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Additional representation from the Provosts Office was provided by Linda Prosise. The major workload of CCPI dealt with the first itemized duty assigned to it (to recommend to the Faculty Senate approval or disapproval of all new academic programs and courses as well as changes in existing courses which affect catalog copy). CCPI considered the following requests: Type of Request2014-152013-142012-132011-122010-112009-102008-092007-082006-072005-062004-05New courses5142654246593970937627Experimental courses051147566934Cross-listings657351131533Multiple title requests22540033710鶹ý to existing courses78417258614869#7489* 9526New majors 40110002322New minors 84343533441New options72035120331New emphases70400000000New certificates of undergraduate studies02000002000New concentrations00000031000鶹ý in major23122010710121521153鶹ý in minor1258753641922鶹ý in options114232218661550鶹ý in emphases00100010000鶹ý in concentrations00030100000 * Includes two blanket requests of 24 [History] and 32 [Music] that are only counted as 1 each # Includes a blanket request of 27 courses from History that is only counted as 1 Includes a blanket request for changes in prerequisites for all upper division BIOL, BOT, and MICR courses that is only counted as 1 The number of requests reviewed by the committee increased over those reviewed in 2013-2014. New majors approved by CCPI included: B.A. in Graphic Design (Art), BFA in Graphic Design (Art), Middle Level Education (Curriculum and Instruction), and Nutrition and Food Service Management (DFMH). New minors approved by CCPI included: Event Planning and Management (RPTA and DFMH), Psychology of Substance Abuse (Psychology), Criminalistics for LEJA Majors (LEJA), Middle Level Literacy Teaching (Curriculum and Instruction), Middle Level Mathematics Teaching (Mathematics), Middle Level Social Studies Teaching (History), Middle Level Science Teaching (Biological Sciences), Queer Studies (English). New options approved by CCPI included: Environmental Science (Biological Sciences), Facilities Management (Option B) (Engineering Technology), Interpersonal Communication and Processes (Communication), Social Influence (Communication); Broadcast News and Performance (Broadcasting), Broadcast Production (Broadcasting), Sports Broadcasting (Broadcasting). New emphases approved by CCPI included: Deviance and Criminology (Sociology and Anthropology), Environment and Community (Sociology and Anthropology), Social Inequality (Sociology and Anthropology), Social Institutions (Sociology and Anthropology), Sociological Social Psychology (Sociology and Anthropology), Sociology of Health and Wellness (Sociology and Anthropology), Liberal Arts and Sciences: Peace Corps (Liberal Arts and Sciences). Departments that submitted large numbers of requests included: Curriculum and Instruction (in response to Middle Education requirements), Dietetics, Fashion Merchandising and Hospitality (to complete revision of their curriculum), Sociology and Anthropology (course revisions and new Emphases), Law Enforcement and Justice Administration (to update and make course descriptions more consistent), African American Studies (new courses) and History (new and revised courses). Beyond performing the major function of reviewing and recommending action on curricular items to the Senate, CCPI also: Developed and adopted a new form for Proposed New Emphasis. CCPI did not previously have a form for this request, and departments were adapting other forms to submit request. This will make the process more consistent for departments submitting requests. Adopted a revised form for a New Course Request. This action was done to clarify the importance of doing a thorough review and consultation regarding any existing courses that may have overlap with the proposed New Course. It also provided instructions to address other fields that often required correction or clarification in CCPI reviews. CCPI organized a subcommittee under the direction of the Faculty Senate to address definitions and intentions of undergraduate certificates. The subcommittee met four times during Spring 2015 to address the questions posed by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. The subcommittee anticipates meeting 2 or more times in Fall 2015 to finalize its perspectives and recommendations. CCPI had a productive year due to the efforts of its members, ex-officio members, Linda Prosise from the Provosts Office, and particularly from Faculty Senate Office Manager Annette Hamm, without whom we could not efficiently handle the large number of curricular requests we receive each year. CCPI leadership for 2015-2016 will be: Lora Wolff, Chair; Anita Hardeman, Vice-Chair; Kat Myers, Secretary. Respectfully Submitted by: Mark L Bernards, Chair ,-.<Ev+ M Z \ c n p * J K \ v ƹƹƩƹƜueXKXKXhm5CJaJmH sH h6g5CJaJmH sH hp|h|%5CJaJmH sH hF5CJaJmH sH hA 5CJaJmH sH h|%5CJaJmH sH hT~5CJaJmH sH hp|hf 5CJaJmH sH h5CJaJmH sH hp|hf 5CJaJ hir CJ hf CJ hxJCJhxJhxJ5CJ hir 5CJhA hxJ5CJ-.Fuv    ! ) 1 $$Ifa$ -d]-gdA [$\$gdf gdf $ $a$gdf $ $a$gdf $ $a$gdxJ  * o I J V X w x <=I_`lټɳɎ~vp~v~vp~vp~vp~v~v~v h-)SCJhFCJaJhF hFCJ hf CJhhf 5CJaJhp|h|%5CJaJh|%5CJaJmH sH h|%5CJaJh_g,5CJaJmH sH hp|hf 5CJaJmH sH hp|hf 5CJaJhT~5CJaJmH sH h^ f5CJaJmH sH ,1 9 A I J V Y \ _ b e h k n q t w x Ff$IfFf $$Ifa$ Ff $IfFf $$Ifa$ !$'*.169<=IKMOQSUWYFf3$IfFf $$Ifa$Y[]_`lnprtvxz|~Ffa$IfFfJ $$Ifa$  45FHefwSTU +GMry{|}ƽƽƘ֬h-)Sh-)S6CJaJh-)SCJaJhh6CJaJhICJaJh6CJaJhI6CJaJhCJaJh CJaJh"CJaJhA hf CJhFCJaJhF hFCJ h-)SCJ6Ff$IfFfx $$Ifa$   "$&(*,.0245FILORTWZ]Ff$$IfFf! $$Ifa$]`cefwz|~Ff*$IfFf' $$Ifa$   Ff1$IfFf. $$Ifa$zSU./  `a & FgdXgdA 1$7$8$H$gdA -d]-gdj"]"gdFgdFFf04 $$Ifa$!$9Ba-567ELcdļ漰ļļļ͍͟͟yqyqhKCJaJhhK6CJaJh-)SCJaJh-)S6CJaJh86CJaJh8CJaJh_g,6CJaJhh6CJaJhCJaJh6CJaJh"CJaJhICJaJhI6CJaJh}CJaJh CJaJh}6CJaJ,*+?OPctu 9Ok+-.X  ʺӱ㕍㇁l(h}B*CJaJfHph"""q h_g,CJ hXCJh 9CJaJhLCJaJhXCJaJhh6CJaJh_g,6CJaJhmCJaJh}CJaJhm6CJaJh"CJaJh CJaJhKCJaJhCJaJhhK6CJaJ(a[`9^_`֞֞֞։~iTiTiTiTiTiIhXhICJaJ(hmB*CJaJfHph"""q (hIB*CJaJfHph"""q hIhXCJaJ(hjB*CJaJfHph"""q .hXhXB*CJaJfHph"""q h}h}CJaJ(h_g,B*CJaJfHph"""q (h}B*CJaJfHph"""q (hKB*CJaJfHph"""q `a~")*+hRO]hACJaJhKshACJaJ h6gCJhKsh"CJ he.PCJ hKCJ h"CJ hACJhKshKsCJ hjCJhKshACJ hXCJ*+"]"gd'+ g d]gdAgdA d]gdA8 01h0:pA = /!"#*$h% $$Ifl!v h#v#v 8:V l  tx0~655 8/ B alpxytFkd$$Ifl  N .f!%).F2~6FF8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8  tx0~6000044 lB alpxytF$$Ifl!v h#v#v 8:V l t0~655 8/ B alytFwkd9$$Ifl  N .f!%).F2~6FF8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8 t0~6000044 lB alytF$$Ifl!v h#v#v 8:V l t0~655 8/ B alytFwkdP$$Ifl  N .f!%).F2~6FF8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8 t0~6000044 lB alytF$$Ifl!v h#v#v 8:V l t0~655 8/ B alytFwkdg $$Ifl  N .f!%).F2~6FF8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8 t0~6000044 lB alytF$$Ifl!v h#v#v 8:V l t0~655 8/ B alytFwkd~$$Ifl  N .f!%).F2~6FF8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8 t0~6000044 lB alytF$$Ifl!v h#v#v 8:V l t0~655 8/ B alytFwkd$$Ifl  N .f!%).F2~6FF8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8 t0~6000044 lB alytF$$Ifl!v h#v#v 8:V l t0~655 8/ B alytFwkd$$Ifl  N .f!%).F2~6FF8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8 t0~6000044 lB alytF$$Ifl!v h#v#v 8:V l t0~655 8/ B alytFwkd$$Ifl  N .f!%).F2~6FF8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8 t0~6000044 lB alytF$$Ifl!v h#v#v 8:V l t0~655 8/ B alytFwkd$$Ifl  N .f!%).F2~6FF8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8 t0~6000044 lB alytF$$Ifl!v h#v#v 8:V l t0~655 8/ B alytFwkd$$Ifl  N .f!%).F2~6FF8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8 t0~6000044 lB alytF$$Ifl!v h#v#v 8:V l t0~655 8/ B alytFwkd!$$Ifl  N .f!%).F2~6FF8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8 t0~6000044 lB alytF$$Ifl!v h#v#v 8:V l t0~655 8/ B alytFwkd$$$Ifl  N .f!%).F2~6FF8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8 t0~6000044 lB alytF$$Ifl!v h#v#v 8:V l t0~655 8/ B alytFwkd6'$$Ifl  N .f!%).F2~6FF8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8 t0~6000044 lB alytF$$Ifl!v h#v#v 8:V l t0~655 8/ B alytFwkdM*$$Ifl  N .f!%).F2~6FF8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8 t0~6000044 lB alytF$$Ifl!v h#v#v 8:V l t0~655 8/ B alytFwkdd-$$Ifl  N .f!%).F2~6FF8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8 t0~6000044 lB alytF$$Ifl!v h#v#v 8:V l t0~655 8/ B alytFwkd{0$$Ifl  N .f!%).F2~6FF8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8 t0~6000044 lB alytF$$Ifl!v h#v#v 8:V l t0~655 8/ B alytFwkd3$$Ifl  N .f!%).F2~6FF8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8 t0~6000044 lB alytF^ 2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH 8`8 {MNormal_HmH sH tH Z@2Z f Heading 3dd@&[$\$5CJ\aJmHsHtHDA D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List jj {M Table Grid7:V0H@H z0 Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJNoN z0Balloon Text CharCJOJQJ^JaJNo!N f Heading 3 Char5CJ\aJmHsHtH8O28 f OmniPage #2dB/AB Xapple-converted-space/Q XaqjPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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