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Proposed: Completion of all other undergraduate requirements for music therapy major including obtaining a C or better in MUS 151, 254, 255, 258 (2 hours required), 355, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, and 458 (3 hours required). 2. SPED 200, Introduction to Special Education, 3 s.h. Current: None Proposed: Coreq: SPED 280 3. SPED 280, Fieldwork in Special Education, 3 s.h. Current: Approval prior to registration Proposed: Coreq: SPED 200 4. SPED 370, Assessment, 4 s.h. Current: None Proposed: SPED 280, SPED 320, SPED 350 5. SPED 420, Instructional Delivery Pre-K-Elementary Level, 3 s.h. Current: SPED 400; coreq: SPED 430 Proposed: RDG 384, SPED 400, SPED 460 6. SPED 430, Fieldwork in Special Education, 3 s.h. Current: SPED 400; coreq: SPED 420 Proposed: RDG 384, SPED 400, SPED 460 7. SPED 440, Instructional Delivery Secondary Level, 3 s.h. Current: SPED 400; coreq: SPED 445 Proposed: SPED 420, SPED 430 8. SPED 445, Fieldwork in Special Education: Secondary, 3 s.h. Current: SPED 400; coreq: SPED 440 Proposed: SPED 420, SPED 430 B. Requests for 鶹ý in Course Descriptions 1. ARTS 350, Painting I, 3 s.h. Current: A studio course exploring fundamentals of painting. Oil and acrylic media are most used. Proposed: This studio course explores the fundamentals of painting. Assignments given with an emphasis on an understanding of materials, including: paint, brushes, solvents, mediums, and support structures and their construction and preparation. 2. ARTS 368, Silkscreen I, 3 s.h. Current: An introduction to basic silkscreen techniques, involving screen construction, color mixing, stencil cutting, tusche and glue resists, and printing procedures. Proposed: Introduction to silkscreen as a fine art print medium including: basic photo-emulsion, drawing fluid and block-out techniques, computer-generated and hand-drawn processes. Students use non-toxic acrylic inks to produce a portfolio of editioned prints. 3. ARTS 369, Silkscreen II and III, 3 s.h. (repeatable to 6 s.h.) Current: An introduction to photo-serigraphy and multi-color printing techniques. Proposed: Intermediate level silkscreen students explore their own artistic voice through resolution of concept and imagery using hand-drawings and advanced digitigraphic processes. Students use non-toxic acrylic inks to produce a portfolio of editioned prints. 4. ARTS 451, Painting II and III, 3 s.h. (repeatable to 6 s.h.) Current: Opportunities given for continued personal development in a variety of printing media. Proposed: This course builds upon the skills learned in Painting I with continuing emphasis on materials techniques and formal problems. Assignments may expand beyond representational/objective painting and lead into more problem solving/critical thinking. 5. ARTS 452, Studio Problems in Painting, 3 s.h. (repeatable to 9 s.h.) Current: Individual problems in painting, easel or airbrush selected with the instructor at registration. Proposed: Assignments will be given individually based on previous efforts and will be directed toward the expansion of an idea and the content/subject matter. The course continues to investigate materials and techniques. 6. ARTS 468, Studio Problems in Silkscreen, 3 s.h. (repeatable to 9 s.h.) Current: Study involving mixed media silkscreen printing, professional experiences, and educational applications. Proposed: Designed for intensive study in silkscreen. Emphasis is on individual research, self-guidance, thematic development and personal aesthetic expression. Students use non-toxic acrylic inks to produce a portfolio of editioned prints. C. Requests for 鶹ý in Course Descriptions and Prerequisites 1. EIS 303, Field Work in Educational and Interdisciplinary Studies, 1-2 s.h. (repeatable to 3 s.h.) Current: Supervised practicum in off-campus education situations: public or private schools, title programs. C grade or above is required. Prereq: Teacher education requires a 2.50 cumulative GPA or recommendation of major department. Proposed: Supervised practicum in off-campus education situations (public, private, or title programs) as part of professional preparation in teacher education. C grade or above is required. Prereq: 2.50 cumulative and major GPAs or recommendation of major department; completion of EIS 301 with a grade of C or better; and satisfactory compliance of a fingerprint background investigation prior to the start of the field experience. 2. EIS 304, Field Work in Educational and Interdisciplinary Studies, 1 s.h. (repeatable to 2 s.h.) Current: The second supervised practicum in off-campus PK-12 educational settings. C grade or above is required. Prereq: Teacher education requires a 2.50 cumulative GPA or recommendation of major department. Student must have completed EIS 303 with a grade of C or better to be recommended by the major department. Proposed: The second supervised practicum in off-campus PK-12 educational settings as part of professional preparation in teacher education. C grade or above is required. Prereq: Full acceptance to the Teacher Education Program and must have completed EIS 303 with a grade of C or better. Candidates are required to have already completed a methods course or be concurrently enrolled in a methods course at the time of enrollment in EIS 304. D. Request for Change in Option 1. Athletic Training V. 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