chair would have the ability to allow the search to move forward. He added that the majority of LEJA faculty are united in agreement with the search procedures being followed currently, with the exception of only one faculty member, and he asked that the LEJA chair search be allowed to proceed. Chairperson Rock responded that he would like to see the issue resolved and would do what he could to expedite it. Mr. Durkin pointed out that the search process will now run into late fall with advertisements perhaps not being posted until early spring semester. He contended that Faculty Senate has enough information already to make a decision. Senator Shouse stated that the question is not so much the Chair Search policy but rather the Departmental Responsibilities policy and how it is used to carry out the Chair Search policy. Chairperson Rock agreed that there seems to be a disconnect between the two documents, particularly relating to definitions of the voting members of a department as opposed to the personnel of a department. Mr. Durkin told senators that in the case of the LEJA search, no one who did not have the rank of instructor or greater participated in the search process. After additional discussion, Chairperson Rock reminded senators that this announcement is not an agenda item and that there may be other constituents that are not represented at this meeting to discuss the issue but who would wish to be. College of Education and Human Services Dean Bonnie Smith-Skripps told senators that there were plenty of opportunities to raise questions before the vote for the LEJA search committee took place and that no objections were raised at that time. Chairperson Rock asked the dean if she had requested that the LEJA Departmental Personnel Committee start the search process, and she responded that she had, per the language in the chair search policy. Provost Rallo stated that part of the issue seems to be competing definitions within the two policies, but that it seems clear that a department is faculty, and that faculty includes individuals who are not tenured or tenurable but who hold the rank of instructor on up. He asked if everyone who meets that definition in the department was a constituent in the process, and Mr. Durkin responded affirmatively. Provost Rallo then asked if the COEHS Dean had then requested the LEJA DPC to assume the lead to move the search forward, and Mr. Durkin again responded affirmatively. The Provost then suggested that if the department is defined as faculty, and that definition refers to instructors on up, and all of those have been consulted, then little is left to debate. Mr. Durkin stated that the issue in LEJA was who were allowed to vote for the search committee; he clarified that four full-time faculty who are not tenure track were included as voting members, and there is an objection to their inclusion. Senator Livingston-Webber stated that the chair search policy appears to be completely unambiguous in stating that the faculty of a department shall be full-time instructors, assistant professors, associate professors, or professors. Senator Clontz pointed out that there are people who are not present who may wish to be part of the discussion and that it was only intended as an announcement, and the Parliamentarian also advised senators that this discussion is still occurring as an announcement. Senator Shouse asked if there is any need to stop the LEJA chair search process. Parliamentarian Hample responded that the Provost had asked that the process be halted and that it was not stopped by the Faculty Senate. Provost Rallo announced that since persons who are not tenurable but are full-time at the instructor rank or above are considered to be faculty, and since all of those persons have been polled and are involved in the LEJA search process, he would withdraw his opposition to that departments chair search process and has no objection to the search continuing. But he added that the examination of the two policies should continue. Progress and Procedures in Developing the International Studies Major (Tom Tomlinson, Interim Director, Center for International Studies) Provost Rallo thanked everyone for their hard work in engaging the issues of an international studies major. He pointed out that Dr. Singhs presentation shows that this is something with which a lot of faculty wish to get involved. He stated that one thing that attracted him to 鶹ý during the interview process was the depth of the Universitys international activity, and one of the first activities of his tenure was the creation of the Center for International Studies to bring together the international pieces across campus and to support faculty in studying abroad, international grant writing, and other ventures. Provost Rallo stated the intention of an international studies major is to capture students who are not currently considering 鶹ý because we do not have such a program. He asked Dr. Tomlinson as Center Director to constitute a faculty committee to develop an international studies proposal, and all but one of the members on it are faculty. Two different consultants were also brought in. Provost Rallo would like to have the proposal discussed by Faculty Senate so that it can move through the approval process and considerations can be discussed as to where the major should be ultimately housed. Dr. Tomlinson told senators that never before at 鶹ý has such a program been attempted that cuts across colleges to such an extent. He distributed a document highlighting the sequence of events that led to the formation of the Center for International Studies and the development of the International Studies Major. The document included excerpts from Consultant Saccos report of 9-2-03 that suggested the creation of the major; a message to the campus community in Spring 2004 that described the initial efforts of the Center and work toward the major; Faculty Senate minutes of 2-3-04 where the Senate was notified about the plan and asked to participate; the Center for International Studies strategic plan, approved 2-24-04; a news release of 2-23-04 and Senate minutes of 12-7-04 announcing visits of Consultant Sacco; the creation of the Senates Council for International Education on 4-20-04; the consultants report of 1-31-05 which is on the Provosts website; and Dr. Tomlinsons update to Senate on 2-22-05. A spring 2004 needs assessment was also conducted, but only one-tenth of 鶹ýs faculty responded to it. Dr. Tomlinson stated the goal is to request funding for the international studies major by February 2006; otherwise, the proposal must wait another year. Dr. Tomlinson told senators the international studies major proposal was begun last spring and went through five drafts by Summer 2005. The Provosts Committee for International Studies (PCIS), which developed the proposal, is made up of 16 faculty members, four from each college. Beginning this fall, the proposal has gone to the deans for initial feedback, and has been reviewed by Consultant Ann Kelleher (Revision 6), the College of Arts and Sciences chairs (Revision 7), PCIS again (Revision 8), and was sent to deans and associate deans for college review and suggestions for thematic options on September 19. Those suggestions are due back by October 19. Dr. Tomlinson outlined future steps in the approval process for the proposed major: once the PCIS curriculum committee revises the draft according to college recommendations, it will be sent back to the colleges for approval of each of their themes, then will go before the Senates Council for International Education, CCPI, and Faculty Senate for approval. Dr. Tomlinson noted, however, that CIE has still not developed the guidelines that will be necessary for them to determine whether proposals fit the international criteria. Senator Wolf remarked that perhaps some input into the development of CIEs evaluation criteria might be helpful. Senator Livingston-Webber noted that there is nothing in the documentation until very recently regarding the Center for International Studies development of a major instead, the documents include phrases such as studying ways we can enhance curriculum offerings, guidance and assistance in international curriculum development, implement a plan for creation, and provide a vision of an international curriculum. She stated that this language seems to imply designing a procedure, not implementing a proposal. Senator Livingston-Webber stated that her objection to the proposal is that it is being channeled from the top down dean, chairs, faculty rather than the impetus coming from faculty who might be teaching the courses within each of the themes. Although Dr. Tomlinson stated that a memo asking colleges to develop themes accompanied the draft proposal, Senator Livingston-Webber stated that the memo was not filtered down to the faculty level; faculty were just presented with a list of themes and courses and asked for feedback with no face-to-face contact. Dr. Tomlinson responded that some of the colleges did hold meetings, but the process was done differently in each college. Senator Livingston-Webber asked why the international studies major is not located within a department or college. She stated she does not understand how it fits into the structure of the University. Dr. Tomlinson explained that the reason the Center for International Studies exists is as an academic unit under the Provost. He stated the Provost made sure that the person developing the Center initially was a faculty member so that there would be an understanding and promotion of curriculum. Dr. Tomlinson assured senators that he is attempting to get feedback on the proposal from as many faculty as possible. But Senator Wolf expressed concern that faculty who will be impacted by the major have not been asked to provide feedback until this point so that there is a sense that someone else has identified what faculty think is important to be include in an international studies major. She also stated there is a feeling that the proposal is too far into the pipeline for changes to be made, but Dr. Tomlinson disagreed. He said that while he trusts the PCIS faculty, who all have an international orientation, at this point the proposal needs to become more focused, and it is definitely not too late to make significant changes to it based upon college feedback. Senator Rabchuk expressed that while faculty should respect the work that went into preparing the proposal, the manner that it proceeded was not appropriate. He stated that the feedback that will be received now will be entirely different than if it was originally presented to departments as an outline and they were asked what they would envision for the development of an international studies major. Dr. Tomlinson reiterated that there is nothing to prevent colleges recommending an entirely different proposal than what is now on the table. In response to a question about the February deadline, Provost Rallo told senators that while there is always the need to make the process inclusive and transparent, 鶹ý is not breaking new ground with this major as international studies programs such as this exist at almost every campus in the nation. He added that although there is a lot of discussion about the process, which is important, the product is pretty straight-forward and is consistent with what one would expect to see in a university of 鶹ýs stature. Provost Rallo stated he hopes that the process is not delayed only in the end to come up with the same product. Senator Wolf suggested that, since CIE is a Senate council, the Executive Committee look seriously at the issues and concerns that have been raised because CIE should act as the council for faculty oversight and would be the place to go for faculty issues. She added that CIE should be actively involved in the process and then respond back to Faculty Senate. Dr. Tomlinson remarked that he is not sure that oversight by CIE is included in its duties within the Senates Bylaws, but Senator Wolf stated it would fall under the heading To perform such other duties as designated by the Faculty Senate. Parliamentarian Hample stated that CIE may need a formal charge, and that ExCo could discuss Senator Wolfs suggestion at its next meeting. Dr. Tomlinson stated that if ExCo plans to do this, which would set precedent, they should consider to what extent Faculty Senate plans to get involved in curriculum development prior to proposals coming to a Senate committee. Senator Wolf stated that was not her intention; faculty have raised concerns which directly impact the actions of CIE and should be overseen by Faculty Senate. III. Reports of Committees and Councils C. Council on Curricular Programs and Instruction (Patricia Anderson, Chair) Request for New Course a. JOUR 428, The Press and Popular Culture, 3 s.h. Senator Ness stated that although the course references popular culture, it is really a film course with no mention of literature, very little radio drama, and little inclusion of television. He said he feels there is a disparity between what the request says the course will do and what it actually does. Senator Ness stated he finds it curious that the course syllabus omits his own definitive works in this field. He told senators that Broadcasting had earlier raised objections to the Journalism course and wished to develop a similar course on electronic media. Senator Ness suggested one solution would be to cross-list the course with Broadcasting and have it taught by professors in each department during alternate years. SENATOR NESS OBJECTED TO THE REQUEST Chairperson Rock asked if these issues had come before CCPI and was told they had not been raised. Journalism professor Deckle McLean told senators he had understood that Broadcasting Chair Sharon Evans had signed off on the proposal and that, in turn, Journalism would support a similar Broadcasting course when it is developed in future. He stated the course has been taught as an experimental 475 course focusing on print journalism, poetry, and film. Dr. McLean said the course was never envisioned as a cross-listed course with Broadcasting. Motion: To restore the request to the agenda (Thompson/Clontz) MOTION APPROVED 17 YES 2 NO 1 AB Motion: To refer the request back to CCPI for further consideration (Thompson/Jelatis) MOTION APPROVED 20 YES 0 NO 0 AB Chairperson Rock encouraged those with interest in this course proposal to contact CCPI Chair Pat Anderson prior to Thursdays meeting. Dr. Anderson reported to senators that CCPI has put together a subcommittee to study a new area of curriculum for which there is no precedent, a 30-60 hour pre-baccalaureate certificate program to be proposed by the College of Arts and Sciences. She stated that discussion is very much in the preliminary stages at this time. Committee on Committees (Joan Livingston-Webber, Chair) SENATE COUNCILS: Council on Admission, Graduation and Academic Standards Shawn Meagher, Biology replacing Karen Mann Spr 06 only At-large Council on General Education K. ODonnell-Brown, Eng/Jour replacing Margaret Sinex Fall 05 only Humanities Tessa Pfafman, Comm replacing K. ODonnell-Brown 08 Basic Skills UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES: Fringe Benefits Committee Teri Simmons, Eng/Jour replacing Don Johnson Spr 06 only At-large Student Judicial Board K.N. Thimmaiah, Chem replacing Russ Morgan Spr 06 only At-large Traffic and Parking Committee William Polley, Econ replacing Don Johnson Spr 06 only At-large There were no further nominations. The CoC nominees were approved. IV. Old Business None V. New Business A. Professor Emeritus Recognition Chairperson Rock reminded senators that language passed last year by Senate requires their recognition of emeriti professors. The Executive Committee had discussed possible ways of recognizing emeriti faculty, such as a plaque, certificate, or wall of recognition. Chairperson Rock stated that Faculty Senate is only obligated to recognize faculty retiring since the policy was passed last year. He said the Provost is compiling a list of benefits already presented to retiring faculty. Besides those ideas already listed by Executive Committee, other suggestions by senators included an inscribed brick walkway and dedicated trees or other landscaping. Motion: To adjourn (Jelatis/Wolf) The Faculty Senate adjourned at 5:58 p.m. Jean Wolf, Secretary Annette Hamm Faculty Senate Recording Secretary     PAGE  PAGE 7 3ABJKQTY $ 0 ; |     ) S _   - . ´領xphMeCJaJhSKPCJaJhm CJaJhHTCJaJh4yCJaJhLPCJaJh{kCJaJhki5>*CJ\aJhLP56CJ\]aJh4y56CJ\]aJhki56CJ\]aJhki6CJ]aJhki5CJ\aJhkiCJaJhki,BZ[e   . / L M _ ` i ^gd4y & Fgd4y ^ gdLP  ^ `@&$a$$@&a$@& q1q. / 3 K L M O Y Z _ ` i + , E U L M N P V e f g k x z ƾεέ{pd\h(sCJaJhh\PhK>*CJaJh`5CJ\aJh4y5CJ\aJhki5CJ\aJh4yh)eCJaJh)eCJaJh6CJaJhCJaJh4y5CJaJhtCJaJhX+CJaJh4yCJaJhLPCJaJhLP>*CJaJhki>*CJaJhkiCJaJh{kCJaJ#i , M N f g y z 2XY{^gdX+gdp^pgd(s & Fgd(s^ & FgdLP & F@&gdX+  @&^ ` & Fgd4y ^z7CDMNO𻳫}ume]hCJaJhkiCJaJh{.h{.>*hBhki>*huCJaJhhkiCJaJhHThHTCJaJhWCJaJhleCJaJh&CJaJhCJaJhbCJaJhki>*CJaJhkiCJaJhHTCJaJh4>TCJaJhh>*CJaJhCJaJhKCJaJ#OP_`pq^gd, p]^pgdCUgd[g^gdW & FgdW p0^p`0 & Fgd{.^gdu^gdHT^@A`JQRVopq+Rb} "8"n"o"иааxpxdjhCJUaJh$CJaJhCJaJhSCJaJh@$CJaJh@$h[>*䴳$$>*䴳䴳䴳䴳,䴳󷡳䴳)䴳C䴳䴳W䴳䴳|䴳'""&&0(1(--22*5+5<<j?k????D^gd{^gdP^gdP^gd@$ & FgdYgd~ & Fgd[o""""""t#u#z#{#######*$+$E$w$$g%%%%%%i&j&''0(1()))8+^+m++,,7-B-K------%.'.A.H.00ťhXn CJaJhPCJaJh2|CJaJh?rCJaJh@$CJaJh$CJaJhjCJaJhEXCJaJhDh0JCJaJjhCJUaJ#jhDhCJUaJhCJaJ70%122<3K3344444445)5+5m555566!6L6[6e6q6r6{6|66<77788888899C9Q999R:d::::<</=0=>>9?i?j?k??ȸȸȰȰh{h{>*CJaJhT*CJaJhEXCJaJhaDCJaJhTyCJaJhV CJaJhjCJaJh2|CJaJhPCJaJhN5CJaJhXn CJaJ>??BCCDDjFzFFFFFG H{H|HHHaIhIqIIIIII3LCLsLuLvL0M1MMNNNNNOOOOOR RR R-RORRRR㸰hOCJaJh!CJaJhI`CJaJhwCJaJhCJaJhACJaJh|CJaJh9V'CJaJh9V'h9V'CJaJh](CJaJhEXCJaJh=CJaJh{CJaJh{hP>*CJaJ5DDIIvLwLOOSSUUZZg]h]aabb3bNbOb^gdZ ]^ ]^]^`gdzD: & Fgdvd^gd{RRSfSoSSS`XcXTZZZ]]___3__````````eagaaaaaaaaaabbbb2b4bEbNbOb\bȿȔȌhh\Phki>*CJaJh\=CJaJhZCJaJhJCJaJhTCJaJh_~CJaJhki5CJ\aJhki>*CJaJhkiCJaJhACJaJhvdCJaJhCJaJh KzCJaJh!CJaJhOCJaJ/\bfbgbjbbbbacicccccd d+d0dAdBdidqdddd|e}e~eeegggg h2h3h;hhhhºº²º²ª¢š}tllhB.CJaJhB.5CJaJh4X_5CJaJhWCJaJh4X_h4X_5CJaJhmTCJaJh4X_CJaJhEXCJaJhg CJaJh0CJaJhvdCJaJhUoCJaJh CJaJh{CJaJhkiCJaJhh\Phki>*CJaJh{>*CJaJ'Obgbbb}e~eeegg h h2h3hhhhh:i;ijj^gdB.gdB.@ ^@ gdB.@ ^@ gd4X_@ ^@ gdvd h^`hgd+ & F0`0gd+hhhhhhhhhiijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjútdWdMhZDCJ^JaJhZD5>*CJ^JaJh> h> 5>*CJ^JaJhZDhZD5>*CJ^JaJh> h> 5CJ^JaJh> h> CJ^JaJhtVh> CJaJh/CJaJh CJaJh >*CJaJhY>'h4X_5CJaJhB.hB.CJaJhg CJaJhB.CJaJhB.5CJaJh4X_hB.5CJaJjjjjjj kLkMkkkkklll6l|l ``]^``gd#c ``]^``gd/ ``^``gd gd>  ``^``gdtV `!@^!`@gd> ^gdtV & Fgd&Ejk k k k+k6k7k;k=kBkKkLkNkjkkklllll+l,l5l7lһұұҚxm_UJhmT>*CJ^JaJhyCJ^JaJhyhy>*CJ^JaJhv5CJ^JaJh#c5CJ^JaJh#c5>*CJ^JaJh#cCJ^JaJhhhhCJ^JaJhtVCJ^JaJh/CJ^JaJhvCJ^JaJh> h> CJ^JaJhhCJ^JaJh CJ^JaJhZDhZD>*CJ^JaJhh>*CJ^JaJ7lMlYlflglrl|l~llllllllllllmm%m&m*m,m1m2m:m;m=m]m^memqmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhn쿵짟{hB.hwhw>*ho hki>*h|V hyhkihyhh\Phki>*쾱䴳%䴳<CJ^JaJhwhmT>*䴳>*䴳󳾰䴳䴳䴳/llll;* hB.hB.hB.hg *fpppppppp qqqqqqqqq & F p@ @&^` & F p@ P@&^`P & F p@ P^`P & F & F@&q!q"q#q.q/q0q1q2q&`#$5 01h:pO/ =!8"#$h% DyK www.wiu.edu/facultydevelopmentyK Lhttp://www.wiu.edu/facultydevelopment@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH P@P Heading 1$ & F @& >*CJaJR@R Heading 2$ & F@&^5CJ\aJH@H Heading 3$ & F@& >*CJaJJ@J Heading 4$ & F@&5CJ\aJZ@Z Heading 5$ & F@&]^5CJ\aJDA@D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k@(No List XOX Level 17$8$H$^OJQJ_HaJmH sH tH XOX Level 4@ 7$8$H$^@ OJQJ_HaJmH sH tH XOX Level 3p7$8$H$^pOJQJ_HaJmH sH tH XO"X Level 57$8$H$^OJQJ_HaJmH sH tH XC@2X Body Text Indent ^ >*CJaJ6B@B6 Body TextCJaJ4 @R4 Footer  !.)@a. 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