ࡱ> ;=: bjbj>> &pTpT XXD$$%>>>>>---%%%%%%%$h'*n+%-----+%>>@%->>%-%V!@>0ksva $V%0%mT*9X**-------+%+%---%----*---------X x: Council on General Education Minutes Thursday, March 3, 2016 3:30pm Location: Horrabin 1 QC Riverfront 2108 Spring 2016 CGE Membership Marjorie Allison Dept. of English & Journalism (Humanities/Fine Arts) Panakkattu Babu Dept. of Physics (Math/Natural Science) Rumen Dimitrov Dept. of Mathematics (Math/Natural Science) Krista Bowers Sharpe Library (At-Large) Kathleen ODonnell-Brown English (Communication Skills) Erik Brooks Dept. of African-American Studies (Multicultural) Shavez Rosenthal Student Government Association David Zanolla Dept. of Communication (Communication Skills) Kyle Mayborn College of Arts & Sciences (Ex-officio, Dean's Council Representative) Nancy Parsons Office of the Provost (Ex-officio, Provost's Representative) Darcy Plymire Dept. of Kinesiology (Human Well-Being) Jongnam Choi Dept. of Geography (Social Science) Gary Daytner Dept of Educational Studies (At-Large) Keva Hibbert Dept. of Economics & Decision Sciences (Social Science) Jeannie Woods Dept. of Theatre & Dance (Humanities/Fine Arts) Michelle Yager Advising Center (Ex-officio, COAA Representative) Elected Members Present: Marjorie Allison, PK Babu, Rumen Dimitrov, Krista Bowers Sharpe, Kathleen O Donnell-Brown, Erik Brooks, Shavez Rosenthal,, Jongnam Choi, Gary Daytner, Jeannie Woods Elected Members Excused: David Zanolla, Darcy Plymire, Keva Hibbert Ex-Officio Members Present: Kyle Mayborn, Nancy Parsons, Jane Copeland (for Michelle Yager) Ex-Officio Members Excused: Guests Present: Stacy Betz and Amy Burke CGE Chair Marjorie Allison called the meeting to order at 3:32 pm in Horrabin 1 on the Macomb Campus Minutes approved as corrected Welcome of Guests: Stacy Betz and Amy Burke Announcements: --Nancy Parsons: The Graduate Research Day was being held (March 4th) with 100+ graduate students taking part. We should all consider stopping by. Reports: Office of the Provost Dr. Nancy Parsons, Associate Provost: English is almost done with their assessment report corrections. Reports are almost done, though there are a few missing from Fall. Reminders have been sent out for the missing reports. CAS Report Dr. Kyle Mayborn: English and Biology will be submitting requests at the next meeting. University Advisor(Jane Coplan filling in for Michelle): No Report Faculty Senate/Articulation Requests Marjorie Allison: Several articulation reports have been processed in the past week. Old Business: Assessment: Would David Zanolla be willing to meet with the assessment subcommittee to round out that committee? Marjorie will ask him. New Business: Request for inclusion in Gen Ed: Communication, CSD 100: --Discussion of the nature of the course; discussion of the cultural aspects of the course; slight wording changes suggested on page 4 --Rumen moved, PK seconds, a motion to approve CSD 100 for Gen Ed credit. 9 pro, 1 abstention. Motion passes. --Discussion of assessment plan. Marjorie suggests Communication look at WS example from Fall 2015 for ideas on clarity. Discussion of plan tabled until the next meeting. b. Discussion of Associates Degree of Science. Members of committee determine we have too many questions we cannot answer to truly come to any conclusions. Discussion tabled until next meeting. Good of the Order Adjournment: 4:52 CGE will meet again on March 24th in Horriban 60 on Macomb Campus, QC Riverfront 2108 in QC Respectfully submitted, Marjorie Allison (acting secretary for the dayand only the day!!!) $%-./6;<?EFZ[mnoz  K _ ` i u ~ws~wslhdhdhh"MhyQ hL.h1h1 h1h1h|h6: h`lhL.hR5>*hL.hZ5>* hE 5>* h`l5h`lh>* hyQ>* hb>* h.s>*hL.h c5 h#G5 hE 5 h7W5 h.s5hL.h'l5hL.h5 h5 h^5hL.h^5%%F[no K u ! `  p^gd|gdf Tp^gd Tp^gd"M p^gd,K Tp^gd1^gdZ$a$gd`l$a$gdb  ! . / E I ` l ~     3 : Z l m , K M n o ѿѯѯѿѤhL.hZCJaJhQ3hF5hQ3hQ35hQ3hM| hL.hM|hd=:h`lhlo^h8khu hL.h6: hV=M hL.h,Kh6: h|hqhO)\hfh^lh hL.hhyQhsh@N0`  : m , o p 0 1 v w   p^gdM| Tp^gd`l p^gd,K p^gd6:  p^gd,Kxyz*@ & F[$\$gdb & F[$\$gd'^gdb & Fgd( & FgdZ^gdQ3 p^gd,K  p^gdM|&(yzG~)*9Qa۹۲ƪ۔~zsl~hhcp hL.h hL.hWHh8khyQ hL.h!@h"M hL.hZhbhhI hL.h c hL.hF5hQ3hZ5 hQ3hQ3hQ3hQ3H* hb5 hQ35hQ3hyQ5hQ3hM5hQ3h#mhVhQ3hV5hQ3hQ35hQ3h:E5(?@MN,H =?z{|}ƺƶƲƛƗ}uhhyQ5 h/h/ hL.h/hF}hF}H*hF}hBkh/hcp hL.hcph[hl5ch hhbhb5hE hbh8k hbhbhbCJOJQJaJh&vCJOJQJaJh#mCJOJQJaJ hL.hb @N, z{}^gd/gd! 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