ࡱ> LNK{ x4bjbjBrBr 4P  R,%NN8D8,dd"u RTTTTTT$5"xuuxfRR@h%>0"v:""`"xx."N n: 鶹ý Council on General Education Meeting Minutes 14 February 2013 Elected Members Present: Patrick McGinty (Soc & Anthro, CGE Chair), Irina Andreeva (Math), Donna Aguiniga (Social Work, CGE Secretary), Esteban Araya (Physics), Cheryl Bailey (Communication), Ginny Boynton (History), Magdelyn Helwig (English & Journalism), Ben Lampere (SGA), Diane Sandage (Soc & Anthro), Dean Zoerink (RPTA) Ex-officio Members Present: Russ Morgan (Deans Council), Nancy Parsons (Provosts Office), Michelle Yager (COAA) Elected Member Excused/Absent: Mark Hoge (Agriculture), Keith Holz (Art) Ex-officio Member Excused/Absent: Guests Present: Simon Cordery (History), Gary Schmidt (FLL) CGE Chairperson Patrick McGinty called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. in the Fox Room of the University Union on the Macomb campus. MINUTES, INTRODUCTIONS, AND REPORTS The minutes for January 25, 2012 were read. MOTION: Cheryl Bailey moved for approval of the January 25th minutes; Magdelyn Helwig seconded the motion. The Minutes were unanimously approved. Additions to the Agenda: Chair McGinty stated that, if time allowed, the Council would address Old Business, B General Education Assessment. Announcements: Chair McGinty welcomed Irena Andreeva to the Council and, as Penquing Wangs replacement, will serve through Spring 2014. Magdelyn Helwig stated that a follow-up report from the external evaluation of the writing program will be brought to the Council when it becomes available. Introduction of Council Members: Council members and guests were introduced. REPORTS: Office of the Provost: Nancy Parsons stated that she is waiting on Spring and Summer Gen Ed assessment data to complete the review. She also stated that Fall data is due next week. College of Arts & Sciences: Russ Morgan stated that he will have two 4-hour integrated science courses for the next agenda. The courses are part of the larger revisions being made in teacher education and will also help the teaching programs be more competitive. University Advising: Michelle Yager reported that SOAR planning and preparations are continuing. She received feedback from Council members that the new progress reporting system for OAS students is significantly better. She clarified for Council members that because of the expense, there is no plan to combine the reporting systems for OAS and Athletics students. Faculty Senate/Articulation Requests: Chair McGinty introduced Ben Lampere, the SGA representative to the Council. Reading in Gen Ed Subcommittee: Magdelyn Helwig stated that she would like to usurp the reading subcommittee. She stated that before it is decided if the inclusion of writing in its current format should be duplicated with reading, it is necessary to first assess writing. She stated that at the next meeting she would like to discuss how to evaluation if things are working and helping students write better. OLD BUSINESS Revisions to Gen Ed Request for Inclusion Form Chair McGinty discussed the revisions made thus far in the Request for Inclusion in General Education form. Two major changes within the form are the requests for a proposed syllabus and a rudimentary assessment plan. Esteban Araya stated that an established deadline for the final version of the assessment plan needs to be provided. Chair McGinty stated that currently departments come back with assessment plans out of courtesy, but assessment falls under the Councils purview. Ginny Boynton suggested the deadline for the assessment plan within two meeting dates. Magdelyn Helwig stated that many requests will likely have the assessment plan attached so as to not delay going to Faculty Senate. Nancy Parsons stated that she, and other interested Council members, can select some sample assessment plans from the files in her office. Diane Sandage questioned the language under Part A, 3 and if sexuality should be added to the list of race, ethnicity, and gender. A discussion about all the possible terms that could be added ensued. Ginny Boynton and Nancy Parsons indicated they she believed this was language from the state. It was clarified that changes to the Request for Inclusion Form, including the new request for an assessment, will have to be approved by Faculty Senate. Chair McGinty stated that he will continue to make changes on the form. Magdelyn Helwig questioned if an additional document needs to be created for changing a Gen Ed courses assessment plan. Esteban Araya stated that changes to assessment need to occur at the beginning of the semester. Chair McGinty and Magdelyn Helwig volunteered to create the new form. NEW BUSINESS FL 101- Introductory Seminar in World Languages and Cultures Gary Schmidt introduced the new FL 101 course and stated that is part of the package for a new major, World Languages and Cultures. This course will be an introductory course to the research done by scholars to learn language and analyze culture. Due to the seminar style of the course, the topic will vary by semester but the course objectives will not. Gary Schmidt stated the course follows the model of first year courses at liberal art institutions and emphasizes a participatory aspect. Magdelyn Helwig questioned if a course could be in two Gen Ed categories. Ginny Boynton confirmed that it was possible. Oswald Warner questioned the interchangeability of the words seminar and course. Magdelyn Helwig questioned if there needed to be more information about how the course fits into the Multicultural category, as most of the information presented appears to address the Humanities category. Gary Schmidt stated that he made a mistake when he completed the form and did not address the Multicultural category except in part F of the justification for inclusion. He stated that he is happy to review and correct the error. Magdelyn Helwig confirmed that the form can be confusing. Chair McGinty questioned why Goal 4, based on the catalog description and purpose of class, is not a goal the department is willing to assess. Gary Schmidt stated because of the different topics, assessment will be complicated. Ginny Boynton questioned the inclusion of this course within the Multicultural Gen Ed Category. She stated that traditionally Multicultural courses address non-鶹ý or underrepresented societies, and this course does not necessarily require this exposure. Magdelyn Helwig stated that before this course could be voted on as a Multicultural course, a larger articulation of how the goals will be addressed needs to be provided. A discussion was held on what it meant for a course to be Multicultural, and how changing the meaning would open up the category for a number of other courses. Chair McGinty stated that more articulation is needed on the variable topics and how consistency will be maintained. He stated this is the first course of its type. While there are variations in classes due to differences between professors, this is different and there needs to be a tighter explanation. Magdelyn Helwig stated that this issue of consistency will also apply to assessment and suggested that regardless of the course theme, there could be a consistency in the types of writing or artifacts required of the course. Gary Schmidt indicated he would be willing to create department guidelines for the course. Chair McGinty questioned if it would be appropriate to drop the idea of variable content, but Gary Schmidt demurred and stated that to reframe the course would not be consistent with the vision for it. Chair McGinty summarized the steps for Gary Schmidt to take: 1. Address the learning objectives in terms of the Multicultural Gen Ed category. 2. Tighten the description of the variable topics and how it is to be handled. 3. Address concerns on language use. 4. Ensure the learning objectives related to the Multicultural Gen Ed category address concerns regarding power relations and relations to the United States and non-鶹ý societies. 5. Provide additional information on writing, consistency, and how it will factor into the assessment. Chair McGinty stated that there may be different concerns from CCPI and recommended that Gary Schmidt address CCPIs concerns first as they relate to course approval. Ginny Boynton clarified that a course can be approved separately by Faculty Senate before receiving Gen Ed approval. HIST/GER 339 The Holocaust Simon Cordery explained the reasoning behind the addition of the HIST/GER 339 course to the respective departments curriculum. He stated that this course studies oppressed and underrepresented societies, including an examination post-Holocaust on the Middle East, and he feel it is appropriate for Multicultural Gen Ed status. Ginny Boynton supported its appropriateness as a Multicultural course because of its focus on power struggles. Chair McGinty questioned the prerequisites. Simon Cordery explained that GER 224 will provide students who take it for German credit the necessary language skills to write a paper in German, and there is no parallel 200-level course in History for students who take it as a History course. The Council discussed concerns regarding students taking this course as a Multicultural credit within their major and, therefore, limiting their exploration of other cultures. Ginny Boynton clarified that because students can only count two courses within a department towards Gen Ed credit, it is likely that many students will take a different departments Multicultural course. Magdelyn Helwig stated that the language on page 4, under section e sounded like the course is preparing students to destroy cultural diversity. Scott Cordery stated that this will be revised to clarify it is an examination of how cultural diversity was destroyed. Motion: Donna Aguiniga moved to accept HIST/GER 339 as a 3 credit hour Gen Ed course within the Multicultural category with the recommended revision. Dean Zoerink seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Chair McGinty stated that HIST/GER 339 is automatically assigned Gen Ed Goal 5 and questioned whether Goal 1 or Goal 2 would be assigned as the second goal. Magdelyn Helwig stated that the course appears to be closer to Goal 1 as outlined in the course objectives. Motion: Magdelyn Hedwig motioned that Gen Ed Goals 1 and 5 be assigned to HIST/GER 339. Esteban Araya seconded the motion. Motion was passed unanimously. Ginny Boynton stated that she found that additional information for the Multicultural Gen Ed category, which addresses the concerns related to underrepresented populations, not found in the catalog is available in the Guidelines and General Criteria for Gen Ed courses available online. Chair McGinty stated that he will direct Gary Schmidt to this information. GOOD OF THE ORDER Nancy Parsons shared that UNIV 100 has been signed off by the President and is now in the implementation/development phase. She stated that faculty interested in teaching the course can receive $1000 per overload hour and that an informational meeting will be held soon through CITR. MOTION: Dean Zoerink moved to adjourn. The Council adjourned at 4:58PM. CGE will next convene at 3:30PM on Thursday, 28 February 2013 in the Fox Room of the University Union. 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