ࡱ>   bjbjVV ><<W7L L 8lGTR"$F77LT!!!!!!~K8ӓP OzXTۍHӓӓ^1!77!L U: COUNCIL ON CURRICULAR PROGRAMS AND INSTRUCTION Thursday, 325 February228 October September1 March 2011 Algonquin Room - University Union - 3:30 p.m. A C T I O N M I N U T E S MEMBERS PRESENT: S. Bennett, A. Doyle (SGA rep), J. King, T. Kupka, J. LaPrad, C. Kovacs, K. Myers, K. Myers, N. Parsons, N, Parsons, S. Romano, A. Valeva, A. Valeva, S. Romano, T. Westerhold Ex-officio: J. Dallinger, J. Dallinger, D. Williams MEMBERS ABSENT: K. Neumann T. KupkaJ. Benton, J. LaPrad, C. Piletic, None GUESTS: Dale Adkins, Dean Alexander, Marjorie Allison, David Banash, Rori Carson, Sharon Evans, Denise Gravitt, Karen Greathouse, W. Buzz Hoon, Don Johnson, Tej Kaul, Fuyuan Ling, Carol Longley, Russ Morgan, Terry Mors, Mark Mossman, Michael Murray, Jill Myers, Tej Kaul, Mike Murray, Keri Allison, Pat Anderson, Brian Clark, Sean Cordes, Rose McConnell, Russ Morgan, David Patrick, Alphonso Simpson, Bill Thompson, John WozniakVicki Nicholson, Bill Pratt, Sam Thompson, T.K. Vinod, Jess White, John Wozniak Consideration of Minutes 10 March 2011 MINUTES APPROVED AS DISTRIBUTED Approvals from the Provost Request for New Course LEJA 415, Privacy, Technology, and Law, 3 s.h. Request for New Minor Legal Studies Announcements None Old Business Curricular Requests from the Department of Broadcasting Requests for New Courses BC 201/301; 203/303; 204/304; 205/305; 206/306; 207/307, Applied Studies Announcing (Practica), 1 s.h. per semester, repeatable to a maximum of 10 semesters Change: Delete Dependent on which practicum a student enrolls for from the beginning of the course objectives list. APPLIED STUDIES ANNOUNCING (PRACTICA) APPROVED WITH CHANGE 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB BC 208/308; 209/309, Applied Studies Radio Studio (Practica), 1 s.h. per semester, repeatable to a maximum of 10 semesters APPLIED STUDIES RADIO STUDIO (PRACTICA) APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB BC 211/311; 213/313; 214/314; 215/315; 216/316; 217/317, Applied Studies Sports Production (Practica), 1 s.h. per semester, repeatable to 10 semesters Change: Delete Dependent on which practicum a student enrolls for from the beginning of the course objectives list. APPLIED STUDIES SPORTS PRODUCTION (PRACTICA) APPROVED WITH CHANGE 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB BC 218/318, Applied Studies Interactive Sports Production (Practica), 1 s.h. per semester, repeatable to a maximum of 10 semesters Dr. Kupka asked why the course objectives do not mention technology, such as green screens. Broadcasting Chair Sharon Evans responded the usage is entirely social media. Change: Delete Dependent on which practicum a student enrolls for from the beginning of the course objectives list. APPLIED STUDIES INTERACTIVE SPORTS PRODUCTION (PRACTICA) APPROVED WITH CHANGE 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB BC 219/319, Applied Studies Sports Reporting (Practica), 1 s.h. per semester, repeatable to a maximum of 10 semesters 鶹ý: Delete Dependent on which practicum a student enrolls for from the beginning of the course objectives list. Correct numbering of course objectives. APPLIED STUDIES SPORTS REPORTING (PRACTICA) APPROVED WITH CHANGES 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB Request for Change of Major Broadcasting Change: Change proposed Open Electives totals to 16-21 s.h. BROADCASTING MAJOR APPROVED WITH CHANGE 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB New Business Curricular Requests from the School of Engineering Requests for New Courses ENGR 220, Computational Methods for Engineers, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve ENGR 220 (Parsons/Westerhold) Chairperson LaPrad questioned a 300-level math prerequisite for a 200-level course. Engineering Chair Bill Pratt explained that most other universities in the state require students to complete their math sequence during their first year, and Black Hawk and Scott Community College transfer students, which provide the majority of enrollments to 鶹ýs Engineering program, will already have taken the equivalent to MATH 333, so it should not be a problem. MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB ENGR 453, Geotechnical Design, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve ENGR 453 (Westerhold/Doyle) Dr. Bennett observed that about one-third of the topics covered in ENGR 453 are also covered in GEOL 485, Elements of Engineering Geology. He noted that while the focus of the class is different, it would be good to see it mentioned in the Relationship to Courses in Other Departments section. CCPI also asked for an email of support from the Geology Chair. 鶹ý: Include reference to GEOL 485 in the Relationship to Courses in Other Departments section and obtain an email of support from Geology Chair. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB ENGR 460, Steel Design, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve ENGR 460 (Westerhold/Parsons) MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB ENGR 461, Concrete Design, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve ENGR 461 (Westerhold/Myers) MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB Request for Change of Major Engineering Motion: To approve change in Engineering major (Romano/King) Dr. Pratt explained that Illinois is the only state that requires 15 hours of math (beyond trigonometry) and 15 hours of physics and chemistry. The existing program included 18 hours of math and 12 hours of physics/chemistry, and Dr. Pratt told CCPI that 鶹ýs Engineering students would not have been allowed to take the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam in the state unless the program was brought into compliance, even though it is ABET accredited. The decision was made to drop the requirement for linear algebra, bringing the total for math to 15 s.h., and add one physics or chemistry course for an additional 3 s.h. Dr. Valeva asked how Engineering students will be able to take differential equations, MATH 333, without taking linear algebra, MATH 311. Dr. Pratt responded when the message from the state licensing board was received, it was determined that Engineering students dont need a full course of linear algebra. He noted that the University of Illinois requires linear algebra, but it isnt a prerequisite for any of their bachelor-level courses. He believes Engineering students will cover the algebra that they need in the new ENGR 220, Computational Methods for Engineers, which he stated is a powerful course. Dr. Pratt explained the school is trying to keep the degree as lean as possible with only the courses that students absolutely have to have while encouraging them to take additional electives their senior years for more depth in multiple areas. Dr. Valeva stressed that students need MATH 311 or, in her experience, it will cause them unnecessary problems when they take the MATH 333 requirement; Dr. Pratt replied that in that case, MATH 311 should be a prerequisite for MATH 333, and it is not. Dr. Westerhold remarked that the college curriculum committee expressed the same concerns, and held long discussions across two meetings about the change in major. She stated Engineering needs to make sure it carves out ENGR 220 to include proper coverage of the necessary mathematics principles for students. Dr. Bennett observed that the two physics courses included in the major are both only offered in the fall; Dr. Pratt responded he is aware of that and is not happy about it, but the department did not coordinate with Engineering. Dr. Pratt told CCPI the School of Engineering began six years ago with two students and last fall had 33 enrolled. Of those, 22 came from Black Hawk College, eight from Scott Community College, and three from Macomb. He stated that Black Hawk College formerly enrolled 17 students in its Physics I class and now has 35, of which 90 percent will likely come to 鶹ýs Engineering program. MOTION APPROVED 9 YES 0 NO 1 AB Curricular Requests from the Department of Accountancy Requests for 鶹ý in Prerequisites Motion: To approve FIN 311, 341, 351, and 371 (Westerhold/Parsons) FIN 311, Introduction to Finance, 3 s.h. Current: ACCT 200 or 201 and ECON 231, 232 Proposed: MATH 100 FIN 341, Financial Institutions, 3 s.h. Current: ACCT 201 and ECON 231, 232 Proposed: MATH 100 FIN 351, Risk Management and Insurance, 3 s.h. Current: FIN 311 or 331 or permission of the instructor Proposed: MATH 100 FIN 371, Investments, 3 s.h. Current: ACCT 201 and ECON 231 Proposed: MATH 100 Dr. Bennett noted that many students test out of MATH 100, which would effectively mean that the 300-level courses would not have prerequisites and should be 200-level courses. Dr. Westerhold remarked that this was also discussed when the changes were considered at the college level, and the department recognizes that they will see a huge variance in the proficiency level of their students. Accounting and Finance professor Don Johnson added that the College of Business and Technology has a junior level and 2.5 or above GPA requirement in place for all of their upper-level courses. He explained that the changes are proposed so that students from other colleges could also take the classes, such as those who might desire a marketing minor. Dr. Romano asked how often MATH 100 is the highest requirement for a course; Associate Provost Dallinger responded this occurs quite often. Dr. Valeva expressed that she sees a lack of basic understanding in many business majors at the junior level, but Economics and Decision Sciences Chair Tej Kaul pointed out that if this is apparent with the current prerequisites in place for these classes, removing them is not what is creating the problem. Dr. Kupka remarked that while there seems to be a trend University-wide toward increasing enrollments rather than strengthening programs, he trusts that the Department of Accounting and Finance have had many meetings about these changes and is willing to support his colleagues in their decisions about their courses. Change: Add or higher after the MATH 100 prerequisite for each course. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 5 YES 2 NO 3 AB Curricular Requests from the Department of Economics and Decision Sciences Motion: To approve ECON 470 and 471 (Romano/Kupka) Request for New Course ECON 471, International Monetary Economics, 3 s.h. Request for Change in Course Description ECON 470, International Trade, 3 s.h. Current: A study of the theoretical and institutional aspects of international trade; effect of trade and factor movements on economic welfare; balance of payments; problems of international disequilibrium; process of balance of payments adjustments; barriers to trade; and the search for economic stability and growth through international cooperation. Proposed: A study of the theoretical and institutional aspects of international trade; effect of trade and factor movements on economic welfare. Problems of international disequilibrium; and the search for economic stability and growth through international cooperation. Dr. Kaul explained that ECON 470 has included more material than can be taught in one semester, so the decision was made to move the material on international trade into the new ECON 471. Change: Replace the period after economic welfare in the proposed course description with a semi-colon so that it reads, factor movements on economic welfare; problems of international MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB Curricular Requests from the Department of Sociology and Anthropology Request for Cross-Listing ANTH/ZOOL 417, Primate Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve ANTH/ZOOL 417 (Myers/King) 鶹ý: Change heading to ANTH/ZOOL 417 and change effective date to fall 2011. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB Request for Change of Minor Functional Morphology and Evolutionary Anatomy Motion: To approve change in Functional Morphology and Evolutionary Anatomy minor (Parsons/Kupka) 鶹ý: Change total existing and proposed semester hours to 21-24. Make the existing directed electives match what is reflected in the undergraduate catalog. Change directed electives (b) to 9-12 s.h. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB Curricular Requests from the Department of English and Journalism Request for Change in Course Description ENG 482, Life Writing, 3 s.h. Current: A service-learning course that pairs students with retired community members and teaches techniques for ghost writing and publishing life stories. Proposed: Examines issues relevant for writing biography and/or autobiography, focusing on memoir, family history, and/or creative nonfiction. Theory and practice of relevant techniques such as ghost writing, interviewing, and revision. Motion: To approve ENG 482 (Westerhold/Romano) English and Journalism professor David Banash explained that whereas a previous ENG 482 professor took students to retirement homes to gather material for the class, other instructors have been teaching the course in different ways, and the course description change is intended to reflect that. Dr. Kupka asked why the decision was not made to change the course title as well. Dr. Banash responded that life writing can mean many things, so the name is still inclusive of what will occur during the class. MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB Request for Change in Prerequisite ENG 476, Senior Seminar, 3 s.h. Current: ENG 280, ENG 299 with a grade of C or better, or consent of instructor Proposed: ENG 280; ENG 299 with a grade of C or better, junior standing, or consent of instructor Motion: To approve ENG 476 (Romano/Myers) CCPI members questioned why juniors are allowed to register for what is termed a senior seminar. Dr. Banash explained that while the department is trying to keep the enrollment small, a second semester junior who has taken a lot of 300-level courses and is interested in the topic being addressed in the course could be allowed into it. He added that since the course is a graduation requirement, to limit it to seniors would result in the enrollment growing past the 15-student goal. He stated that ENG 476 has an enrollment of 27 students currently, which is too many. Dr. Kupka asked if the departments goals could still be accomplished by changing the perquisites to senior standing. Dr. Banash stated he would not be opposed to the change; he related that, given the popularity of some instructors, sophomores were clamoring to be allowed to take the course, and the change is intended to signal that students must be of at least junior standing. Dr. Kupka noted that if Senior Seminar is not intended as a junior level class, then to include junior standing in the prerequisites is a misnomer. English and Journalism professor Marjorie Allison expressed her uncertainty that individual instructors would make the same determinations as to whether lower-level students should be allowed to take the course as would advisors or the chair. Department Chair Mark Mossman added that certain second semester juniors with an interest in the specific topic could add to the quality of the class. Change: Change prerequisites to ENG 280; ENG 299 with a grade of C or better, junior senior standing, or consent of instructor department chair. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB Request for Change of Minor English Motion: To approve change in English minor (Myers/Bennett) MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB Curricular Requests from the Department of Engineering Technology Request for Cross-Listing MET/CSTM 356, Introduction to Power Systems, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve MET/CSTM 356 (Romano/Parsons) MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB Requests for New Courses CSTM 132, Construction Laboratory, 2 s.h. Motion: To approve CSTM 132 (Doyle/Romano) MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB CSTM 440, Green & Sustainable Construction, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve CSTM 440 (Parsons/Romano) 鶹ý: Change the last sentence of the catalog description to read, Sustainable construction rating systems will be discussed with the focus will be on LEED criteria. Remove Students will be able to from the beginning of individual course objectives to avoid repetition with the introductory phraseology. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB ET 320, Professional Preparation in Engineering Technology, 2 s.h. Motion: To approve ET 320 (Parsons/Westerhold) Dr. Valeva remarked that the catalog description seems similar to requirements for Business Communications 320. Engineering Technology professor Denise Gravitt explained that the proposed course will address industry-specific communications using specific standards, such as logo usage and daily reporting communications. The course will also cover resume writing and the job search process, so CCPI asked that its relationship to BCOM 320 be included in the Relationship to Courses in Other Departments section and a letter of support be obtained from the chair of Management and Marketing, as well as a letter from Agriculture since AG 320 is also mentioned in that section. 鶹ý: Change prefix to MET because the departments request to change the prefix to ET has not yet been approved by IBHE. Add the phrase, related to engineering technology at the end of the catalog description. Remove learn to from the beginning of the first and fourth course objectives. Change the beginning of the fifth course objective from gain knowledge and understanding of to an action verb such as explore, examine, or describe. Add how the course relates to BCOM 320 in the Relationship to Courses in Other Departments section. Obtain letters of support from Agriculture and Management/Marketing. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB Request for Change in Prerequisite CSTM 232, Construction Systems, 2 s.h. Current: None Proposed: CSTM 132 Motion: To approve CSTM 232 (Parsons/Kupka) MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB Curricular Requests from the Department of Geography Request for Change in Course Title and Description GEOG 121, Introduction to Landforms, 4 s.h. Current: Introduction to Landforms An introduction to landforms, major processes affecting landforms, and the landform regions of the U.S. Proposed: Planet Earth: Surface Processes and Interactions This is a course about the interplay between landforms, soils, water, climate, and life forms (including humans) on the Earths surface, and how these interact to shape the surface of Planet Earth. It also covers the distribution of landforms in the U.S. and other countries. Motion: To approve GEOG 121 (King/Romano) Change: Reduce catalog description to 40 words by removing This is a course about from the beginning of the description. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB Curricular Requests from the Department of Dietetics, Fashion Merchandising, and Hospitality Request for New Course FCS 463, Casino Operations Management, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve FCS 463 (Romano/Parsons) Dr. Kupka questioned whether the course really applies to operations management, which normally involves a single entity in an industry. DFMH professor Carol Longley explained the department wishes to offer the new casino management course to provide students with skills that might help with future employment such as how to manage casino operations. She added the course would be offered as an elective. DFMH Chair Karen Greathouse explained that students taking the 400-level course will have taken a number of upper-level management courses and can build upon that education for the skills needed for this class. Dr. Valeva remarked that the course does not require any management courses as prerequisites. Dr. Parsons observed that the catalog description does not seem to focus on operations management but on basic casino issues. Dr. Kupka added that while there may be very different things that casinos do in the Family and Consumer Sciences discipline, he is not seeing that in the title and catalog description of the course. Department representatives agreed to remove management from the course title and to realign sentences within the catalog description to better represent the course. Additional discussion occurred regarding appropriate prerequisites to add to the course. Dr. Westerhold questioned the inclusion of utility analysis in the catalog description and course objectives, explaining that this is a very specific tool of economics and is a 300-level course in that discipline. Dr. Greathouse explained the utility analysis of gaming motivation is a very different concept for students in her discipline; utility analysis can be applied to why people gamble and what trade-offs they make to do so, so it is a simplified version of the concept. 鶹ý: Remove reference to cross-listing with RPTA from course prefix in title, as well as changing statement in Relationship to Courses in Other Departments to read, This course has been will be cross listed with RPTA because that request cannot be approved until the new course is approved. Correct misspelling of LEJA in Relationship to Courses in Other Departments. Remove Management from title, and change abbreviated title to CASINO OPER rather than CASINO MGT. Rearrange catalog description so that it reads, Description of basic casino operations and principles of casino marketing, mathematics of casino games, and utility analysis of gaming motivation and gaming addictions. Exploration of career opportunities in the gaming industry. Historical background and impact of gaming on hospitality industry. Add FCS 353 or RPTA 322 or 323 to course prerequisites. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 9 YES 0 NO 1 AB Request for Cross-Listing FCS/RPTA 463, Casino Operations Management, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve FCS/RPTA 463 (Parsons/Romano) 鶹ý: Change title of course to Casino Operations. Change catalog description to reflect changes made to FCS 463. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 9 YES 0 NO 1 AB Requests for 鶹ý in Prerequisites FCS 301, Food Science Theory and Applications, 3 s.h. Current: CHEM 101 and FCS 152 and 153, junior/senior standing or permission of instructor Proposed: FCS 109, CHEM 101 and FCS 152 and 153, and junior/senior standing; or permission of instructor Motion: To approve FCS 301 (Parsons/King) Change: Change junior/senior standing in prerequisites to junior standing. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 8 YES 0 NO 2 AB FCS 306, Nutrition Science I, 3 s.h. Current: CHEM 101, CHEM 102, FCS 109, KIN 291 Proposed: CHEM 101, CHEM 102, FCS 209 Motion: To approve remaining FCS requests (Parsons/Romano) FCS 404, Nutrition Assessment, 3 s.h. Current: FCS 306 Proposed: FCS 209 FCS 407, Dietetics Communication and Education, 3 s.h. Current: CS 101, HRM 353, 30 s.h. in foods, food service, or nutrition courses, and junior standing or permission of the instructor Proposed: FCS 209 and junior/senior standing Change: Change junior/senior standing in prerequisites to junior standing. FCS 408, Community Nutrition, 3 s.h. Current: FCS 407. Field trips to community agencies. Activities outside of class are required. Proposed: FCS 209 Change: Remove Field trips to community agencies. Activities outside of class are required, because it is part of the catalog description rather than the prerequisites and will not be changed. FCS 467, Management in Dietetics, 4 s.h. Current: Dietetics student, senior standing or consent of instructor Proposed: FCS 304 MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 9 YES 0 NO 1 AB Curricular Requests from the Department of Health Sciences Requests for 275/475 Courses EM 275, Disaster Management and Media, 3 s.h. EM 475, Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response, 3 s.h. Change: Remove spaces in abbreviated title of EM 275. NO OBJECTIONS WITH CHANGE Curricular Requests from the School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration Law Enforcement and Justice Administration professor Dean Alexander informed CCPI that there are 135 students enrolled in the Homeland Security minor, which is interdisciplinary in nature with a number of directed electives outside the department. LEJA now wishes to remove some of those courses that did not turn out to be a good fit with the minor and add others to expand the discipline. Dr. Alexander stated that there is a lot of change in the homeland security field, and 鶹ýs students need improved skill sets. Requests for New Courses LEJA 332, Terrorism Financing and Responses, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve LEJA 332 (Parsons/Myers) Dr. Parsons recommended replacing identify in the course objectives with a verb indicating a higher level of learning, noting that to identify is the kind of skill set needed by students in 100-level courses whereas this level of course may want students to analyze and synthesize information. CCPI also requested letters of support from Economics and Decision Sciences and Accounting and Finance; courses in these departments are mentioned in the Relationship to Courses in Other Departments section of the request. 鶹ý: Replace identify with a stronger introductory verb in the course objectives. Obtain letters of support from the Departments of Economics and Decision Sciences and Accounting and Finance. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB LEJA 416, Terrorism and Law Enforcement, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve LEJA 416 (Doyle/Myers) 鶹ý: Replace identify with a stronger introductory verb in the course objectives. Obtain letters of support from the Departments of Political Science and Sociology and Anthropology. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB LEJA 418, Contemporary Themes in Terrorism, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve LEJA 418 (Westerhold/Myers) 鶹ý: Replace identify with a stronger introductory verb in the course objectives. Obtain letter of support from the Department of Political Science. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB Requests for 鶹ý in Course Titles and Descriptions LEJA 330, Terrorism and Criminal Justice, 3 s.h. Current: Terrorism and Criminal Justice Traces the development of terrorism through groups involved in domestic, religious, international, and state-sponsored terrorism. Emphasis is on providing law enforcement with counter terrorist methods. The Department of Homeland Security and evolving application of the Patriot Act are explained. Proposed: Principles of Terrorism Overview of terrorism, including: definition, root causes, ideologies, historical and current perspectives, modus operandi and targets, radicalization and recruitment, terrorism group structures, terrorists in the economic system, domestic and international terrorist groups, state sponsors, and counterterrorism. Motion: To approve LEJA 330 (Kupka/Myers) MOTION APPROVED 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB LEJA 331, Survey of Homeland Security, 3 s.h. Current: Survey of Homeland Security Overview of administrative, legislative, and operational entities developed for the protection of the United States. Includes an examination of roles of federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, as well as the private sector in issues of homeland security. Proposed: Homeland Security Entities Overview of homeland security and its implications. Administrative, legislative, and operational entities developed for the protection of the United States. Strengths and weaknesses of this framework are addressed. The roles of industry and non-profits in homeland security framework are discussed. Motion: To approve LEJA 331 (Kupka/King) Dr. Kupka asked how non-profits are part of homeland security, as indicated in the proposed course description. Dr. Alexander explained that some associations of homeland security groups lobby Congress and receive funding for various duties, while other non-profits focus on civil liberties and other topics affecting homeland security. Dr. Kupka asked to what the phrase administrative, legislative, and operational entities refers. Dr. Alexander responded this can refer to the private sector or government but is a broader term then associations. MOTION APPROVED 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB Request for Change in Minor Homeland Security Motion: To approve change in Homeland Security minor (King/Kupka) Change: Remove not listed after the reference to AGRI 372 in the existing column of the request. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB Curricular Requests from the Department of Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration Request for New Minor Outdoor Leadership Motion: To approve Outdoor Leadership minor (Doyle/Kupka) Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration Chair Dale Adkins told CCPI that the department hopes to market the new minor to students across campus. It was pointed out that #4 of the priority criteria for admission into the minor states that it is limited to Students who have Outdoor Leadership as their minor, which seems redundant. Dr. Adkins explained that the priority criteria apply toward admission into the ECOEE program. According to the request form, The students in this minor will participate in a Fall field-based semester that is part of the RPTA curriculum called ECOEE (Environmental Conservation Outdoor Education Expedition). CCPI members suggested that it be clearly stated that the criteria apply to the ECOEE program, and that admission to the minor requires successful completion of the application process into that program. In response to a question, Dr. Adkins explained that RPTA 249 and 349 are the prerequisite classes for the expedition; both are only taught in the spring. Ms. Nicholson suggested the courses listed for the minor be prefaced with the statement that Outdoor Leadership requires a prescribed sequencing of courses where RPTA 249 and 349 are taken prior to the learning expedition, during which the sequence of five courses is taught. Dr. Adkins explained that three courses are unique to the ECOEE adventure: RPTA 444, 446, and 449. CCPI recommended that RPTA 450, the Traveling Workshop taught in the summer, be moved into Core Courses and that the remaining five courses be pulled into a section of the chart to be called Field Study. Dr. Adkins added that the department has a plan of action in place to assist students that fail a required classes and cannot go on the field expedition to still be able to complete the minor. 鶹ý: Add a statement under the Outdoor Leadership title that explains that it Requires a prescribed sequencing of courses where RPTA 249 and 349 are taken prior to the learning expedition, during which the sequence of five courses is taught. Move RPTA 450, Traveling Workshop, into Core Courses. Move remaining courses into a section of the chart to be called Field Study. Move priority criteria list to the end of the Rationale preceded by the statement The application process involves: Change effective date to Fall 2011 and change the similar reference in the last paragraph of the existing Rationale. Add specificity to end of the prefatory statement: Admission to the minor requires successful completion of the application process into the ECOEE program. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB Curricular Requests from the Department of Political Science Request for New Course POLS 306, Politics and Game Theory, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve POLS 306 (Kupka/Bennett) MOTION APPROVED 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB Curricular Requests from the Department of Chemistry Request for New Option Pharmacy Motion: To approve Pharmacy option (Bennett/Kupka) Ms. Nicholson asked if the department plans to eliminate its pre-pharmacy program with the addition of the new option. Chemistry professor T.K. Vinod responded that although there is a trend for schools of pharmacy to recruit students with bachelors degrees, they are still accepting pre-pharmacy students as well, so the department will not be eliminating its pre-pharmacy program. CCPI specified that the department must provide a rationale explaining why the required semester hours (131-134) are greater than 120. Dr. Vinod explained the proposed courses are recommended to prepare students to take the PCAT exam; additionally, not all pharmacy students will decide to go on to pharmacy school, so the variety of courses will enable them to decide if they wish to pursue this route or to go into pharmacy research or a career in medicine. 鶹ý: Change Natural Science and Mathematics in Gen Ed section to 15 s.h. and the total semester hours for that section to 55-15 = 40. Change total proposed semester hours to 131-134. Add a statement to the Rationale explaining why the request exceeds 120 s.h. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB Reports Provosts Report None A. Curricular Requests from the Department of Theatre and Dance 1. Request for New Course a. THEA 401, Honors Thesis/Project, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve THEA 401 (Westerhold/Myers) MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB B. Curricular Requests from the Department of African American Studies 1. Request for New Course a. AAS 499, Internship in AAS, 1-12 s.h. (repeatable to 12 s.h.) Motion: To approve AAS 499 (Parsons/Myers) Dr. Neumann noted that most internships require students to hold junior or senior standing. CCPI recommended that this be added to the course prerequisites. When asked where the internships will occur, Interim Chair of African American Studies, Alphonso Simpson, responded the possibilities are limitless because the department is so interdisciplinary. He said that broadcast media and the McDonough Housing Authority are two areas that have expressed an interest in taking AAS interns. Dr. Neumann asked if the internship would be graded S/U only. Dr. Simpson responded the department does not wish S/U grading right now but may consider it in future. CCPI discussed the contact hour requirements for internships and suggested these be added to the guidelines document. It was noted that the grading scale reflected on the attachment needs to be updated to plus-minus, and the suggestion was made to add the GPA requirement to it as well. Change: Add junior or senior standing to the prerequisites on the request form. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB C. Curricular Requests from the Department of Chemistry 1. Request for Change of Major a. Forensic Chemistry Motion: To approve Forensic Chemistry (Romano/Myers) In the conversation with CCPI members, Chemistry Chair Rose McConnell explained that CCPI is viewing the first of two changes to Forensic Chemistry major for the American Academy of Forensic Chemistry accreditation. The first change includes the addition of STAT 171 and realigning of courses to the appropriate course categories. The second change would be the addition of a new lab course, the department intends to include a 1 s.h. CHEM 492, 1 s.h. lab course that is currently being offered as a 475 course in the near future . CCPI noted that since the changes proposed currently for Forensic Chemistry reduce it to a non-comprehensive major, and since they do not need to go into effect immediately, the course change in Major be tabled until the additional course can be included as well. Motion: To table Forensic Chemistry (Parsons/Westerhold) MOTION TO TABLE APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB D. Curricular Requests from the Department of Sociology and Anthropology 1. Request for New Course a. ANTH 330, Sex and Gender in Archaeology, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve ANTH 330 (Parsons/Westerhold) MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB E. Curricular Requests from University Libraries 1. Requests for 鶹ý in Course Titles and Descriptions a. LIB 201, Library Information Resources, 3 s.h. Current: Library Information Resources Introduction to library information sources with emphasis on 鶹ý libraries. Includes hands-on experience with both print and various computerized information systems, with goal of promoting familiarity and ease in conducting library and other information related research. Proposed: Using Libraries Today I Information Access and Evaluation Introduces and provides competencies, concepts and techniques needed for individuals to determine information needs, develop search strategies, and access, retrieve, and evaluate print and online resources effectively and efficiently. The course provides hands-on experience using basic concepts with a focus on 鶹ý Libraries online catalog, databases, and internet resources. b. LIB 301, Information Resources in Social Sciences and Education, 1 s.h. Current: Information Resources in Social Sciences and Education Survey of library information sources for majors in education and the social and behavioral sciences. Includes hands-on experience with both print and various computerized information systems (CDROMs, Internet, computerized card catalog, and other electronic databases), with the goal of promoting familiarity and ease in conducting library and other information related research in social sciences and education. Not open to students who have taken LIB 331. Proposed: Using Libraries Today II Information Organization and Management Provides advanced instruction in the competencies, concepts, and techniques needed for individuals to access, evaluate, manage, and present information, using traditional and innovative resources and systems. Course content is focused on access, analysis, management, and presentation of information in a variety of formats and types (such as book reviews and transcripts, video, audio, data archiving, and web-based presentation and management tools). Students will learn to critically analyze topics, and perform effective, relevant, and ethical information retrieval and presentation through the applied use of databases, search engines, and web based publishing tools. Motion: To approve LIB courses (Romano/King) University Libraries professor Sean Cordes told CCPI that the description of LIB 301, in particular, did not reflect the intensity of a 300-level course and is now in deep freeze. Dr. Neumann asked if a student could take both 201 and 301. Mr. Cordes responded that would be allowable because the two courses will offer distinctly different content. Ms. Williams asked if the two courses could be taken simultaneously; Mr. Cordes responded that would also be possible provided the student had an understanding of the material in LIB 201. He used the analogy that in LIB 201 a student might explore material about cats and dogs, but in LIB 301 the student might have to subdivide the search into just Siamese cats and Dobermans. Drs. King and Neumann remarked this explanation sounds like LIB 301 needs a course prerequisite. Mr. Cordes explained some students take LIB 201 in their third or fourth year of college; the material in 201 is briefly covered in LIB 301at the beginning of the semester, then the course quickly moves on to more advanced tools. CCPI members felt that stipulating the LIB 201 prereq for LIB 301 but including the phrase or permission of instructor would allow for some flexibility if students have the necessary background to take LIB 301 without taking 201 first or to take the two simultaneously with permission. 鶹ý: Add prerequisite to LIB 301 of LIB 201 or permission of instructor. Change credit hours for LIB 301 to 1 s.h. (correction of typo) MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB F. Curricular Requests from the Department of English and Journalism 1. Request for New Course a. JOUR 436, International Public Relations, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve JOUR 436 (Parsons/Myers) CCPI asked that English and Journalism obtain a letter of support from the Department of Management and Marketing because the catalog description references international public relations for business, trade associations, and noncredit organizations. MOTION APPROVED PENDING LETTER OF SUPPORT 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB G. Curricular Requests from the Department of Psychology 1. Request for 275/475 Course a. PSY 475, Cultural Psychology, 3 s.h. Change: Change Date of First Offering to Spring 2011. NO OBJECTIONS TO EXPERIMENTAL COURSE Associate Provost Dallinger reviewed the reorganization being implemented within the College of Business and Technology. Motion: To adjourn (ParsonsParsons) The Council adjourned at 4:126:30 p.m. Tara Westerhold, Secretary Annette Hamm, Faculty Senate Office Manager     PAGE   PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 13 9:EFHPZafgǩ_?3'h'%CJOJQJaJhC+CJOJQJaJ?h'%h5r(hH4,CJOJQJaJcHcHdhdh9fdh&uHHh9fh'%hvShH4,CJOJQJaJcHdhdhdh&uHHh &h'%h>?hH4,CJOJQJaJcHdhdhdh&u;h'%h5r(h~]lCJOJQJaJcHdhdhdh*F;h'%h5r(h99CJOJQJaJcHdhdhdh;Fh 2CJOJQJaJh'%h5r(CJOJQJaJ /gv    gdq  & F0`0gdy & Fgds]gd~ ]gdH4,gd'%]gd5r(gd'%$]a$gd'%oQFd&Fgpq ʼxp_SB!Hh;Fh<hC+CJaJhC+h 2CJ\aJ!Hh &h<h 2CJaJhC+CJaJh<hC+CJaJh<h5r(CJaJ h<h5r(0JCJOJQJaJhxIh5r(CJaJ"h'%h5r(5>*CJOJQJaJhxIh5r(5CJ\aJh'%h'%CJOJQJaJh'%h5r(CJOJQJaJh'%CJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJ   " . : ; D F O Q \ ԺԠzq^R66h<h5r(hH4,CJ\aJcHdhdhdh,uh<h:8CJ\aJ$Hh,uh<h:8CJ\aJh 2CJ\aJ$Hh@Fh<h 2CJ\aJ$Hh@Fh<h5r(CJ\aJ3h<h5r(hvSCJaJcHdhdhdh:f3h<h5r(h~]lCJaJcHdhdhdh*F!Hh &h<h>?䴳3<h5r(h99CJaJcHdhdhdh@F \ h v ͼ͔{hN43h<h5r(h99CJaJcHdhdhdh;F3h<h5r(h~]lCJaJcHdhdhdh*F$Hh,uh<hH4,CJ\aJh 2CJaJ h<h5r(0JCJOJQJaJh<h5r(5CJ\aJ3h<h5r(hvSCJaJcHdhdhdh:f!Hh/uh<hH4,CJaJh<h5r(CJaJh<h5r(CJ\aJ6h<h5r(h99CJ\aJcHdhdhdh@F J X z  áxofofofofoDCHh &h<h>?hH4,CJ\aJcHdhdhdh/uh28CJ\aJh 2CJ\aJh<h5r(CJ\aJ h<h5r(0JCJOJQJaJh<h>?CJ\aJCHh &h<h5r(hH4,CJ\aJcHdhdhdh,uCHh &h<h>?4,䴳a,3<h5r(h>?CJaJcHdhdhdh &     = ? 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