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Request for New Option Philosophy: Pre-Law 3. Request for Change in Major Religious Studies III. Announcements Chairperson LaPrad announced that another group needs the room at 5:00 but the CCPI meeting can be moved to the Fox Room if necessary due to the large agenda. He also pointed out that the agenda has been revised to consider all items of business within each department separately rather than by curricular request. Vice Chair Mannion led the meeting in the absence of Chairperson LaPrad. IVV. Old Business None V. New Business A. Requests for New CoursesCurricular Requests from the Department of Management MATH 211, Euclidean Geometry, 3 s.h.Request for Change in Prerequisite a. OM 455, Total Quality Management, 3 s.h. Current: None Proposed: OM 352 Motion: To approve MATH 211OM 455 (Kovacs/Kupka/Westerhold) Dr. Westerhold asked if the course is open to students outside of the Management program. Department of Management Interim Chair Gordon Rands responded that it is open but not required for non-Management students. Dr. Rands explained the change in prerequisite is requested because occasionally students will delay taking OM 352 until the end of their program, then try to take OM 455 and 352 simultaneously; he explained this is problematic because OM 352 covers material that is addressed at more depth in OM 455. MOTION APPROVED 78 YES 0 NO 0 AB B. Requests for 鶹ý in Prerequisites MATH 183, Computer Algebra System Lab, 1 s.h. Current: CS 211 and 212 (C grade or better) or CS 225 (C grade or better), and co-registration in MATH 231, or by permission of the department chair. Proposed: Co-registration in MATH 231, or by permission of the department chair. Motion: To approve MATH 183 (Romano/Kupka) MOTION APPROVED 7 YES 0 NO 0 AB MATH 303, Technology and Secondary School Mathematics, 3 s.h. Current: 2.50 GPA or higher in Mathematics; MATH 183, MATH 231, STAT 276 or STAT 471, or co-registration in either STAT 276 or STAT 471, CS 225; or permission of the department chair. Proposed: 2.50 GPA or higher in Mathematics; MATH 183, MATH 231, STAT 276 or STAT 471, or co-registration in either STAT 276 or STAT 471; or permission of the department chair. Motion: To approve MATH 303 (Kovacs/Westerhold) When asked if the requirements are a response to accreditation needs, Mathematics Chair Iraj Kalantari stated the 2.5 GPA is an internal departmental requirement; he explained the course is a mixture of math pedagogy and teaching in the context. Dr. Kupka asked if the change would still meet all of the state requirements for teacher education majors. Dr. Kalantari responded all teacher ed requirements have been met; he explained the expectations for the course have changed. According to the request for change, CS 225 is a Fortran-based coursethat does not directly address programming skills for high school teachers and, during meetings with alumni and current students, the Department of Mathematics has learned that CS 225 is too technical a course about computer programming that does not seem to fit into the rest of the program. MOTION APPROVED 7 YES 0 NO 0 AB In the absence of the representative from Music, the decision was made to continue with consideration of Mathematics requests. D. Request for Change in Option (Reordered) Mathematics Teacher Certification (Option B) Motion: To approve change in Mathematics Option B (Kupka/Myers) Ms. Williams asked if the department plans to accommodate students who might have already completed the Computer Science prereq prior to the change. Dr. Kalantari responded those who have already taken or who choose to take CS 225 will be accepted in the program. Dr. Neumann added that CS 225 had very low enrollment in from Math students; it is primarily provided for the benefit of pre-Engineering students. Dr. Kalantari said the class was formerly required for the teacher certification option in order for students to have the computer programming skills that might go hand in hand with the mathematical experiments being discussed. He stated that now very friendly software exists for teachers to utilize so that the programming available in 225 is no longer necessary. He added the department is adjusting for what is commonly available to high school instructors teaching mathematics. Change: Add asterisk to MATH 211 to indicate that it is a new course. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 7 YES 0 NO 0 AB C. Request for Change in Title and Catalog Description MUS 231, Class and Recreational Instruments, 1 s.h. Current: Class and Recreational Instruments Playing and arranging techniques for classroom percussion, melody, and harmony instruments. Group song leading and instrument playing in classroom, recreational and therapeutic settings. Experiences with CMP and Manhattanville curriculum projects. Proposed: Classroom Instrument Techniques The study of the basic techniques of playing, teaching, and arranging for classroom and cultural instruments. Motion: To approve MUS 231 (Westerhold/Myers) Change: Change current title to Recreational/Classroom Instruments Music professor Moises Molina told CCPI the terminology used in the title and description is from usage 25 years ago, although the content has basically not changed. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 7 YES 0 NO 0 AB IV. Reports Provosts Report Associate Provost Dallinger related she has been working with Terry Rodenberg, Director of the Center for International Studies, on the proposed International Studies major. She said Dr. Rodenberg is open to housing the major elsewhere than in the Center. The, so the Provost asked the deans to provide advice on possible placement, and they. She said the deans recommended that the International Studies major be housed in either Arts and Sciences or the Honors College, adding that it could be offered as part of Interdisciplinary Studies. She noted that based upon past communications from CCPI, the council would be more comfortable with placement of the major in an academic unit and had expressed support of housing it within Interdisciplinary Studies when the topic was discussed at CCPI last year. Associate Provost Dallinger stated that Dr. Rodenberg has added more required classes to the major and has stated the thematic and area studies options more clearly. Associate Provost Dallinger reported that CAGAS has been asked to review a grade replacement policy created by Dr. Neumann. Dr. Neumann explained the policy was a recommendation of the Presidents Retention Committee; she prepared it over break and had Associate Provost Dallinger, Registrar Angela Lynn, College of Arts and Sciences Associate Dean Jim Schmidt, Assistant Provost Ron Williams, Director of Advising Candace McLaughlin, and selected faculty members review it before presenting it to the Senate Executive Committee. CAGAS has been asked to review the proposal and respond to the Executive Committee with their recommendation on March 23. Dr. Neumann stated 鶹ý is the least forgiving of its peer institutions, all of which with the exception of 鶹ý Michigan have some type of grade forgiveness policy in place. She told CCPI that currently, 鶹ý students who receive a grade of F can retake a course, but the two grades are averaged; other schools with grade replacement policies allow the second grade to replaceaplce the first in GPA consideration. Dr. Neumann explained that, if the proposal is approved, both grades would be reflected on students transcripts, with the second marked as a repeated course. Associate Provost Dallinger stated she is working on a policy on course fees, developed in response to a concern by the internal as a result of a recent auditor. She explained that someoftentimes once students enroll in a course, they find they are expected to pay additional course fees that are not reflected in the undergraduate catalog or the online registration system. The proposal, approved by the Deans Council, would require course fees that are associated with a course beyond tuition to be entered online by departments when textbooks are ordered for classes.-in the additional course information section of the on line course offerings schedule. She said the fees could include required clickers, field trips, or other expenses. Dr. Myers remarked that many Art classes have materials fees that are not reflected in the catalog or online; she said there may be a notation that fees will be required for certain classes, but specifics are not provided. She asked if, under the new policy, the fees collected would go to the Provosts office. Associate Provost Dallinger responded that under this policy, the fees would be collected in the department and would remain there, but that students could not pay for these fees as part of the tuition and fee process. Under the existing policy on Requesting and Assessing Lab (Class) Fees,, once the policy is approved by the Provost, fees collected by departments would go to the the Billing and Receivables Office, dwhich affects whether departments would receive the income back. oes collect the approved fees through the billing process but these fees are not necessarily returned to the departments. Fees approved under the current policy are typically She stated students would rather see additional fees included as part of their tuition because they would then be eligible to be covered by financial aid. Dr. Myers related the Department of Art has asked in the past for students to be able to charge materials on their ID cards rather than write checks. Associate Provost Dallinger said that should be able to be facilitated right away, but the money collected will not necessarily return to the department. B. Curricular Requests from the School of Engineering Motion: That agenda items B.1. through B.4. be considered as an entire block since they are presented based upon certification requirements (Kupka/Benton) MOTION APPROVED 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB 1. Requests for New Courses a. ENGR 270, Engineering Electrical Circuits, 3 s.h. Associate Provost Dallinger asked if ENGR 271 will be the only course that will be deleted as a result of the program changes. School of Engineering Director Bill Pratt replied affirmatively, explaining that when he arrived at 鶹ý, courses were shared by the Department of Engineering Technology and the School of Engineering, but that in order to be considered an accredited program, the structure must be the same for both. He added that Calculus II and Physics II are required for Engineering students, but Engineering Technology students would not be able to meet that requirement. Creation of a new ENGR 270 was determined to be the cleanest way of solving the problem. Chairperson LaPrad questioned whether any additional equipment would be necessary for the course. Dr. Pratt replied that equipment is shared with Engineering Technology because the two departments are within the same college. Change: Remove for all engineering disciplines from the catalog description in order to make it fit within the 40-word maximum guideline. b. ENGR 360, Structural Design, 3 s.h. Change: Make course objectives bulleted. c. ENGR 410, Intermediate Thermo-Fluid Dynamics, 3 s.h. d. ENGR 411, Heat Transfer, 3 s.h. Change: Change first course objective to Understand the importance of professional ethics, engineering design, communications and teamwork, use of modern computational tools and lifelong learning. e. ENGR 470, Mechatronics I, 3 s.h. Dr. Kupka asked how ENGR 470, Mechatronics I, can be a capstone course when there exists a Mechatronics II. Dr. Pratt responded Mechatronics I is the end of the required courses for the core and brings together information from several courses in different fields; elective courses, such as Mechatronics II, are offered in order to go beyond the substance of Mechatronics I for greater depth and understanding. f. ENGR 472, Mechatronics II, 3 s.h. g. ENGR 491, Engineering Internship, 2 s.h. This course will be considered by CAGAS for S/U grading. Dr. Pratt explained ENGR 491 is considered to be too close to MET 491, which can be taken for variable credit and is not appropriate for the Engineering program. 鶹ý: Change abbreviated title to ENGR INTERNSHIP. Remove from catalog description the statement that A maximum of 2 s.h. may be applied toward major requirements because ENGR 491 is not a variable credit course. Change frequency of offerings to every semester. Change class hours per week to Arranged (80 work hours). 2. Requests for 鶹ý of Prerequisites a. ENGR 251, Strength of Materials, 3 s.h. Current: PHYS 200, ENGR 241 Proposed: PHY 312 or Statics course The request form indicates that the School of Engineering has been holding to this standard for all engineering students from Fall 2009 when we first offered this course, and asks that the change be pre-dated to that time. Ms. Williams asked if the department has been addressing this through advising. Dr. Pratt explained that if Engineering Technology students came into the course without having taken Statics, the instructor was forced to take that into account when grading them, which creates an issue. According to the request form, Use of the word Statics is necessary since only 鶹ý teaches a combined course (statics and dynamics) at the 300 level, and all 鶹ý-QC feeder schools have separate Statics courses at the 200 level. b. ENGR 490, Engineering Senior Design, 2-4 s.h. Current: Engineering major and senior standing. Proposed: C or above in all engineering core courses and senior standing Ms. Nicholson explained that this course was formerly ENGR 499, Senior Design. It will be considered by the WID Committee as the new WID course for the major. 3. Request for Change in Prerequisites and Course Description a. ENGR 331, Engineering Project Management, 3 s.h. Current: This course covers project management as it relates to an engineers responsibilities in a team environment during the development and successful completion of engineering projects. Topics include: roles and theories, project management techniques, ethics in engineering, safety management and liabilities. Prereq: MGT 349, OM 352 Proposed: Concepts, steps, and techniques required to select, organize, manage, and deliver a successful technical or engineering project. Includes concepts in managing innovation and change, entrepreneurial engineering, engineering management, and ethical responsibilities of engineers. Prereq: Junior standing in Engineering or permission of instructor 4. Request for Change of Major a. Engineering Dr. Pratt told CCPI the major has no options at present but will likely have multiple tracks and emphases in the future. He related that the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) would see the current program, which was set up before he arrived at 鶹ý, as essentially two degrees and would require separate evaluations. He said that 20 students who had expressed interest in the program before his arrival were prepared to leave when they found out how it would be structured. Dr. Pratt said he has worked diligently since his arrival at 鶹ý to structure the program to be attractive to students and future employers; he related the program will now have commonality with 90 percent of junior colleges in engineering. Dr. Pratt believes he could end up with 27 juniors this fall and stated he currently has 82 potential students; he told CCPI that students are coming out of the woodwork for 鶹ýs Engineering program. Chairperson LaPrad asked Dr. Pratt what the purpose is of the directed electives, which state that Students must take a minimum of 9 s.h. from ENGR/MET/MGT/CS 300-400 level courses. Dr. Pratt explained that ABET requires 1) that the program satisfy the General Education requirements of the institution, 2) that it require one year of Math and Science, 3) that it include 1.5 years of engineering courses, and 4) that it satisfy the requirements of a bachelors degree. He explained the last nine hours of elective courses are intended to provide students with flexibility because about 30 thousand of the 60 thousand engineering students who graduate in the US every year pursue careers in management or technical fields. Dr. Neumann asked if students will have taken the prerequisites necessary to enroll in the directed electives. Dr. Pratt replied that OM 352 is a feeder course for other classes taught at 鶹ýQC, such as the to take 300- to 400-level courses in Management; many students, he predicts, will choose nine hours of additional Engineering courses. He added the only courses students may not have the prerequisites to take currently are the Computer Science courses, and he hopes that will change. Ms. Williams asked about the requirement in the Other category that students Pass the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam. Dr. Pratt explained that NCEES has developed an exam for both fundamentals and professional engineering for 49 states. He said the exam is used as the benchmark for all of the licensure programs for engineering; the external test is a common requirement for engineering. He said inclusion of the test requirement will reflect well on 鶹ýs program when it is inspected by ABET. Associate Provost Dallinger asked what would happen if a student completes all other Engineering requirements but fails the test; Dr. Pratt responded the student in that case would not receive the degree, and related he has seen students retake the test two or three times before passing. He said the test can be taken in the fall or the spring semesters. Ms. Williams stated that it can be built into the master system so that students must pass the test in order to graduate with the degree. Ms. Williams pointed out that Physics and Computer Science courses are included in the core so will be computed with the major GPA; Dr. Pratt said that is what was intended. 鶹ý: Remove ENGR 340 from the core. Add ENGR 241 to the core. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB C. Curricular Requests from the School of Agriculture 1. Request for New Course a. AGRN 472, Principles of Plant Breeding, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve AGRN 472 (Kupka/Myers) MOTION APPROVED 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB 2. Request for Change in Title, Course Description, and Prerequisites a. AGRN 476, Crop Improvement and Biotechnology, 3 s.h. Current: Crop Improvement and Biotechnology Basic principles and current methods used for the genetic improvement and seed production of agronomic crops. Prereq: AGRI 376 and AGRN 176 Proposed: Crop Biotechnology Biotechnology methods used for the genetic improvement and production of agronomic and ornamental crops. Government regulations, public concerns, and legal production of genetically modified crops will be covered. Prereq: AGRI 376 or BIOL 340 Motion: To approve AGRN 476 (Kupka/Myers) MOTION APPROVED 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB 3. Requests for New Options a. Agricultural Technology Management b. Agronomy c. Animal Science d. Horticulture Requests for new options for the School of Agriculture were removed from the agenda pending approval of feasibility studies. 4. Requests for 鶹ý of Options a. Agricultural Business Motion: To approve Agriculture Business (Kupka/Mannion) 鶹ý: Remove CHEM 102 and 202 from existing and proposed Other category. Reverse order of Other and Open Electives categories. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB b. Agricultural Teacher Certification Motion: To approve Agriculture Teacher Certification (Piletic/Neumann) The request will be considered by UTEC on March 22. Twenty students are currently enrolled in this option. 鶹ý: Change total option courses to 38-41 s.h. Move AGRN 377 from existing to proposed column under Option Courses category. Change proposed semester hours for Open Electives to zero. Reverse order of Other and Open Electives categories. Change CHEM 101 and 102 in the proposed and existing columns within the Other category to CHEM 102 and 202. Remove Open electives increase to 3 s.h. from Summary of changes. Include the addition of AGRN 377 as a departmental elective to the Summary of 鶹ý. Change total existing semester hours to 129. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB 5. Request for New Minor a. Agriculture Motion: To approve Agriculture minor (Piletic/Myers) Ms. Williams pointed out that Agriculture majors cannot choose this minor because 鶹ý does not allow students to take a major and a minor by the same name. Agriculture advisor Ember Keithley stated it would be impossible for Ag majors to take the Ag minor because of the overlap of courses. She said the minor was created to serve departments outside the School of Agriculture. Change: In Directed Electives, specify that additional courses should be selected from the School of Agriculture. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB b. Plant Breeding Motion: To approve Plant Breeding minor (Myers/Piletic) Ms. Nicholson pointed out that there are many directed electives within the Department of Biological Sciences and asked if the minor should be listed within Agriculture or Interdisciplinary Studies in the undergraduate catalog; Agriculture Chair Bill Bailey replied it should be listed under Agriculture. Ms. Keithley added the department anticipates a handful of Agriculture students but tried to make the minor also attractive to Biology students. Chairperson LaPrad asked about the inclusion of STAT 171 in the directed electives, pointing out that all of the other courses within this category are upper division. Ms. Keithley explained the professor received a grant to develop the course and was trying to reach students with a specific kind of background. He can provide rationale for inclusion of the course in directed electives to attach to the request when it goes forward to Senate. MOTION APPROVED 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB D. Curricular Requests from the Department of Dietetics, Fashion Merchandising and Hospitality 1. Requests for New Courses a. FCS 209, Intermediate Nutrition, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve FCS 209 (Mannion/Myers) 鶹ý: Change abbreviated title to INTER NUTRITION Change courses to be deleted in conjunction with this request to none. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB b. FCS 304, Nutrition Informatics, 2 s.h. Motion: To approve FCS 304 (Piletic/Myers) Change: Change courses to be deleted in conjunction with this request to none. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB c. FCS 307, Dietetic Field Study, 1 s.h. Motion: To approve FCS 307 (Mannion/Piletic) 鶹ý: Change after 90 hours to Junior standing in prerequisites section. The change from senior year to junior year will allow FCS 307 to be taken prior to the FCS 409 practicum. Change the first course objective to read, Describe the differences in alternate food production and distribution systems for healthcare facilities. Change Relationship to Existing Courses Within the Department section to read, This course will be taken during the junior year to allow for richer discussion in senior level courses. Change courses to be deleted in conjunction with this request to none. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB d. FCS 400, Herbals, 1 s.h. Motion: To approve FCS 400 (Mannion/Myers) Change: Change courses to be deleted in conjunction with this request to none. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB e. FCS 409, Dietetics Practicum, 1 s.h. Motion: To approve FCS 409 (Mannion/Piletic) 鶹ý: Change after 90 hours to Senior standing in prerequisites section and add FCS 307. Change Relationship to Existing Courses Within the Department section to read, This course will be taught taken between the Junior and Senior year to allow for richer discussion in senior level courses. Change courses to be deleted in conjunction with this request to none. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB 2. Requests for 鶹ý in Credit Hours a. FCS 152, Principles of Food Preparation, 3 s.h. Current: 3 s.h. Proposed: 2 s.h. Motion: To approve FCS 152 (Kupka/Neumann) When asked the source of the laboratory experiences, Dr. Greathouse replied they derive from FCS 153; CCPI asked that this be specified on the request. Change: Change first sentence of rationale to read, Applied required laboratory experiences from FCS 153 will fulfill previous lecture time content requirements. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB b. FCS 274, Fashion Merchandising Systems, 2 s.h. Current: 2 s.h. Proposed: 3 s.h. Motion: To approve FCS 274 (Kupka/Piletic) When asked what has been added to the course to justify the additional semester hour, Dr. Greathouse explained that additional content and more in-depth treatment of the material has been added. Change: Include a sentence in the rationale explaining what has been added to the course to justify an additional semester hour. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB c. FCS 305, Nutrition Throughout the Lifespan, 3 s.h. Current: 3 s.h. Proposed: 4 s.h. Motion: To approve FCS 305 (Myers/Piletic) Change: Include a sentence in the rationale explaining what has been added to the course to justify an additional semester hour. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB 3. Request for Change in Division a. FCS 376, Merchandising Practicum, 3 s.h. Current: FCS 376 Proposed: FCS 278 Motion: To approve FCS 376 (Kupka/Piletic) Associate Provost Dallinger asked if students will have any problems obtaining the upper division courses they need once the change is approved. Dietetics, Fashion Merchandising and Hospitality professor Janice King replied this change will meet the need for more lower-division electives. MOTION APPROVED 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB 4. Request for Change of Minor a. Nutrition Motion: To approve Nutrition minor (Piletic/Kupka) MOTION APPROVED 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB 5. Requests for 鶹ý of Options a. Dietetics Motion: To approve Dietetics option (Mannion/Neumann) 鶹ý: Add FCS 301 to both the existing and proposed Option Courses. Change FCS 263 in existing Option Courses to FCS 253. Delete Open Electives and Other sections because there are none. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB b. Fashion Merchandising Motion: To approve Fashion Merchandising option (Mannion/Benton) 鶹ý: Change order of Open Electives and Other Course sections. In existing Directed Electives, add the heading, Select 9 s.h. from the following list of courses (6 s.h. from upper division). MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB c. Hotel/Restaurant Management Motion: To approve Hotel/Restaurant Management option (Myers/Mannion) 鶹ý: Change order of Open Electives and Other Course sections. In existing Directed Electives, add the heading, Select 9 s.h. from the following list of courses (6 s.h. from upper division). Change FCS 459 to 6 s.h. in existing and proposed Option Courses section. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 8 YES 0 NO 0 AB VI. Reports Provosts Report Associate Provost Dallinger reported she has received a feasibility study for a History pre-law option. Ms. Nicholson reported that for the 2010-2011 undergraduate catalog, pre-law programs will remain under the pre-professional programs heading rather than as a separate section. Motion: To adjourn (RomanoPiletic) The Council adjourned at 4:005:20 p.m. Cindy Piletic, Secretary Annette Hamm, Faculty Senate Recording Secretary     PAGE   PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 7  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 ./9;DLQƬvk]RD--hKnh99CJaJcHdhdhdh@FHh;Fh99CJaJh(YhCJaJh(Yh5CJ\aJhxIhCJaJhxIh>*CJaJhxIh5CJ\aJh:5CJ\aJ!Hh;Fh995CJ\aJ3h=h995CJ\aJcHdhdhdh;F3hKnh995CJ\aJcHdhdhdh;Fh a5CJ\aJhah5CJaJhah5/R\~! 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