ࡱ> ~ {bjbjcTcT >;>>`**mmmmm84\0IIYYY444$˛m@m44@mmYYUXmYmYz6&Y`- "jk0#%#&&#m: 4HV bS444@@Ad444#444444444* 3:  COUNCIL ON CURRICULAR PROGRAMS AND INSTRUCTION Thursday, 1 April 2010 3:30 p.m. Algonquin Room - University Union A G E N D A I. Consideration of Minutes A. 11 March 2010 II. Approvals from the Provost III. Announcements IV. Old Business V. New Business A. Curricular Request from the Department of Accountancy 1. Request for Change in Title and Description a. ACCT 442, Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting, 3 s.h. Current: Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting A study of state and local government accounting, federal government accounting, nonprofit organization accounting; General Accounting Office audit standards and the single audit act, and analysis of governmental financial performance. Proposed: Advanced Accounting II Study of advanced accounting topics including segment reporting, partnerships, SEC reporting, and state and local government accounting. B. Curricular Requests from the School of Music 1. Requests for 鶹ý of Options a. Applied Music b. Music Business c. Music Teacher Certification d. Music Therapy C. Curricular Requests from the Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration 1. Request for New Course a. RPTA 323, Administration of Leisure Services II, 3 s.h. 2. Request for Change in Prerequisites a. RPTA 398, Internship Seminar, 1 s.h. Current: RPTA majors of junior or senior standing. RPTA minors by petition Proposed: RPTA 199. RPTA majors of junior or senior standing. RPTA minors by petition. 3. Request for Change in Title, Course Description, and Prerequisites a. RPTA 322, Administration of Leisure Services, 3 s.h. Current: Administration of Leisure Services Provides basis for understanding administrative process related to delivery of leisure services. Explores legal foundations, management systems and principles, organizational behavior, political systems and evaluation. Prereq: RPTA 111, upper division status or consent of instructor Proposed: Administration of Leisure Services I Provides a basis for understanding administrative processes related to the delivery of leisure services. Explores administration/management theory, communication, marketing, and public relations. Prereq: RPTA 230, RPTA 235, RPTA 280 and upper division status or consent of instructor 4. Request for Change of Major a. Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration D. Curricular Requests from the Department of Kinesiology 1. Requests for New Courses a. AT 315, Advanced Rehab Techniques, 2 s.h. b. AT 413, Senior Seminar in Athletic Training, 1 s.h. 2. Requests for 鶹ý in Titles and Course Descriptions a. AT 403, Pharmacological and Medical Issues in Athletic Training, 3 s.h. Current: Pharmacological and Medical Issues in Athletic Training Study of pharmacological issues in athletic training and medical conditions common to athletes and physically active individuals. Proposed: Pharmacological Issues in Athletic Training Study of pharmacological issues in athletic training. b. AT 405, Prevention and Pathology of Athletic Injury/Illness, 3 s.h. Current: Prevention and Pathology of Athletic Injury/Illness Study of the prevention and pathology of injuries and illnesses common to athletes and physically active individuals. Proposed: Medical Conditions and Pathologies in Athletic Training Study of the pathology of general medical conditions common to athletes and physically active individuals. 3. Request for Change of Major a. Athletic Training VI. 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