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Similar to the review process established for WID courses, the review of Global Issues courses is intended to ensure that such classes continue to meet the goals and objectives established for this requirement. To this end, CIE developed the attached questionnaire after obtaining useful feedback from the Faculty Senate and the support of that body to move forward with the review procedure. It is the intent of the council to continue this review process every year by looking at courses approved five years prior to the current academic year; thus, in Fall Semester of 2016 CIE will begin reviewing courses that were approved for Global Issues credit during the 2010-11 academic year. In regard to the review carried out during the 2015-16 academic year, Dr. Schmidt sent a memo to the chairs of departments in which Global Issues courses had been approved prior to August 2010 and requested that they complete the attached questionnaire and submit a syllabus for each course. CIE received syllabi and questionnaires for the following 27 courses: ACCT 441 BC 325 FIN 497 HIST 245/307/311/312/318/346/347 INAG 310/361/362 MUS 390/391/392/394 POLS 329/331/334/338/353/400/440/446/465 REL 492 After discussion with some instructors and chairs, all of the above courses, with one exception, were deemed to continue to fulfill the Global Issues goals and objectives. In the case of Religious Studies, the council had some questions about the syllabus, which had been developed by an instructor no longer employed at 鶹ý; due to the uncertainty about when and by whom the course would be taught in the future the council advised Dr. Pettit, Chair of Philosophy and Religious Studies, to submit a new syllabus for REL 492 to CIE at such time in the future when it is scheduled to be offered. Consideration of New Requests for Global Issues Designation: Only two new course proposals were submitted to the Council for Global Issues designations, both of which were approved as discipline-specific GI courses: EIS 428 HIST 421 II. ONGOING CONVERSATIONS: CAMPUS INTERNATIONALIZATION Dr. Pedro Bidegaray, Director of Study Abroad and Outreach, spoke with the council to propose that it take a more active role in promoting comprehensive campus internationalization. Given that CIE is the only established group within the faculty governance structure to oversee international education, it seems fitting that the body play a more active role in supporting and monitoring campus-wide internationalization efforts. In an increasingly interconnected world in which professionals must interact with individuals from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds across the globe, it is now more important than ever that internationalization become central to the education mission of 鶹ý Illinois University. III. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: UPDATING POLICY AND PROCEDURE FORM The Council still needs to review and amend its policies and procedures. This is particularly critical if the group is going to take a more active role in campus internationalization, including the development and approval of faculty-led study abroad programs. Officers for 2016-2017 Academic Year Chandra Amaravadi will serve as the Chair of CIE. Michael Murray will serve as Recording Secretary. Dr. Gary Schmidt Chair CIE, 2015 2016 Professor and Chair, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures CIE Questionnaire on Previously Approved Global Issues Courses Please refer to the following goals and objectives when completing the questionnaire. GOALS a. The goals of a global issues course will be threefold: Understand that the world is a system of interconnected countries and cultures; Understand that our actions impact other regions of the world; Develop an appreciation of global diversity and a critically informed perspective of the points of view of others. OBJECTIVES b. Courses in Global Issues will enable students to Discover how different forces (political, geographical, and historical) have shaped the development of different cultures. Compare and Contrast different countries/cultures/societies. Recognize the interdependence of countries/cultures/societies. Understand ones self and ones own culture through contact with ideas from other countries/cultures/societies. Gain new proficiencies and skills to navigate unfamiliar cultures and situations. Appreciate diversity within relationships, organizations, and societies Department: _______________________________________________________________ Course # and Title: __________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________________________________ Provide information for ALL THREE GOALS and TWO OBJECTIVES! For each goal and objective that you address, you should provide the following: At least one concrete example of how the course meets the goal/objective (e.g. an assignment, lecture topic, or reading listed in the syllabus). A unique response for each objective; do not cut and paste the same responses for multiple goals/objectives! In preparing your responses you may want to consider how you would describe to a student the ways in which the course fulfills the Global Issues requirement. Goal/Objective Students will. . . . .Description of how course meets the goal/objectiveGoal 1: Understand that the world is a system of interconnected countries and cultures. Goal 2: Understand that our actions impact other regions of the world. Goal 3: Develop an appreciation of global diversity and a critically informed perspective of the points of view of others. Objective 1: Discover how different forces (political, geographical, and historical) have shaped the development of different cultures. Objective 2: Compare and contrast different countries/cultures/societies. Objective 3: Recognize the interdependence of countries/cultures/societies. Objective 4: Understand ones self and ones own culture through contact with ideas from other countries/cultures/societies. Objective 5: Gain new proficiencies and skills to navigate unfamiliar cultures and situations. Objective 6: Appreciate diversity within relationships, organizations, and societies.  *+,-PRVbijx}X Y " 2 \ i  qtüͼͬ~zvzzrzzrzrrnh+Zhls#hd/h(` h`h`h`h`h`5 h`5h`h`5>* h`5>* h[>*hC;h[>*h(`h(`5 h(`5>*hC;h+5>*hC;hj5hC;hj5>* h[eO5>* hK5>*h[eOh[eO5 hK5 h[eO5++,-jX Y }gd(`^gd` & F gd`8^8gd`gd`gd}?^gd[ P^`Pgd(`gdj$a$gd[eOt|}~ '3T`ad;<=EFNOP4Z[\tuvƿƻջ{h hkhk hCc5>*hC;hCc5>*hd/hk>*hd/hk5>*hkhk5>*hPhh h 5>* h{J5>*hlh[h{JhZ0 hls#h{Jh{Jhls#5h{Jh{J5h+Zh(`hls#/}~ abcd=>FOPgdZgd `^``gdj^gd{J & F gd{Jgd+Zgd}?[\-./@Y5;u & F1$7$8$H$gd( 1$7$8$H$gd(gd(gdgd gdZ  #./13?@XY45;.Jvwx/##ռയ hC;h[hb Jh(5 hd/5 h(5 h7rh( h{)h(h( h(>*hC;hID>* hC;he^ hC;hbhC hC;h$ hC;hZhkh h 5>*hC;hZ5>* hC;hC h)K2wx2opU/-  & Fdgd(gd( & F1$7$8$H$gd( 1$7$8$H$gd( 1$7$8$H$^gd( & F 1$7$8$H$gd(% & ~  jkd$$Ifl0R $  t0644 lapyt( $Ifgd(gd( xoooooooo $Ifgd(kd$$Ifl0R $  t0644 lapyt( O!P!Q!R!S!T!U!V!xoooooooo $Ifgd(kd4$$Ifl0R $  t0644 lapyt( V!W!!!!!!!!!xoooooooo $Ifgd(kd$$Ifl0R $  t0644 lapyt( !!1"2"3"4"5"6"7"8"xoooooooo $Ifgd(kdh$$Ifl0R $  t0644 lapyt( 8"9"""""""xoooooo $Ifgd(kd$$Ifl0R $  t0644 lapyt(""# # # # # ####vmmmmmmmmm $Ifgd(kd$$Ifl@0R $  t0644 lapyt( ##p#q#r#s#t#u#v#w#xoooooooo $Ifgd(kd:$$Ifl0R $  t0644 lapyt( w#x#########xoooooooo $Ifgd(kd$$Ifl0R $  t0644 lapyt( ####xsqgd(kdn$$Ifl0R $  t0644 lapyt(.:p[eO/ =!"*#$% $$If!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt($$If!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt($$If!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt($$If!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt($$If!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt($$If!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt($$If!vh#v #v:V l@ t065 5pyt($$If!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt($$If!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt($$If!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt(j 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ OJPJQJ_HmH nH sH tH L`L [Normal$CJOJPJQJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRi@R 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List @@@ ~3 List Paragraph ^m$H@H b0 Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJRoR b0Balloon Text CharCJOJPJQJ^JaJT`"T *] No Spacing$CJOJPJQJ_HaJmH sH tH @3 ( Table Grid7:V0CJOJPJQJ^JaJPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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