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Proposed: Theoretical concepts and technical procedures underlying the preparation of external financial reports for corporate business organizations. Includes coverage of international standards as they apply to the course topics. 4 s.h. 2. ACCT 420, Internship in Accountancy, 6-12 s.h., repeatable Current: A program requiring full-time work for a period of at least 10 weeks. Student is responsible for locating acceptable employment. 6-12 s.h., repeatable Proposed: One hours of credit is available for every 35 hours (105 hours minimum) of approved experience. Student is responsible for locating acceptable employment. 3-12 s.h., repeatable to 12 s.h. 3. ACCT 441, Advanced Financial and Governmental Accounting, 3 s.h. Current: Study of advanced accounting topics including partnerships and consolidations. Introduction to principles of governmental and not-for-profit accounting. 3 s.h. Proposed: Study of advanced accounting topics including partnerships and consolidations. Introduction to principles of governmental and not-for-profit accounting. Includes coverage of international standards as they apply to the course topics. 4 s.h. D. Request for Change in Credit Hours, Course Description, and Prerequisites 1. ACCT 341, Intermediate Accounting I, 3 s.h. Current: Theoretical concepts and technical procedures underlying the preparation of external financial reports for corporate business organizations. Includes a one-hour lab which focuses on skills development for success in the accounting profession. 3 s.h. Proposed: Theoretical concepts and technical procedures underlying the preparation of external financial reports for corporate business organizations. Includes coverage of international standards as they apply to the course topics. 4 s.h. E. Request for Change in Minor 1. Accountancy F. Request for Change in Major 1. Accountancy V. 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