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Additional representation from the Provosts Office was provided by Linda Prosise. The major workload of CCPI dealt with the first itemized duty assigned to it (to recommend to the Faculty Senate approval or disapproval of all new academic programs and courses as well as changes in existing courses which affect catalog copy). CCPI considered the following requests: Type of Request2013-142012-132011-122010-112009-102008-092007-082006-072005-062004-05New courses42654246593970937627Experimental courses51147566934Cross-listings57351131533Multiple title requests2540033710鶹ý to existing courses417258614869#7489* 9526New majors 0110002322New minors 4343533441New options2035120331New emphases0400000000New certificates of undergraduate studies2000002000New concentrations0000031000鶹ý in major122010710121521153鶹ý in minor58753641922鶹ý in options4232218661550鶹ý in emphases0100010000鶹ý in concentrations0030100000 * Includes two blanket requests of 24 [History] and 32 [Music] that are only counted as 1 each # Includes a blanket request of 27 courses from History that is only counted as 1 Includes a blanket request for changes in prerequisites for all upper division BIOL, BOT, and MICR courses that is only counted as 1 As the chart shows, the 2013-14 academic year dipped back to normal levels after a spur in business during the 2012-2013 level. This year did see the approval of four new minors (TESOL, Information Technology, Contemporary United States Studies, Computer-Mediated Communication). Two new options (Forensic Psychology, Mathematics-Option C) were also approved. Finally, two new certificates of undergraduate studies (Marketing Technologies, Integrated Marketing Communications) were created. Beyond performing the major function of reviewing and recommending action on curricular items to the Senate, CCPI also expanded its duties in the by-laws (and met these new requirements), added the definition of a unit of credit to its Definitions of Academic Terms, and revised forms for requests for new interdisciplinary minors and changes to interdisciplinary minors. Details of these actions are summarized below. CCPI on September 12, 2013 approved adding to their bylaws the requirement To sponsor one or more faculty and staff workshops each year to provide information about the curricular approval process. This amendment to the bylaws was approved by Faculty Senate on October 8, 2013. Chairperson Welch, Associate Provost Parsons, and Ms. Provise from the Provosts office presented a curriculum workshop to the campus community onSeptember 3that was well attended and included general information about the process for requests. Chairperson Welch presented a second curriculum workshop through the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Research (CITR) on October 10, 2013. The Registrar's Office requested that CCPI add the definition of a "unit of credit" to its Definitions of Academic Terms. CCPI approved this proposal on November 7, 2013. It was subsequently approved by Faculty Senate on November 19, 2013, and by President Thomas on December 4, 2013. CCPI adopted revised forms for requests for new interdisciplinary minors and changes to interdisciplinary minors. This action was at the request of Provost's office representative Linda Prosise in order to make the process for these requests clearer and more consistent. CCPI had a productive academic year due to the efforts of its members, ex-officio members, representation from the Provosts Office, and especially Faculty Senate Office Manager Annette Hamm, without whom we could not efficiently handle the large number of curricular requests we receive each year. Respectfully Submitted by: Bridget K. Welch, Chair ,-.?@DEv[ h j q  $ R r s  ? 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