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This change will be made to the official minutes retained for file copies and posted on the web. On the bottom of p.4, the minutes should reflect that Mr. Rodriguez wants all computer problems to be phoned in to the Help Desk or to be emailed to  HYPERLINK "mailto:supportcenter@wiu.edu" supportcenter@wiu.edu. At that meeting, Senator Pynes offered alternative email addresses to the one that Mr. Rodriguez has chosen to use. APPROVED AS CORRECTED II. Announcements A. Approvals from the President and Provost 1. Approvals from the President a. Change of Grade Policy 2. Approvals from the Provost a. Request for New Course i. STAT 409, Probability and Statistics for Middle School Teachers, 3 s.h. b. Request for Change in Minor i. Womens Studies B. Provosts Report Provost Thomas welcomed faculty back to the University. He announced that the process is underway for final approval of the revised professional achievement award (PAA) instrument for each department. A clean revised copy will be sent to departments within the next two weeks. Faculty wishing to apply for PAA points this year should submit the necessary forms by February 16, but Provost Thomas said his office plans to be flexible in case more time is needed. Provost Thomas is in the process of scheduling appointments to meet with department chairs, Departmental Personnel Committee chairs, Assistant Provost Ken Hawkinson, and President Goldfarb to recap the PAA process and go over the new procedures. Consolidated annual budget reports are due from deans by March 17. Provost Thomas stated departments should be working on their reports and submitting them to deans based on their college timetables. Deans will present their annual reports to the public on March 24. Presentations will be made in Sherman Hall 205, and may also be viewed via CODEC in Horrabin Hall 1 and 鶹ýQC Room 106, according to the following schedule: 8:00-9:00 a.m. Arts and Sciences Dean Inessa Levi 9:30-10:30 a.m. Business and Technology Dean Tom Erekson 11:00-noon Education and Human Services Dean Bonnie Smith-Skripps 1:30-2:30 p.m. Fine Arts and Communication Dean Paul Kreider 3:00-4:00 p.m. University Libraries Dean Phyllis Self Vice Presidents are scheduled to publicly present their annual reports on April 30 and May 1. The annual reports timetable will also be posted on the Provosts website. Provost Thomas reminded senators that 鶹ý has a true budget process and believes that after engaging in the consolidated annual report process for one year, individuals will understand the process better this year. The Provost stated that although the University is operating in difficult times, the budget process still needs to be followed, and departments and colleges still need to ask for all of the items they feel they need. Provost Thomas reminded senators that the first set of data since the new General Education plan was approved by Faculty Senate in Fall 2007 is now due to be submitted to Associate Provost Judi Dallinger by February 20. Questions about the process can be directed to Council for General Education (CGE) Chair Phyllis Rippey or to Associate Provost Dallinger. The Provost updated senators on recently completed and ongoing searches across the University. Searches for a Dean for the College of Education and Human Services and a new Director for the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access have been extended. Recently completed departmental chair searches include Geography, History, Psychology, and Womens Studies. Provost Thomas congratulated Senator Boynton on being chosen to chair the Department of History. Searches continue for chairs of English and Journalism, Engineering Technology, Physics, Social Work, and Special Education. Additionally, 40 faculty searches are currently underway. Provost Thomas pointed out that 鶹ý is in a better position than many institutions because of its ability to pull from reserve funds, but the University is being very careful about spending at this time. He said some institutions are initiating furloughs and lay-offs, but 鶹ý is not initiating a hiring freeze at this time and remains in good standing right now. Provost Thomas will be meeting with the Deans Council to speak about the budget situation and related Academic Affairs concerns. He said that while 鶹ý may at some point have to do things a little different, 鶹ý needs to continue to be a University on the move. C. Student Government Association (SGA) Report (Danielle Schilling, SGA representative to Faculty Senate) The Student Government Association will hold its first meeting of the semester this evening. D. Other Announcements 1. Chairperson DeVolder welcomed two new senators. Byoungjik Lee will replace Marty Maskarinec while he is on sabbatical this semester. Lisa Miczo is joining Faculty Senate after having completed her fall 2008 sabbatical. 2. Chairperson DeVolder announced the 鶹ý Board of Trustees expressed their appreciation to Faculty Senate for the resolution sent to the Governors office to ask that current seats on the Board be filled and that those Trustees serving expired terms be reappointed. The Board of Trustees read the last section of the Senates resolution into their minutes verbatim. Chairperson DeVolder thanked Senator Boynton for her work on the resolution. 3. The Faculty Senate website has been revamped by Heather McMeekan in the Center for the Application of Instructional Technology. It was just uploaded today, so the agenda and minutes were not able to be posted for this meeting but should be able to be posted for the next one. 4. Ballots to vote for a senator at-large to replace Ashish Pathak on Faculty Senate should be returned in the white envelopes to the Senate office no later than February 3. 5. A faculty member forwarded information to the Senate Executive Committee about a new book rental service. Two book rental companies BookRenter and BookSwim have combined to establish a college textbook rental partnership,  HYPERLINK "http://www.bookswim.com" www.bookswim.com. According to their website, the base subscription plan is $19.98 a month after the first month introductory price, with some plans allowing users to rent up to 11 books at one time. Additional similar services may exist to provide students with options for obtaining textbooks less expensively. 6. A report was distributed from Steve Rock, 鶹ý representative to the Faculty Advisory Council of the Illinois Board of Higher Education, on the FY 10 ISBE budget projections. III. Reports of Committees and Councils A. Council on Admission, Graduation and Academic Standards (Bob Intrieri, Chair) 1. Requested Change in GPA Requirements for School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration This item was removed from the agenda at the request of the department. B. Council on Curricular Programs and Instruction (Nancy Parsons, Chair) 1. Requests for New Courses a. BC 399, Arts Technology and Design Practicum, 1 s.h. b. CONS 305, Sustainable Agriculture, 3 s.h. The question was raised whether the department would like for this course to be included in the Environmental Studies minor. Agriculture professor Joel Gruver responded that Environmental Studies students would likely be interested in this class, and he would be open to listing it in the minor. c. HIST 144, History of the Middle East, 3 s.h. d. MUS 248, Introduction to Music Recording and Production Techniques, 3 s.h. e. SPAN 342, Spanish for Health Care, 3 s.h. f. THEA 199, Introduction to Arts Technology and Design NEW COURSES APPROVED 2. Request for New Minor a. Fine Arts Technology and Design In response to a question, Fine Arts and Communication Associate Dean Sharon Evans clarified the minor will be housed within the college at-large. NEW MINOR APPROVED C. Council on General Education (Phyllis Rippey, Chair) 1. Request for Inclusion in General Education a. HIST 144, History of the Middle East, 3 s.h. Dr. Rippey told senators the Council unanimously recommended inclusion of HIST 144 in its General Education offerings for the Humanities and Multicultural categories. In response to a question regarding Gen Ed goals, Dr. Rippey stated that while no course is required to meet all of the Gen Ed goals, this course was able to do so. HIST 144 APPROVED FOR GEN ED 2. Updated Policies and Procedures Chairperson DeVolder told senators he visited the Senates councils and committees at the beginning of the academic year and asked them to update existing policies and procedures or to create policies and procedures where none exist. Dr. Rippey told senators the Council on General Educations policies and procedures had not been changed for many years, so they were updated to the current plan of assessment and responsibilities charged to the council. Faculty Senate recommended that the Mission Statement of the council add reference to schools so that it would read, The mission of the Council on General Education is to serve and respect the interests and goals of the University, its Colleges, Schools, and Departments, by assuming primary responsibility for facilitating and fostering the Philosophy and Goals of General Education. NO OBJECTIONS D. Committee on Committees (Janna Deitz, Chair) SENATE COUNCILS: Council for Instructional Technology Brenda Fauls, Music replacing Joseph Schmitz 2010 FA&C UNIVERSITY COUNCILS: University Honors Council Laura Finch, Kinesiology replacing Lynda Conover Spring 09 only E&HS There were no other nominations from the floor. The candidates were declared elected. IV. Old Business A. Committee on Provost and Presidential Performance (Christopher Pynes, Chair) 1. Revised Survey Instruments Senator Pynes stated his goal in revising the survey was to obtain more data using fewer questions with less repetition. Senator Pynes attempted to make the questions short and to the point, and separated conjunctive sentences. Survey questions were changed from seven values of response ranging from not effective to highly effective to a five-point system. A question was added to the end of the surveys asking how much contact the respondent has with the Provost or President. Senator Pynes stated there will be no attempt made to correlate this answer with any other answer, so there should be no concerns that persons who have less contact would have their responses considered less important. Senator Pynes said he included the question because it may provide information that will be of interest to the committee as well as to the President and Provost. He said Tere North has posted the first part of the surveys, and any senator who wishes to see the new format can let Senator Pynes know. When asked if he has shared the revised surveys yet with the President and Provost, Senator Pynes replied he has not yet done so, but he would like to give them the opportunity to provide input. He said President Goldfarb has stated the survey belongs to Faculty Senate to administer as desired, but that he might have some ideas. Senator Pynes believes it is important to ask the President and Provost what kinds of useful feedback they would like to receive in order to help them perform their job better and deal more effectively with faculty concerns. Senator Daytner asked if the typical faculty member responding to the survey would know the answer to some of the questions, such as whether the President/Provost works effectively with Student Services to foster policies for student leadership or co-curricular participation. Senator Pynes responded this was retained from previous surveys but has now been separated into two questions rather than using a conjunction. He said that if it is found that faculty consistently respond with no opinion or no answer to this or other questions, the committee might consider recommending removing those questions from future surveys. Senator Pettit reminded senators that the purpose of this and other questions on the survey was to tie them into the President and Provosts job descriptions. Senator Jelatis believes that the survey should remain tied to the job descriptions somehow in future because it would be unfair to evaluate the President and Provost on things they may not even have been hired to do. Parliamentarian Kaul remarked that one problem with using job descriptions for the basis of the evaluations is that after a few years the job may have evolved. He said asking the President how he feels the job has changed or how he feels about his job would be a much more meaningful process. Senator Pynes stated he has asked Dr. North to include the job description as a link so that respondents can read it before taking the survey if they wish to do so. Senator Pynes remarked that most other institutions do not administer presidential surveys yearly but every three to five years. He thinks Faculty Senate should consider whether a president who has been at the institution five years should continue to be evaluated yearly. Senator Pynes thinks the Universitys provosts should be evaluated more often than its presidents because personnel in that position change more often. He theorized that less frequent surveys of the president and provost might lead to a greater response rate. Parliamentarian Kaul suggested that the response rate might be improved if in future the President and Provost were asked to provide a self-assessment of some kind with regard to the broad categories on the survey. He feels this would provide respondents with some kind of context around which to base their opinions and would enable the committee, Provost, and President to see if faculty perceptions match those of the two administrators being evaluated. Senator Pynes stated he would be sympathetic to adding a self-evaluation for future surveys. He said the survey could even be made as simple as asking for an overall assessment of the President and Provost relevant to one or two areas with write-in comments. Senator Boynton also stated her support for some kind of self-assessment. She compared it to the personnel review process, where faculty are asked to submit a portfolio, evaluate their own performance, and then the evaluator also provides an assessment. Senator Pynes stated he hopes faculty can be alerted that this years survey is quicker and easier to complete. Dr. Intrieri stated he has heard from a number of faculty through the years that they do not know how to answer some of the survey questions. He said those questions that faculty are unable to answer should be looked at closely by the committee because it may indicate a lack of diffusion of information to the faculty on that particular subject area. Senator Pynes said the reason faculty may not have answered some questions in the past is because they were presented as complex questions, which is what the revised survey has attempted to address. Dr. Intrieri suggested that the end of the survey might include a question asking those faculty who responded no opinion or no answer to any question why they chose to do so if they perceived a lack of information regarding what the President or Provost are doing in that particular area or if there is another explanation. Alternatively, Senator Pynes suggested the survey could include a question asking if the respondent felt sufficiently informed to participate in the evaluation. Senator Baker-Sperry added that if respondents indicate they did not feel sufficiently informed, the survey should ask them about which specific areas they felt this way. Senator Pynes said a question could be added inquiring if more information would have been helpful in taking this survey and could include a yes/no checkbox as well as a text box. Senator Jelatis stated the question asking how much contact the respondent has with the President/Provost might blur into the question asking if respondents felt sufficiently informed. She said respondents who have more contact with the President/Provost might have more information on how to complete the survey. Senator Hironimus-Wendt, who had previously served on the Council for Provost and Presidential Performance, expressed concerns about over complication of the survey. He encouraged senators to at this point agree to distribute the current version and possibly revise future instruments. He reminded senators that the committee must distribute the instrument in time to compile results and present them to Senate in early April. Senator Deitz agrees with using the current revised survey this year. She noted that since there is not an I dont know category on the survey, respondents may answer in the middle of the rank choices rather than choose no answer or no opinion. She added that additional information may not lead respondents to replace no answer with an answer to a question. Senator Pynes reminded senators to contact him if they would like to see a mock-up of the final survey. He said the question asking how much contact respondents have with the President or Provost will be changed to ask how much interaction they have. Motion: To approve the revised survey instrument for the President and Provost reviews with proofreading corrections (Siddiqi/Baker-Sperry) MOTION APPROVED 19 YES 0 NO 0 AB Chairperson DeVolder thanked the committee for its work on the revision, stating as a past co-chair of the Committee on Provost and Presidential Performance, he thinks it is a tremendous improvement. V. New Business A. Constitutional Amendment to Establish a Dedicated Faculty Senate Seat for University Libraries 1. First reading Chairperson DeVolder reminded senators that a vote on this amendment will take place at the next meeting. It must pass by two-thirds of the Senate membership before distribution to the voting faculty, who must pass the amendment by majority vote for it to become part of the Senate Constitution. The amendment to Article III, Section 2.b. of the Senate Constitution would add the sentence, One representative shall be elected by and from the faculty at-large whose primary assignment is in University Libraries. The question was raised whether at-large is necessary; Chairperson DeVolder responded it was included for consistency with the rest of this section. In response to a question, Chairperson DeVolder clarified that, if passed, this article would allow for Library faculty to vote for one of their own members to represent them on Faculty Senate. Senator Pynes stated that if the comparison is to be made with Quad Cities faculty, who also vote for one of their own members to be seated on Faculty Senate, it should be pointed out that there are approximately 50 faculty based in the Quad Cities and only 18 faculty in University Libraries. He noted that whereas Quad Cities faculty can be elected to represent 鶹ýQC or their home college, Library faculty, if the amendment passes without other changes to the Bylaws, would be eligible to serve as a Library representative, a College of Arts and Sciences representative, and an at-large representative. Senator Siddiqi stated that if the amendment is approved by Faculty Senate and by the faculty at-large, he will bring forward an amendment to change the Bylaws so that the Library would no longer be considered a part of Arts and Sciences for purposes of voting and representation. It was pointed out that wording on the Constitution referring to 鶹ýQC as 鶹ý Illinois Universitys Regional Center in the Quad Cities should be changed. Parliamentarian Kaul believes this can be updated without a vote of the entire faculty since it is just an update to current usage. Senator Boynton thanked the Faculty Senate Recording Secretary for preparing a chart of elections for which Library faculty have been eligible from 2000-2009. Motion: To adjourn (Brice) The Faculty Senate adjourned at 5:07 p.m. Gordon Pettit, Senate Secretary Annette Hamm, Faculty Senate Recording Secretary     PAGE  PAGE 7 2BKZ[\`fs    zog\QF\hCh{%CJaJhChPCJaJhCh$ CJaJhHCJaJhChHCJaJhCh@_CJaJhCh11CJaJhCh75CJaJhCh75>*CJaJhCh7#CJaJhCh^CJaJhCh7CJaJh]h:56h]h756 hCh7h]h#5h]h75h]h75>*B[\f - ^gd:  ^ `@&$a$$@&a$ $^a$gd] $ & Fa$gd]  ( < Q W c m y    7 D S a 궫߫ߕ߉~߉sk`UhChCJaJhChICJaJhHCJaJhChrOCJaJhCh:CJaJhCh75CJaJhChxCJaJhChuuCJaJhChPCJaJhChF|CJaJhChzCJaJh:CJaJhCh\@CJaJhCh7CJaJhCh$ CJaJhCh{%CJaJa p  t u , - . 0 {{n{cXMhChPoCJaJhChC)CJaJhCh:CJaJh>Th\0JCJaJjh\CJUaJh\CJaJh7CJaJhCh@_CJaJhChJCJaJhCh7>*CJaJhCh7CJaJhCh{%CJaJhCh11CJaJhChCJaJhn5CJaJh:CJaJhChOACJaJ- . 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