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As part of his annual visits to Senate councils and committees, Faculty Senate Chair Dennis DeVolder will meet with CCPI at the beginning of the September 17 meeting. The revised policies and procedures document will also be brought back for that meeting. III. New Business A. Request for 275/475 Course 1. HIST 275, World History: Global Encounters Since 1000, 3 s.h. NO OBJECTIONS B. Requests for New Courses 1. HIST 485, Topics in Asian History, 3 s.h. (repeatable to 6 s.h., with permission) Motion: To approve HIST 485 (Kovacs/Westerhold) History Chair Virginia Boynton was asked if there are plans to submit a Request for Multiple Titles for this course. She responded there are no plans at this time. Registrars office representative Donna Williams explained her office does not check whether students have taken the course for different topics; that oversight is done by the department. CCPI recommended it be specified the course is repeatable to 6 s.h. for different topics, with permission of department chairperson. When asked why HIST 145 needs to be included in prerequisites when it is already a prereq for the others listed HIST 345, 346, and 445 Dr. Boynton explained the department does not want to exclude students if they are able to handle the material but may not have taken HIST 145; some students may not take 145 because they already have a strong background in Asian history. 鶹ý: Revise semester hours to read, 3 s.h. (repeatable to 6 s.h. for different topics, with permission of the department chairperson). Add junior standing to prerequisites. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB 2. WS 415, Politics of Reproduction, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve WS 415 (Neumann/Mannion) CCPI noted that specifying a prerequisite as recommended is not common usage. WS 415 includes in its prereqs WS 355 recommended. Womens Studies Chair Aimee Shouse told CCPI that this will be handled through advising and agreed to remove the recommendation from prereqs. Change: Remove WS 355 recommended from prerequisites. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB 3. WS 497, Independent Study in Womens Studies, 1-3 s.h. (repeatable to 6 s.h.) Motion: To approve WS 497 (Myers/Neumann) CCPI discussed the format of the course objectives. Dr. Myers noted they are written as a description rather than as a bulleted list of what students should accomplish in the course. Dr. Shouse explained the course objectives will depend upon what independent readings are chosen and what topic of interest is determined by the student and the faculty member overseeing his or her project. MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB IV. Reports Provosts Report Associate Provost Dallinger told CCPI 鶹ýs request to offer a masters program in Biology and a post-baccalaureate program in Zoo and Aquarium Studies in the Chicago area will be considered by the 鶹ý Board of Trustees in October. She explained the request is a formality necessary when the University offers curricula outside its normal learning area. Associate Provost Dallinger informed CCPI the Higher Learning Commission will visit 鶹ý during February 14-16, 2011 to evaluate the institution for reaccreditation. In the meantime, the Faculty Senate has been asked to read and comment on two chapters of the 300-page self-study every month. The ten-chapter document addresses five criteria: mission, planning, teaching and assessment, research, and service. Associate Provost Dallinger stated the University volunteered to study three additional topic areas: distance education, growing two campuses, and measuring and demonstrating the institutions values. She related teams have worked all year on writing each chapter, including an introduction which addresses how 鶹ý has responded to recommendations from the previous accreditation and a federal compliance chapter. The four co-chairs Associate Provost Dallinger, Vice President Rives, Professor Marsha Carter from the Quad Cities campus, and Professor Chris Sutton from the Macomb campus then reviewed and edited the document, which will be finalized in spring 2010. The draft document is in the process of being presented to major constituent groups. Motion: To adjourn (Piletic) The Council adjourned at 4:10 p.m. Cindy Piletic, Secretary Annette Hamm, Faculty Senate Recording Secretary     PAGE   PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 3  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 ./9:DIw 2 = > O ´|qiaaULAh(YhqCJaJhmCJ\aJh(YhCJ\aJhmCJaJh;ICJaJh(Yh;ICJaJhCJaJh(YhCJaJh(Yh5CJ\aJhxIhCJaJhxIh>*CJaJhxIh5CJ\aJh*5CJ\aJhm5CJ\aJh5CJ\aJh a5CJ\aJh5CJ\aJ h5\/JTvw > ? 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