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M Soccer: Motion Cody, seconded by Stittleburg.approved c. W Soccer: Motion Cody, seconded by Kovacs.approved d. Volleyball: Motion Cody, seconded by Stittleburg.approved e. M/W Cross Country: Motion Cody, seconded by Kovacs.approved f M/W Swimming (fall 2012): Motion Cody, seconded by Kovacs.approved g. M/W Swimming (spring 2013): Motion Cody, seconded by Stittleburgapproved h. M Golf: Motion Cody, seconded by Stittleburg.approved i. W Golf: Motion Cody, seconded by Kovacs.approved j. Softball: Baker approved due to zero missed class days. THANKS HOLLY!... k. M Tennis: Motion Cody, seconded by Stittleburgapproved l. W Tennis: Motion Cody, seconded by Stittleburgapproved m. M/W Indoor Track: Baker approved due to zero missed class days. V. Faculty Senate Questions a. Moon reviewed question that was brought up at most recent Faculty Senate meeting. A student-athlete had a late afternoon class but the coach indicated on the missed-class form that departure time was 2 pm. A professor was concerned that this student would miss 6 or more classes on T/TH because they were departing at 2 pm for an away competition. Moon stated that he and Baker provided a response to the Senate chair indicating that coaches will indicate a 5 pm departure time to avoid confusion in the future. Moon stated that coaches put 2 pm as a general time on the form as they are unsure of final class schedules when the letter is generated at the start of each semester. 5 pm will provide a more accurate departure time and avoid any confusion about potential extra missed classed dates for those students with late afternoon courses. V. Meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m. :dt{ ҾҭҟҟziXG6G hdZ5CJOJQJ\^JaJ hT5CJOJQJ\^JaJ h:5CJOJQJ\^JaJ h:o5CJOJQJ\^JaJ&h:ohOgL5CJOJQJ\^JaJ h:ohOgLCJOJQJ^JaJhPgCJOJQJ^JaJ hPg5CJOJQJ\^JaJ&h:oh:=5CJOJQJ\^JaJ&h:ohOgL5CJOJQJ\^JaJh:ohOgLCJ^JaJh:oh:=CJ^JaJ-.:et|}zq $Ifgdxg $IfgdPgmkd$$Ifl\| !D%T8(64 la$If$a$   F G ` a }}}}xx}ssnngd Zgd,$a$kd$$Iflr| D%$ 8$ H (64 la    ' ( . 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