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Given the absence of Andrea Hyde, the video-conference connection to the Quad Cities Campus was not necessary. Minutes, Introductions, and Reports The Minutes for April 5, 2012 were read. Diana Allen pointed out that she was mistakenly recorded as being present for the meeting, when in fact she was not. Motion: Jongnam Choi moved approval of the amended April 5 Minutes; Dean Zoerink seconded the motion. The Minutes were unanimously approved. The Agenda was reordered, without objection, to include New Faculty Orientation as the third item of New Business. Ginny Boynton called Council members attention to the recent email message that all faculty had received from Vice President for Student Services Gary Biller, concerning the new 鶹ý program to provide transitional mentoring to new freshmen in the Fall. She encouraged continuing and new CGE members to consider volunteering to be a mentor, since their commitment to General Education made them well-positioned to assist new students. Dr. Boynton also congratulated Zee Mutairi, CGEs graduating SGE representative for the past two years, on being named College Scholar by the Honors College. The Council recognized Zees outstanding academic accomplishments with a round of applause. Chairperson Patrick McGinty asked current and new Council members to introduce themselves, and he welcomed the newest members of the Council: Donna Aguiniga of Social Work (at-large member), Patricia Anderson of Sociology & Anthropology (Multicultural representative), Magdelyn Helwig of English & Journalism (representative for Basic Skills/Writing), Diane Sandage of Sociology & Anthropology (Social Sciences representative), and Charles Wright of Art (Fine Arts representative for Fall 2012, while Keith Holz is on sabbatical). Associate Provost Nancy Parsons presented the Council with the General Education Assessment Report on Fall 2012 classes, which she had earlier emailed to members. Discussion of the report was added to the agenda as the first item under New Business. Chairperson McGinty reported that the transfer articulation requests that he has been forwarding to the various Transfer Articulation Subcommittees most recently are frequently prospective requests from students who plan to take courses over the summer. Dr. McGinty also pointed out that the chairperson of the Reading Comprehension Subcommittee (Jess White), along with two of its other three members (Diana Allen and Cindy Struthers) are rotating off CGE after this semester. Ginny Boynton, the remaining member of the subcommittee, will remain on CGE next year. Magdelyn Helwig expressed her interest in joining the subcommittee. For the benefit of the new Council members, Dr. McGinty summarized the items of Old Business which the Council has been grappling with all year and which will be held over to the 2012-13 academic year. They include: 1) strengthening the General Education Feedback Loop and revising the Feedback Form; 2) possible revisions to the form for Multicultural Gen Ed Request for Inclusion; 3) whether General Education assessment should be aligned to Gen Ed goals or to content; and 4) responses and follow-up to the Preliminary Report of the College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Councils Essential Academic Skills Committee. Michelle Yager reported that she had just come from the webinar on Retention of African-American Students, which included a worthwhile and lively discussion of the issues involved. She noted that the number of students registering for Fall classes was encouraging. General Education Assessment Report for Fall 2012 Courses Council members discussed the repeated failure of the Biological Sciences Department to submit any General Education assessment data to CGE. Associate Provost Parsons has met with the Department Chair, the Dean, and the Provost about this. She pointed out that whereas in the future, departments that do not submit Major Program Assessment Reports will have any future curricular requests put on hold until those reports are submitted and approved, departments face no consequences for failing to conduct or report on General Education assessment. Ginny Boynton asked about the non-Bell curve distribution of data for Goal 6 (knowledge of the principles of wellness for living a healthy and fit life, both physically and mentally). Several possible explanations were considered, including the low n for that goal, the absence of much of the Kinesology data, and RPTAs recent re-evaluation of its assessment instrument. Cindy Struthers once again pointed out the continuing incorrect spelling in this report of competence in goal 3 and knowledge in goal 2. Dr. Struthers also expressed her concern with the higher percentage of students who either fail to meet or only minimally meet goal 4 (an understanding of the methods by which people pursue knowledge). She asked for a breakdown by course level (100-level, 200-level, 300-level) for this goal, as a way of seeing if students are improving in their understanding of methodology as they progress through college. Even though students at all levels (freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors) take courses at all courses levels, the Council agreed that the breakdown of information by level of course could be a useful indicator. Dr. Parsons indicated that she could produce this data for the Council over the summer. Dr. Boynton expressed her concern that goals 2 (an ability to analyze, think critically, and form reasoned conclusions) and 3 (competence in communicating his or her views and ideas clearly and cogently) had the highest percentage of students in the failed to meet category. Dr. Charles Wright pointed out that this information would be useful to Department Chairs and Deans, and Dr. Parsons agreed to include it when she sends chairs their departments data from the past calendar year. After some discussion of the timing of the reports, the Council agreed that Dr. Parsons could send the 2011 summary report this Spring to Chairs and Deans, with a note indicating that reports pertaining to their individual departments will follow later in the Summer. Chairperson McGinty summarized the issues that the Council continues to deal with concerning these matters, including: 1) how to educate adjunct faculty and new faculty about General Education and assessment; 2) how to develop a culture at 鶹ý that supports Gen Ed and assessment, 3) what CGEs role should be with regard to possible sanctions for non-compliance with General Education guidelines and assessment reporting requirements; and 4) how best to close the feedback loop. Nancy Parsons reported that she will be meeting with all new department chairs to discuss Program Assessment requirements, and would be happy to include General Education assessment requirements as part of that orientation. Fall Meeting Dates Dr. McGinty reminded the Council that it meets on Thursday afternoons on non-Senate weeks (CCPI meets on Thursday afternoon during the same weeks that Faculty Senate meets.) He had previously distributed the proposed Fall 2012 meeting schedule for CGE: Sept 6 & 20, Oct 4 & 18, Nov 1 & 15, with an optional meeting on Dec 6 if needed (the Council is required to meet at least six times per semester). Motion: Dean Zoerink moved approval of the Fall 2012 schedule of CGE meetings; Cheryl Bailey seconded the motion. The Fall 2012 Schedule of CGE Meetings was unanimously approved. Discussion ensued regarding where the meetings would take place. The need for a CODEC connection is unclear at this time, as Andrea Hyde, who resides on the QC campus, will not be on the Council next year; her replacement will not be named until the first meeting of the Faculty Senate in the Fall. The preference for a more central location on campus, such as the Union, was expressed by several Council members, if a CODEC room was not needed. Election of CGE Officers New Council members were informed that the election of the Chair takes place in the Fall semester, for the following academic year, to allow his or her department time to accommodate the course load reduction the CGE Chair now receives. Dr. McGinty was elected by CGE last Fall to a second year as CGE Chair in 2012-13. Nominations for Vice Chair were opened. Ginny Boynton nominated Magdelyn Helwig for Vice Chair; Cheryl Bailey seconded the nomination. Dr. Helwig accepted the nomination but noted that she might have to miss an occasional CGE meeting because she also sits ex officio on the University WID (Writing Instruction in the Disciplines) Committee, which meets on the second Thursday afternoon of each month. There were no further nominations. Magdelyn Helwig was elected CGE Vice Chair by acclamation. Nominations for Secretary were opened. Cheryl Bailey nominated Patricia Anderson for Secretary; Ginny Boynton seconded the nomination. There were no further nominations. Patricia Anderson was elected CGE Secretary by acclamation. New Faculty Orientation Chairperson McGinty noted that he has not yet seen the program for this summers New Faculty Orientation, at which CGE has been promised a slot to speak to new faculty about General Education. Therefore he does not yet know at what time he will be speaking to the faculty or for how long. Dr. McGinty did reserve a table for CGE at the New Faculty Orientation Table Fair on August 14. He asked the Council members to send him suggestions of materials to have at the table. He pointed out that CGE has no budget. It was suggested that perhaps the Provosts Office or the CAS Deans Office would be willing to contribute some funds for the production of posters to display at the table, listing the goals of General Education, and the courses included in each category. Recognition of Outgoing CGE Members The Council thanked those rotating off of CGE, either permanently or temporarily, after Spring 2012 concludes: Diana Allen (also retiring from the university), Jongnam Choi (elected to Faculty Senate), Andrea Hyde (elected to Faculty Senate), Zee Mutairi (graduating summa cum laude with honors as the College Scholar for the Honors College), Cindy Struthers (concluding her term), Jess White (concluding her term), and Keith Holz (on sabbatical in Fall 2012 but returning to CGE in Spring 2013). Those rotating off the Council were thanked with a round of applause. The Council, having concluded its business for the year, adjourned until Fall 2012 at 5:00 p.m. CGE will next convene on Thursday, 6 September 2012. 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