ࡱ> Q _bjbj55 ?WeWeW+ T777[7 LOOeeeKKKKKKK$NGQ*KKee4K;!;!;!eeK;!K;!;!ErIe %N[%KRxG$tKK0 LGqQqQHIqQI;!KK LqQ : POLICIES AND PROCEDURES OF THE COUNCIL ON CURRICULAR PROGRAMS AND INSTRUCTION April 27, 2023 For purposes of clarity, departments, schools, or units shall be referred to collectively as department, and, similarly, the term chairperson shall be used to refer to both a department chairperson and the director of a school or unit. It is expected that departments will have a representative present at the meeting when their proposals are considered; failure to have a representative present will lead to the proposals being tabled until the next meeting. In extraordinary situations, exceptions to this practice may be made by an approved motion of the Council. If the motion is approved, the proposal will be considered according to CCPI procedures. The Councils designee (Faculty Senate Office Manager) should be provided with approved curriculum forms via email. It is the responsibility of each department chairperson to see that all changes in the University Catalog involving department curricular matters have received proper approval before being submitted as catalog copy; it should also be noted that CCPI, Faculty Senate, and/or the Provost approving a proposal in no way guarantees that additional funding or resources requested will be provided by the University. I. COUNCIL DUTIES: The Council will review and, as appropriate, approve new or revised undergraduate courses, major/minor programs or curricula at 鶹ý Illinois University. Further, departments may consult the Council in the areas of undergraduate courses, major/minor programs and curricula and will facilitate the development of new programs. A To recommend to the Faculty Senate the approval or disapproval of all new academic programs and courses as well as changes in existing academic programs and courses which affect catalog copy. B. To develop such policies and procedures as are needed to implement a. of this section. C. To maintain liaisons with CAGAS, CGE, CIE, WID, and UCEP when issues arise concerning their respective areas. D. To recommend to the Senate which specific curricular matters may be approved at department or college level without requiring Senate approval. E. To serve as an agency for arbitration in cases of conflicting interests and responsibilities involving curricular matters which may arise between departments and colleges. F. To sponsor faculty and staff workshops each year to provide information about the curricular approval process. G. To perform such other duties related to curriculum as designated by the Faculty Senate. [Revised Bylaws approved by Faculty Senate, 9-12-23] III. PROCEDURES FOR CURRICULUM CHANGES Each college shall establish curriculum channels which are appropriate to its structure. A. SUBMIT TO ACADEMIC VICE PRESIDENTS OFFICE: The following curricular matters should be routed through the established channels within the appropriate department and college. Notices of all these changes (items 1 through 8) and their effective dates MUST be sent to the Office of the Academic Vice President, but not to CCPI, the Senate or the President. Proposed changes that would impact other departments must include documentation that all affected departments have been made aware of the proposed changes. 1. changes in course numbers WITH THE EXCEPTION of changing from lower to upper division or from upper to lower division; 2. changes in course titles; 3. minor changes in specified course content and objectives. (These might include but are not restricted to nomenclature and changes that do not increase course content or expand objectives.); 4. minor changes in requirements for a major, minor, option, concentration, emphasis, or certificate of undergraduate study which do not result in a net increase in the number of required hours in the program. (This might include but would not be restricted to changing courses included in directed electives.); 5. changes in course prerequisites WITH THE EXCEPTION of requests for new and increased prerequisites. (These might include but would not be restricted to deletion of a prerequisite; permission statements, e.g., permission of instructor required; or change in prerequisite that stays within the same department/school/unit, upper or lower division and semester hour range.); 6. dropping of courses no longer needed; 7. change in course prefixes. 8. elimination of cross-listing and dropping of at least one course involved. B. SUBMIT TO CCPI AND THE ACADEMIC VICE PRESIDENT: The following curricular matters involving changes in the University Catalog MUST be submitted to this Council after approval by the established channels within the appropriate department/school and college. Notice of CCPI approval and the effective dates MUST be sent to the Office of the Academic Vice President, but not to the Senate or the President. 1. Requests for 鶹ý in Credit Hours 2. Requests for 鶹ý in Course Numbers from either Lower to Upper Division or from Upper to Lower Division 3. Requests for New and/or Increased Prerequisites for Courses 4. Requests for 鶹ý of Course Content (major reorientation and restructuring) 5. Requests for 275/475 courses Requests for 450 Workshop Courses 7. Requests for Cross-listing Courses 8. Requests to Offer Courses with Multiple Titles 9. Revision of lab/lecture hours C. SUBMIT TO CCPI, THE FACULTY SENATE, AND THE ACADEMIC VICE PRESIDENT The following curricular matters involving changes in the University Catalog MUST be submitted to CCPI after approval by the established channels within the appropriate department/school/unit and college. Each of the proposals (items 1 through 5) shall indicate the channels through which they were approved and the recommendations they received during such passage. All items (1 through 5) will be submitted to the Faculty Senate. 1. Requests for New Courses 2. changes in majors, minors, options, concentrations, emphases, or certificates of undergraduate study which either greatly widen or narrow the program structure; change the core or a required course; or involve articulation with another department/school. 3. changes in majors, minors, options, concentrations, emphases, or certificates of undergraduate study which change the number of hours required in the program. 4. changes in a major, minor, concentration, emphasis, or certificate of undergraduate study which specifies selection of general education. 5. the establishment of new majors, minors, options, emphases, concentrations, and certificates of undergraduate study. D. SUBMIT TO CCPI, APPROPRIATE SENATE COUNCIL, THE FACULTY SENATE AND THE ACADEMIC VICE PRESIDENT 1. Council on Admission, Graduation and Academic Standards: CAGAS must approve courses with S/U grading, with the exception of 0 s.h. courses, and GPA gateways that exceed 2.0. 2. University Committee for Educator Preparation (UCEP): All teacher education program changes must be approved by UCEP before going to Faculty Senate. 3. For Departmental New Course Requests involving General Education (CGE), Writing Instruction in the Disciplines (WID), or Global Issues (CIE) designation, departments must submit appropriate proposals (may be submitted concurrently) to the Faculty Senate designee (Office Manager) for distribution. E. The Council will consider cases of interdepartmental or inter-college curricular conflicts which are brought to its attention. Any Council recommendations which are not mutually agreeable to all parties concerned will be referred to the Faculty Senate. F. All new undergraduate curricula organized at least in part on an interdisciplinary basis will require the approval of the Council. Recommendations of the Council will be forwarded to the Faculty Senate. III. DEFINITIONS A. Degree Minimum requirement: 120 s.h. of coursework. A title conferred on graduates as the result of having completed University requirements for that degree. Transcripted. Requires approval of Feasibility Study, CCPI, Faculty Senate, Academic Vice President, 鶹ý Board of Trustees, IBHE. B. Comprehensive Major Includes 48 to 66 s.h. of coursework. At least 15 s.h. of the comprehensive major should be outside the major discipline within the degree. Completion of a minor is not required. Transcripted Requires approval of Feasibility Study, CCPI, Faculty Senate, Academic Vice President, 鶹ý Board of Trustees, IBHE C. Non-comprehensive Major Includes 32 to 47 s.h. of coursework. Includes specific course requirements unique to a broad field of academic specialization and may include elective courses. May be limited to a specific academic unit, or may include specified courses from more than one academic unit. Requires completion of a minor as part of the degree. Transcripted. Requires approval of Feasibility Study, CCPI, Faculty Senate, Academic Vice President, 鶹ý Board of Trustees, IBHE. D. Minor Includes 16 to 24 s.h. of coursework. Includes specific course requirements unique to a minor field of study and may include elective courses. May be limited to a specific academic unit or may include specified courses from more than one academic unit. Transcripted. Requires approval of CCPI, Faculty Senate, Academic Vice President. E. Option Includes one-third to three-quarters of the total hours for the major. Subdivision which provides greater specificity within a major. Includes a set of required courses in addition to those specific courses required for the major. For majors that have options, the core requirement shall be met as follows: a) non-comprehensive majors will have at least 9 s.h. of required courses; and b) comprehensive majors will have at least 12 s.h. of required courses. All options within a single major will have the same core. May include elective courses. Departments and programs may create pre-law options. All pre-law options in majors and pre-law minors will be listed in the undergraduate catalog under Pre-Law in order to provide a unified resource for information about 鶹ýs pre-law programs. (Faculty Senate approved motion, 12-3-09) Transcripted. Requires approval of Feasibility Study, CCPI, Faculty Senate, Academic Vice President. F. Emphasis Number of s.h. determined by department. Approved subset of courses within a major. Not transcripted. Requires approval of CCPI, Faculty Senate, Academic Vice President. G. Track Number of s.h. determined by department. Informal subset of courses handled through advising. Not transcripted. Approvals required: none. H. Concentration Includes 32 to 47 s.h. of coursework. An approved set of courses limited to the Interdisciplinary Studies major. Integrates two or more academic disciplines to develop an area of study. Does not replicate an existing major. Transcripted. Requires approval of Feasibility Study, CCPI, Faculty Senate, and the Academic Vice President. I. Certificate of Undergraduate Study Includes 30-60 s.h. of coursework. Consists of an approved specific set of upper-division undergraduate courses focused around an interdisciplinary or single discipline-specific theme. Does not replicate an existing major or minor. Students must have completed at least 60 s.h. of coursework to enroll in a Certificate. Students must have completed a bachelors degree in order for a Certificate of Undergraduate Study to be transcripted. Requires approval of Feasibility Study, CCPI, Faculty Senate, and the Academic Vice President. J. Discipline Academic disciplines often represent a fluid and changing body of knowledge: some ways in which a discipline might identify itself include: 1) a consistent set of faculty qualifications and background; 2) cohesive scholarly or creative output; 3) an established course of study; 4) recognition by an accrediting or professional body; 5) a Classification of Instruction Programs code (CIP). K. Academic Program An academic program is defined as that specific combination of courses and requirements, with a required number of credit hours, leading to a major, a minor, or a certificate of undergraduate study. L. Core A core is a set of required courses. In a major, the core shall be common to all versions of a major, regardless of option, emphasis, or track. M. Unit of Credit A credit hour (elsewhere referred to in this document as s.h. or semester hour) shall be the unit of University academic credit representing an average of three hours of work per week by a student throughout a fifteen-week (fall, spring) semester (exclusive of final examination period) or its equivalent in total work for summer session or irregularly scheduled courses. Specifically, and consistent with U.S. Department of Education Program Integrity Rules published October 29, 2010, 鶹ý Illinois University defines a credit hour as: "an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than (1) One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or (2) At least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other academic activities as established by the institution, including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours." For traditional lecture, seminar, special topics, and experimental courses, a one credit hour class meets a minimum of 50 minutes per week over the course of the semester. Laboratory courses, including music ensembles and applied study, typically meet a minimum of 100 minutes per week for one credit hour. Internships and student teaching generally require at least one full-time five-day week of the experience for one credit hour. Credit for clinical or practicum experience is determined in accordance with recommendations of the program's specific accrediting body or applicable state regulation. NOTE: The definition of faculty workload is outlined in the bargaining agreement. This credit hour policy applies to all courses that award academic credit, regardless of the location of the course or the mode of delivery, including, but not limited to, individual study, independent study, online, hybrid, and distance education courses. Approval authorities at 鶹ý Illinois University, to include administration and curriculum committees, are charged with following the policy on credit hours in their review and approval of all courses and certifying that the expected student learning for the course meets the credit hour standard. The determination of credit hours is made when a new course or a revision to an existing course is proposed. The submitted syllabus is examined for contact time as well as for assignments and evaluation mechanisms. 鶹ý collects and manages data on all courses to ensure, through periodic checks, that there is compliance and consistency with the credit hour policy. IV. SPECIAL GUIDELINES A. Cross-Listed Courses 1. Use the 275/475 numbers to propose a newly created one-time offering to determine feasibility and/or problems with a team-taught, cross-department offering, prior to the formal request for course approval. 2. All cross-listed courses in the University Catalog should include the phrase "not open to students with credit for the same course listed in other department." 3. Assignment of faculty must have joint concurrence, and cross-listed courses, when offered, must be offered in the same way for both departments. There must be a common course number, title, credit hours, catalog description, prerequisites, and class hours. 4. Requirements of cross-listed courses cannot be changed without both departments agreeing to the changes. 5. Any courses approved for General Education would receive that credit with either prefix, but in only one area. 6. Cross-listings within the same department are submitted to CCPI. 7. If a cross-listing is eliminated, one or more courses must either be dropped or significantly changed. Identical courses cannot exist. B. Multiple Titles Courses 1. Unless a course has already been approved for multiple titles/topics, the department must submit a request for approval through CCPI. 2. These types of courses should be limited to one undergraduate per subdepartment unless the department can justify reasons for more than one course to CCPI. 3. Courses can be variable credit. All students in the given section will be given instruction on the same subject in a classroom setting. Not intended for individual research, individualized readings, individualized studies, etc. All restrictions applicable to the host course (e.g., grading, prerequisites, special permission, variable credit, etc.) will apply to the individually titled course. After the course has been approved for multiple titles through CCPI, the department must submit a Request for New Title form for chair and deans approval before being forwarded to the Registrars Office for review and processing. 6. If the department is requesting a new course for multiple titles (not already on the books), the department must submit the course for approval through CCPI processing. C. Requests for 275/475 Courses 1. Before any 275/475 courses can be offered, departments must submit a "Request Form for 275/475" to be reviewed by CCPI. 2. Any course previously rejected by CCPI, the Faculty Senate, or the President for inclusion in the regular curriculum may not be offered as a 275/475 course. 3. Departments may offer a total of two courses per term using the 275/475 numbers. A department may offer one of each or two of one. Of the two courses, each course (title) may be offered two terms, but terms do not have to be consecutive semesters. Any requests for exceptions must be appealed to CCPI. 4. Courses numbered 275/475 may not be offered as workshops or use the UNIV (University) prefix. 5. Courses numbered 275/475 may not have a general title (e.g. Special Topics, Special Problems or Current Topics). 6. A student is limited to 3 semester hours of 275 courses and 3 semester hours of 475 courses per department, although a Bachelor of Arts in General Studies degree student may take up to 12 semester hours of 275/475 courses from one department for credit toward graduation. Any requests for exceptions must be appealed to CAGAS. 7. If a proposed 275/475 is found by CCPI to be inappropriately numbered as lower- or upper-division, the requesting department shall be required to alter the course number prior to its offering. 8. Courses may not duplicate other approved courses in any department. D. Requests for 450 Workshop Titles 1. The 450 course number is reserved for workshop courses and available to all academic departments and subdepartments. 2. CCPI approves the initial request for a 450 course, but the Registrars Office must approve every new title. 3. There is no limit on the number of 450 workshop titles a department may offer. 4. Once approved, each workshop title may appear in the University Catalog. 5. 450 titles may be cross-listed with other departments and must meet the guidelines in Section IV.A., Cross-Listed Courses, in CCPI Policies and Procedures. E. Guidelines for New Internship Programs 1. Prerequisites/Corequisites a. major or minor in program b. completion of designated coursework c. minimum G.P.A. (overall and/or in major) determined by department, but not less than 2.0 overall d. junior or senior standing e. completion of departmental application by end of semester preceding internship f. preparation of prospectus by student and approval by cooperating agency g. approval of internship coordinator 2. Requirements/Evaluation a. 40 work hours per credit hour minimum b. weekly or quarterly activity reports from student to coordinator c. mid-term and final self-evaluation by student d. final paper summarizing internship experience e. grade assigned by coordinator/instructor according to written criteria, known in advance to student 3. Credit Toward Graduation a. No more than twelve (12) credit hours of internship to count toward minimum graduation requirements F. Moratorium on Reusing Course Numbers Course numbers CANNOT be reused for a period of five years in order to alleviate confusion for students and advisors. In addition, it is recommended that changes to course numbers become effective with the issuance of a new catalog in the Fall semester. G. Upper Division Prerequisite Policy An upper level course (300- and 400-level courses) must have one or more prerequisite(s), unless extraordinarily compelling justification exists for the lack of any prerequisites. H. New Honors courses that have been approved by the Honors Council are to be submitted to CCPI as informational items. CCPI will review these during Announcements, and any pertinent comments or concerns about the courses will be conveyed to the Honors Council Dean by the CCPI Chair or Faculty Senate Office Manager. Approved Faculty Senate 5/74 Amended CCPI 2/7/91 Approved Faculty Senate 3/8/05 Amended CCPI 4/80Approved Faculty Senate 4/9/91Amended CCPI 1/28/10 Approved Faculty Senate 4/80Approved President 4/25/91Approved Faculty Senate 2/9/10 Approved President 5/80Amended CCPI 4/14/94Amended CCPI 4/26/18 Amended CCPI 4/82Approved Faculty Senate 4/26/94Approved Faculty Senate 10/9/18 Approved Faculty Senate 4/82Approved President 5/9/94Amended CCPI 4/27/23 Approved President 9/82Amended CCPI 11/95Approved Faculty Senate 9/12/23 Amended CCPI 9/82Approved Faculty Senate 1/30/96 Approved Faculty Senate 11/82Amended CCPI 5/2/96 Approved President 11/82Approved CAGAS 9/5/96 Amended CCPI 2/88 and 3/88Amended CCPI 4/1/99 Approved Faculty Senate 3/88 and 4/88Approved Faculty Senate 4/13/99 Approved President 3/88 and 5/88Approved Faculty Senate 12/5/00 Amended CCPI 10/89Amended CCPI 10/2/03 Approved Senate 11/89Approved Faculty Senate 10/14/03 Approved President 12/89Amended CCPI 2/24/05      PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 N\]^ + O P Q j k n p q A C `       ƼƵ~ri_SIhichCJ\hichU>*CJ\hMRhCJ\hichCJh.hU5>*CJhdhCJ hCJ h-$CJhichUCJ hU5CJhhU5>*CJ hUCJ h-$6CJhOqhkg6CJhOqh-$6CJ hCJhUh7CJ\aJhUhU5CJ\aJh!wh5CJ\aJ*N]^P Q j k     ef(): `0^`0$a$$]a$   6 G 49CDGhi,-:;<Ⱦ񢩏yysy h| CJhkh~CJ h!TCJ h| 5CJhkh| CJhkh~5CJ h6S5CJh!Th6SCJhUh6S57CJhUh6S7CJhUh7CJ hU5CJhichUCJh!h~CJ h~CJ hCJhichCJ-:; EFmnHIfg` `p0^p`0^` Z^Z` `^`gdk `0^`0<>?em   :;CEFKlmҍxލnbYh>*CJ\hichr7>*CJ\hr75>*CJ\hMRhCJhMRh>*CJ\hMRhCJ\hicCJaJhOqhkgCJaJhOqhOqCJaJhOqhCJaJ hicCJ hOqCJ hCJ hkgCJ h~CJ hCJhUh| 7CJhkh~CJhkh| CJ!1YZefjkjo&',1UW\^?H_`afmnĺ񘨏ıy h| CJhhh| CJ h)h5CJhhh)hCJ h47CJh47h475CJhOqh47CJhOqhpLCJhpLhpL5CJ hpLCJ hw5CJhichwCJ hU5CJ h>*CJhichUCJ hCJhMRhuCJ/g()bc&'vw:;?@^`` `p0^p`0 p0^p`0gdpLZ&'vwzfgm<{ ypypyjahhh~nCJ h~nCJhOqh_CJhOqhpLCJhhhw*CJhOqhD9CJ hD95CJ h>*CJhMRhCJhMRh>*CJ\hMRhCJ\ hpLCJhichwCJ hwCJ hpL5CJ hOqCJhOqh47CJ h47CJ hCJ h475CJ&@`aNO!"$ % U! p0^p`0gdv `p0^p`0^gdpL 0^`0 `gdpL & F `` LN  !>?@G  " A B C J L !$!ż壙吇倐壙倐wp壙w hjF35CJhhhjF3CJ hv5CJhhh)hCJhOqhvCJhvh5CJhvhv5CJh&lhCJ hpLCJhOqhCJhOqhdCJhOqhD9CJ hD95CJ h>*CJ hCJhMRhCJhMRh>*䴳*$!%!1!4!!!!!!!!"""!";"<"="o"p"q"s"t""""""!#"###%#&#ú񰤘vmf]f]T]T]fmfhxh_CJhxhCJ h5CJh2hzCJhMRhCJhMRh5>*CJ\hxh>*CJ\hMRh>*CJ\hMRh>*CJ\hMRhCJ\hhh)hCJhOqhvCJ hOq5CJh/JhOqCJh<hCJ hOqCJ hvCJ hCJhjF3hCJ U!V!!"p"q""#####$$%%&&&&& `gd Y `0^`0 ``^`` p0^p`0gdv p0^p`0gd 0^`0 `p0^p`0&#1#:#Z#[#\#######Y$$$$$%%&%%%&&&&&&&&& ' '''''''(((¹³wnwnngwwn hL 5CJhxhCJhxhL CJhxhL >*CJhxh Y>*CJhxh YCJ h YCJ hYCJhMRhCJ\ hCJh2h;9CJh2hzCJ hzCJ hvCJ h 5CJ h5CJhhh CJhhhCJhxhCJ(& 't''''(5((((B)C)_))*p***(+)+3+Y+ & F `gd `gd & F `gdm & F `gdK `gdL & F `gdL (%(4(5(((((((((((((((&)*)B)D)G)^)_)g)u))&***i*m*n*o****(+*+-+2++++Ļʹ͑͑ʹzqhKhCJhxh>*CJ h5CJ h CJhxhmCJhxhm>*CJ hL 5CJhxh +CJ h 5CJhKhKCJhKhL CJhKh CJhKh CJhKhL CJ hKCJhxhCJhxhL CJ+Y++0,>,,,,,-u-Z...//>0?0L0u000001 & F `gd9 & F `gd & F `gdK `gd & F `gd+++*,.,,,,,,,,, - - --t-u-Z...///00?0@0C0K0L000011111ȿȦ蝔zqk hxCJhxh}NCJhxh9CJhxh9>*CJ h}5CJhxhoPCJhxh`LYCJhKhYCJ hjF35CJhKhjF3CJhjF3hCJ hKCJhxhYCJhxh>*CJ h5CJhxhCJ h}CJhKh}CJ'1*1_1q111112]222223;334X44/5 & F0`0gdx & Fp^pgdoP & F gd & Fgdx & F gdgdx `gd & F `gd111111112222222\2]2a22222222222333!3&3'3;3<3S3[3\3c3q3r333333333344ſ˶䶿ˋh;9hL 7CJ hjF35CJhKhjF3CJhKh)h>*CJ h}5CJhKh}CJ h}CJ hKCJhxhL CJ h;95CJh2h;9CJhxhCJhxhx>*CJhxhxCJ44W4X44444444444-5.5/50535>5666667777798=8L8CⳭ~shsYhKh/mB*CJaJphhKhjF3CJaJhKh}CJaJhKB*CJ\aJph hKh}B*CJ\aJphhKh}>*CJ h}CJ hxCJ hjF3CJ h}5CJhKh}CJ hjF35CJhKhjF3CJhxhL CJhxhxCJh;9hL 7CJh;9hx7CJ /505>566677798:88:4;<==@dd1$7$8$H$[$\$^gd/mdd[$\$^gd/m/ JP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPF I^gd}dd@&[$\$^gd}^gd}gd}=@>ACCCC D D DDDEEFFFFoGpGGG?H@H p0^p`0gdMR p0^p`0`dd1$7$8$H$[$\$^gd/mCCCCCCC D D}E~EFFFFFFFFGoGpGqGGGGGGGGG?H@HCHZH[H\H8I9ILLɽɴɠvmg huCJh5CJ\h2h;9CJ h;9CJhxhSWCJhxh!wCJhxhMRCJ hMRCJ hoY 5CJ h5CJhxhoY CJ hoY CJ hxCJ hCJhMRhCJhMRh>*CJ\hMRhCJ\h2h;9CJ\ h25CJ(@H[H\HHHIIIIJJoJpJKKLLLLLLKMLMM `0^`0 p0^p`0gdu^ & F p0^p`0^L'L*LLLLLLLLNNPPORPRQRRRSRTRtRuRRRRRRRRRRR^S_SCTbTdTzqgaq hxCJh;9h5CJh2h;9CJhKhjF3CJ hjF3CJ hpU5CJ hpUCJhKhpUCJh YhCJ\h Yh?CJ\ h?CJhKhfCJhx>*CJ\huh>*CJ\huhCJ\huhCJh5CJ\ h>*CJ hCJ$MM O!OOOOOCQDQR RPRQRuRvRRR_S`SSS` p0^p`0gd;9 p0^p`0gdpU `0^`0`gd? 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