ࡱ>  LbjbjVV ><<^D6?????SSS8,Su:"9999999$W<>9?9??9H??9957`!)>zSZP69-:Hu:j6?0?477^??J8L99u:? :  COUNCIL ON CURRICULAR PROGRAMS AND INSTRUCTION Thursday, 25 February228 October September 2010 3:30 p.m. Algonquin Room - University Union A C T I O N M I N U T E S MEMBERS PRESENT: S. Bennett, A. Greenwood (SGA rep), J. King, T. Kupka, C. Kovacs, J. LaPrad, K. Myers, K. Myers, K. Neumann, N. Parsons, N, Parsons, S. Romano, A. Valeva, S. Romano, T. Westerhold Ex-officio: J. Dallinger, D. Williams MEMBERS ABSENT: T. KupkaJ. Benton, J. LaPrad, C. Piletic, None GUESTS: Tej Kaul, Mike Murray, Keri Allison, Pat Anderson, Brian Clark, Sean Cordes, Rose McConnell, Russ Morgan, David Patrick, Alphonso Simpson, Bill Thompson, John WozniakVicki Nicholson, Charles Wright, Seung Yoon I. Consideration of Minutes A. 29 April14 October 2010 APPROVED AS DISTRIBUTED II. II. Approvals from the Provost A. Requests for New Courses 1. ACCT 307, Accounting for Managers and Management Decisions, 3 s.h. 2. CHEM 363, Rational Drug Design, 3 s.h. 3. COMM 242, Fundamentals of Public Speaking, 3 s.h. 4. COMM 330, Language and Communication, 3 s.h. 5. COMM 428, Family Communication, 3 s.h. 6. ECON 408, Economics for Decision-makers, 3 s.h. 7. ENGR 300, Engineering Thermodynamics, 3 s.h. 8. ET 455, Engineering Technology Seminar, 3 s.h. 9 GEOG 333, Meteorological Data Analysis, 3 s.h. 10. MGT 483, Managing Organizations for Environmental Sustainability, 3 s.h. B. Requests for 鶹ý of Options 1. Biochemistry 2. Healthcare Information Technology Systems 3. Information Technology Systems C. Request for Change in Concentration 1. Youth Development D. Request for New Minor 1. Pre-MBA E. Requests for 鶹ý of Minors 1. Engineering Technology 2. Meteorology F. Requests for 鶹ý of Majors 1. Engineering 2. Engineering Technology 3. Meteorology III. Announcements None None IVII. Old Business None None IV. New Business Motion: To move IV.C.1. to the top of New Business (Parsons/Myers) MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB C. Curricular Requests from the Department of Broadcasting (Reordered) 1. Request for New Course a. BC 285, Broadcasting Practicum, 1 s.h. (repeatable to 4 s.h.) Motion: To approve BC 285 (Parsons/Myers) Dr. King remarked that her department offers a lower-division practicum but students have to take a basic skills course in order to obtain some of the necessary experience. She asked why there are no prerequisites for BC 285. Broadcasting professor Michael Murray explained that BC 285 is basically on-the-job training, and when students come into it with no experience they are instructed by the professor on whatever aspect they need to know camera operation, radio station computer playlist, etc. Dr. King asked if it would help to include one hour a week of class time so that there is less on-the-job time spent in instructing basic skills. Dr. Murray responded he sees the class as a chance for students interested in broadcasting to test the water and find out what its all about, which is why the course does not count toward the major, allowing students to use it as a general elective. He said this is the way the course has been designed for some time. Dr. Kupka noted that his department also offers courses that may be designed toward more of an exploratory experience. Dr. Neumann remarked BC 285 seems to involve more service or experiential learning. MOTION APPROVED 11 YES 0 NO 0 AB A. Curricular Requests from the Department of Instructional Design and Technology 1. Request for Change in Prerequisites a. IDT 480, Advanced Web Based Instruction, 3 s.h. Current: Corequisite or prerequisite: IDT 440. Prerequisite: IDT 351 or permission of instructor. Proposed: IDT 250 or permission of instructor Motion: To approve IDT 480 (Westerhold/Parsons) MOTION APPROVED 11 YES 0 NO 0 AB B. Curricular Requests from the Department of Economics and Decision Sciences 1. Request for New Course a. ECON 315, Economics of Sport, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve ECON 315 (Romano/Westerhold) CCPI members questioned wording in the catalog description indicating that incentives are something to be faced. Dr. Westerhold explained that some economic incentives can actually represent restrictions on athletes, adding that economists can look at incentives as both positive and negative. CCPI suggested a change of wording to replace faced by with as they apply to in the catalog description. CCPI representatives also questioned only the inclusion of ECON 232 in the Relationship to Existing Courses Within the Department section. Economics and Decision Sciences Chair Tej Kaul explained that he spoke with instructors of ECON 100, 231, and 232, and ECON 232 was found to offer the closest concepts to ECON 315; hence, the inclusion of the statement, This course assumes knowledge of basic economic principles taught in our introductory courses, particularly Econ 232 (Principles of Microeconomics). CCPI suggested the specific reference to ECON 232 be removed. Chairperson LaPrad stated his appreciation of the departments communication with Kinesiology. 鶹ý: Change faced by to as they apply to in the catalog description so that it reads, Emphasis on economic incentives faced by as they apply to professional sports teams and leagues as well as public policy issues impacting professional and college athletics. In Relationship to Existing Courses Within the Department, remove the phrase after the comma in the first sentence so that it reads, This course assumes knowledge of basic economic principles taught in our introductory courses. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 11 YES 0 NO 0 AB D. Curricular Requests from the Department of Art 1. Request for New Minor a. Graphic Design Motion: To approve Graphic Design minor (Parsons/Greenwood) Dr. Romano asked if students would be less likely to take a 21 s.h. minor then they are an 18 s.h. minor, stating that her experience as a former advisor leads her to believe that students are reluctant to take larger minors. She asked why four courses are recommended in Directed Electives rather than three. Chairperson LaPrad agreed with Dr. Romanos point from a marketing standpoint, but believes it is important to keep in mind whether the requirements meet the needs of the department. Art Department Chair Charles Wright told CCPI his department felt the sequence of courses Graphic Design Art Photography I, II, III, and IV along with the Digital Art Photography course are all necessary. Dr. Westerhold asked if students can complete the sequence easily; Dr. Wright responded affirmatively, adding they are all offered every semester. Chairperson LaPrad pointed out that the minor does fall within the 16-24 s.h. range allowable in the approved Definitions of Academic Terms, and stated he believes many students going into the graphic design field will seek this type of minor that can be transcripted. MOTION APPROVED 11 YES 0 NO 0 AB 2. Requests for New Options a. Bachelor of Arts: Graphic Design Motion: To approve Bachelor of Arts: Graphic Design option (Kupka/Westerhold) 鶹ý: Correct title of ARTS 416 to Graphic Design Senior Portfolio. Correct title of ARTS 246 to Digital Art Photography I. Correct title of ARTS 495 to Professional Practices in the Arts. Add footnote to 120 s.h. total indicating that ARTH 282 and 283 may count toward the University General Education requirement. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 11 YES 0 NO 0 AB b. Bachelor of Fine Arts: Graphic Design Motion: To approve Bachelor of Fine Arts: Graphic Design option (Parsons/Myers) Dr. Kupka noted that the rationale statement for this option is nearly identical to the Graphic Design option for the Bachelor of Arts. Dr. Wright explained that the BFA is a more concentrated art degree, while the BA is a more truly liberal arts degree. He added that the two options are a result of recommendations from the accrediting body. Dr. Kupka reiterated that the BFA option needs strengthening and recommended using the explanation that Dr. Wright just articulated. Chairperson LaPrad suggested that language in the course catalog explaining the difference between the BA and BFA programs could also be referenced. Chairperson LaPrad also suggested that the BFA: Graphic Design option include in its rationale the recognition that its 86 s.h., although above the 66 s.h. typical for comprehensive options, is not a change in the course catalog, is common among BFA programs at peer institutions, and addresses issues of accreditation. 鶹ý: Correct title of ARTS 416 to Graphic Design Senior Portfolio. Correct title of ARTS 246 to Digital Art Photography I. Correct title of ARTS 241 to Life Drawing I. Change departmental studio electives from 13 s.h. to 12 s.h. Add footnote to 120 s.h. total indicating that ARTH 282 and 283 may count toward the University General Education requirement. Strengthen rationale by reference to accreditation requirements and by explaining the difference between the BFA and BA options for Graphic Design; make the rationales for the two options more uniquely different. Include in rationale a recognition of the higher semester hour requirements and justification of same. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 11 YES 0 NO 0 AB A. Curricular Requests from the Department of Theatre and Dance 1. Request for New Course a. THEA 401, Honors Thesis/Project, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve THEA 401 (Westerhold/Myers) MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB B. Curricular Requests from the Department of African American Studies 1. Request for New Course a. AAS 499, Internship in AAS, 1-12 s.h. (repeatable to 12 s.h.) Motion: To approve AAS 499 (Parsons/Myers) Dr. Neumann noted that most internships require students to hold junior or senior standing. CCPI recommended that this be added to the course prerequisites. When asked where the internships will occur, Interim Chair of African American Studies, Alphonso Simpson, responded the possibilities are limitless because the department is so interdisciplinary. He said that broadcast media and the McDonough Housing Authority are two areas that have expressed an interest in taking AAS interns. Dr. Neumann asked if the internship would be graded S/U only. Dr. Simpson responded the department does not wish S/U grading right now but may consider it in future. CCPI discussed the contact hour requirements for internships and suggested these be added to the guidelines document. It was noted that the grading scale reflected on the attachment needs to be updated to plus-minus, and the suggestion was made to add the GPA requirement to it as well. Change: Add junior or senior standing to the prerequisites on the request form. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB C. Curricular Requests from the Department of Chemistry 1. Request for Change of Major a. Forensic Chemistry Motion: To approve Forensic Chemistry (Romano/Myers) In the conversation with CCPI members, Chemistry Chair Rose McConnell explained that CCPI is viewing the first of two changes to Forensic Chemistry major for the American Academy of Forensic Chemistry accreditation. The first change includes the addition of STAT 171 and realigning of courses to the appropriate course categories. The second change would be the addition of a new lab course, the department intends to include a 1 s.h. CHEM 492, 1 s.h. lab course that is currently being offered as a 475 course in the near future . CCPI noted that since the changes proposed currently for Forensic Chemistry reduce it to a non-comprehensive major, and since they do not need to go into effect immediately, the course change in Major be tabled until the additional course can be included as well. Motion: To table Forensic Chemistry (Parsons/Westerhold) MOTION TO TABLE APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB D. Curricular Requests from the Department of Sociology and Anthropology 1. Request for New Course a. ANTH 330, Sex and Gender in Archaeology, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve ANTH 330 (Parsons/Westerhold) MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB E. Curricular Requests from University Libraries 1. Requests for 鶹ý in Course Titles and Descriptions a. LIB 201, Library Information Resources, 3 s.h. Current: Library Information Resources Introduction to library information sources with emphasis on 鶹ý libraries. Includes hands-on experience with both print and various computerized information systems, with goal of promoting familiarity and ease in conducting library and other information related research. Proposed: Using Libraries Today I Information Access and Evaluation Introduces and provides competencies, concepts and techniques needed for individuals to determine information needs, develop search strategies, and access, retrieve, and evaluate print and online resources effectively and efficiently. The course provides hands-on experience using basic concepts with a focus on 鶹ý Libraries online catalog, databases, and internet resources. b. LIB 301, Information Resources in Social Sciences and Education, 1 s.h. Current: Information Resources in Social Sciences and Education Survey of library information sources for majors in education and the social and behavioral sciences. Includes hands-on experience with both print and various computerized information systems (CDROMs, Internet, computerized card catalog, and other electronic databases), with the goal of promoting familiarity and ease in conducting library and other information related research in social sciences and education. Not open to students who have taken LIB 331. Proposed: Using Libraries Today II Information Organization and Management Provides advanced instruction in the competencies, concepts, and techniques needed for individuals to access, evaluate, manage, and present information, using traditional and innovative resources and systems. Course content is focused on access, analysis, management, and presentation of information in a variety of formats and types (such as book reviews and transcripts, video, audio, data archiving, and web-based presentation and management tools). Students will learn to critically analyze topics, and perform effective, relevant, and ethical information retrieval and presentation through the applied use of databases, search engines, and web based publishing tools. Motion: To approve LIB courses (Romano/King) University Libraries professor Sean Cordes told CCPI that the description of LIB 301, in particular, did not reflect the intensity of a 300-level course and is now in deep freeze. Dr. Neumann asked if a student could take both 201 and 301. Mr. Cordes responded that would be allowable because the two courses will offer distinctly different content. Ms. Williams asked if the two courses could be taken simultaneously; Mr. Cordes responded that would also be possible provided the student had an understanding of the material in LIB 201. He used the analogy that in LIB 201 a student might explore material about cats and dogs, but in LIB 301 the student might have to subdivide the search into just Siamese cats and Dobermans. Drs. King and Neumann remarked this explanation sounds like LIB 301 needs a course prerequisite. Mr. Cordes explained some students take LIB 201 in their third or fourth year of college; the material in 201 is briefly covered in LIB 301at the beginning of the semester, then the course quickly moves on to more advanced tools. CCPI members felt that stipulating the LIB 201 prereq for LIB 301 but including the phrase or permission of instructor would allow for some flexibility if students have the necessary background to take LIB 301 without taking 201 first or to take the two simultaneously with permission. 鶹ý: Add prerequisite to LIB 301 of LIB 201 or permission of instructor. Change credit hours for LIB 301 to 1 s.h. (correction of typo) MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB F. Curricular Requests from the Department of English and Journalism 1. Request for New Course a. JOUR 436, International Public Relations, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve JOUR 436 (Parsons/Myers) CCPI asked that English and Journalism obtain a letter of support from the Department of Management and Marketing because the catalog description references international public relations for business, trade associations, and noncredit organizations. MOTION APPROVED PENDING LETTER OF SUPPORT 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB G. Curricular Requests from the Department of Psychology 1. Request for 275/475 Course a. PSY 475, Cultural Psychology, 3 s.h. Change: Change Date of First Offering to Spring 2011. NO OBJECTIONS TO EXPERIMENTAL COURSE VI. Reports Provosts Report None Chairperson LaPrad informed CCPI that the PSY 200 new course request generated lively discussion at Faculty Senate. He related some senators questioned the validity of this type of course and the precedent set by approving it. Associate Provost Dallinger reviewed the reorganization being implemented within the College of Business and Technology. Motion: To adjourn (ParsonsParsons) The Council adjourned at 4:124:20 p.m. Tara Westerhold, Secretary Annette Hamm, Faculty Senate Office Manager     PAGE   PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 4 /0:EFHPZ_ּfXLA3(hP`h5r(CJaJhP`h5r(5CJ\aJhxIh5r(CJaJhxIh5r(>*CJaJhxIh5r(5CJ\aJ3h5r(hvS5CJ\aJcHdhdhdh9f!Hh9fhvS5CJ\aJ!Hh &h>?5CJ\aJ3h5r(h~]l5CJ\aJcHdhdhdh*F3h5r(h995CJ\aJcHdhdhdh;Fh5r(5CJ\aJhah5r(5CJaJhah5r(5h5r(5CJ\aJ0`jq 1 \`0X8@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I]gd5r( $]a$gd5r($]a$gd5r(oQFd&] $0]0a$gd5r(   ) 5 A L W c q } п꥚pdHd.3hP`h5r(hvSCJaJcHdhdhdh:f6hP`h5r(h99CJ\aJcHdhdhdh@FhP`h5r(CJ\aJ$Hh@FhP`h5r(CJ\aJ-h5r(hvSCJaJcHdhdhdh:fhP`h5r(CJaJ3hP`h5r(h~]lCJaJcHdhdhdh*F!Hh;FhP`h5r(CJaJ3hP`h5r(h99CJaJcHdhdhdh@FHh &h>?CJaJh5r(CJaJ {k_VF-0h5r(h~]lCJ\aJcHdhdhdh*FHh &h>?CJ\aJh5r(CJ\aJhP`h>?CJ\aJHh &h5r(CJ\aJHh &h>?CJ\aJ3hP`h5r(h>?CJaJcHdhdhdh &6hP`h5r(h99CJ\aJcHdhdhdh@F3hP`h5r(h99CJaJcHdhdhdh;F-h5r(h~]lCJaJcHdhdhdh*FhP`h5r(5CJ\aJ     ̬̒vR;-h5r(hvSCJaJcHdhdhdhDfFhvShvSh>?5CJaJcHdhdhdh &Af*5HhAfhvSCJaJHhAfh5r(CJaJh h5r(5CJaJHh &h>?CJaJ-h5r(h~]lCJaJcHdhdhdh*Fh5r(>*CJaJh5r(CJaJhP`h5r(CJ\aJHh &h>?CJ\aJHh*Fh~]lCJ\aJ   0 1 : \`0X8@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF IgdRo*Fd&1 \`0X8@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I   / 1 2 3 5 M P Q ) * T V  ! m o q !68:ORT_̵6h h5r(hR>*CJaJcHdhdhdh*F3h h5r(hRCJaJcHdhdhdh*F-h5r(hRCJaJcHdhdhdh*F6hBPh5r(hR>*CJaJcHdhdhdh*F-h5r(h>?CJaJcHdhdhdh &21 N O XR b `0Xv8@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gdRo*Fd& v^`T \`0v8p@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gdRo*Fd& vpX^`O ( T  l m wG \`0X8p@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Ip^pgdRo*Fd& p^? 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