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Macomb Campus Master Planning Committee meetings: As chair of the CCPU, I was appointed to be the faculty representative on the Master Planning Committee. However, I felt that the CCPU would be more engaged if each member could attend a board meeting. In addition to the meetings I attended, Kathy, Marcus and Ioana attended meetings in my place which definitely helped us, collectively, to better understand the Master Planning process. In all, we participated in every Macomb Campus Master Planning Committee meeting. At the final CCPU meeting on May 29th, we made arrangements for our members to attend the Master Planning Committee meetings over the summer months. b. Quad Cities Campus Master Planning Committee meetings: Though I live in the Quad Cities, I was only able to attend one meeting in the Quad Cities because ironically the board meetings in the Quad Cities were scheduled on Wednesday afternoons when I had classes in Macomb. However I met with several Quad City faculty and staff and kept in contact with them throughout the year through email, phone calls and a couple of personal visits. c. Recommendations for The Campus is the Classroom: The first action of the Macomb Campus Master Planning Committee this year was to develop a list of suggestions from the committee members. These suggestions were organized into a document, The Campus is the Classroom. The members of the CCPU actively gathered faculty input from the colleges we represented and forwarded them to the Master Planning Committee. d. Participated in the selection of Goody-Clancy as the Master Planning firm: Kathy Dahl represented the CCPU at the Master Planning presentations by Goody-Clancy, Sizemore, and JJR. These three firms had been narrowed down from thirteen submittals by Bill Brewer, Joe Rives and Dick Rigterink, external consultant. The presentations that Kathy attended and participated in were the final step in the process that led to selection of Goody-Clancy. e. Communication to the faculty: In addition to our communications with the colleges we represented, I wrote an email message to the whole faculty and spoke to the Faculty Senate about the CCPUs role in the Master Planning process. 2. IHC Memorial Steve Rock brought a faculty complaint about a newly installed memorial to the committees attention. This six-foot memorial, to student who had died while attending 鶹ý, had been placed between Sherman and Simpkins Halls. The complaint centered on the religious nature of the memorials inscription: We have beauty by Gods touch His flowers, His trees, His mountains. We are comforted by knowing our loved one has found Eternal Rest in the midst of all His wonders. Though the committee did not feel that the monument should be altered or removed, we decided that a policy concerning the installation of monuments and memorials should be created. The members of the committee were informed in the March 30th meeting by Bill Brewer that the Physical Plant had forwarded a proposed policy on placing and erecting memorials and monuments on campus and is waiting for an answer. Through Jackie Thompson, Vice President for Administrative Services, our concerns were raised at the April 10th morning staff meeting.As Jackie stated in an email message to me, They (the President and Vice Presidents) confirmed that the master planning process will include landscaping and the placement of memorials and monuments as well as many other issues. Since the faculty and all constituency groups are included in the master planning process, this should provide the best venuetoaddress concerns of this nature and to develop long-term, comprehensive policies. ________________________________________________________________________________ Report submitted by Bruce Walters, committee chair May 25, 2006 Letter to the faculty sent in January, 2006: As chairperson of the Council of Campus Planning and Usage (CCPU), I am writing this message to inform you about the master planning process that has begun for the Macomb and Quad Cities campuses. This planning process will take place over the next 18 months -resulting in a twenty year plan for both campuses. Information about this process is online at  HYPERLINK "http://www.wiu.edu/UniversityPlanning/masterplan/" www.wiu.edu/UniversityPlanning/masterplan/ . I have also attached a working document, The Campus is the Classroom. Although this document is only intended to jump start the master planning process, I would welcome any suggestions that you would like to add. Over the next year, there will be a number of opportunities to express our ideas and concerns: On February 21, three master planning firms will be invited to give 90-minute presentations in the Student Union. The faculty is invited to attend these presentations, ask questions and provide feedback to help select the firm that will direct the master planning process during the 2006-07 year. Beginning in the fall semester, we will be included in the process of reviewing and revising the first draft of the master plan, which will be created over the summer months. This first draft is intended to begin a semester-long dialogue through faculty and public forums, surveys, etc. The final plan will be developed and submitted to the Board of Trustees in the 2007 spring semester. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact me at  HYPERLINK "mailto:BD-Walters@wiu.edu" BD-Walters@wiu.edu. I will bring them forward at the next CCPU meeting on January 30th. Thank you, Bruce Walters  HYPERLINK "http://www.bruce-walters.com" www.bruce-walters.com 0[\cq - . @ p | } ϽشvncXPvcPcPh2CJaJh9shCJaJh9shdCJaJhCJaJh9sh3^CJaJh5ICJaJh?CJaJh9sh/V"CJaJhh25CJaJhh5CJaJh5CJaJh`,5CJaJh|vK5CJaJh25CJaJhm/hd5CJaJhm/5CJaJ hd5h*Chd5 ho 5-./0\ A p } ^gdgdU`gd2^gd3^^gdd`gdgdd$a$gdo >!   * z {   C E ߸߸ߚzok`UMUhCJaJh9shQ_'CJaJh9shUCJaJh.h9sh/V"CJaJhCJaJh2hU5CJaJh2h/V"5CJaJh9shm/CJaJh5IhC%CJaJhC%CJaJh9sh4 CJaJh2CJaJh5ICJaJhh5CJaJh9shHCJaJh9shqCJaJh9sh3^CJaJ E rsh ^gdS ^gdH ^gd ^gd'&^gdi"7 ^gdgdgdU   " * 5 O X ` l n  ) . ? 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