ࡱ> AD@O bjbj(( 0"JeJe''''';;;;O;c&ccccc>>>%%%%%%%$I(*b&'>>>>>&''cc&666>^'c'cr$p6>%66r"T#cJ/Ϯ #^$3&0c&#a+Ba+##a+'#>>6>>>>>&&B>>>c&>>>>a+>>>>>>>>> : Council for Instructional Technology Meeting Minutes November 14, 2019 2:00 2:55 PM Horrabin Hall 60 1. The Meeting began at 2:00 PM. Members Present: Tammi Bories, Brian Clark, Brisa DePaula, Minsun Doh, Steven Dworkin, Binto George, Eric Gurzell, Steven House, George Mangalaraj, 2. At the outset, CIT Chair, Steven House mentioned the reasoning for him volunteering to be the chair as there were no others expressed interest during the previous meeting. However, since then he is tasked with some additional BOT work. He sought any members interest in being the chair. None expressed interest in becoming the chair. George Mangalaraj mentioned about his other commitments in department search, curriculum, and college assessment and that precludes him from serving as the chair. However, George Mangalaraj indicated that he could assist the chair in any way possible. 3. uTAG liaison from CIT was discussed. George Mangalaraj volunteered to serve as the liaison for uTAG. 4. Next, the committee deliberated on the charge for the committee and the past years work of the committee. 5. Tammie Bories mentioned about the survey that was done with faculty and students. She also mentioned about the WIFI access points need determination through the survey. 6. Eric Gurzell mentioned about the IT Governance process. However, the work related to it such as the review of the proposal was not there due to the budgetary issues. He also mentioned the proposed changes to the IT governance process as, discussed by the interim CIO, Rebecca Slater. However, the committee was not sure whether the changes are already in place or it is active. In this regard, inviting CIO to our meeting was considered. 7. George Mangalaraj mentioned that the CIO search process is culminating this week with interviews set for Friday (15th Nov.) and Monday (18th Nov.). Hence it was agreed that we wait and invite the CIO after the appointment is made. George Mangalaraj will work on getting the CIO invited for one of our Spring semester meetings. 8. Next, the role of CIT was discussed. Committee deliberated on the charge for the committee. Committee members discussed various issues: a. Minsun Doh mentioned how, in the classroom, she teaches in the Currens Hall that computers have difficulty playing DVDs. Moreover, DVD players also do not work, and this affects the classroom instruction. She asked who could be contacted if we need such issues with the instructional technology. b. Brisa de Paula mentioned about how the access to Oxford Music Online is limited. Earlier she had assignments that required students to listen to the music in the class and do exercises. However, she realized it just allows one user at a time, and this will have an effect on the image of the university among students. Brisa de Paula also mentioned that she has now changed/adapted the requirements of her exercise to students to overcome the limitation. Brian Clark mentioned that Jeff Matlak of the library could be contacted in this regard as he could sometimes get access to additional resources for a class session or so. c. Tamie Bories mentioned that she expressed interest in becoming a member of CIT owing to the issues she saw with technologies in Waggoner Hall. d. Steven House talked about the proposal for new technologies that were in place. Budget constraints and technologies proposals were discussed. Eric Gurzell mentioned that the IT proposals process was created for projects that had the funding/budget and to make sure it is compatible. Binto George mentioned about the project values that required a proposal through the IT governance process. e. Eric Gurzell mentioned that technology is not a luxury, and it is a necessity for student retention. f. George Mangalaraj mentioned about the Senate by-laws and the work for CIT. He also mentioned the past guests for CIT, such as the Director for CITR and uTech directors. g. It was agreed that we should invite the Faculty Senate chair to talk to us on the charge for this council for this year. Steven Dworkin is going to talk to the faculty senate Chair Christopher Pynes on inviting him for a future meeting. 9. The next meeting dates were discussed. It was decided that Doodle Poll will be done in the Spring semester again to find a suitable time for the meeting as some of the members have a conflict with the current time. 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