ࡱ>  Qbjbj >I**mmmmm8t-0$ΆpCmmmmCmmXmdmmmF9t|R"IwT n0w&l&||&m|` SCC mmmm&* 3: COUNCIL ON CURRICULAR PROGRAMS AND INSTRUCTION Thursday, 16 April 2009 3:30 p.m. Algonquin Room - University Union A G E N D A I. Consideration of Minutes A. 2 April 2009 II. Approvals from the Provost III. Announcements IV. Old Business V. New Business A. Requests for New Courses 1. ECON 197, Skill Development, 0 s.h. 2. ECON 497, Senior Knowledge Assessment, 0 s.h. 3. IT 215, IT Infrastructure, 3 s.h. 4. IT 466, Topics in Healthcare Informatics, 3 s.h., repeatable to 6 s.h. under different titles 5. IT 467, Topics in Enterprise and/or Strategic Information Systems, 3 s.h., repeatable to 6 s.h. under different titles 6. KIN 464, Field Experience in Exercise Science, 1 s.h. 7. MUS 216, Applied Musical Theatre Voice, Lower Division, 1-4 s.h. 8. MUS 416, Applied Musical Theatre Voice, Upper Division, 1-4 s.h. B. Requests for Multiple Title Approvals 1. IT 466, Topics in Healthcare Informatics, 3 s.h., repeatable to 6 s.h. under different titles 2. IT 467, Topics in Enterprise and/or Strategic Information Systems, 3 s.h., repeatable to 6 s.h. under different titles C. Requests for 鶹ý in Credit Hours 1. RPTA 249, Principles of Outdoor Adventure Recreation, 2 s.h. Current: 2 s.h. Proposed: 3 s.h. 2. RPTA 349, Expedition Planning, 2 s.h. Current: 2 s.h. Proposed: 3 s.h. D. Requests for 鶹ý in Prerequisites 1. ACCT 451, Accounting Systems and Control, 3 s.h. Current: ACCT 351 with grade of C or better, IS 340, and ENG 280 Proposed: ACCT 341 with grade of C or better, and CS 302 2. ECON 387, Econometrics I, 3 s.h. Current: MATH 137 Proposed: MATH 137; DS 203 or STAT 171 3. ECON 499, Individual Research in Economics, 1-3 s.h., repeatable to 3 s.h. Current: Senior status and a major in economics; written permission of department chairperson Proposed: Junior status and permission of the instructor 4. IT 341, Business Systems Analysis, 3 s.h. Current: IS 340; CS 220 or CS 211 and 212 Proposed: IS 215, 340; CS 211 and 212 or permission of department chairperson 5. RPTA 499, Internship in Leisure Services, 3 s.h., 12 s.h. to be taken concurrently Current: Upper division status or consent of instructor, approval of departmental committee Proposed: Upper division status, all core classes completed with a minimum of a C in each, approval of departmental committee E. Requests for 鶹ý in Course Descriptions 1. BL 230, The Legal Environment of Business, 3 s.h. Current: Introduction to the nature and function of law and legal systems; reflects important concepts of business law and institutional forces which shape the law. Proposed: An introduction to the legal system and the laws governing activities of business; including a study of the foundations of the legal system, business ethics, alternative dispute resolution, contracts, business wrongs (torts) and an introduction to business organizations. 2. BL 431, The Law of Commercial Transactions, 3 s.h. Current: A study of commercial transactions including contracts, sales, negotiable instruments, and the legal environment of business. Proposed: A study of commercial transactions, including contracts, sales, bankruptcy, secured transactions, and the legal environment of business. 3. BL 432, The Law of Business Organizations, 3 s.h. Current: A study of business organizations including agency, partnerships, corporations, and an overview of the legal relationships between business and government. Proposed: A study of the laws governing business organizations, including agency, partnerships, corporations, employment, real estate, and an overview of the legal relationships between business and government. 4. HRM 444, International Human Resource, 3 s.h. Current: The study of human resource management practices and regulations in major regions of the world. Topics will include staffing, selection, training and development, labor relations, performance appraisal, and managing workforce diversity in a global economy. Proposed: The study of human resource management practices and regulations. Topics will include staffing, selection, training and development, labor relations, performance appraisal, and managing workforce diversity in a global economy. 5. MGT 445, Organization Development, 3 s.h. Current: An introduction to methods of planned change in organizational culture, including intra- and interpersonal behavior and relationships within and between groups. Proposed: Examines current models and methods for bringing about change in organizations. Emphasizes understanding organizations as complex adaptive systems; provides knowledge and practical tools to promote and maintain system viability across the dynamic contexts facing modern organizations. 6. MGT 481, Management and Society: Ethics and Social Responsibility, 3 s.h. Current: A contemporary study of relationships between the business institution and society. Topics considered include business ethics/moralities, pollution, consumerism, governmental regulatory machinery, and current energy problems. Proposed: A study of relationships between business, government, society and individuals. Topics include ethics, social responsibility, regulation, globalization, and managing ethical and social issues of concern to various stakeholders and the natural environment. 7. OM 352, Operations Management, 3 s.h. Current: Theoretical foundations for operations management and application of decision-making to operations problems in the service or manufacturing organization. Focus is on increasing the value-adding content of transformations. Proposed: Foundations for operations management as practiced in contemporary organizations. Focus is on the efficient and effective value-adding transformation of inputs into goods and services in both internal and external value chains. 8. OM 455, Total Quality Management, 3 s.h. Current: A study of the principles and applications of contemporary total quality management (TQM). Includes private and public sectors, manufacturing and service applications. Proposed: A study of theoretical principles and practical applications of total quality management in service and manufacturing settings. Addresses quantitative and managerial foundations for Statistical Process Control, Process Capability, Six-Sigma Quality, ISO9000 and the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Procedures. 9. OM 460, 461, 462, Independent Research in Operations Management I, II, and III, 1-2 s.h. each, not repeatable Current: Independent research study of an approved topic. For selected business majors. Proposed: Independent research study of an approved operations management topic. For selected business majors. F. Request for Change in Course Number and Division 1. RPTA 332, Programming Principles and Applications in Leisure Services, 3 s.h. Current: RPTA 332 Proposed: RPTA 235 G. Request for Change in Course Title and Prerequisites 1. IS 342, Business Database Management, 3 s.h. Current: Business Database Management Prereq: IS 341 or permission of department chairperson Proposed: Enterprise Database Management Prereq: IS 215, 340; CS 211 and 212 or permission of department chairperson H. Requests for 鶹ý in Course Titles and Descriptions 1. MGT 490, Business Strategies and Policies, 3 s.h. Current: Business Strategies and Policies A business capstone course that integrates the separate functional activities into the effective operation of the organization. Emphasis is placed upon strategic planning in the global business environment. Proposed: Business Strategy This capstone course integrates functional perspectives in a general managers view of organizational competition under uncertainty; explores frameworks analyzing external environments and firm resources; building and sustaining competitive advantage; and develops skills in designing, communicating and implementing strategies. 2. MUS 262, Phonetics and Diction, 2 s.h. Current: Phonetics and Diction Study of Italian, French, and German phonetics and diction as they apply to singing. Utilization of vocal literature from the Baroque to the present. Proposed: Phonetics and Diction I Study of the International Phonetic Alphabet. Study of English, Italian, and Latin phonetics and diction as they apply to singing. Utilization of standard vocal literature. Attend a weekly performance lab. 3. RPTA 251, Inclusive Leisure Services for People with Disabilities, 3 s.h. Current: Inclusive Leisure Services for People with Disabilities Study of the medical, social, and cultural factors that affect the participation in leisure services by persons who have disabilities as they participate in inclusive leisure services that promote development. Volunteer experience required. Proposed: Introduction to Therapeutic Recreation Introduction to the field of therapeutic recreation, theories and models, orientation to types of disability, settings of service, and professional development. Volunteer experience required. 4. SPED 390, Characteristics and Classroom Adaptations, 1 s.h. Current: Characteristics and Classroom Adaptations Basic characteristics of students with mild disabilities (learning disabilities, behavior disorders, cognitive disorders) and classroom modifications that may help them succeed in the general education classroom will be covered, as will the range of positions regarding the philosophy of inclusion. For non-majors only. Proposed: Classroom Adaptations The course will provide information and practice in using a variety of strategies and techniques that will help general educators serve children with special needs in their classrooms. Response to Intervention will be discussed. Students will practice using a University Design approach to help them plan for all students. Non-majors only. I. Request for Change in Course Title, Course Description, and Course Number 1. CS 440, Ethics in Information Technology, 3 s.h. Current: CS 440, Ethics in Information Technology Study of challenges and implications of computer technology for users and IT professionals. Topics include software quality, freedom of expression, privacy, intellectual property, hackers, and computer crime. Proposed: CS 320, Ethical, Social and Legal Issues in the Digital World Study of challenges and implications of computer technology for users and IT professionals. Topics include global perspectives on ethical, social and legal issues in software quality, freedom of expression, privacy, intellectual property, hacking, and computer crime. J. Request for Change in Course Description and Prerequisites 1. IS 344, Telecommunications Planning Management, 3 s.h. Current: An introduction to business management tools and techniques necessary to plan and manage a companys telecommunications function. Topics include telecommunications management basics, telecommunications planning, project management, operations management, and acquisition management. Prereq: CS 214 or 220 Proposed: An introduction to business management tools and techniques necessary to plan and manage a companys telecommunications and network functions. Topics include telecommunications management and network administration basics; telecommunications planning and project management; and operations and acquisition management. Prereq: CS 214 or permission of department chairperson K. Request for Change in Course Title, Description and Prerequisites 1. IS 415, E-Commerce Systems Development and Management, 3 s.h. Current: E-Commerce Systems Development and Management This course will cover tools and technologies related to electronic commerce systems development and management. Emphasis will be placed on developing the infrastructure and exploring the emerging technical and managerial issues in support of E-commerce. Credit cannot be earned for both CS 415 and IS 415. Prereq: IS 342 Proposed: Web IT Systems Development and Management This course will cover tools and technologies related to Web IT Systems development and management. Emphasis will be placed on developing the infrastructure and exploring the emerging technical and managerial issues in support of Web IT Systems. Credit cannot be earned for both CS 415 and IS 415. Prereq: IS 341 and 342 2. IS 462, MIS Project Development, 3 s.h. Current: MIS Project Development Identification of a practical, information systems related problem and development of its solution. Prereq: IS 341 and 342 and senior standing Proposed: IS Project Management and Development Study of the issues and challenges in managing information systems development projects. Students will also identify, develop, and implement a solution to an information systems problem. Prereq: IS 415 and senior standing or permission of the department chair 3. MUS 263, Phonetics and Diction, 2 s.h. Current: Phonetics and Diction Study of Italian, French, and German phonetics and diction as they apply to singing. Utilization of vocal literature from the Baroque to the present. Prereq: None Proposed: Phonetics and Diction II Study of French and German diction and phonetics as applied to singing. Utilization of standard vocal literature. Attend a weekly performance lab. Prereq: MUS 262 with C or better. L. Request for Change in Course Title, Credit Hour, and Course Description 1. KIN 170, Eating and Exercise, 2 s.h. Current: Eating and Exercise, 2 s.h. An application of weight control principles and practices including an assessment of physical fitness, ideal body weight, caloric intake/expenditure, and an individual exercise program plus suggestions for dietary planning and computer assessment of eating program. 2 credit hours (1 hour lecture, 2 hours lab) Proposed: Introduction to Physical Wellness, 3 s.h. An introduction to concepts of physical wellness with an emphasis on fitness and eating strategies. Designed to help students develop an understanding of the field of exercise science. 3 credit hours. M. Requests for 鶹ý in Credit Hours, Course Descriptions, and Prerequisites 1. KIN 300, Fitness Activities for the Older Adult and Target Populations, 2 s.h. Current: 2 s.h. Development of leadership skills, assessment techniques, and program designs necessary to be an effective fitness professional for older adults and selected target populations. (1 hour lecture, 2 hours lab) Prereq: KIN 170, 290, 291 Proposed: 3 s.h. Development of leadership skills, assessment techniques, and program designs necessary to be an effective fitness professional for older adults and selected target populations (e.g., arthritis, asthma, obesity, etc.). Prereq: KIN 170, 290 2. KIN 347, Principles and Leadership of Resistive Exercise, 2 s.h. Current: 2 s.h. Development of leadership skills and assessment techniques for resistive exercise. Principles will focus on the skills necessary to be an effective fitness professional of resistive exercise and other weight training techniques. (1 hour lecture, 2 hours lab) Prereq: KIN 170 Proposed: 3 s.h. Development of leadership skills and assessment techniques for resistive exercise. Principles will focus on the skills necessary to be an effective fitness professional of resistive exercise and other weight training techniques. Prereq: KIN 170, 290 3. KIN 444, Exercise and Wellness Programming, 2 s.h. Current: 2 s.h. A study of exercise science and wellness programming with special attention given to facilities, equipment, and leadership skills necessary to direct exercise and wellness programs. Prereq: KIN 440 and permission of instructor; ENG 280 Proposed: 3 s.h. Administration of exercise science and wellness programming with special attention given to leadership skills and assessments necessary to direct exercise and wellness programs. Prereq: Senior standing, KIN 440 and permission of instructor; ENG 280 N. Requests for 鶹ý in Course Titles, Credit Hours, Course Descriptions, and Prerequisites 1. IS 470, Internship in Information Management, 1-12 s.h., repeatable to 12 s.h. Current: Internship in Information Management, 1-12 s.h., repeatable to 12 s.h. Work experience, on- or off-campus, in an organization involving computerized information systems. Intern will be supervised by a faculty coordinator and an executive in the business firm. Reports of work experience are submitted to the coordinator periodically. Final report. For information management majors only. Must be taken within last year of coursework. Prereq: IS 341 and senior standing, with written permission of the department chairperson. Graded S/U only. Proposed: Internship in Information Systems, 3-12 s.h., repeatable to 12 s.h. Work experience, on- or off-campus, in an organization involving computerized information systems. Intern will be supervised by a faculty coordinator and an executive in the business firm. Reports of work experience are submitted to the coordinator periodically. Final report required. For information systems majors only. Prereq: IS 341, 342, and Junior or senior standing, with written permission of the department chairperson. Graded S/U only. 2. KIN 343, Principles and Leadership of Aerobic Exercise, 2 s.h. Current: Principles and Leadership of Aerobic Exercise, 2 s.h. Development of leadership skills and assessment techniques for aerobic exercise. Principles will focus on the skills necessary to be an effective fitness professional of aerobic dance and other aerobic exercises. Prereq: KIN 170 Proposed: Principles and Leadership of Cardiovascular Exercise, 2 s.h. Development of leadership skills and assessment techniques for cardiovascular exercise. Principles will focus on the theories and skills necessary to develop and lead appropriate cardiovascular programs. Prereq: KIN 170, 391 O. Requests for 鶹ý in Majors 1. Athletic Training 2. B.A. in Economics 3. B.B. in Economics 4. Elementary Education Elementary Education Option 5. Exercise Science 6. Information Systems 7. Musical Theatre 8. Physical Education 9. Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration P. Request for Change in Minor 1. Information Systems VI. 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