ࡱ>  fbjbjVV ><<]^6?????SSS8glShO"NNNNNNN$JQSN?N??NT000??N0N00GXLRylSfSI(qNOThO{IT0TPLL^T?eL 0NN0hOT : COUNCIL ON CURRICULAR PROGRAMS AND INSTRUCTION Thursday, 25 February228 October September11 November 2010 3:30 p.m. Algonquin Room - University Union A C T I O N M I N U T E S MEMBERS PRESENT: S. Bennett, A. Greenwood (SGA rep), J. King, T. Kupka, C. Kovacs, J. LaPrad, K. Myers, K. Myers, K. Neumann, N. Parsons, N, Parsons, S. Romano, A. Valeva, S. Romano, T. Westerhold Ex-officio: J. Dallinger, J. Dallinger, D. Williams MEMBERS ABSENT: A. Valeva T. KupkaJ. Benton, J. LaPrad, C. Piletic, None GUESTS: Ray Diez, Bill Knight, Walter Kretchik, Rose McConnell, Russ Morgan, Mark Mossman, Tej Kaul, Mike Murray, Keri Allison, Pat Anderson, Brian Clark, Sean Cordes, Rose McConnell, Russ Morgan, David Patrick, Alphonso Simpson, Bill Thompson, John WozniakVicki Nicholson, Scott Palmer, Bill Pratt, Aimee ShouseCharles Wright, Seung Yoon, Holly Stovall I. Consideration of Minutes A. 29 April1428 October 2010 APPROVED AS DISTRIBUTED II. Approvals from the Provost 1. Requests for New Options a. History: Pre-Law b. Political Science: Pre-Law III. II. Approvals from the Provost A. Requests for New Courses 1. ACCT 307, Accounting for Managers and Management Decisions, 3 s.h. 2. CHEM 363, Rational Drug Design, 3 s.h. 3. COMM 242, Fundamentals of Public Speaking, 3 s.h. 4. COMM 330, Language and Communication, 3 s.h. 5. COMM 428, Family Communication, 3 s.h. 6. ECON 408, Economics for Decision-makers, 3 s.h. 7. ENGR 300, Engineering Thermodynamics, 3 s.h. 8. ET 455, Engineering Technology Seminar, 3 s.h. 9 GEOG 333, Meteorological Data Analysis, 3 s.h. 10. MGT 483, Managing Organizations for Environmental Sustainability, 3 s.h. B. Requests for 鶹ý of Options 1. Biochemistry 2. Healthcare Information Technology Systems 3. Information Technology Systems C. Request for Change in Concentration 1. Youth Development D. Request for New Minor 1. Pre-MBA E. Requests for 鶹ý of Minors 1. Engineering Technology 2. Meteorology F. Requests for 鶹ý of Majors 1. Engineering 2. Engineering Technology 3. Meteorology III. Announcements None None IVII. Old Business None None IV. New Business A. Curricular Requests from the Department of History 1. Request for 275/475 Course a. HIST 275, Russian Technology and Culture, 3 s.h. NO OBJECTIONS B. Curricular Requests from the Department of Chemistry Chairperson LaPrad asked Chemistry Chair Rose McConnell for an overview of the departments proposals. Dr. McConnell explained the laboratory safety course for research students (CHEM 492) will replace a previously-approved experimental course, CHEM 475: Safety Practices in Chemistry Research. She told CCPI the departments accrediting agency, the American Chemical Society, recommends formalized training for research students in light of occurrences at other institutions and legal ramifications associated with those events, so 鶹ý is being pro-active in developing CHEM 492. She said the change in the Forensic Chemistry major was brought to CCPI in September, but the Council recommended that the department wait to bring the request forward until the safety course could be incorporated as part of the changes rather than using the experimental course for research safety. 1. Request for New Course a. CHEM 492, Safety Practices in Chemistry Research, 1 s.h. Dr. Kupka remarked upon the last two sentences in the Relationship to Existing Courses Within the Department section: This course is to be taught at the senior undergraduate level. The course will utilize the chemical background provided by general education chemistry courses: CHEM 101 or 201. He noted it seems quite unusual to state that a 400-level class utilizes the background provided by 100-level Gen Ed chemistry courses. He suggested that sentence be struck; CCPI concurred, and Dr. McConnell agreed to its elimination. CCPI discussed whether the abbreviated title for the course, SAFETY CHEM RES, should be changed but after some discussion decided no change was needed. The suggestion was also made to add the first two sentences of the rationale for the CHEM 490 change to the Student Needs to be Served section of CHEM 492. Motion: To approve CHEM 492 (Parsons/Myers) 鶹ý: Strike the last sentence in the Relationship to Existing Courses Within the Department section indicating that The course will utilize the chemical background provided by general education chemistry courses: CHEM 101 or 201. Indicate that the course is required for the Forensic Chemistry major. Add to the beginning of the Student Needs to be Served section the explanation that Due to recent fatal accidents in chemical research laboratories at UCLA, Texas Tech, etc. (as well as the resulting repercussions to these academic institutions), the American Chemical Society has strongly recommended that institutions with ACS approved programs formalize safety training in chemistry research. Therefore, a new course, CHEM 492: Safety Practices in Chemistry Research, is being developed as 鶹ý as a one semester hour course. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB 2. Request for Change in Prerequisites a. CHEM 490, Senior Project Laboratory, 1-4 s.h. (repeatable to 4 s.h.) Current: One semester of physical chemistry and permission of the department Proposed: Co-requisite or prerequisite: CHEM 492 Prerequisite: One semester of physical chemistry and permission of the department Motion: To approve CHEM 490 (Parsons/Westerhold) MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB 3. Request for Change of Major a. Forensic Chemistry Motion: To approve Forensic Chemistry changes (Parsons/Myers) Dr. Kupka questioned the statement that Specialized courses are moved from Core Courses to Directed Electives to better demonstrate specialization courses in a future AAFS accreditation application. He asserted that if students are required to take a course, it is not an elective. Dr. McConnell explained that the accreditation body will examine, among other things, how courses appear in the undergraduate catalog, and the specialty courses differentiate the Forensic Chemistry major from the Chemistry major. She said specialty courses are intended to impart concepts and knowledge beyond a general background in the science. Ms. Nicholson suggested that the term Specialty Courses could be used in the column heading and catalog rather than Directed Electives, adding that some special terminology is used in teacher education programs so a precedent exists. 鶹ý: Change title of CHEM 421in chart to Biochemistry. Change Directed Electives column heading to Specialty Courses. Change references to specialized courses to specialty courses. Clarify in the proposed Other column that students are to take CS 211 and 212 or higher level CS programming course (adding the italicized language). MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB C. Curricular Requests from the Department of English and Journalism 1. Request for New Course a. JOUR 100, News/Media Literacy, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve JOUR 100 (Parsons/Kupka) CCPI discussed how to make the course objectives reflect measurable outcomes, as well as working with departmental representatives to reduce the course description to 40 words. Chairperson LaPrad asked if the department has considered requesting Gen Ed approval for the course; Journalism professor Bill Knight responded the course has been offered as a 400-level topics course up to this point, and the department might consider requesting General Education designation in future. 鶹ý: In order to be within the 40 word maximum for the catalog description, the following revisions were recommended: Survey of the news and examination of the ways in which both content and form affect peoples judgments, beliefs and attitudes about news and entertainment; as well as about their views of public policies, violence, consumerism, sex, class, gender, race, age, appearance, sexual preference orientation, and culture addressed. Revise course objectives to utilize measurable terminology: Explain the core concepts rather than Understand the core concepts , Demonstrate the skills rather than Gain the skills , and Apply consumer-oriented criteria rather than Learn to apply MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB D. Curricular Requests from the School of Engineering 1. Request for New Course a. ENGR 481, Finite Element Analysis, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve ENGR 481 (Parsons/Westerhold) Change: Indicate the course is not required for the major. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB E. Curricular Requests from the Department of Engineering Technology 1. Request for 275/475 Course Chairperson LaPrad asked Engineering Technology Chair Ray Diez to provide an overview of the requests from his department. He explained that GCOM 475 will consider the effect of digital technologies on the graphic communications field. He stated that GCOM 111 will be the new foundations course. Dr. Diez explained that in the departments move toward a more comprehensive graphic communications major, they discovered the need to introduce graphic communications tools in a separate course so that professors farther into the major will not have to teach the basic tools if students have not obtained that information elsewhere. Dr. Diez stated that GCOM 218 resulted from input from internship site supervisors who indicated students need more web design and web media backgrounds. GCOM 418 is being changed to incorporate new information in the field. Dr. Diez stated new course GCOM 413 is very necessary because of the different types of media on which printing can be done, ranging from cardboard to plastic to different kinds of paper, and how to design various packages and make them applicable to the printing industry. a. GCOM 475, Emerging Technologies in Graphic Communications, 3 s.h. The course specifies as prerequisites 3 s.h. of approved GCOM courses. Registrars office representative Donna Williams remarked that her office will need to know which are the approved GCOM courses for programming purposes. Dr. Diez responded that any GCOM courses would be appropriate, and agreed to removing this phrase from the request. Change: Remove approved from prerequisites so that they specify 3 s.h. of GCOM courses or consent of instructor. NO OBJECTIONS WITH CHANGE 2. Requests for New Courses a. GCOM 111, Graphic Communication Foundations, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve GCOM 111 (Westerhold/Romano) CCPI made suggestions for changes to the course objectives in order to make them measurable. Although the department was asked to remove special course charge from the prerequisites, Associate Provost Dallinger remarked that the Provosts office would like for any costs associated with courses to be made available to students on STARS. She said the course costs cannot be included in the undergraduate catalog unless they are approved by the President; they are also not included in the catalog because course costs are subject to change every semester. Dr. Diez stated that it is very easy and only takes a second to insert information such as course costs in the online course information database. Ms. Hamm remarked that the Faculty Senates Council for Instructional Technology oversees the database and will be having discussions about it this year. 鶹ý: Remove special course charge from prerequisites. Change the course objective Become familiar with benefits and limitations of vector and pixel based graphics to Explain the benefits and limitations of Change the course objective Become familiar with different tools and methods used in the creation of to Demonstrate the different tools and methods used Change the course objective Become familiar with the principles of design and various elements of design to Explain the principles of design MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB b. GCOM 218, Interactive Media Production, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve GCOM 218 (Myers/Greenwood) Change: Remove special course charge from prerequisites. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB c. GCOM 413, Packaging and Display Technologies, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve GCOM 413 (Parsons/Myers) Ms. Greenwood asked why the course will only be offered once per year. Dr. Diez responded since the course is an elective and the department plans eventually to move it into the comprehensive major, the department wished to gauge the response to the course before moving it through. 鶹ý: Remove special course charge from prerequisites. Change the course objective Understand the basic technical aspects of common tools and software used to Demonstrate the basic technical aspects MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB 3. Request for Change in Course Number, Description, and Prerequisites a. GCOM 418, Graphic Presentations, 3 s.h. Current: GCOM 418 This course will focus on the utilization of multimedia programs using both authoring and presentation technologies. Students will create and present subject matter related to business and technology fields of study utilizing conventional and electronic delivery systems. Prereq: 6 s.h. of approved GCOM courses or consent of instructor Proposed: GCOM 318 An exploration and construction at an intermediate level of complex documents and presentations for web publishing. Emphasis on the technical aspects of using advanced techniques, hardware, and web authoring software and content management tools toward developing effective interactive online environments. Motion: To approve GCOM 418 (Neumann/Myers) 鶹ý: Remove special course charge from prerequisites. Change Division Change heading to Course Number Change on the form. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB F. Curricular Requests from the Department of Womens Studies 1. Request for Change in Title and Course Description a. WS/SOC 285, Multicultural Women, 3 s.h. Current: Multicultural Women This course offers an in-depth examination of the life characteristics and experiences of multicultural groups of women. African American, Irish, Latina, Asian, Lesbian, and other multicultural groups will be discussed. Proposed: Women: A Global Perspective This course emphasizes the voices of women across the globe from an interdisciplinary perspective. Special attention will be paid to womens activism, the transnational feminist movement, and an examination of the category woman in the global context. Motion: To approve WS/SOC 285 (Westerhold/Parsons) Ms. Hamm will report the change to the Council on General Education since this is a Gen Ed course. MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB 2. Request for Cross-Listing a. WS/POLS 415, Politics of Reproduction, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve WS/POLS 415 (Parsons/Westerhold) MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB A. Curricular Requests from the Department of Theatre and Dance 1. Request for New Course a. THEA 401, Honors Thesis/Project, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve THEA 401 (Westerhold/Myers) MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB B. Curricular Requests from the Department of African American Studies 1. Request for New Course a. AAS 499, Internship in AAS, 1-12 s.h. (repeatable to 12 s.h.) Motion: To approve AAS 499 (Parsons/Myers) Dr. Neumann noted that most internships require students to hold junior or senior standing. CCPI recommended that this be added to the course prerequisites. When asked where the internships will occur, Interim Chair of African American Studies, Alphonso Simpson, responded the possibilities are limitless because the department is so interdisciplinary. He said that broadcast media and the McDonough Housing Authority are two areas that have expressed an interest in taking AAS interns. Dr. Neumann asked if the internship would be graded S/U only. Dr. Simpson responded the department does not wish S/U grading right now but may consider it in future. CCPI discussed the contact hour requirements for internships and suggested these be added to the guidelines document. It was noted that the grading scale reflected on the attachment needs to be updated to plus-minus, and the suggestion was made to add the GPA requirement to it as well. Change: Add junior or senior standing to the prerequisites on the request form. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB C. Curricular Requests from the Department of Chemistry 1. Request for Change of Major a. Forensic Chemistry Motion: To approve Forensic Chemistry (Romano/Myers) In the conversation with CCPI members, Chemistry Chair Rose McConnell explained that CCPI is viewing the first of two changes to Forensic Chemistry major for the American Academy of Forensic Chemistry accreditation. The first change includes the addition of STAT 171 and realigning of courses to the appropriate course categories. The second change would be the addition of a new lab course, the department intends to include a 1 s.h. CHEM 492, 1 s.h. lab course that is currently being offered as a 475 course in the near future . CCPI noted that since the changes proposed currently for Forensic Chemistry reduce it to a non-comprehensive major, and since they do not need to go into effect immediately, the course change in Major be tabled until the additional course can be included as well. Motion: To table Forensic Chemistry (Parsons/Westerhold) MOTION TO TABLE APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB D. Curricular Requests from the Department of Sociology and Anthropology 1. Request for New Course a. ANTH 330, Sex and Gender in Archaeology, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve ANTH 330 (Parsons/Westerhold) MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB E. Curricular Requests from University Libraries 1. Requests for 鶹ý in Course Titles and Descriptions a. LIB 201, Library Information Resources, 3 s.h. Current: Library Information Resources Introduction to library information sources with emphasis on 鶹ý libraries. Includes hands-on experience with both print and various computerized information systems, with goal of promoting familiarity and ease in conducting library and other information related research. Proposed: Using Libraries Today I Information Access and Evaluation Introduces and provides competencies, concepts and techniques needed for individuals to determine information needs, develop search strategies, and access, retrieve, and evaluate print and online resources effectively and efficiently. The course provides hands-on experience using basic concepts with a focus on 鶹ý Libraries online catalog, databases, and internet resources. b. LIB 301, Information Resources in Social Sciences and Education, 1 s.h. Current: Information Resources in Social Sciences and Education Survey of library information sources for majors in education and the social and behavioral sciences. Includes hands-on experience with both print and various computerized information systems (CDROMs, Internet, computerized card catalog, and other electronic databases), with the goal of promoting familiarity and ease in conducting library and other information related research in social sciences and education. Not open to students who have taken LIB 331. Proposed: Using Libraries Today II Information Organization and Management Provides advanced instruction in the competencies, concepts, and techniques needed for individuals to access, evaluate, manage, and present information, using traditional and innovative resources and systems. Course content is focused on access, analysis, management, and presentation of information in a variety of formats and types (such as book reviews and transcripts, video, audio, data archiving, and web-based presentation and management tools). Students will learn to critically analyze topics, and perform effective, relevant, and ethical information retrieval and presentation through the applied use of databases, search engines, and web based publishing tools. Motion: To approve LIB courses (Romano/King) University Libraries professor Sean Cordes told CCPI that the description of LIB 301, in particular, did not reflect the intensity of a 300-level course and is now in deep freeze. Dr. Neumann asked if a student could take both 201 and 301. Mr. Cordes responded that would be allowable because the two courses will offer distinctly different content. Ms. Williams asked if the two courses could be taken simultaneously; Mr. Cordes responded that would also be possible provided the student had an understanding of the material in LIB 201. He used the analogy that in LIB 201 a student might explore material about cats and dogs, but in LIB 301 the student might have to subdivide the search into just Siamese cats and Dobermans. Drs. King and Neumann remarked this explanation sounds like LIB 301 needs a course prerequisite. Mr. Cordes explained some students take LIB 201 in their third or fourth year of college; the material in 201 is briefly covered in LIB 301at the beginning of the semester, then the course quickly moves on to more advanced tools. CCPI members felt that stipulating the LIB 201 prereq for LIB 301 but including the phrase or permission of instructor would allow for some flexibility if students have the necessary background to take LIB 301 without taking 201 first or to take the two simultaneously with permission. 鶹ý: Add prerequisite to LIB 301 of LIB 201 or permission of instructor. Change credit hours for LIB 301 to 1 s.h. (correction of typo) MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB F. Curricular Requests from the Department of English and Journalism 1. Request for New Course a. JOUR 436, International Public Relations, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve JOUR 436 (Parsons/Myers) CCPI asked that English and Journalism obtain a letter of support from the Department of Management and Marketing because the catalog description references international public relations for business, trade associations, and noncredit organizations. MOTION APPROVED PENDING LETTER OF SUPPORT 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB G. Curricular Requests from the Department of Psychology 1. Request for 275/475 Course a. PSY 475, Cultural Psychology, 3 s.h. Change: Change Date of First Offering to Spring 2011. NO OBJECTIONS TO EXPERIMENTAL COURSE VI. Reports Provosts Report Associate Provost Dallinger reiterated the Provosts office is trying to work out how students can be informed more effectively about course fees and the approval process for those fees. Chairperson LaPrad asked if it would be helpful for CCPI to include a line on their forms asking if there are fees associated with proposed courses. Dr. Kupka pointed out that course fees having nothing to do with CCPIs charge; Chairperson LaPrad responded it involves basic truth in advertising for proposed courses. Dr. Neumann pointed out that one section but not another section of a course could require fees. Associate Provost Dallinger stated her office is not aware of all the places that charge course fees at 鶹ý. A memo has been sent to departments about courses in deep freeze that are scheduled for elimination. The Department of Engineering Technology would like to change the name of its Manufacturing Engineering Technology degree to remove the word manufacturing. The Associate Provost has submitted a request for this change to the Illinois Board of Higher Education. Associate Provost Dallinger reviewed the reorganization being implemented within the College of Business and Technology. Motion: To adjourn (ParsonsParsons) The Council adjourned at 4:124:45 p.m. Tara Westerhold, Secretary Annette Hamm, Faculty Senate Office Manager     PAGE   PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 7 ./9DEGOYdiƬjN=/#hxIh5r(>*CJaJhxIh5r(5CJ\aJ!Hh&uhH4,5CJ\aJ7h5r(hH4,5CJ\aJcHcHdhdh9fdh&u@Hh9fhvShH4,5CJ\aJcHdhdhdh&u@Hh &h>?hH4,5CJ\aJcHdhdhdh&u3h5r(h~]l5CJ\aJcHdhdhdh*F3h5r(h995CJ\aJcHdhdhdh;Fh5r(5CJ\aJhah5r(5CJaJhah5r(5 /jt{ ^ _ 1 \`0X8@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I]gdH4,]gd5r( $]a$gd5r($]a$gd5r(oQFd&]   ' 3 ? 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