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He also suggested that we can invite any technology person for our future meetings. CIT Chair Steven Dworkin leads the meeting and discussed future meeting times. There were preferences mentioned for Wed./Tue./Th. Meetings and also afternoon meeting times. It was decided that a Doodle Poll will be done to finalize the meeting date/time. In a related note the frequency of the meeting was discussed. Binto George mentioned that in the past we had monthly meetings and we could do that. Amy Burke suggested that we can meet twice, in the beginning, to figure out various issues and could always cancel meetings if there were no agenda items. CIT Chair Steven Dworkin asked for the outstanding issues that are there from the previous year as he was not a member of CIT then. Steven House stated the two issues that were addressed by CIT over the last year. IT governance changes and also the Wi-Fi enhancement survey that was conducted. George Mangalaraj provided some clarifications on the IT Governance process. Next ideas for guests were solicited. Interim CIO Rebecca Slater's name was suggested. Tammi Bories suggested that we can also ask her about the status of the Wi-Fi and governance process updates. CIT Chair Steven Dworkin is going get in touch with her to schedule a meeting with her for the committee. Jim Olsen suggested that CIT should discuss the issues with the cuts to the uTech and how it impacts the instructional technology and support of it. He said that uTech is very good so far, and it concerns the level of cuts and tech support. It was suggested that CIT could ask about it with the interim CIO Rebecca Slater when she attends our meeting. Tammie Bories stated that tech support in the College of Education and Human Services is also affected as they have closed the IMM lab. In the past, we could use the facilities, and people were there to help the faculty/students with their course needs. Minsun Doh also stated that the equipment is there in the lab, but there is no tech support. Binto George also highlighted that it is an issue at the College of Business and Technology, too, as to how a lab is yet to be finished and how that will have impact on the course/syllabus that he is teaching. Steven Dworkin also stated that is an issue at the College of Arts and Sciences as they have also eliminated tech support position there. Next, Zoom Conferencing was discussed. Jim Olsen mentioned the 40 minutes usage limitations for the personal account. George Mangalaraj mentioned that uTech could be contacted for Zoom use, and they can set it up. He also mentioned for video conference class uTech helped with Zoom and also provided a facilitator for it. Binto George also mentioned uTech helping him with a meeting through Zoom and also suggested Google Meet could be used when we have small number of participants. It was suggested that we could have a list of software that is available for the faculty to use and can ask the interim CIO on this during our meeting with her. Next, Tammi Bories mentioned about the student competence survey and the availability of the results of it. Binto George stated that he would share the survey results with the committee. Tammi Bories stated that she is concerned that our students are not having some of the basic technical knowledge, such as accepting/rejecting track changes in MS Word or the use of MS Excel. In the past, the IMM lab was helping the students with that. Binto George suggested that the students can take CS courses on such tools. Tammi Bories stated that students do not have extra available credit hours in some of their majors. Brisa DePaula also highlighted some of the issues she had with her courses regarding the issue and time she spends in teaching how to use technology. Tammie Bories mentioned that the faculty do not have extra-time with the additional teaching load to teach technology concepts or create videos on how to use the technology. Tammi Bories also mentioned that she is concerned that there may not be enough time to cover the subject if the faculty is spending time teaching basic technology usage. Binto George mentioned that even faculty might need help with technology in creating videos and all. He also suggested the need for a database of resources available on campus. George Mangalaraj stated that CITR had, in the past, maintained such a resource but not sure what happened to it. He also suggested that we can invite Roger Runquist, Director of CITR, to one of our meetings. CIT Chair Steven Dworkin concluded the meeting with Doodle Poll that he will do for determining our meeting times and also on the meeting with Rebecca Slater. 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