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Members of the council included Patricia Anderson, Kathleen Balderson, David Haugen (Secretary), William Hoon, Lisa Miczo, Kathleen Neumann, Nancy Parsons (Chair), Cynthia Piletic (Vice Chair), Tara Westerhold, and a vacant position filled with only two meetings remaining. There was no student member of CCPI designated this year. Exofficio members of the council were Donna Williams from the Registrar's Office; Barb Baily, Associate Provost; and Vicki Nicholson from the Provost’s Office. As is customary, the council worked closely with the CGE on general education matters, CAGAS on grading or credit issues, and with the Faculty Senate on matters concerned with assessment and academic integrity. The major workload of CCPI dealt with the first itemized duty assigned to it (to recommend to the Faculty Senate approval or disapproval of all new academic programs and courses as well as changes in existing courses which affect catalog copy). CCPI considered 27 requests for new courses, 4 new experimental (275/475) courses, 3 requests for cross-listing, and 25 requests for changes to existing courses. One new major (Construction Management) was approved by CCPI and forwarded to the Faculty Senate. New minors reviewed and forwarded to the Faculty Senate included Neuroscience, International Agriculture, and Nutrition. The following changes in major were reviewed and forwarded to the Faculty Senate: Journalism, Geology, Chemistry, Agriculture, Biology—Teacher Certification, Chemistry—Teacher Certification, Physics—Teacher Certification, Elementary Education, and Special Education. ТщЖЙДЋУН in the Gerontology minor were also reviewed and forwarded to the Senate. The following changes in options were reviewed and forwarded to the Faculty Senate: FCS—Dietetics option, Physics—non-teaching option, Athletic Training, Agriculture Education—Teacher Certification option, and Elementary Education—Early Childhood option. Minor changes in catalog copy, not requiring Faculty Senate action, were considered from several departments and majors. Issues of assessment, departmental ownership, overlapping of course content, and intent of courses each received some attention from CCPI during the year. Three major projects were undertaken this year. The first project included a review of the request for library materials statement found on new course, new major/new minor, new option, change in major/minor, and change in option request forms. The University Library has encouraged departments making such curricular requests to review and consider additional library resources. A change in the forms will direct departments to a library website with necessary information to consider. The second project focused on a review of the “Relevance of Multicultural Scholarship and Integration of Pedagogy” statement found on various CCPI request forms. After much discussion with members of the Multicultural Diversity Task Force, a revised statement has been placed on the new course, new 275/475 course, and new 450 workshop request forms. In lieu of questions to which departments have previously provided responses, the following statement has been placed on these forms: “CCPI encourages faculty as they are developing courses to take into consideration underrepresented groups, cultures, and perspectives. It is suggested that instructors incorporate such scholarship where relevant.” The third project involved major revisions to the CCPI request forms. Forms were reviewed and revised to include all appropriate signature lines, revised language related to equipment and library requests, revised considerations related to multicultural issues, as well as other language revisions. Forms are now formatted in Microsoft Word and can be retrieved from  HYPERLINK "http://www.wiu.edu/FacultySenate/Sen_Councils.htm" www.wiu.edu/FacultySenate/Sen_Councils.htm The council would like recognize Annette Hamm for her diligent work in revising the forms and assisting with making them accessible via the Internet. Thank you to all the CCPI members for their tireless work. Special recognition goes to our ex officio members, whose knowledge is invaluable and very much appreciated. Again, thank you to Annette Hamm, who is dedicated and invaluable to the effectiveness of CCPI. Respectfully Submitted by: Nancy Parsons, Chair -Ќ  ‡ х ВеЯІWXYƒ„Z[њїђїђїђїъђсђесЮсђїЫCJ 0JCJaJjCJUaJjCJUaJCJ\]aJCJaJCJ 5CJ\-./0HwŒ?@Ћ Ќ ‡ ˆ х ц ц ч ћ ќ ііээээфэтйтатйтатЧаатйй„<d№]„<„<d№]„<„-d№]„-$ Цъ$a$$ Ц$a$$ Ц$a$[ўќ хцІЇ'(CDEZ[ііііієєєчєєкє  Цg „Ъd№]„Ъ  Ц„d№]„„-d№]„- Аа/ Ар=!А "А # $ %А/DаЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ +www.wiu.edu/FacultySenate/Sen_Councils.htmрЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ dhttp://www.wiu.edu/FacultySenate/Sen_Councils.htm i4@ёџ4 Normal_HmH o(sH tH <A@ђџЁ< Default Paragraph Font0ўђ0 OmniPage #1d$џ0ўO0 OmniPage #2dРў0ўO0 OmniPage #3dРў.U@Ђ!. 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