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The Council met in 60 Horrabin Hall on the Macomb campus, with a video-conference connection to Room B16 on the Quad Cities Campus. He reminded the Council that retiring ex-officio Council member Candace McLaughlin would not be attendance, as she was presenting her Last Lecture at the time of the Councils meeting. Minutes and Reports Motion: Cindy Struthers moved approval of the November 17 Minutes; Cheryl Bailey seconded the motion. The Minutes were unanimously approved as written. Chairperson McGinty announced that the TeleSTARS message about writing in General Education courses went out to faculty earlier in the day. Deans and Chair will be reminded in the Spring semester. Dr. McGinty reported that all transfer articulation requests sent to CGE thus far had been dealt with. In addition, he will soon meet with the College of Arts and Sciences Essential Skills Committee to work on a faculty survey. Dr. McGinty also reported that he had conferred with Rick Carter of the Center for International Studies about the matter of General Education course transfers from non-US universities. Those courses follow the same process as other course transfers, but are handled initially by Distance Education (instead of Admissions). If the course is directly equivalent to a 鶹ý General Education course, then it is awarded Gen Ed credit. If 鶹ý has no direct equivalent, then the course transfers for general elective (not Gen Ed) credit. Dr. McGinty asked if the Council approved this process, and the answer was affirmative. General Education Hospital The Council considered whether it wanted to include on our web site a link to University Advisings humorous video about General Education, Generalus Educationitis, otherwise known as General Education Hospital:  HYPERLINK "http://www.wiu.edu/advising/media/index.php" http://www.wiu.edu/advising/media/index.php After some discussion of the pros and cons of including the video, the Council considered a motion to provide a single-line link to the video on its web page, in the Resources section in the left-hand navigation bar. Penquian Wang suggested that the link be labeled Student Views of General Education. Motion: Zee Mutairi moved to link the video to the CGE web site. Cindy Struthers seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. CGE Chair for 2012-13 Dr. McGinty reminded the Council that we were voting on our Chair for the next academic year now, so that the Chairs department can plan for the Chairs 3-ACE course release for the next academic year. Jess White, Cindy Struthers, Jongnam Choi, and Diana Allen will be rotating off CGE after this Spring. Motion: Ginny Boynton nominated Patrick McGinty for CGE Chair, for academic year 2012-13. Cindy Struthers seconded the motion. As there were no other nominees, Dr. McGinty was elected by acclamation to a second year as CGE Chair. General Education Assessment Associate Provost Nancy Parsons distributed paper copies of the Spring/Summer 2011 Gen Ed assessment data. The Council took note of the relatively high percentage of students who exceeded expectations for goals 5 and 6 (42% and 41%, respectively), compared to the other 4 goals (which ranged from 22% to 32% in that category). It was also noted that goals 2 and 4 had higher rates of students who did not meet the goals (13% each), and similarly higher rates of students who met minimally those same two goals (24% and 26% respectively), compared to the other four goals; the corresponding rates for the other four goals ranged from 7% to 9% not meeting the goal, and had between 16% and 22% of students meeting minimally. Dr. Parsons reported that 鶹ý offers approximately 500 sections each semester of General Education classes. Dr. McGinty commented that it would be helpful to have the information for goal 1 (broad knowledge and understanding of the subject matter) broken down by division (humanities & fine arts, social sciences, and natural sciences & math). This raised the broader question of whether our assessments are measuring what we need to have assessed. On the issue of sharing CGEs Gen Ed assessment data with departments, Cindy Struthers suggested sharing our longitudinal conclusions with departments. The Councils consideration of the General Education assessment data will continue next year. The Council adjourned at 5 p.m. CGE will next convene on Thursday, 2 February 2012. Respectfully submitted, Dr. Ginny Boynton, CGE Secretary      PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1  !01238;@ABCSZ[]tyk]QHB<6 hVaJ hQaJ h2aJhN)hzaJh5hz5CJaJh5hz5:CJaJh5he5:CJaJ h}(aJ htaJhN)ht{aJh h5:CJaJh25:CJaJh~o5:CJaJh h45:CJaJhV5:CJaJhHj5:CJaJh ht{5:CJaJhHjhb5:CJ aJ hHjht{5:CJ aJ !1ABC J K ` a b v w   gd#Sgd4gd2gdVgdN)$a$gdcG$a$gdN)   ) o    ;|qcWMhk?hk?5aJh5hk?5CJaJh5h5:CJaJhm5:CJaJhcG5:CJaJ h}(aJhQhk?5aJh55:CJaJh5h 5:CJaJh5hk?5:CJaJh5hk?56:CJaJ hk?aJ hraJ hQaJ hmaJ h2aJ hVaJ hwaJhmhVaJ  6 I J K U \ ] a h i k   - . 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