ࡱ> qsp Ybjbj 0hhY || O$G  fLO0O$O| : SENATE AGENDA ITEM III.B.1. 2 September 2008 COUNCIL ON CAMPUS PLANNING AND USAGE (CCPU) Annual Report on Committee Activities for 2007 2008 Submitted by Marcus Olson committee chair Meetings The CCPU had three committee meetings during the 2007-2008 year Active Members Krista Bowers Sharpe Yeongkwun Kim Gregory Montalvo Marcus Olson Brent Payne Steve Rock was present at our first meeting, and briefly discussed the mission of the committee. The committee conveyed a general sense to Steve that the CCPU is not properly updated and consulted regarding campus usage and planning, so it was decided that our next step should be to meet with Bill Brewer to receive updates. Marcus was elected chair. The committee met with Bill Brewer, and was given updates on several campus projects and plans, such as the Multicultural Center, Performing Arts Center, Memorial Hall, chiller replacements, and a parking study. Near the end of the academic year (May 2), the CCPU was charged by the Senate to investigate the possibilities for lactation rooms on campus. The committee came up with several questions and issues, such as location(s), the need for refrigeration, running water, and a couch or chair, privacy issues, and what stipulations (if any) the state of Illinois has made. Also the issues of funding for renovation and whether CCPU should look into what other universities are doing along this line came up for discussion. When the committee meets in fall 08, it will be very active in terms of following through with this matter. As outgoing chair, I would like to remark that the recent renovation of Lake Ruth seems to be exactly the kind of project that should have been brought to the attention of the CCPU during the planning stages. Apparently, there is some controversy regarding the handling of aquatic life in the pond during the renovation process. An article appeared in the student paper about observers seeing dying fish at the bottom of the drained lake, there was a report that someone had to rescue a snapping turtle from the mud, and the issue was raised of whether the family of geese nesting there left on their own volition. I walk past the pond every day, and during the renovation witnessed a few fish flapping around in extremely shallow, muddy water. Perhaps more questions could have been discussed regarding the impact of all aspects of the renovation. Lake Ruth is a gem on this campus, and the renovation is splendid, but since the project has been completed, I have yet to see a single turtle (and there were a few) sunning itself on the concrete embankment. There needs to be a mechanism established whereby the CCPU can involve itself in these kinds of project discussions before they are undertaken and bring a faculty perspective to the table. Respectfully Submitted, Marcus Olson, Chairperson Committee on Campus Planning and Usage -0[  1 ; - .    ! " A P +A_:mqXYhw;e hOfh*( h*(5 h*(5CJh*(hh*(5hh56-./0\]  1 @ R ` m n $a$gd,SY.:p*(/ =!"#$% ^ 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List PK![Content_Types].xmlj0Eжr(΢Iw},-j4 wP-t#bΙ{UTU^hd}㨫)*1P' ^W0)T9<l#$yi};~@(Hu* Dנz/0ǰ $ X3aZ,D0j~3߶b~i>3\`?/[G\!-Rk.sԻ..a濭?PK!֧6 _rels/.relsj0 }Q%v/C/}(h"O = C?hv=Ʌ%[xp{۵_Pѣ<1H0ORBdJE4b$q_6LR7`0̞O,En7Lib/SeеPK!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xml M @}w7c(EbˮCAǠҟ7՛K Y, e.|,H,lxɴIsQ}#Ր ֵ+!,^$j=GW)E+& 8PK!Ptheme/theme/theme1.xmlYOo6w toc'vuر-MniP@I}úama[إ4:lЯGRX^6؊>$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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The committee conveyed a general sense to Steve that the CCPU is not ,2NN,,=2,,2NN,,,223.0,2,2,2,",'-2',28,2,2,2,CC7H'22 TM  UU@@ L|properly updated and con2!22,!0222,,2,22,23TM  UU@@ >Lsulted regarding campus usage and planning, so it was decided '2,2!-1,!231-,N22'2',2,,222,2231'2H,'2,,2,2 TL M1 UU@@ ULthat our next step should be to meet with Bill Brewer to receive updates. Marcus was 2,22!2,3',2'22222,2N,,H2BB"-H,!2!-,,2,223,,'Y,!,2'I,' T3  UU@@ Lhelected chair.,,,,2,2,!TT3 / UU@@ LP - TT UU@@LP - TLUU@@sULThe committee met with Bill Brewer, and was given updates on several campus projects =2,,2NN,,N,H2BB!-H,!,22H,'13,2222,,'22',3,!,--N22'2!2,,' T|BUU@@L\and plan,222,2TTCiUU@@CLPs'TTjUU@@jLP,TTUU@@LP T4UU@@ILsuch as the Multicultural Center, Performing Arts Center, Memorial Hall, '2,2,'2,Z2,22!,C,2,!8,!!3!N21H!'C,2-!Y,O2!,H, TT pUU@@Y,Lchiller replacements, and a parking study. ,2,!!,2-,,N,2',23,2,!231'240TT  pUU@@ YLP - TTrUU@@LP - TBVUU@@?!LNear the end of the academic yearH,,!2,,222!2,,-,2-N,0-,!TTC[VUU@@C?LP Tx\ VUU@@\?L\(May 2)!Z.02!T< )VUU@@ ?(L, the CCPU was charged by the Senate to 2,DC8HH,',2,"2,2402,8,2,,2 TX UU@@5Linvestigate the possibilities for lactation rooms on 22,'1,,2,22''2,'!2!,,,22!22N'22T  XUU@@ #Lcampus. The committee came up with ,,N22'=2,,2NN,,,,N,22H2 T<UU@@%MLseveral questions and issues, such as location(s), the need for refrigeration',2,!,23,'22',22''2,''2,2,'2-,22!'!2,2,,2!3!!-!!1-!,22TT<UU@@%LP,TT<UU@@%LP T<UU@@%Llrunning water, !22221I,,! Td>UU@@LTand ,22T>UU@@"La couch or chair, privacy issues, ,,23,22!,3,!2!3,.0''2,'Td>X UU@@LTand ,22TY > UU@@Y Lwhat stipulations (if any) theH3,'22,22'!!,30"2,TT > UU@@ LP T >-UU@@  L&" WMFC h`state of e',,2!T.>`UU@@. L`Illinois 222'Tda>UU@@aLThas 2,' Td"UU@@ LTmadeN,2,T`"UU@@ LT. eTA"UU@@ LhAlso the issueH'22,''2,TTBh"UU@@B LPsa'TTi"UU@@i LP 2T"UU@@  L`of fundin,2"!2222T: "UU@@ Lxg for renovation and M1!3!!,223,22-22T;  "UU@@; Llwhether CCPU shpH2,2,!CC8H'2T V"UU@@  Llould look into N22222222 T$ UU@@~!Lwhat other universities are doing H2,22,!222,!','-",2221TT $%UU@@ ~LP T0&$ UU@@&~&Lalong this line came up for discussion,2212'2,--N,22!2!2',2''22T $UU@@ ~ Ld. When the _2,22, TUU@@Lcommittee meets in fall 0,2NN,,N,,'2!,2TTUU@@LP82T8 UU@@'L, it will be very active in terms of foH2,2,"0,,2,2,!N'2!!2T UU@@ Lllowing through with this 2H212!3212H22' Tp {UU@@dLXmatterN,,!TX {UU@@dLP. TT K{UU@@dLP - TT}UU@@LP - T aUU@@JLtAs outgoing chair, IH'221231,3,! TT %aUU@@ JLP T&aUU@@&JCLwould like to remark that the recent renovation of Lake Ruth seems H2322,2!,N,!22,2,!,,,2!,222,222!<-3,C22',,N' TDcUU@@TLto be exactly the kind of project that should have been brought to the attention of 22,,3,,02,2222!2!2,,2,'22222,2,2,,22!231222,,,2222!Tdc<UU@@LTthe 2, TsGUU@@0"LCCPU during the planning stages. CC8H22!212,2,2231'-1,'TtG GUU@@t0LpApparently, there H22,",202-!,TXH  GUU@@H 0LPis'TT  GUU@@ 0LP lT GUU@@ 0Lsome controversy regarding the ''2N,,22!22-!)0!-1-!2213, TI`UU@@Llhandling of aqu32,22212!,22TaIjUU@@aLxatic life in the pond,,!,22,2222TTkIUU@@kLP 2TI$ UU@@Lduring the renovation processT22!212,!,322,222!2,,''T% IUU@@% L. An article appeared in 2H2,!-,,22,-!,22 TXK-UU@@WLthe student paper about observers seeing dying fish at the bottom of the drained lake, '2,'22,22,2,!,22222',!2,!'(,,314031!(2,2,222N2!2,2!-2,2,2, TP/fUU@@VLthere was a report that someone had to rescue a snapping turtle from the mud, and the 2,!,H,',!,23!2,'2N,22,2,22!,(,2,,'2,22212!,!!2N2,O22,222, TxUU@@Lh&WMFCh\issue w''2,HTLUU@@ULas raised of whether the family of geese nesting there left on their own volition. I 3,'!,',23!H2,3,!2,",N02!2,,',3-'212,!,,!222,!3H22222% % 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6 66666666666666666666  I."System--@Times New Roman--- 42 XmJSENATE AGENDA ITEM III.B.1.s    2 X*J 2 gJ2 2 g JSeptember  2 g J  2 gJ22 gJ008 2 g*J @Times New Roman--- 2 u`J  2 `J  2 `J @Times New Roman---L2 `+JCOUNCIL ON CAMPUS PLANNING AND USAGE (CCPU)           --- 2 J  2 `J R2 `/JAnnual Report on Committee Activities for 2007      2 kJ 2 qJ 2 tJ2008  2 J 22 `JSubmitted by Marcus Olson     2 J 2 J "2 Jcommittee chair  2 ^J  2 `J ---2 `JMeetings --- 2 J  2 `J &[2 5JThe CCPU had three committee meetings during the 2007     2 J-2  J2008 year 2 J  2 `J --- 2 `JActive Members    2 J --- 2 (`J &---#2 (JKrista Bowers Sh  2 (Jarpe 2 (J  2 6`J &2 6 JYeongkwun   2 6J 2 6JKim  2 6J  2 E`J &#2 EJGregory Montalvo   2 EJ  2 T`J &2 T JMarcus Olson   2 TJ  2 b`J &2 b JBrent Payne 2 bJ  2 q`J 2 `VJSteve Rock was present at our first meeting, and briefly discussed the mission of the     2 `PJcommittee. The committee conveyed a general sense to Steve that the CCPU is not     /2 `Jproperly updated and conh2 >Jsulted regarding campus usage and planning, so it was decided   2 `UJthat our next step should be to meet with Bill Brewer to receive updates. Marcus was        2 `Jelected chair. 2 J  2 `J 2 `UJThe committee met with Bill Brewer, and was given updates on several campus projects       2 `Jand plan 2 Js 2 J, 2 J y2 IJsuch as the Multicultural Center, Performing Arts Center, Memorial Hall, i       M2 `,Jchiller replacements, and a parking study.   2 :J  2 `J =2 `!JNear the end of the academic year   2  J 2 J(May 2)n G2 :(J, the CCPU was charged by the Senate to    [2 !`5Jinvestigate the possibilities for lactation rooms on  @2 !a#Jcampus. The committee came up with e    2 0`MJseveral questions and issues, such as location(s), the need for refrigerationo 2 0J, 2 0J "2 0Jrunning water,  2 >`Jand >2 >u"Ja couch or chair, privacy issues, 2 >Jand 82 >1Jwhat stipulations (if any) the  2 >J 2 > Jstate of 2 > JIllinois 2 >Jhas 2 M`Jmade 2 M{J.  2 MJAlso the issue  2 MJs 2 MJ 2 M Jof fundin+2 MJg for renovation and c"2 MnJwhether CCPU sh   "2 MJould look into =2 \`!Jwhat other universities are doing  2 \J D2 \ &Jalong this line came up for discussion 2 \ J. When the  12 j`Jcommittee meets in fall 0   2 jJ8F2 j'J, it will be very active in terms of fo  22 jJllowing through with this   2 y`Jmatter 2 yJ.  2 yJ  2 `J )2 `JAs outgoing chair, I  2 J p2 CJwould like to remark that the recent renovation of Lake Ruth seems   2 `TJto be exactly the kind of project that should have been brought to the attention of 2 Jthe >2 `"JCCPU during the planning stages.   &2 JApparently, there 2 pJis 2 xJ :2 |Jsome controversy regarding the  "2 `Jhandling of aqu+2 Jatic life in the pond 2 J 72 Jduring the renovation processe12 J. An article appeared in c 2 `WJthe student paper about observers seeing dying fish at the bottom of the drained lake,  2 `VJthere was a report that someone had to rescue a snapping turtle from the mud, and the     2 `Jissue wn 2 UJas raised of whether the family of geese nesting there left on their own volition. I    --JJJJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGG՜.+,0, hp  鶹ý Illinois UniversityT  ,COUNCIL ON CAMPUS PLANNING AND USAGE (CCPU) Title  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefgijklmnorRoot Entry FpWfOt1TableWordDocument0SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8hCompObjy  F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q