ࡱ> }  bjbj55 >__?????8...$4?..4????s$"0ɉv0Ɋ<Ɋ"|"|Ɋ?6|.BP \S...44K6...Ɋ......... : COUNCIL ON CURRICULAR PROGRAMS AND INSTRUCTION Thursday, 17 April 2008 3:30 p.m. Algonquin Room - University Union A G E N D A I. Consideration of Minutes A. 3 April 2008 II. Approvals III. Announcements IV. Old Business V. New Business A. Requests for New Courses 1. AAS 455, Rural Roots of Urban African Americans, 3 s.h. 2. ART 246, Digital Art Photography I, 3 s.h. 3. ART 340, Intermediate Drawing, 3 s.h. 4. BC 210, Media Technology and Design, 3 s.h. 5. EM 323, Emergency Preparedness and Response, 3 s.h. 6. EM 324, Legal Aspects of Emergency Management, 3 s.h. 7. EM 401, Hazard Mitigation and Disaster Recovery, 3 s.h. 8. EM 420, Research Applications in Emergency Management, 3 s.h. B. Requests for 鶹ý in Prerequisites 1. CS 351, Data Structures II, 3 s.h. Current: CS 350 with a grade of C or better Proposed: CS 350 with a grade of C or better, and MATH 255 2. CS 355, Automata and Computability Theory, 3 s.h. Current: Junior standing Proposed: Junior standing and MATH 255 3. KIN 392, Biomechanics, 3 s.h. Current: KIN 290 and MATH 101 or higher Proposed: KIN 290 and MATH 123 or higher 4. TM 322, Wide Area Network Management, 3 s.h. Current: TM 321 Proposed: TM 321, CS 350, STAT 171 and pre- or co-requisite of MATH 255 5. TM 432, Network Performance Analysis, 3 s.h. Current: TM 322 Proposed: TM 322, MATH 137, and MATH 255 C. Requests for 鶹ý in Course Descriptions 1. All Music Courses Except MUS 157 and MUS 457 in the Music Therapy Core Current: Varies for each course affected Proposed: Add the following line to each course description in affected Music Therapy courses: Course must be completed with a C or better in order to be eligible for internship (MUS 457) D. Request for Change in Course Title and Description 1. EM 276, Introduction to Hazards, 3 s.h. Current: Introduction to Hazards Overview of the mitigation, preparation, response, and recovery dynamics of natural and technological hazards. Provides an introduction to disaster planning and management. Proposed: Hazards and Disasters in Emergency Management Overview of the dynamic relationships between natural and technological hazards and disasters and associated requirements for mitigation, preparation, response and recovery. E. Request for Change in Course Description and Prerequisites 1. EOS 377, Environmental and Occupational Safety, 3 s.h. Current: A study of industrial safety programs, organization, codes, and standards. Other content areas include color coding, fire prevention, overview of OSHA, and environmental accident types. Prereq: Junior standing Proposed: A study of the fundamentals of industrial hygiene, hazardous waste regulations, accident causation theories, and workplace violence. OSHA General Industry 30-hour certification available to students. Prereq: EOS 270 F. Request for Change in Credit Hours, Prerequisites, and Repeatability 1. KIN 400, Internship, 6-12 s.h. (repeatable for different topics to maximum of 12 s.h.) Current: 6-12 s.h. (repeatable for different topics to maximum of 12 s.h.) Prereq: Permission of instructor Proposed: 12 s.h. Prereq: 2.5 GPA in the major and permission of instructor G. Request for Change in Course Number, Course Title, Description, and Prerequisites 1. HS 301, Human Diseases I, 3 s.h. Current: HS 301, Human Diseases I Introduction to human disease including general principles and concepts. Emphasis on organic, systemic, disseminated, and multisystem diseases. Genetic, behavioral, and environmental approaches will be applied. Prereq: HE 120; MICR 200 or its equivalent; or permission of instructor Proposed: HS 410, Human Diseases An overview of diseases commonly affecting humans. Emphasis on organic, systemic, disseminated, and multisystem diseases. Genetic, behavioral, and environmental approaches will be applied. Prereq: HS 250; MICR 200 or its equivalent; ZOOL 230 and 231 or their equivalents; or permission of instructor H. Request for Change in Course Title, Course Description, and Credit Hours 1. HS 412, Principles and Practices of Public Health Administration, 2 s.h. Current: Principles and Practices of Public Health Administration, 2 s.h. An examination of migration patterns of free African Americans from 1865 to the present, with special emphasis on push and pull factors, geographical location, residential and school segregation, The organization and administration of programs developed for the purpose of providing basic health services for people and the communities in which they dwell. Proposed: Public Health Administration, 3 s.h. Overview of administrative responsibilities and organizational patterns of local, state, and national public health agencies including core functions and essential public health services. Includes focus on emergency preparedness and response, performance measurement and improvement, and communication. I. Request for Change in Course Title, Division, Course Description, and Prerequisites 1. AAS 350, Migration and Urbanization of African Americans, 3 s.h. Current: AAS 350, Migration and Urbanization of African Americans An examination of migration patterns of free African Americans from 1865 to the present, with special emphasis on push and pull factors, geographical location, residential and school segregation, and physical and social mobility. Prereq: Sophomore standing or consent of instructor Proposed: AAS 255, Introduction to Migration and Urbanization of African Americans An introduction to migration patterns of free African Americans from 1865 to the present, with special emphasis on push and pull factors, geographical location, residential and school segregation, and physical and social mobility. Prereq: None J. Requests for 鶹ý in Options 1. Applied Music/Vocal Performance 2. Computer Science Business Option 3. Computer Science Traditional Option K. Requests for 鶹ý in Majors 1. Emergency Management 2. Health Sciences 3. Health Services Management 4. Telecommunications Management VI. 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