ࡱ> CEB 'bjbjBrBr 4>  m%/////CCC8{<$C"$i "d(/(//=n// OCZFS0o"Bo"o"/ ((o" : 鶹ý Council on General Education Meeting Minutes 20 September 2012 Elected Members Present: Patrick McGinty (Soc & Anthro, CGE Chair), Donna Aguiniga (Social Work, CGE Secretary), Esteban Araya (Physics), Cheryl Bailey (Communication), Magdelyn Helwig (English & Journalism), Mark Hoge (Agriculture), Diane Sandage (Soc & Anthro), Pengqian Wang (Physics) Ex-officio Members Present: Nancy Parsons (Provosts Office), Michelle Yager (Advising Center) Elected Member Excused: Ginny Boynton (History), Charles Wright (Art), Dean Zoerink (RPTA) Ex-officio Member Absent: Russ Morgan (Deans Council) CGE Chairperson Patrick McGinty called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. in the Fox Room of the University Union on the Macomb campus. MINUTES, INTRODUCTIONS, AND REPORTS The minutes for September 6, 2012 were read. Magdelyn Helwig pointed out a misspelling of Nancy Parsons name. MOTION: Esteban Araya moved approval of the amended September 6th minutes; Cheryl Bailey seconded the motion. The Minutes were unanimously approved. Additions to the Agenda: The Agenda was amended, without objection, to include the Request for Inclusion Form as the second item under New Business. Announcements: CGE Chair Pat McGinty announced that Mark Hoge had joined CGE as an at-large representative. Introduction of Council Members: CGE Chair, Pat McGinty, asked council members to introduce themselves and to state the area that they represent on the committee. REPORTS: Office of the Provost: Nancy Parsons announced that she has emailed department chairs and reps to request Gen Ed assessment data. She also stated she has emailed chairs the compiled Gen Ed assessment data that she organized this past summer. College of Arts & Sciences: Due to Russ Morgans absence, no report was forthcoming. University Advising: Michelle Yager discussed the OAS Progress Reports. She stated that any information that is shared is useful, even if the form is submitted late. She stated that students in the OAS program have waived their FERPA rights and progress reports are shared with parents. Michelle Yager also mentioned that the OAS Progress Reports are not electronic at this time due to funding, but may be by January. Faculty Senate/Articulation Requests: Chair McGinty stated that there was no news from Faculty Senate at this time. He mentioned that articulation requests are forthcoming, including one stemming from a study abroad trip. Reading in Gen Ed Subcommittee: Magdelyn Helwig stated that an email regarding the subcommittee is forthcoming. OLD BUSINESS Chair McGinty requested that the committee skip to item five under Old Business. There was no dissent. FYE/UNIV 100 Proposal Nancy Parsons reported that she presented the five options of how to include the FYE/UNIV 100 course to CCPI, and there was the same consensus as CGE of the top three choices: 1) include as a 1-credit course under Human Well-Being category with no overall hour increase, 2) include as a 1-credit course under Human Well-Being category and add one hour to requirements, and 3) create a stand-alone 1-credit graduation requirement. Nancy Parsons reported that more than 40 degree programs will be negatively affected if an additional credit hour is required of students. A point of discussion was the potential impact of this course as an additional graduation requirement would all students, including transfer students, be required to complete this course? Nancy Parsons acknowledged this point and stated that this was why the opinions of different councils were being sought. Nancy Parsons stated that the course will soon be brought before Faculty Senate for review. NEW BUSINESS ELECTION OF CGE SECRETARY Chair McGinty stated that Pat Anderson resigned her appointment to CGE and a new secretary was needed. Nominations for Secretary were opened. There were no nominations; after discussion, Donna Aguiniga agreed to serve. Donna Aguiniga was elected CGE Secretary by acclamation. REQUEST FOR INCLUSION FORM Chair McGinty stated that it was noted last year that the Request for Inclusion form needed to be improved to clarify Question F; however, an additional modification is needed to require departments to include their initial assessment mechanism. Chair McGinty stated that CGE has a challenging time providing oversight to the assessment process at this time on new classes and when departments have modified their assessments. Esteban Araya suggested that Part Two of the Request for Inclusion form be changed to require departments to include their assessment plan. Mark Hoge requested clarification of who assigns the General Education goals and how they are tied to assessment. Chair McGinty stated that a department will select three General Education goals they believe a course fulfills; CGE then designates two of those goals for the course. These courses are assessed each semester they are taught to ensure that the goals are being fulfilled. Nancy Parsons suggested developing a template of an assessment plan that could be shared with departments. Donna Aguiniga questioned if a template would be flexible enough to fit the needs of multiple departments and courses. Mark Hoge stated that a template would increase consistency and be helpful to faculty and departments. Mark Hoge also stated that a template would help when courses were sent to Faculty Senate for approval. Magdelyn Helwig questioned the process when changes are made to an existing Gen Ed course and suggested the possibility of a Request for Change in General Education Assessment form. Chair McGinty suggested that the request for a new or revised assessment plan could be an addendum to the Request for Inclusion form. Nancy Parsons stated that she would provide the template to the committee for review. Chair McGinty discussed if an assessment plan should be included with the initial Request for Inclusion form or submitted after the two Gen Ed goals have been designated for a course. Esteban Araya stated that assessment should be considered from the onset and should be submitted with the initial request. Esteban Araya shared that small changes in assessment in the Physics department are submitted to and reviewed by the department chair. Donna Aguiniga questioned when changes are approved at the department level versus at CGE and who determines if changes are considered major or minor revisions. Nancy Parsons stated that standards need to be set, and it may be that revisions start with consensus at the department level. Magdelyn Helwig stated this process can be confusing at the department level. Diane Sandage questioned if a departments assessment committee was the appropriate starting point for revisions. Nancy Parsons clarified that some departments do not have assessment committees but instead all assessment tasks are completed by the chairs. Magdelyn Helwig suggested that a guide for revisions be written. Pengqian Wang questioned who determines the goals for a course and if the goals could be changed. Magdelyn Helwig reiterated the need for a form for revisions to approved courses. Magdelyn Helwig recommended CGE review the assessment template, propose revisions to the Request for Inclusion form, and revisit the need for a Request for Change in General Education Assessment form and a Request for Change in General Education Goals form. Magdelyn Helwig recommended CGE deliberate carefully about changes so all requests for new or revised forms could be submitted to Faculty Senate at one time. Chair McGinty recommended, without objection, that the new discussion regarding revising or creating forms be tabled for future action under Old Business item two Multicultural Gen Ed Courses and Request for Inclusion Form. MOTION: Esteban Araya moved to adjourn; Pengqian Wang seconded. The Council adjourned at 4:37PM. CGE will next convene at 3:30PM on Thursday, 4 October 2012 in the Fox Room of the University Union. 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