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This change was set in motion several years ago and the complete redesign and update will be for the whole consortium of 91 libraries. This brand-new system will be cloud-based, and no software installs locally. Multiple task forces are working on this migration project at the library. The library is working with AIMS for campus authentication. The timeline for the migration will be May-June of this year. 8th May for ordering books, 11th June borrowing books from ILL, 19th June the current catalog will work but it will not be current, and 24th June go live with the new system. According to the vendor, the ongoing COVID issues would not affect this timeline. 4. Krista Bowers Sharpe who spearheads the public interface spoke about the changes. I-Share remains the same, WestCat name will be still used. Hunt Dunlap is working on bringing some of the features from the WorldCat to the new system. There will be ease of logging into the new system. When we login, we get additional features of the catalog. Looks and feels like EBSCO databases. Integration with various citation managers. Permanent links for books will be possible. No need for separate I-Share search and it is done within the catalog. Since it is going to be cloud-based we will also see the monthly updates to the system. Faculty who provided links for library resources from the old system have to provide links with the new system. 5.Binto George asked about the resources library provides such as library guides for using the new system. Jeanne Stierman mentioned that there will be formal sessions in August/September. They are also willing to talk to students in classes on the changes to the system at that time. There will be coordinated efforts with various groups. So far, they are working on getting the system ready for use and share it as it available. Guides could be made Krista Bowers Sharpe mentioned about the support that the library provides through instant messenger, and virtual reference and that will also, be helpful during the transition. 5.George Mangalaraj asked about whether ILLIAD will remain the same. Jeanne Stierman said that there will not be any change with that system, and we can continue to use it as always. Only I-Share alone there will be change. 6.George Mangalaraj asked about the communication with the campus community through the Monday news announcements. Jeanne Stierman said that they will be doing more of that sort of communication as we get closer to the launch of the new system. 7.Binto George asked about COVID impact and library resources. He also asked about that information being available through the catalog. Jeanne Stierman mentioned about the additional resources that are made available by the publishers in this regard. She also shared the URL for the library website where they have all this information:  HYPERLINK "https://wiu.libguides.com/COVID19" https://wiu.libguides.com/COVID19 Krista Bowers Sharp mentioned that Jeff Matlak has created this resource. Jeanne Stierman mentioned that right now this information is not available through the catalog but if the situation prevails for an extended time then there is a possibility. 8.Brisa De Paula asked about the music library resource such as Naxos and the librarians said that the subscriptions are in place for it. 9. After the guest left, George Mangalaraj initiated the discussion on issues pertaining to CIT. Binto George asked about faculty experience with technology in the transition to alternate delivery of courses. Minsun Doh mentioned about some of the issues with it. 10. George Mangalaraj mentioned about the next guest is Roger Runquist of CITR and if there are any specific questions to be discussed during the 1st May meeting then that could be communicated to either Steven Dworkin or to him. George Mangalaraj also stated the next meeting will be the final for the academic year and we will be electing Chair and Vice-Chair/Secretary during that time. Meeting adjourned at 12:50 pm. 5:;<@BEFGHIJMNOQRTU`bdj    1 3 \ ] t u v w y  ( * ػػػػh| 2H*OJQJhpOJQJh| 2h| 2CJaJh| 2OJQJhtLih1hghxhhhBMh;J5CUab  u w  [$\$^gd| 2 c gd$a$gdgh  KL{|()*+3456h| 2H*OJQJh| 20JOJQJjh| 2OJQJUh| 2CJaJh| 2h| 2OJQJhpOJQJ?)+46[$\$^gdKI[$\$^gd| 2.:p/ =!"#$% w666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p(2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@6666 OJPJQJ_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR Table Normal4 l4a (k ( No List TT {" Colorful List - Accent 1 ^m$TT  List Paragraph ^m$OJPJQJ^JbOb fGgmail-msolistparagraphdd[$\$ OJPJQJ6U`!6 | 2 Hyperlink >*B*phcRv!1R | 20Unresolved MentionB*ph`^\q PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭VGRU1a$N% ʣꂣKЛjVkUDRKQj/dR*SxMPsʧJ5$4vq^WCʽ D{>̳`3REB=꽻Ut Qy@֐\.X7<:+& 0h @>nƭBVqu ѡ{5kP?O&Cנ Aw0kPo۵(h[5($=CVs]mY2zw`nKDC]j%KXK 'P@$I=Y%C%gx'$!V(ekڤք'Qt!x7xbJ7 o߼W_y|nʒ;Fido/_1z/L?>o_;9:33`=—S,FĔ觑@)R8elmEv|!ո/,Ә%qh|'1:`ij.̳u'k CZ^WcK0'E8S߱sˮdΙ`K}A"NșM1I/AeހQתGF@A~eh-QR9C 5 ~d"9 0exp<^!͸~J7䒜t L䈝c\)Ic8E&]Sf~@Aw?'r3Ȱ&2@7k}̬naWJ}N1XGVh`L%Z`=`VKb*X=z%"sI<&n| .qc:?7/N<Z*`]u-]e|aѸ¾|mH{m3CԚ .ÕnAr)[;-ݑ$$`:Ʊ>NVl%kv:Ns _OuCX=mO4m's߸d|0n;pt2e}:zOrgI( 'B='8\L`"Ǚ 4F+8JI$rՑVLvVxNN";fVYx-,JfV<+k>hP!aLfh:HHX WQXt,:JU{,Z BpB)sֻڙӇiE4(=U\.O. +x"aMB[F7x"ytѫиK-zz>F>75eo5C9Z%c7ܼ%6M2ˊ 9B" N "1(IzZ~>Yr]H+9pd\4n(Kg\V$=]B,lוDA=eX)Ly5ot e㈮bW3gp : j$/g*QjZTa!e9#i5*j5ö fE`514g{7vnO(^ ,j~V9;kvv"adV݊oTAn7jah+y^@ARhW.GMuO "/e5[s󿬅`Z'WfPt~f}kA'0z|>ܙ|Uw{@՘tAm'`4T֠2j ۣhvWwA9 ZNU+Awvhv36V`^PK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-![Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 0_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!g theme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK] $K{X8@0(  B S  ?)1x  ` h v ~ t|g h g h ^= Ri%ywMF`[V^`.^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.^`o(.^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.^`o()^`.pL^p`L.@ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PL^P`L.8^8`.^`. 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