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New Business Chairperson Parsons suggested that consideration of requests from African American Studies be postponed until a representative from the department can be present. B. Requests for New Courses 2. CHEM 263, Introduction to Pharmacology, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve CHEM 263 (Melkumian/Engel) Dr. Engel suggested that ZOOL 200 be added to the prerequisites for the proposed course since all Biology majors must take ZOOL 200. Dr. McConnell explained that the two new classes are desired because pre-med, pre-pharmacy, and advanced chemistry students need a more advanced pharmacology course, while there is also interest in a more general course that discusses the major classes of drugs, nutritional supplements, vitamins, and other topics of interest. She stated the two classes are geared toward totally different levels of student populations. Change: Add or ZOOL 200 to prerequisites. Add information regarding NURS 324, Pharmacology, to Relationship to Courses in Other Departments, noting that NURS 324 is restricted to Nursing program students but has some overlap with CHEM 263. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 9 YES 0 NO 0 AB 3. CHEM 463, Advanced Pharmacology, 3 s.h. Motion: To approve CHEM 463 (Kornoski/Melkumian) Dr. Engel remarked that students can take ZOOL 430, which is a prerequisite choice for the course, late in their careers, and are encouraged to do so. He suggested the introductory ZOOL 200 might be good preparation for this course as well. Dr. McConnell responded that students taking CHEM 463 need to have a more solid background, but she will consider adding ZOOL 200 at a later date if it seems to be needed. MOTION APPROVED 9 YES 0 NO 0 AB A. Request for 275/475 Course (Reordered) 1. AAS 475, Black Men in the U.S., 3 s.h. NO OBJECTIONS B. Requests for New Courses 1. AAS 320, Black Male and Female Relationships, 3 s.h. (Reordered) Motion: To approve AAS 320 (Kornoski/Melkumian) MOTION APPROVED 9 YES 0 NO 0 AB 4. KIN 138, Road Cycling, 1 s.h. Motion: To approve KIN 138 (Melkumian/Kovacs) Dr. Neumann inquired about the higher academic content of the course, remarking that the course objectives include acquiring tire changing skills and identifying bike routes in the Macomb community. Kinesiology Chair Miriam Satern responded that the departments objective is for students to use cycling as a fitness activity, but students must have bikes in good working condition and routes to follow in order to do this effectively. Dr. Neumann asked how the class differs from a non-credit workshop and why academic credit for the course is warranted. Dr. Satern replied that road cycling is an aerobic activity similar to running or swimming. She stated it was offered as a 275 course originally and received a good response. She explained that Macomb is surrounded by rural areas with flat bike routes, and students will go for one to one-and-one-half hour bike rides during the course. Students will be expected to provide their own bicycles. The course will be offered in summers only. MOTION APPROVED 9 YES 0 NO 0 AB 5. KIN 459, Individual/Team Sport Coaching, 2 s.h. (repeatable for different topics to a maximum of 4 s.h.) Motion: To approve KIN 459 (Myers/Kovacs) Dr. Satern stated the department has proposed multiple titles for this course so that different types of coaching experiences can be studied without the need to create new courses for each. Ms. Kornoski asked if the course would include discussion of track coaching. Dr. Satern stated this would be considered in future; currently a track coaching course is in deep freeze. 鶹ý: Change abbreviated title to SPORT COACHING. Specify Junior or Senior Standing as a prerequisite since 400-level courses require prereqs. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 9 YES 0 NO 0 AB C. Request for Multiple-Title Approval 1. KIN 459, Individual/Team Sport Coaching, 2 s.h. (repeatable for different topics to a maximum of 4 s.h.) Motion: To approve KIN 459 for multiple titles (Kovacs/Kornoski) MOTION APPROVED 9 YES 0 NO 0 AB D. Request for Change in Prerequisites 1. EIS 401, Educational Law and Policy, 2 s.h. Current: None Proposed: A grade of C or better in EIS 301 Motion: To approve EIS 401 (Engel/Melkumian) Change: Add precondition as stated in undergraduate catalog to current prerequisites for course. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 9 YES 0 NO 0 AB E. Request for Change in Credit Hours 1. CHEM 342, Fundamentals in Environmental Chemistry, 3 s.h. Current: 3 s.h. (3 hrs. lecture) Proposed: 4 s.h. (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab) Motion: To approve CHEM 342 (Engel/Melkumian) Dr. McConnell told CCPI this course has been in deep freeze, but with increased faculty and recent interest in environmental studies, it was thought beneficial to update it with GIS labs and discussions of new techniques. MOTION APPROVED 9 YES 0 NO 0 AB F. Request for Change in Course Description 1. KIN 360, Methods of Elementary Physical Education, 2 s.h. Current: Not open to Kinesiology majors. Outside teaching assignments. Field trips may be required. Proposed: Introduction to teaching physical education in K-5. Designed especially for the elementary classroom teacher candidate. May include some field experiences and outside teaching assignments. Not open to Kinesiology majors. Motion: To approve KIN 360 (Kornoski/Melkumian) MOTION APPROVED 9 YES 0 NO 0 AB G. Request for Change in Course Description and Prerequisites 1. KIN 107, Lifeguarding, 1 s.h. Current: Student must be an advanced swimmer Prereq: None Proposed: Students learn basic lifeguarding skills. Includes American Red Cross certification in First Aid, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and Lifeguarding. Extra cost for purchase of books and materials from the American Red Cross to prepare for certifications. Prereq: Must be able to swim 300 yards continuously and submerge 13 feet underwater. Motion: To approve KIN 107 (Melkumian/Kornoski) CCPI questioned the books and materials to be purchased from the American Red Cross. It was decided that purchase of these materials is no different than implied purchase of books for any other course and does not need to be included in the course description. CCPI suggested that this information be included in the online course information for this class. 鶹ý: Remove from course description the sentence, Extra cost for purchase of books and materials from the American Red Cross to prepare for certifications. Remove from Rationale for Change and to expect extra costs associated with earning those certifications. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGES 9 YES 0 NO 0 AB H. Request for Change in Credit Hours, Course Description, Prerequisites, and Repeatability 1. KIN 471, Practicum in Coaching, 1-2 s.h. Current: 1-2 s.h. (repeatable for different topics to a maximum of 2) 40 (1 s.h.) 80 (2 s.h.) clock hours of observation and practice under the supervision of a middle school or high school teacher, coach, or outside agency administrator. A total of 2 s.h. of KIN 471 are needed for the Coaching minor. Prereq: KIN 451, 454, or 458, and permission of instructor. Observation and coaching will be required in an outside setting. Proposed: 1 s.h. 40 clock hours of observation and practice under the supervision of a middle school or high school teacher, coach, or outside agency administrator. Prereq: KIN 451, 454, 458, or 459, and permission of instructor. Observation and coaching will be required in an outside setting. Motion: To approve KIN 471 (Kornoski/Kovacs) MOTION APPROVED 9 YES 0 NO 0 AB I. Request for Change in Minor 1. Coaching Motion: To approve KIN 360 (Melkumian/ Kornoski) Change: Specify number of semester hours for each course in proposed Minor column. MOTION APPROVED WITH CHANGE 9 YES 0 NO 0 AB VI. Reports A. Provosts Report Ms. Nicholson reported that the Illinois Board of Higher Education approved 鶹ýs first two certificate programs, the fire science certificates through the Board of Trustees Bachelor of Arts degree program. B. Plus-Minus Committee Report Chairperson Parsons stated that the recommendations of the committee were approved at the Senate meeting on Tuesday with the removal of the section discussing whether faculty can choose whether or not to comply with the policy. She said it is expected that all faculty will comply with plus-minus grading at the undergraduate level. Ms. Kornoski reported that a resolution from the Student Government Associations Education Committee opposing the plus-minus implementation report failed at yesterdays SGA meeting by a vote of 1 yes 19 no 1 abstention. She said 20 students attended. Ms. Williams told CCPI implementation of plus-minus grading will not occur until online programming is completed, probably next spring. Motion: To adjourn (Kornoski) The Council adjourned at 4:16 p.m. Jeff Engel, Secretary Annette Hamm, Faculty Senate Recording Secretary     PAGE  PAGE 5 .9:AFR\uwodoYQFh/hNCJaJh!CJaJh/h!CJaJh,]hCJaJhCJaJh/hdnCJaJh/hy:CJaJh/hHCJaJh/h,5CJ\aJh/h,CJaJh,CJaJh,>*CJaJh2%5CJ\aJhFn5CJ\aJh5CJ\aJh,]5CJ\aJh,5CJ\aJ h,5\/GHRtu % & L M   gd! gd gdy6<gdy6<$a$gdy6< $E]Ea$gdy6<   $ % & 6 ? @ A K L M R S T U Ƚȯxl^RI=h/h)u4CJ\aJhCJ\aJh/h|VCJ\aJh/h(5CJ\aJh/hHCJ\aJh/he8CJaJhhCJaJhCJaJh/hCJaJh/h,5CJ\aJh/hH5CJ\aJh/h"CJaJh/h,CJaJh/hq[CJaJh/h!CJ\aJh/h!CJaJh/hB_/CJaJ   & ( ) + ǻǰ娠|sg[PEhH#yhH#yCJaJhH#yh,]CJaJh,]h,]>*CJaJh/h -5CJaJh!5CJaJh/he85CJaJhbKCJaJh#&CJaJhNCJaJh2CJaJh,]CJaJh/hNCJaJh/hM'>*CJaJh/hM'CJaJh/h!CJaJhACJaJhCJaJhCJaJh/hRCJaJ ' ( E F u qqe `gd,]4 \`08@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Igd5 _`08@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF IgdH#y gdH#y 8gdH#y `p@ gddn + , E G H K t v w z  . 6 o ~ ÷áÎvmaXahD5CJaJhh5CJaJh5CJaJhh>*CJaJh/h\>*CJaJh/h\CJaJh\CJaJh/hM'CJaJh/hCJaJh/hM'>*CJaJh,]CJaJhH#yhCJ\^JaJhCJaJhH#yhH#yCJaJhH#yhH#y>*CJaJhH#yCJaJ"   * + k l h< \`08@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gdk< \`08@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gd(; 8gd 8gd gd\  ' ( + P h [ | : 734aem567ټٴѴѴٴzѴѴrrrhRCJaJh a5CJaJh(;h aCJaJh"5CJaJhD5CJaJh"CJaJh ah a5CJaJh aCJaJh(;5CJaJh1>h(;>*CJaJhFCJaJh(;CJaJhkCJaJh/hk>*CJaJh/hkCJaJ* K L i j L< \`08@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gd(;< \`0X8@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gd(;: Y`08P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I0^`0gd(; [ \ M: Y`0X8TP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF IT^T`gd": Y`0X8TP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF IT^T`gd a< \`0X8TP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I^`gd(;73LL: Y`0X8TP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF IT^T`gd a? & F \`0X8TpP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF IpL^p`Lgd"7 & F \`0X8TpP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF Igd"34ab67\OOO8 \`0X8TP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I^gd a< \`0X8@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gd(;< \`0X8TP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I^`gd(;7\b|-19b  TX`d÷뗎뎗zzzzrzrrjjhY}CJaJh*,CJaJhFCJaJhRhB5CJaJhB5CJaJhBCJaJh1>(;>*䴳BR5CBB5CR䴳(;>*䴳(;(;䴳C(;>*䴳(;䴳RR5C(-.< \`0X8@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gd(;< \`08@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gd(; .abOO< \`0X8@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gd(;8 \`0X8TP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I^gdB< \`0X8@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gdB U`aOOOOO< \`0X8@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gdY}< \`0X8@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gd(;8 \`0X8TP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I^gdBdl ftimu2<AMqu} %;<Acƽ杵s杽gh h(;>*CJaJhDhD5CJaJh(;5CJaJh(;>*CJaJh~9h(;>*CJaJhRhD5CJaJh# lh(;>*CJaJh(;CJaJhD5CJaJhRhY}5CJaJhDhY}5CJaJhFCJaJhDCJaJhY}CJaJhY}5CJaJ( S8 \`0X8TP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I^gdY}< \`0X8@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gdY}8 \`0X8TP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I^gdD@W8 \`0X8TP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I^gdY}8 \`0X8TP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I^gdY}7 & F \`0X8TP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF IgdY}K< \`0X8@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gd(;< \`08@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gd(;< \`0X8@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gdY}ijO8 \`0X8TP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I^gdD< \`0X8@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gdD< \`0X8TP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF IT^T`gd(;/AqrK< \`0X8@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gdD< \`08@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gd(;< \`0X8@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gd(;  ;<O< \`0X8@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gd(;8 \`0X8TP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I^gdD< \`0X8@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gdD<de-.KK< \`0X8@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gd< \`0X8@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gd(;< \`08@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I@ ^@ `gd(;c|}  !5:b  n s ! !!@!O!P!Q!e!j!!!!!" 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