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Members of the council included Christine Anderson, (Curriculum & Instruction); Steve Bennett, Fall semester Vice Chair, Spring semester Chair (Geology); Jeff Brown, (Music); Judi Dallinger, (Communication); Amanda Doyle, (SGA Representative); Jim La Prad, Fall semester Chair (Educational and Interdisciplinary Studies); Hal Marchand, (Health Sciences); Cindy Piletic, (Kinesiology); Susan Romano, (Biological Sciences); Anna Valeva, Spring semester Vice Chair (Economics and Decision Sciences); Bridget Welch, (Sociology and Anthropology); and Tara Westerhold, Secretary (Economics and Decision Sciences). Exofficio members of the council were Nancy Parsons, Associate Provost; and Donna Williams from the Registrar's Office. Additional representation from the Provosts Office was provided by Vicki Nicholson during the Fall 2011 semester (retired in December after 32 years at 鶹ý and many years of service on CCPI), Nita Burg, and Linda Procise during the Spring 2012 semester. The major workload of CCPI dealt with the first itemized duty assigned to it (to recommend to the Faculty Senate approval or disapproval of all new academic programs and courses as well as changes in existing courses which affect catalog copy). CCPI considered the following requests: Type of Request2011-122010-112009-102008-092007-082006-072005-06New courses42465939709376Experimental courses4756693Cross-listings35113153Multiple title requests4003371鶹ý to an existing course58614869#7489*95New majors 1000232New minors 4353344New options3512033New certificates of undergraduate studies0000200New concentrations0003100鶹ý in major1071012152115鶹ý in minor75364192鶹ý in options221866155鶹ý in emphases0001000鶹ý in concentrations3010000*Includes two blanket requests of 24 [History] and 32 [Music] # Includes a blanket request of 27 courses from History The one new major for 2011-2012 was Fire Protection Services (LEJA). The four new minors this year were: Sports Broadcasting (Broadcasting), Therapeutic Recreation (RPTA), Entrepreneurship (Management and Marketing), and Fire Science (LEJA). The three new options were: Paleontology (Geology), Fire Administration (LEJA), and Fire Science (LEJA). Additionally, minor changes in catalog copy, not requiring Faculty Senate action, were considered from several departments and majors. Issues of assessment, departmental ownership, overlapping of course content, and intent of courses each received some attention from CCPI during the year. CCPI had a productive academic year due to the efforts of its members, ex-officio members, representation from the Provosts Office, and especially Faculty Senate Office Manager Annette Hamm. Without their time-consuming preparation prior to the meetings our committee would not be able to consider all of curricular requests received in a timely fashion. Respectfully Submitted by: Steve Bennett, Spring semester Chair )*+->?CDuZ o  - . ýýɱymaQaAhp|hsp5CJaJmH sH hp|h @5CJaJmH sH hp|h,$5CJaJhp|h+R5CJaJ+hp|h+R5CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH #hp|h+R5CJOJQJ^JaJhp|h+R5CJaJmH sH hp|h.5CJaJ h?MCJ h,$CJ h.CJh35kh.5CJ h?M5CJ h,$5CJ h.5CJ hp5CJh35khd5CJ+,-Etu  23CKS[cks{ $$Ifa$gdpWgdpW -d]-gd. 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