ࡱ> ')&M bjbj== WW l:::::::N NA$  :N::NNN ::NNrN:: \1kN0A ," NNN::::SENATE AGENDA ITEM III.C.1. 2 September 2003 ANNUAL REPORT 20022003 COUNCIL ON CURRICULAR PROGRAMS AND INSTRUCTION Nancy Parsons, Chair The Council on Curricular Programs and Instruction (CCPI) met on a regular basis the first and third Thursdays of the month unless this conflicted with the official holiday schedule of the campus. Members of the council included Hyung-Yon Cho, JoAnne Darlington, Andrea Redcay Graves (fall), David Haugen (replaced by John Simmons), Larry McWard (fall), Lisa Miczo, Nancy Parsons (chair), Cynthia Piletic (secretary), Tara Westerhold (vice chair), and Larry Zoochi. This years Student Member of CCPI was Joshua Schier (fall). Exofficio members of the council were Donna Williams from the Registrar's Office, and Barb Baily and Vicki Nicholson from the Provosts Office. The council worked closely with the CGE on general education matters, CAGAS on grading or credit issues, and with the Faculty Senate on matters concerned with assessment and academic integrity. The major workload of CCPI dealt with the first itemized duty assigned to it (to recommend to the Faculty Senate approval or disapproval of all new academic programs and courses as well as changes in existing courses which affect catalog copy). CCPI considered 28 requests for new courses, 4 new experimental (275/475) courses, 3 cross-listed courses, and 26 requests for changes to existing courses. One new major (Meteorology) was approved by CCPI and forwarded to the Faculty Senate. New minors reviewed and forwarded to the Faculty Senate included Meteorology and Geographic Information Systems. The following changes in major were reviewed and forwarded to the Faculty Senate: Broadcasting, Community Health, English Education, Health Services Management, Information Management, Mathematics (Teacher Certification option), Music (Applied Music option: Jazz Studies), and Music (Teacher Certification option) all were reviewed by CCPI and forwarded to the Senate. 鶹ý in the minors of Accountancy, Graphic Communications, and Manufacturing Technology were also reviewed and forwarded to the Senate. Minor changes in catalog copy, not requiring Faculty Senate action, were considered from several departments and majors. Issues of assessment, departmental ownership, overlapping of course content, multicultural relevance, and intent of courses each received some attention from CCPI during the year. In addition, the CCPI forms were reviewed and will be revised to include all appropriate signature lines. Retrieval of forms was discussed, and alternative options will be available sometime during the fall 2003 semester. Respectfully Submitted by: Nancy Parsons, Chair ,J CJ CJ\CJ 5CJ\-.Fu+, I J K<d]K^< <<d]<^< -<d]-^< <Kd]<^K -Zd]-^Z$ (](^a$$ (](^a$J G H u v UVqrs g <d]^< <d]^< -<d]-^<<d]<<d]< / =!"#$% i4@4 Normal_HmH o(sH tH <A@< Default Paragraph Font00 OmniPage #1d$0O0 OmniPage #2d0O0 OmniPage #3d -.Fu+,IJGHu v U V q r s 000000000000000000000000000000 J    3.r r Nancy Parsons, Ph.D., MPH, CHESgC:\Documents and Settings\NPARSONS\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of CCPI report.asdNancy Parsons, Ph.D., MPH, CHES?C:\Documents and Settings\NPARSONS\My Documents\CCPI report.docNancy Parsons, Ph.D., MPH, CHES?C:\Documents and Settings\NPARSONS\My Documents\CCPI report.doc Annette Hamm`C:\My Documents\Committees & Councils\CCPI\Reports to Faculty Senate\Annual Report 2002-2003.doc@r r Ddr r  @@UnknownG:Times New Roman5Symbol3& :Arial" hx&(xF(xF"20d 2ANNUAL REPORT 20022003 Annette Hamm Annette Hamm Oh+'0   < H T `lt|ANNUAL REPORT 2002﷓20032NNU Annette Hamm 20nneNormal  Annette Hamm 203neMicrosoft Word 9.0@F#@؟k@RJk@؟k ՜.+,0 hp  鶹ý Illinois University  ANNUAL REPORT 2002﷓2003 Title  !"#$%(Root Entry F%1k*1TableWordDocumentSummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjjObjectPool%1k%1k  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q