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CITR website was changed to easily provide information to the faculty on specific topics during the transition. The old website is still intact and that can be reached through the new one made for the transition. Roger Runquist also mentioned the faculty survey that was recently conducted by CITR on alternate arrangements and it is now closed. 4. Tamara Bories asked about the recent conversations they are having in the department on making contingency plans for the fall semester in case the COVID situation prevails. In this regard she wanted to know about Zoom enabled classrooms and the availability of one classroom in her building and CITR online course approval process. Roger Runquist mentioned the cost involved in Zoom license and right now the administration is looking at the options for that contingency. Consumer Zoom license cost is different from the institutional one and it is more expensive. Regarding the CITRs role in new online courses. Roger Runquist mentioned that just because a course was transitioned to online during this time does not mean it could be offered purely online in the future. There is a process in place at CITR to make sure that it meets the format expectations. Tamara Bories asked about the resource availability in reviewing the courses at CITR and understaffing of it. Roger Runquist mentioned that they may get some new resources to make this process quick and serve us better. 5. Roger Runquist commended the faculty for the efforts they put in during the transition. Many times, the kind of queries they get from the faculty is unique situations and this shows that the faculty do the work to make sure they can solve the problems on their own first. He also mentioned that even with the CITR office closed, they will get back to our phone calls. 6. Brian Clark asked whether the fall semester is going to be fully online. Roger Runquist indicated that nobody knows as yet on that and we are preparing for the worst-case scenario. 7. Minsun Doh mentioned that there are various platforms for video conferencing and why Zoom is used. Roger Runquist replied that he prefers Zoom and now they are updating it more frequently and it is a great product. He also asked our feedback on that. George Mangalaraj mentioned that our university may have access to Microsoft Teams also and the local school system uses it. He stated that Google Meet call quality is inferior to Zoom and Microsoft Teams may be better. Roger Runquist mentioned that uTech is looking into the contract that they have with Microsoft to see whether Microsoft Teams is free. Brian Clark indicated that it comes as free as part of Microsoft Office installations. Roger Runquist also mentioned that having many options may confuse users. Emily mentioned that they use Zoom for Music Therapy and audio quality is much better. Brisa DePaula mentioned that she too uses Zoom for her lessons and sometimes the audio goes in and out. She wondered whether an external microphone will help. Emily mentioned that she uses a USB microphone and the audio quality is definitely better. George Mangalaraj mentioned that he uses Zoom and did not have any issues in the class. He also added that Zoom provides a nice way to record/capture the screen of the presentation to be posted elsewhere. Brian Clark mentioned that in the library they use that extensively for their meetings and they are mindful of 40-minute limitations and work around it. Kyle Mayborn mentioned that he uses Zoom for recording videos of lectures and the 40-minute limitation is not there. 8. Roger Runquist then asked about the vide hosting platforms we use. Tamara Bories mentioned that she requires assignments where students take a video of data collection. She uses Google Shared folder for these videos. She also maintains separate ones for labs/assignments. Debra Allwardt mentioned that she has been using screen capture videos for a long time. She uploads it to YouTube. George Mangalaraj mentioned that he uses Microsoft Stream to host the video and mentioned about the transcribing capability and limiting the videos to a particular course. Roger Runquist mentioned that CITR did a study on the video platforms and they noted YouTube to be much faster than Google Drive to process the videos and make it available. On the flip side, Tamara Bories mentioned the difficulty with students using mobile phones to record and upload videos. She also provides some input to students on how to make this process easier for them. Roger Runquist mentioned about the difficulty with the files and using them on mobile devices. 8. Debra Allwardt stated that she uses SPSS and whether students will be able to use the lab computers if we are going to do that in the Fall semester. Roger Runquist indicated that uTech has worked on making labs accessible to students through remote desktop. George Mangalaraj shared the link (http://www.wiu.edu/university_technology/student_resources/labs/remotelabs.php) to the uTech page with more information on connecting to the lab remotely. 9. Emily Sevcik asked about sharing videos by embedding on 鶹ýOnline. Roger Runquist mentioned that embedding is the best way as if the video file is directly posted in 鶹ýOnline the class files become very large. Sometimes they have specifically ask D2L to copy the files to the new course. One issue with embedding the files is when a new instructor teaches the course that person should also have access to the file location. 10. Roger Runquist asked comments about 鶹ýOnline. None was mentioned. He added 鶹ýOnline has become quite stable now with all the updates. He also suggested when we use Respondus Lockdown Browser+Monitor we can test out the test setup of students by giving a small quiz with 5 questions or so. After the quiz, the faculty can provide feedback to the students about their test-taking setup. This allows students to know that we watch the videos and be alert to things like lighting, etc. He also shared some instances where students did not do proper environment scanning video and that can give way to some issues with the test. Kyle Mayborn mentioned that he recently had an academic dishonesty appeal and saw the environment video to be separate from the actual test one. Roger Runquist mentioned that it is done in the test setup where faculty select separate things like the environment, id, etc. Hence, the video is separate from the actual test. Emily Sevcik asked about Lockdown Browser's extra cost. Roger Runquist explained the evolution of the Respondus product. Our university has the license to offer Respondus Lockdown Browser and the Monitor component is a service that costs $15 per year for students to take unlimited tests across courses at 鶹ý. During the Spring semester, this fee was waived. They are in the discussion to make it free to use for the students depending on the situation in the Fall semester. He also said institutional license will require us to pay for every student at our university whether they use it or not. 11. George Mangalaraj asked about the faculty survey and whether CITR is planning to do that from the student side as well. Roger Runquist stated that that is not the area of their responsibility. So far 189 faculty have responded to the faculty survey. Some of the things that will be nice to know about students students internet connectivity, type of device they use. That information can help faculty to select appropriate things for the course. He also gave an example of how Chromebook and Windows 10S would not work with the Respondus Lockdown Browser. 12. Tamara Bories mentioned about the difficulties sometimes students have in keeping track of course requirement through 鶹ýOnline. Roger Runquist suggested that students can use Pulse app on their smartphones and that will allow them to know about the upcoming deadlines (if the instructor maintains that information on 鶹ýOnline), grade posting, etc. 13. With no further questions/comments, CIT took up the minutes from the previous meeting. George Mangalaraj mentioned about some corrections were there from the guests and he has incorporated that in the updated minutes. No comments/corrections were there. Hence, the minutes stand accepted. 14. Next, elections for the Chair and Vice-chair was taken up. There were no nominations. Tamara Bories nominated George Mangalaraj. However, George Mangalaraj could not accept it as he will be on sabbatical during the Fall semester. Tamara Bories indicated that she will be on sabbatical during the Spring semester. Binto George also indicated that his term ends this academic year. With no further nominations, the elections were deferred to the Fall semester. 15. George Mangalaraj thanked the members whose term is ending with this academic year and also the new members who joined us for todays meeting. Meeting adjourned at 12:55 pm. 5:>@CDEFGHKLMOPRS^`bh" ? C Q R S T \ { | } ~ > S T U V X ] M N U Y ĸĸ԰ԸԥԸh=OJQJhh| 2OJQJhpOJQJhOJQJh| 2h6kOJQJh| 2CJaJh| 2OJQJhBMhhtLih1hghxhhh;>5AS_`R T | ~ T V t-.-3[$\$`gd"~ [$\$gdAy c gd$a$gdY M#1.,-.23LPHJq|!+/78CD{JKOR\]^lae}NOBN "3"4"нh/OJQJhlp|hlp|OJQJhlp|OJQJh"~OJQJhtjOJQJh=OJQJhw1OJQJhOJQJJTdezKyz>? $$''E)F)**++--=. [$\$gdAy4"v"w"&$)$1$5$j$n$$$$$$$%%D%H% &&''(((D)E)J)X)**1,?,,,,,,,6-8-->.W.X.].h=h=OJQJh"~OJQJh OJQJhlp|OJQJh| 2OJQJh=OJQJh/OJQJ.=.>.]. 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