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KIN 265, Skill Analysis and Assessment in Physical Education, 2 s.h. h. KIN 477, Physical Education Curriculum, 3 s.h. i. NURS 305, Introduction to Professional Nursing, 3 s.h. j. NURS 310, Fundamentals of Nursing, 6 s.h. k. NURS 316, Transcultural Nursing, 2 s.h. l. NURS 318, Nursing Theory and Trends, 2 s.h. m. NURS 322, Adult and Child Nursing I, 5 s.h. n. NURS 323, Nursing of Women of Childbearing Age and Young Children, 4 s.h. o. NURS 324, Pharmacology, 3 s.h. p. NURS 422, Adult and Child Nursing II, 5 s.h. q. NURS 423, Mental Health Nursing, 3 s.h. r. NURS 424, Adult and Child Nursing III, 7 s.h. s. NURS 425, Senior Seminar, 3 s.h. 2. Request for Change in Major a. Nursing III. Announcements Chairperson Parsons announced that the Illinois Board of Higher Education has responded to a question from Associate Provost Baily by stating that 鶹ý Illinois University can determine where degrees will be housed within the organizational structures on its campuses. This opens the way for the Center for International Studies to house the International Studies major and courses. IV. Old Business A. Request for Change in Prerequisites 1. MKTG 327, Marketing Principles, 3 s.h. Current: None Proposed: ACCT 201 and ACCT 202, or ACCT 200 and ECON 231, or ACCT 201 and ECON 231 Motion: To approve MKTG 327 (Melkumian/Kornoski) When asked if the change would prevent Business majors from minoring in Marketing, Marketing and Finance professor John Drea responded there are currently 360 Marketing minors of which approximately 100 are already majoring with the College of Business and Technology (COBT). Those majors already take the two-semester sequence of Accounting courses as part of the Business core, so they could not count toward the minor and those students would have to take additional Marketing electives to reach the required 18 s.h. Dr. Drea explained that much of what is taught in Marketing concerns strategies and analytics, and it is difficult to teach without students possessing a basic knowledge of accounting ratios to determine if strategies are working or not. He related the department has previously tried placing non-majors into a separate section where accounting concepts are taught at the beginning of the course, but the experiment is not working, with students exhibiting a measurable difference between those who have had previous Accounting courses and those who have not. When asked how the change will affect the two accredited programs requiring MKTG 327 in their majors, Music Business and Dietetics, Dr. Drea responded the Music Business major should not be affected, and the change was written to accommodate Dietetics. When asked how the change will affect Agriculture, Dr. Bailey responded it will not materially affect and will actually improve the program. Chairperson Parsons expressed concern at the lack of a response from Dietetics, Fashion Merchandising and Hospitality (DFMH) to an email from Larry Wall informing them of the change. Dr. Drea told CCPI that only a small number of Dietetics students will be affected by the change, so if DFMH wishes for their students to be allowed into MKTG 327 during Fall 2008 and Spring 2009 semesters in order to allow the department to determine a response to the change, they can be accommodated. COBT Dean Tom Erekson agreed that this solution would be acceptable to the college. Dr. Neumann asked if the prerequisite change would be waived for seniors or rising juniors who might have their graduation dates affected by the additional requirements. Dean Erekson responded it would not be fair to add 6 s.h. to the end of a students college plan, and there will be efforts made to transition the change. He told CCPI that COBT advisors will work with individuals in order not to delay graduations, but affected students may be at a disadvantage in the class because they will be held to higher standards that they may struggle to meet because they will have not taken all of the prerequisites. MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB V. New Business A. Requests for New Courses 1. MUS 498, Vocal Literature and Pedagogy, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve MUS 498 (Kornoski/Melkumian) Since the numbers 298 and 498 are reserved for independent study courses, the number will be changed to MUS 499. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB 2. THEA 499, BFA Senior Project, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve THEA 499 (Kovacs/Neumann) Theatre and Dance Chair Jeannie Woods told CCPI that this course has previously been offered as independent study. When told that 400-level courses must have prerequisites, Dr. Woods responded that senior standing should be sufficient as students can complete it in their first or second semester of their senior year. She said it is a capstone course, and students should have already completed all of the stages leading up to it. 鶹ý: Change prerequisites to Musical Theatre major and senior standing. Add information about relationship to courses within the Department of Theatre and Dance. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB 3. UNIV 099, BOT/BA Prior Learning Portfolio Tutorial, 0 s.h. Motion: To approve UNIV 099 (Melkumian/Kornoski) Non-Traditional Programs Director Rick Carter explained that while portfolios are optional for Board of Trustees Bachelor of Arts degree program students, those who wish to submit a portfolio will now be required to take UNIV 099 as part of that process. MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB B. Request for Change in Prerequisites 1. COMM 311, Research Design in Communication, 3 s.h. Current: ENG 180 and ENG 280 Proposed: ENG 180, ENG 280 and COMM 130 with a grade of C or higher Motion: To approve COMM 311 (Piletic/Melkumian) MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB C. Request for Change in Course Title, Course Description, Credit Hours, and Repeatability 1. MUS 490, Literature of the Applied Field, 3 s.h. Current: Literature of the Applied Field, 3 s.h. Survey of woodwind or brass or percussion literature considered from its historical, formal, stylistic and aesthetic aspects. Content varies with areas of performance and expertise. Proposed: Literature and Pedagogy of Wind and Percussion Instruments, 1-3 s.h. (repeatable up to 3 s.h.) Survey of woodwind or brass or percussion literature and pedagogy considered from its historical, formal, stylistic and aesthetic aspects. Content varies with areas of performance and expertise. Motion: To approve MUS 490 (Myers/Kovacs) MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB D. Request for Change in Major 1. Board of Trustees Bachelor of Arts Degree Program Motion: To approve BOT/BA change in major (Melkumian/Piletic) Chairperson Parsons asked how the courses proposed to fulfill the writing requirement were identified and if the departments were notified of potential increased enrollment by BOT/BA students. She said Health Sciences, for one, was not informed they had a course on the BOT/BA list. Dr. Carter responded that the courses listed on the request were previously identified as meeting the writing requirements in the BOT/BA guidelines. He explained they are upper division and mostly online so accessible to their students. The course list was approved by the BOT/BA Advisory Committee to fulfill the Universitys writing requirements. Chairperson Parsons asked if there is now a procedure in place in the event a student opts to complete a validated comprehensive writing assignment to meet the writing requirement for the program. Dr. Carter told CCPI that English and Journalism Chair Dave Boocker said his department would be able to accommodate BOT/BA students who choose this option. Dr. Carter added that should this option be chosen by a student, his department and English/Journalism would need to discuss ACEs or other recognition for the time and effort devoted by a faculty member to evaluating the writing assignment. Chairperson Parsons asked how many BOT/BA students chose to complete a WID course to fulfill the writing requirement. When told that almost no students choose this option, she asked if it is necessary to offer it. Dr. Neumann remarked that it would be helpful to leave this as an option for students who transfer to the BOT/BA degree program after having already completed a WID requirement in their previous majors. MOTION APPROVED 9 YES 0 NO 1 AB 2. Musical Theatre Motion: To approve Music Theatre (Melkumian/Kornoski) MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB A. Requests for New Courses (Continued) 1. ENGR 211, Strength of Materials, 3 s.h. When asked to give an overview of the proposed Engineering major, Dean Erekson told CCPI that shortly after he was hired, President Goldfarb told him he would like for 鶹ý to develop a small accredited Engineering program to complement the Engineering Technology programs on the Macomb and Quad Cities campuses. He told CCPI that in order for the program to be accredited, a year and a half of accredited content must be offered, including a capstone course. Dean Erekson told CCPI that Engineering Technology has been offered in the Quad Cities for 15 years, and the proposed Engineering major will make use of some of the same courses. The College of Business and Technology prepared a study of peer institutions and a needs analysis for a two-year program to be delivered at 鶹ýQC. Students would transfer into the program from community colleges or four-year institutions, or from the Macomb campus. Dean Erekson reported that about 60 students last year were admitted to 鶹ýs pre-Engineering program, but less than 20 showed up; it is hoped the proposed Engineering major will help increase that rate. He said an advisory board has been established for the proposed major. Dean Erekson met with the chairs of Physics and Mathematics and the Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences, who were all very positive about the proposal since they hope it will attract more students to their science and mathematics classes. Dr. Kovacs asked if the College had examined similar regional institutions providing accredited Engineering programs. Dean Erekson replied that Southeast Missouri, the University of Tennessee at Martin, Northern Illinois University, Arizona State, and others were studied. Ms. Williams remarked that if students transfer to the program having taken all of their math and science courses at a community college, they will need to take more hours in order to reach the 60 required from a four-year school or obtain a blanket waiver from CAGAS. Dean Erekson added that students will need to understand that they can only transfer in a certain number of semester hours, and this may cause some challenges for advising. Motion: To approve ENGR 211 (Melkumian/Kovacs) CCPI members wondered why a prerequisite course with a higher number, ENGR 241, was being required for a lower-numbered course. Dean Erekson explained that ENGR 241 is an existing course with content appropriate for students to have before taking the proposed new course. CCPI asked that Dean Erekson provide justification on the form as to why this prereq was chosen. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB [Note: the College of Business and Technology subsequently changed the course number of ENGR 211 to ENGR 251, thus no additional rationale for the prereq was needed.] 2. ENGR 311, Fluid Dynamics, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve ENGR 311 (Melkumian/Myers) MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB 3. ENGR 330, Engineering Economics, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve ENGR 330 (Melkumian/Kornoski) Dean Erekson told CCPI he has discussed the proposed course with the Chair of Economics who supports it. CCPI requested an email of support to accompany the proposal to Faculty Senate. MOTION APPROVED PENDING LETTER OF SUPPORT 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB 4. ENGR 331, Engineering Project Management, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve ENGR 331 (Myers/Melkumian) CCPI requested a letter of support from the Chair of Management to accompany the course. MOTION APPROVED PENDING LETTER OF SUPPORT 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB 5. ENGR 471, Microelectronic Circuits, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve ENGR 471 (Melkumian/Myers) CCPI noted that the prerequisite course, PHYS 320, has a co-requisite course of MATH 333. The question was raised whether MATH 333 will be taught in the Quad Cities. Dean Erekson responded that MATH 333 will be taught in the first two years of the program in Macomb. Since this will be problematic if MATH 333 must truly be taught as a co-req, Dean Erekson will check to see if MATH 333 can be taken as a prerequisite rather than a co-requisite. PHYS 312 was also brought up as a possible concern since it is listed as a supporting course for the major and also requires MATH 333 as a co-requisite. Dean Erekson told CCPI that PHYS 312 is taught on the Macomb campus as part of the pre-Engineering program. MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB 6. ENGR 478, Industrial Controls, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve ENGR 478 (Melkumian/Kornoski) MOTION APPROVED 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB 7. ENGR 499, Senior Design, 2 s.h. (repeatable to 4 s.h.) Motion: To approve ENGR 499 (Melkumian/Piletic) Change: Add Engineering major to prerequisite of senior standing. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB E. Request for New Major 1. Engineering Motion: To approve Engineering major (Waldrop/Melkumian) Dean Erekson told CCPI that the proposed major is larger than 120 s.h. due to accreditation requirements. He said this could be adjusted only by changing the existing pre-Engineering major, which is already articulated with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He added that accredited Engineering programs across the country are mostly in the 130 s.h. range. Dean Erekson explained that another challenge is that placement in any course below MATH 133 would mean students will have to take at least another semester of Math. Ms. Williams asked if students can take the ENGR 493 Internship for more than 3 s.h. if an increase is needed to meet the hours for a four-year school requirement. Dean Erekson responded that would likely be a good solution, but he will have to check if this will fit into the guidelines for the program. Dr. Neuman remarked that inclusion of the Electrical/Computer Option will mean that a discrete math will be required in order to meet accreditation requirements of the Accreditation Board for Business Engineering and Technology (ABET). Dean Erekson responded that he has used the model established by the University of Tennessee at Martin. CCPI asked if ENGR 499, the capstone Senior Design course, must be taken for two semesters since it is reflected as 4 s.h. within the Core Courses on the chart. Dean Erekson responded that the 4 s.h. could be taken in one semester but that scenario is unlikely. 鶹ý: Include information in the Rationale explaining why the major is more than 120 hours. Include a notation below the chart explaining that the major is actually 146 s.h. including 13 s.h. that will count toward Gen Ed. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 10 YES 0 NO 0 AB F. Request for Change in Minor 1. Marketing Motion: To add the request for change to the Marketing minor to the agenda (Neumann/Melkumian) MOTION APPROVED 9 YES 0 NO 0 AB Motion: To approve the Marketing minor (Neumann/Piletic) It was explained that the hours of the Marketing minor were changed in order to make more transparent for students the increase in prerequisites for MKTG 327. Finance and Supply Chain Management minors may also be bringing forward changes. Dean Erekson told CCPI that Business majors normally dont take the Marketing minor, with only about 100 enrolled. He said they can take the minor but may need some adjustment to the classes they take to complete it. MOTION APPROVED 9 YES 0 NO 0 AB VI. Reports Provosts Report None Chairperson Parsons told CCPI that Associate Provost Baily at the recent Faculty Senate meeting announced that all new majors and certificate programs will now have to be pre-approved by the Provosts office before beginning the curricular process. The question was raised how CCPI will know whether a new major or undergraduate certificate has received pre-approval. Motion: To adjourn (Neumann) The Council adjourned at 4:50 p.m. Kathy Neumann, Vice Chair (for Jeff Engel, Secretary) Annette Hamm, Faculty Senate Recording Secretary     PAGE  PAGE 7 .9@EQ[tļzog\gQI>h/hy:CJaJh!CJaJh/h!CJaJh,]hCJaJhCJaJh/hdnCJaJhhCJaJhCJaJh/hCJaJh/hHCJaJh/h,5CJ\aJh/h,CJaJh,CJaJh,>*CJaJh2%5CJ\aJhFn5CJ\aJh5CJ\aJh,5CJ\aJ h,5\/FGQst 1 2 K L   gd! gd gdy6<gdy6<$a$gdy6< $E]Ea$gdy6<     % 0 1 2 B J K L Q R S T r } xl^RI@I@hCJ\aJhCJ\aJh/h|VCJ\aJh/h(5CJ\aJh/hHCJ\aJh/he8CJaJh/h,5CJ\aJh/hH5CJ\aJh/h"CJaJh/h,CJaJh/hq[CJaJh/hCJaJhCJaJh/h!CJ\aJh/h!CJaJh/hB_/CJaJh/hNCJaJ     / 1 2 ź؛wnbVNChH#yh,]CJaJh,]CJaJh,]h,]>*CJaJh/h -5CJaJh!5CJaJh/he85CJaJhbKCJaJh#&CJaJhNCJaJh2CJaJh/hNCJaJh/hM'>*CJaJh/hM'CJaJh/h!CJaJhACJaJhCJaJhCJaJh/hRCJaJh/h)u4CJ\aJ 0 1 N O t  ? v 0 _ = = _`08T@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gd(Ls gdH#y 8gdH#y `p@ gddn2 4 5 N O Q u v   @ A w x 1 2 ` a > ? b c 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